Congratulations to Medvedev on his anniversary. Leaders of the CIS countries congratulated Dmitry Medvedev on his birthday

MOSCOW, September 14 - RIA Novosti. The presidents and heads of government of the CIS countries on Wednesday congratulated Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on his birthday.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory message to Medvedev on the occasion of his birthday. “Your personal contribution to strengthening the allied relations between Armenia and Russia is undeniable. I sincerely value the mutual understanding and trust established between us,” the president’s message says.

Prime Minister of Armenia Karen Karapetyan, in turn, had a telephone conversation with the head of Russian government. “Karapetyan highly appreciated Medvedev’s personal contribution to the development of allied cooperation between Armenia and Russia, which is based on friendship between the peoples of the two countries,” the press service of the Armenian government reported.

The presidents of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldovan Republic Raul Khadzhimba, Leonid Tibilov and Yevgeny Shevchuk also congratulated the Russian Prime Minister on his birthday, the press services of the republican leaders reported on Wednesday.

"The people of Abkhazia sincerely appreciate your historic decision to recognize the independence of the Republic of Abkhazia Russian Federation. I am confident that the close ties of friendship and mutual understanding that bind our countries will continue to serve as a solid basis for the development of cooperation. Taking this pleasant opportunity, I would like to wish you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, good health, prosperity and success in your responsible work for the benefit of the citizens of Russia,” Khadzhimba’s congratulatory message says.

Tibilov, in his congratulations, also expressed gratitude to Medvedev for his recognition of the country's independence. He emphasized that thanks to Russia's support, "the citizens of South Ossetia feel safe, live in peace and look to the future with confidence."

Congratulating the Russian Prime Minister on his birthday, Shevchuk expressed his gratitude to the Russian government for its contribution to establishing constructive bilateral cooperation and the comprehensive assistance provided to Pridnestrovie.

Medvedev posted on Instagram a photo processed in the Prisma applicationRussian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev posted on his Instagram page a photo of the Ukraina Hotel, transformed in the Prisma application developed by the Russians.

On August 26, 2008, Russia recognized the sovereignty of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which were part of Georgia and had long sought independence from it. This happened after Georgia’s armed aggression against Tskhinvali in early August. Russian leaders have repeatedly stated that recognition of the independence of the two former Georgian autonomies reflects existing realities and is not subject to revision.

Transnistria, 60% of whose residents are Russian and Ukrainian, sought secession from Moldova even before the collapse of the USSR, fearing that in the wake of nationalism Moldova would join Romania. In 1992, after a failed attempt by the Moldavian authorities to solve the problem by force, Transnistria became virtually a territory beyond the control of Chisinau.

The President of Russia turned 66 years old

Medvedev congratulated Putin on his birthday over the phone

Kremlin Pool/Global Look Press

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated the country's President Vladimir Putin on his birthday by phone.

“The Prime Minister, in a telephone conversation, congratulated the President on his holiday, wishing him health, prosperity and further success in his difficult work for the benefit of the country and the people of Russia,” the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers told TASS.

On Sunday, Putin turned 66 years old. Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov said that the president will celebrate his birthday with family and friends. According to Interfax, this year the president’s birthday falls on Sunday. In previous years, he often spent his birthday at work and only met with loved ones in the evening. This was the case, for example, last year - on the day of his 65th birthday, the president had a series of telephone conversations with foreign leaders and an operational meeting with members of the Security Council.

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You can often come across the opinion that almost the entire population of Russia will fully support their government. Based on sociological surveys, they even give a figure – 86% “for”.

Wishes to Medvedev

To be honest, such assessments have always confused me - I don’t trust Russian sociology at all. You know, it has the same task as Russian journalism: to justify the regime, its existence and the power of a group of people sitting in the Kremlin.

I talked about this on the show last week – it’s all about legitimacy. As long as it (this legitimacy) exists, then nothing particularly threatens the regime. But as soon as it begins to dry up and dry up, then expect trouble! In fact, journalists and sociologists in Russia tell the population day after day that that it (this population) is content and happy that everyone supports the government, that it is completely legitimate. And only a handful of hirelings and renegades are opposed to it - the “fifth column”, living on money and grants from the West.

It is very difficult for any real news to break through the myth of total popular support for the authorities. This kind of news is often perceived with disbelief: “Come on, it can’t be!” However, recently more and more evidence indicates that that Russians cannot stand government. They are afraid, yes. People don’t riot out of fear. Not yet. But there is no love there. And there is no longer any legitimacy left.

Here's from the last one. The Russian media usually do not report this. September 14 at the Prime Minister's It was Dmitry Medvedev's birthday, the head of Putin's United Russia party. His colleagues from this very party decided to congratulate their boss. Someone (I think we won’t know who) decided to write congratulations to Medvedev on the party’s official Twitter. The text is quite banal, nothing outstanding.

Happy Birthday Greetings

Until this moment there is nothing surprising. But then the fun begins. We open the tweet and the first thing we read is: “So that you, pathetic one, don’t live to see your pension, so that no one brings you a glass of compote, so that you never have money, but you hold on! In general, everything bad for you, creature!” . Wow. Then it’s even cooler, there are such wishes that I can’t quote them on air. Hundreds and hundreds of curses against the Prime Minister!

Congratulations from the Russians

Congratulations to Medvedev

Wishes to Medvedev

Something like a discussion even happened there. Some Russians want Medvedev to leave this world as quickly and painfully as possible. Others object: no, no, let him live to see the trial and to The Hague, and then sit in solitary confinement for many, many decades! Therefore, on the contrary, good health to him.

