Kitchen in light beige tones. Beige kitchen - combinations of furniture and interior elements of a beige kitchen (88 design photos)

Kitchens beige colour have long been considered classics: moderately laconic and strict, moderately rich and delicate beige can be so many-sided and different that designers never cease to be amazed at its features, using this color as the basis for interiors and resorting to its help to complement more active tones. Any room is decorated in this color - from hallways to living rooms and kitchens. It is about the latter that we invite you to talk.

The richness and versatility of the beige palette

Beige kitchen - timeless classic, which obviously will not leave its honestly won place on the interior Olympus for more than a dozen years. Although this color also has opponents: for some, beige seems too neutral and therefore boring. However, let's see if this is actually the case.

What is beige? This combination of light brown and white flowers. The tandem of warm and cold tones is the reason that beige is considered neutral - that is, it does not belong to either a cold or warm palette. This gives him the opportunity to act as a base shade that creates an interior background - this is exactly the role he often performs.

However, to say that beige is just the result of a combination of white and brown would not be entirely correct. Depending on the proportions in which these primary colors are taken, as well as whether there are impurities of other tones, it depends on how this or that shade of beige is obtained as a result.

Wheat, peach, ecru, caramel, ivory, grayish beige, sandy, opal, camel hair color and others like them - this is only part of the palette beige colour. Depending on which shade you lean towards, the final result of the kitchen design in different shades of beige depends.

Advice! If you settle for a grayish beige, the room will feel cold, so it's not recommended to do this in a north-facing kitchen or with a small window. In this case, it is better to give preference to warmer tones - peach, wheat or caramel.

How to choose the right beige kitchen set, combined with walls, floors and ceilings, kitchen textiles and other interior elements? First of all, you need to decide on natural light rooms: if the kitchen is dark, it is better to give preference to warm shades. You also need to consider the size of the room: for a small kitchen, light shades are recommended, for a more spacious one, you can use a darker beige.

Consider artificial lighting. If there is an abundance of beige in the kitchen, you should choose lamps With warm light, as cold fluorescent fixtures can give the impression of an untidy, dusty and lifeless room.

Be mindful of decor. Most of us subconsciously associate beige with coffee, chocolate, cocoa, pastries and sweets. That's why apron in the working area, you can decorate with a decorative protective film with "delicious" images, and hang a coffee and tea still life on the wall above the table.

With whom is the beige “friends”?

The beige color in the kitchen is most often used as the main one - that is, it is used to decorate furniture and walls. In a large array, it does not “press”, but on the contrary, it discharges the atmosphere (which is why staying in beige interiors makes it possible to relax and unwind). However, if there are too many neutral colors around, the room may lose its "zest" and become faceless. To prevent this from happening, you need to use beige wisely, correctly choosing its “neighbors”.

Dark brown, wenge, terracotta, purple, turquoise, blue, red, gray, lavender, mint, bright yellow, golden, green - all these colors harmonize well with beige. Color wenge for the kitchen ideal if you want to create an atmosphere of nobility and sophistication.

Of course, when choosing one or the other complementary color you need to build on the variety of your beige kitchen.

  • So, cool shades (blue, purple, lilac, purple) are “friends” with cold beige (greenish or grayish).
  • Turquoise, black, yellow look good next to warm peach shade of beige.
  • Warm shade of chocolate as well Coral color complement the wheat version of beige.
  • Bright colors such as crimson, deep pink, red, blue or emerald benefit from the neighborhood of cool beige tones - grayish or lilac.
  • But a light cream color may not get along with mouse gray, some shades of blue and green, as in this case it makes a dirty impression.

Advice! PWhen choosing beige companions for the kitchen, we advise you to pay attention to natural combinations. Since this color is often found in the outside world, you can take the ideas of nature into service. For example, remember how organically the color of the sand is combined with the sea waves.

Beige is one of the safest and most versatile colors that can be a starting point in any style of kitchen interior design. Beige kitchens, walls, wallpapers, floors, aprons, countertops, curtains, in neutral colors are valued by designers for their practicality, the ability to "calm" bright accents, "soften" dark tones, bring a feeling of warmth to the atmosphere and be combined with all colors of the spectrum. For those who are at the stage of planning a kitchen design or want to refresh an already formed beige interior, we have prepared 3 tips for working with space, a list of the 9 best "companion colors" and 100 inspiring photos of beige kitchens.

3 top tips

Beige color surrounds us everywhere, but it is so neutral that we may not notice it. In nature, beige is found in the form of sand, stones, shells, light woods, faded plants, in the color of animals ... and even the color of our skin is one of the shades of beige, so it is combined with almost all colors of the rainbow. But in order to create the desired mood and style in your kitchen, you need to choose the right companion colors.

  • Color "beige" has more than 1000 variations - from light brown tones to cream. It can have a neutral, warm and cold temperature, and this must be taken into account when drawing up the range of the interior.

1. Consider which side the kitchen windows face

If beige is chosen as the main color, then walls are most often decorated with it.

  • or a shade of paint for the walls, be guided by which side of the world the kitchen windows face. For "southern" kitchens well lit by natural light, cold gray-beige tones are more suitable, for "northern" and dark ones - light and warm sand, cream, straw, olive-beige shades.

The photo shows an example of what the kitchen walls in beige tones of cold and warm temperatures can look like.

However, this principle should be used not only when choosing the tone of the wallpaper, but also when choosing a beige kitchen. In the following example, in the photo on the left we see a gray-beige kitchen “warmed up” wooden furniture, and on the right - a "warm" kitchen, which was "cooled" by glossy facades, glass and chrome details.

  • If you already have a beige kitchen interior, then, based on this recommendation, you can update it by adding cold or warm accents. For example, in this white and beige kitchen, the role of “cooling” accents is played by a blue candle, appliances and an apron.

2. Create optical illusions by playing with shades

If medium and small kitchens need a visual increase in space, then large ones need to create intimacy and a feeling of comfort. Simple color rules help a lot with this:

  • Warm tones tend to visually slightly bring closer and lighten, and cold tones (even in dark colors) tend to slightly move away and make objects and objects heavier.
  • In addition, do not forget about the well-known principle: light colors increase space and make it lighter, while dark colors reduce and absorb light.

It is clear that according to these points, for small kitchens, a light range and light “companions” or a combination of dark and light tones (photo above) are more profitable, but you can go even further and create winning optical illusions.

Suppose you want to design a small kitchen in classical style in beige-brown tones, then you can do the following: (or) light beige paint, choose a white set and dilute this white-beige idyll with an apron, countertop and brown floor with a cold undertone. In this combination, dark brown, which is difficult to do without traditional interior, will not "eat up" the space, but rather expand it, creating the effect of depth. An example of such a technique is shown in the photo below.

And here is a great idea how you can beat a niche. The walls here are decorated in warm beige, the suite is in ecru, and the backsplash in the niche is in light gray-beige. Due to the play of cold and warm shades, an optical illusion of the distance of the wall was created.

In spacious kitchens, warm shades of beige will help to create a cozy atmosphere, which actively fill the space and create a sense of harmony. However, you should not overdo it with warmth in the atmosphere either, because a few cold shades will make it fresher and more interesting, as, for example, in the interior of this kitchen-dining room in the photo below, where beige curtains, furniture upholstery, wallpaper, a wooden set are “cooled” by white and gray-brown "companion flowers".

3. Use the color wheel and color combination principles

Whether you are planning the design of your future kitchen or want to slightly update the existing environment, choose a harmonious combination of colors and shades that will model the atmosphere and style of your kitchen, the color wheel and proven schemes will help you. You can see how to use them in this video.

  • There are also special sites where you can make your own combination of primary, secondary and accompanying colors. Here are the palettes created by the Color Palettes website.