Comments from Russians

I don’t know if this tweet is still alive, it could easily have been deleted so as not to disgrace Medvedev, but the case is typical. Russians do not feel any positive emotions towards the most pathetic, inarticulate and clueless representative of power. I didn't find a single kind greeting. If you're not lazy, go online and read for yourself. There you can directly, without sociologists and journalists, understand the attitude of Russian citizens towards their government. Very informative!

But Twitter is, of course, an unofficial indicator of people's love. But what about the official ones - with elections, for example? I have an answer to this question too!

Usurpation of power

On September 9, local elections were held throughout Russia. A minor sensation occurred: for the first time in many years, the party in power failed to gain a decisive majority. Moreover, in four regions a second round of gubernatorial elections had to be held; this has not happened for a hundred years! One of these regions was Primorsky Krai, with its center in Vladivostok. There, the acting governor, a candidate from " United Russia"Andrei Tarasenko and communist Andrei Ishchenko. (It’s funny, by the way, that both have Ukrainian surnames).

Andrey Tarasenko

In the first round on September 9, the United Russia member received 47% of the votes, the communist - 25. But after counting 95 percent of the protocols, it was the oppositionist who was in the lead: Ishchenko received 52% of the votes, almost 6% ahead of Tarasenko. The communist headquarters had already begun to celebrate the victory. But it was not there. From one to two in the morning, something, like, broke down in the election commission. And then new results appeared - the United Russia member had 50.37% of the votes, his opponent had 47.11%!

In general, they very stupidly, brazenly, in front of the whole world, painted a victory in the second round for the representative of United Russia. Of course, a communist can try to go to court, but this will not help him in any way. All Russian courts, including the Supreme Court, lick the boots of the executive branch and United Russia - no one will go against them. It is the falsified election results that will be declared official.

However, this doesn’t matter. Even if a communist had sensationally become governor, after a couple of months he would have bowed to the Kremlin to ask for money for his region. And if he hadn’t gone, he would have been arrested, accused of corruption and imprisoned. Simply put, a change in governor would not have changed anything. But thanks to this story, something else has changed. For the first time in for a long time candidate personally supported by Vladimir Putin, for whom Putin personally campaigned, lost in disgrace. The defeat was so serious that he had to paint a victory in front of everyone and at the last moment.

This brings us back to the conversation about the legitimacy of the Russian government. No one will ever consider this Tarasenko an honestly elected, legitimate governor. And the fact that Putin stood up for him undermines the president’s legitimacy.

Andrey Ishchenko

In the public consciousness they already go together - a president who deceives the people and increases retirement age, as well as his protégé, a swindler who openly steals votes in elections. About a week ago, I said in my program that the process of desacralization and delegitimization of power in Russia has begun and it will no longer be possible to stop it. These so-called elections in Primorye are a very serious indicator of this.

Erosion of the Institute state power began in Russia. Yes, it will be possible to maintain it for some time using purely forceful methods. But already in the medium term - a year or two - it will begin to noticeably, noticeably wobble.
The countdown has started. Therefore, I think that those who wished Medvedev (and Putin) to live to see the Hague tribunal will soon see their wish become a reality.

Congratulations from Prime Minister D. Medvedev

IN beautiful box With the inscription “Russian Post”, items are dropped off and as the congratulations are read, we take them out.

And I'm in the Kremlin, I'm not with you,

Back at work, head first!

But you, Tanyusha, understand
I'm a minister, the people are behind me!

I sent a letter with the parcel.
It contains a small offering,

I stole it from my wife Svetlana

And I send you, you are my angel!

Drink tea like a president,

And treat relatives

The First Lady is doing something wrong.

What the cat didn’t eat on an empty stomach...
From the Duma meeting room

The moneybags were guessing for three days

But it’s impossible to poke!
And therefore my dear family
I had to cheat a little

Give a modest gift.
What about ministerial salaries?
Well, money - just a little bit,

Neither green nor large.
Well, be healthy, dear
Call me, don't forget me!
Souls have beautiful impulses
Dedicate to the country as before!
Although life is not honey,
And my path is unknown,
Forever yours…..Diman Medvedev!!!

Congratulations from President V.V. Putin

You are celebrating your birthday,
And I'm in the Kremlin, I'm not with you.
And I, Tatyana, today, can you imagine?
Back at work, head first.
I wanted to drink champagne with you,
Eat a simple sandwich.
But you, Tanyusha, understand
I am the president, the people are behind me!
To you on your bright birthday
I sent a letter with a parcel,
It contains a small offering
I managed to collect everything that was in the Kremlin.
I stole from Zhirinovsky
A small piece of soap (we give soap)
I expropriated a handkerchief (a handkerchief, maybe paper handkerchiefs)
And I send you, you are my angel!
A little sugar in a bag (we give 50 g in a plastic bag)
Drink tea like a president
You and your daughter/granddaughter will eat a pack of cookies (we give them as a gift)
And treat relatives.
Shampoo (we give) I poured on the sly
I'm at Gryzlov's somehow.
And here's a piece of chocolate (we give)
What the cat didn’t eat on an empty stomach...
From the Duma meeting room
I stole a light bulb (we give it as a gift),
For three days the moneybags were guessing,
How did a thief get into the Kremlin?
We are strict with this, Tanya,
The security is on guard, it's just creepy!
There seems to be a lot of wealth around,
But it’s impossible to poke!
And therefore my dear family
I had to cheat a little
To the best grandmother (mom) in the world
Give a modest gift!
What about the presidential salary?
Well, money - just a little bit
Therefore, the bill (it’s up to the discretion of how much) is also
Neither green nor large.
Well, be healthy, dear
Call me, don't forget me!
Souls have beautiful impulses
Dedicate to the country as before!
Live in love and be healthy!

Forever yours….. Putin Volodya!!!