Well, we will show you examples of the most popular combinations in interior design in the next chapter.

9 best "companion colors" for beige and 80 photos of interiors

Combination with shades of brown

This is a very common range in interior design, in which beige most often dominates as a lighter color, and brown (chocolate, wood shades, wenge, dark walnut, etc.) complements or accompanies it.

A selection of photos of beige and brown kitchens in a modern style.

Beige kitchens with a brown "companion" in a classic style, and.

shades of beige

The next selection of photos is dedicated to a monochrome palette, when everything in the interior is beige: beige curtains, appliances, floors, wallpapers, etc.

  • If you want to keep the design of the kitchen in exclusively beige tones, then the use of patterns, textures and textures will help to diversify the interior. For example, you can hang beige curtains with a pattern or drapery, paste textured or patterned wallpapers, or, finish the floor with tiles with decor or textured wood, choose glossy facades, with glass inserts or panels, and appliances with bronze or gold fittings and etc.

Combination with white

Combination with red

Calm beige in the background and impulsive red in accents are not the most common, but effective complementary contrast combination. The main thing here is to maintain the proportions correctly.

Red-beige gamma in the interior of a classic kitchen-living room.

The brown-beige range is optimal for the kitchen, as it is suitable for different interiors and already for a long time does not go out of fashion. In the photo of rooms decorated in these colors, you can see examples of successful wallpaper combinations, kitchen furniture, And . In the design of the room, beige and brown will look expressive, although they are considered neutral colors.

Features of brown-beige range. Advantages and disadvantages

Both colors come in a ton of shades that create plenty of options to combine. Beige is delicious vanilla, creme brulee, caramel, cappuccino and other tones. Not inferior to him and brown - a color that is associated with chocolate and natural dark wood. It has the following varieties: terracotta, brick, ocher, etc.

Neutral color design should not be considered too simple, featureless or gaudy. The brown-beige finish is the base. She emphasizes juicy, bright details, which look more than advantageous against a noble background. The number of accents should be minimal. People are comfortable in a beige-brown room different generations, regardless of the time of year and fashion trends.

Minimalistic design in brown and beige tones

Other advantages of this design:

  • the combination of colors suits the interior, made in any style;
  • due to its versatility, you can choose beige with brown when decorating walls, floors, buying furniture, textiles, decor details;
  • "Delicious" colors can awaken the appetite;
  • both shades are optimal for rooms of different sizes;

Disadvantages of combining these colors in the kitchen:

  • on beige furniture, dirt, streaks, stains are clearly visible, on brown - dust. The room must be cleaned thoroughly and regularly;
  • an incorrectly chosen color balance can turn cozy kitchen in a gloomy room;
  • the cold light of the lamps makes the shades dirty.

Advice. To soften the brown tones, you need to use glossy facades in the room.

Interior decoration: wallpaper, curtains, furniture, apron

The choice of wallpaper shade depends on which side the windows face. If they look south, then you should choose a cold gray-beige range. The kitchen, in which the window openings are located on the north side, needs warm, light colors: cream, wheat, milk. It is optimal if the wallpaper is with drawings or textured, embossed.

An apron plays an important role in the design of the kitchen. It is selected taking into account the shade of the headset. dark furniture combined with a beige apron. Light harmoniously contrasts with brown. You also need to consider the color of the countertop, floor and ceiling. If one of the tones dominates in the room - beige or brown, then the apron can be laid out in the form of an interesting pattern, trimmed with mosaics.

Mosaic kitchen apron

The color of the curtains should be in harmony with the wallpaper - for example, be a tone lighter. A win-win option is beige curtains of any length, but you can experiment with dark shades. At the same time, it is desirable that brown curtains be made of light, airy fabric: tulle, organza, veils, etc. Roman and draped curtains look attractive.

Advice. Appliances classical white color not quite appropriate in a beige-brown kitchen. For bright interior pick up a refrigerator, stove and other metallic-colored units. In a room where brown predominates, get the technique of milky tones.

How to combine beige and brown in different styles

Advice. In any style, beige is good for decorating large areas of the room (for example, walls), and brown is good for details: pillows, curtains, lampshades.

For the design of a large room, it is worth choosing furniture in a rich dark color - for example, wenge. Another option is a brown suite with light-colored countertops. If you put beige cabinets, chairs, a table in a spacious kitchen, dark shades can be used for flooring. In a cramped room, you need to focus on light colors. Brown color in this case is useful for placing accents.

It looks interesting against the background of beige wallpaper furniture of the same colors. You just need to choose the right tone for the headset: it should be lighter or slightly darker. An alternative is pink or peach shades. Beige furniture is appropriate in a room with brown, as well as red, burgundy wallpaper. Justified and a combination with purple.

If the kitchen is small, make beige the dominant color.

Blue and green do not go well with a light headset, especially if there are a lot of them in the interior. Among these colors, beige looks untidy. You should also use the white trim carefully. In a minimal amount, it makes the room lighter, more spacious. Too much white decor in a beige and brown kitchen will make the room look dirty and unkempt.

Many designers recommend against combining these neutral shades with black. With an inept approach, he can make the kitchen gloomy. But do not be afraid to use gray. Handles on furniture, countertops, sinks, extractor hoods and hob can be made in this color. Yellow will give a beige-brown kitchen cheerfulness, sunlight. Light blue will make it airy, spacious.

As decor elements, you can use tea, coffee or chocolate themes. For example, hang a picture of coffee beans or a clock in the form of a cup. A variety of finishes opens up space for imagination and allows you to make the beige-brown kitchen original.

Brown color in kitchen design: video

Kitchen design in brown and beige tones: photo

Beige, vanilla color remains the most popular color kitchen set. There are many reasons for this:

  1. 1 Beige is the perfect solution for a small kitchen, as its light palette works great to visually expand the space.
  2. 2 Beige is a neutral color and is perfect for recreating any style - from sophisticated classics to chic modern, from romantic shabby chic to textbook loft.
  3. 3 For those who think beige is boring, we advise you to pay attention to its shades such as caramel, cappuccino, creme brulee. These delicious colors will make your kitchen not only cozy, but also in a special homely way.
  4. 4 Beige is a universal color and is not capricious in choosing a pair. On the contrary, choosing one or another wallpaper color for a beige set, you can charge your kitchen with a holiday atmosphere, give it sophistication or create a harmony of comfort.

Wallpaper color for beige kitchen:

Beige and sand shades create a very delicate and sophisticated interior.

Whites are the perfect match. The kitchen is bright and cheerful. But avoid boiling white, otherwise the interior will turn out faded and "dirty".

Beige brown- an original combination, if only beige dominates. It is better to choose white wallpaper with a dark pattern.

Purple or lilac- bold and bold. The interior is dynamic and rich. It is better to choose plain wallpaper without a pattern.

Muted red, burgundy, terracotta- a harmonious couple, provided that the decor is minimal.

Gray - the kitchen will turn out cozy and tender. It is only important that both gray and beige are as light as possible.

Green - it turns out an interior that is close in spirit to eco-style or country style. In such a kitchen, abundance is appropriate indoor plants and floral patterns.

Important: if you have a beige kitchen, avoid luminescent, cold light. It will make the interior dirty. The same applies to technology - a beige refrigerator and a stove against a beige headset - this is too much. It is better to choose a metallic color technique.

For white headset

You can pair with light green facades to pick up wallpaper in the color of moss or olives. But be sure to balance the pair with splashes of white. Light green furniture will look organically against the background of light, natural shades: brown, pink, blue, sand. Light green categorically does not accept neighborhoods with purple and violet.

Cold shades of green (with an admixture of blue, gray or blue): mint, turquoise, coniferous, emerald are in harmony with cold colors - blue, cobalt, steel, boiled white.

Black and white headset

The duet of black and white is considered a classic - strict, but impeccably elegant.

The combination of black and white facades always looks spectacular, elegant and fits perfectly into the concepts of avant-garde, art deco, minimalism, retro.

Combinations of black and white headset and wallpaper colors.

White wallpaper or white with black graphics. Such a tandem creates a monochrome atmosphere. The feeling that I got into the newsreel of the beginning of the last century. The perfect combination to create a retro style - you can add posters with graphic drawings, retro accessories.

A good option for a small kitchen is to cover the accent wall with black wallpaper with a white pattern, and the rest with white wallpaper with the same black patterns.

If the facades of the furniture are glossy, then it is good to choose warm shades of white for the walls: cream, beige, milky.

Gray, or "wet asphalt" color wallpapers are appropriate in modern interior. It goes well with the metallic sheen of kitchen appliances. But the interior requires bright lighting.

Blue wallpapers will dilute the interior with colors, and blue ones will add black and white kitchen softness and tenderness. Yellow wallpaper looks good in combination with a black and white set, if yellow is more like dull gold.

For yellow furniture

Yellow color for a kitchen set is very insidious in terms of psychological impact.

The brighter the shade of yellow, the more sunshine and joy in your kitchen. But an excess of yellow surfaces causes fatigue and irritation.

Neutral shades are considered optimal - golden, sandy, mustard, gray-yellow. Juicy, acidic shades of yellow are appropriate for modern kitchen. For classics, it is better to choose muted tones. Tip: If you like multiple shades of yellow, always choose the lighter one.

Yellow furniture goes well with white, milky, green (any shades), blue, pink wallpaper. Golden yellow plus red is a great pair for an oriental style.

Yellow and blue are a royal combination, provided that the yellow has a hint of gold. Yellow and brown - a combination taken from nature. Add green accessories to such an interior - and you will get an interior that is close to eco-style.

For blue and blue furniture

Depending on the combination of shades of blue and the color of the wallpaper, you can significantly affect the visual perception of the interior. It all depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to create in your kitchen.

If the furniture is saturated of blue color add white, light green or sky blue wallpapers, the interior will turn out to be cool.

"Raise the temperature" peach-colored wallpaper will help. Do you want to add cheerfulness to the blue kitchen? You can combine blue with yellow, grass green or orange.
Blue furniture and wallpaper with red and white stripes - bold decision, which will emphasize the retro style. But such decoration looks good in a spacious kitchen.

If the furniture is cornflower blue, pick up wallpaper for it in a sunny yellow or straw shade. This color pair is reminiscent of summer, a field of flowers, a sunny sky and is perfect for country style.

The combination of blue furniture and gray walls- an option for a spacious kitchen in a modern style. But such an interior necessarily requires bright lighting. And do not forget about the tonality of the color - the same cold shades of gray are suitable for cold blue.

For purple and lilac furniture

Purple is perhaps the most controversial color in the palette, as it combines the coldness of blue and the fieryness of red. It is generally believed that purple is not the most good choice to furnish the kitchen.

But this color has so many shades that, for sure, there is one that will appeal to you. Choose from: lilac, violet, lavender, plum, blackberry, amethyst.

Intense purple is a chameleon color. Depending on the background, it can change its tone.

So, purple facades against the background of red walls will appear purple, and against the background of blue wallpapers they will acquire a shade of indigo.

In any case, these combinations necessarily require blotches of white (to balance the contrast) and bright kitchen lighting.

Various shades of purple are combined with different colors:

  • For a purple kitchen, green, blue, light yellow, cream wallpapers are well suited.
  • Pinkish-lilac facades look most advantageous against the background of emerald green or white walls.
  • The combination of a purple headset with white or light gray walls is a win-win. The interior is rich, but not dark. You can add black - as a decor.
  • The soft lilac color of the kitchen set looks especially attractive against the background of light wallpapers, especially if the facades are glossy. Wallpaper is better to choose conservative colors: white, beige, milky, cream.
  • Want to add romance? Choose wallpapers with a light background and discreet patterns of lilac and pink flowers.

For modern style you can choose wallpaper with stripes of white and lilac. But such bright wallpaper better to use for accent wall, leaving the general background of the walls light.

For black headset

Black furniture always looks luxurious. But the abundance of black surfaces can cause a depressing mood, especially if the facades of the headset are made in matte shades.

Black color requires bright lighting and the most neutral background - white is best.

It is no coincidence that black and white gamma has long become a classic design. White wallpaper and gray for the floor are perfectly combined with the black color of the headset. Add a few juicy shades in the decor, and you get a wonderful kitchen in a modern style.

Black can be combined with ash gray, smoke color or steel - they will successfully fit into such an interior. Appliances steel shade.

Black furniture and red wallpaper are the solution for a spacious kitchen. Designers advise only to avoid flashy shades of red. Coral, burgundy, cardinal color are best suited. With such a palette, the addition of white decor is mandatory.

Classic is a win-win option. The interior of a beige-brown kitchen will fit into any room. Such a kitchen is cozy, hospitable, filled with positive energy, gives a sense of harmony. What cuisine do you prefer? Chocolate, coffee or cappuccino color?

A little about color

Beige is a neutral color. It is combined with both classic and trendy styles. Its versatility allows it to be used in the finishing of all surfaces and in the design of furniture facades. The interior of the kitchen in beige color evokes an appetite. The room itself visually becomes wider. Therefore, wallpaper is glued to the walls, paint is applied or paneled in brown tones.

Advantages and disadvantages of beige kitchen

Beige is a neutral color that harmoniously fits into any room design. It is suitable for both furniture and for finishing all surfaces.

Beige wallpaper do small room light and spacious, provided that a competent combination of bright accessories is used in the design of the kitchen. Beige has a calming effect on the psyche and creates a comfortable and sincere atmosphere.

This color may appear pale. Although in fact it has a rich "taste" palette. Cappuccino, creme brulee, caramel... If you use wallpaper correctly, you can make the design of the kitchen cozy. Finding the right combination to create a contrasting room design is not difficult.

Despite these advantages, this shade still has disadvantages. Firstly, a bright kitchen requires thorough cleaning. Secondly, the versatility of color also plays against it. Due to the frequent use of color in the interior, many people find it uninteresting.

Brown in the interior of the kitchen

The combination of beige and brown creates a calming and soulful atmosphere. Kitchen design with brown wallpaper may not be to everyone's liking. But if you put a dark picture on the wallpaper, then appearance kitchen will win. WITH brown furniture walls in light colors go well, regardless of whether they are wallpapered, painted or laid out with beige ceramic tiles.

The brown interior will fit:

  • gray-beige countertop;
  • taupe floor;
  • gold furniture fittings;
  • ornaments on the facades in gray-beige tones.

For floor covering you can buy parquet, laminate, tile, linoleum in gray-beige colors at any store. If there is a combination of colors in the decoration of the floor and ceiling, then the technique of checkerboard or stripe color alternation is used.

The use of color in the interior

The kitchen looks good as a monochrome interior, as well as with impurities of other colors. Even if the design of the kitchen is designed completely in one color, there will not be much of it. A couple of bright inclusions will help to avoid monotony and dullness.

The interior in beige tones will make the kitchen more spacious. The predominance of color in the decoration of the background will create an invigorating atmosphere. Moreover, it can be used not only on the walls, but also in the finishing of the floor and ceiling. You can lay parquet and laminate from birch and ash or limestone tiles. This interior is complemented by furniture and accessories of any color.

Important! Beige tones in the interior emphasize the texture of materials.


The design of the kitchen in brown tones is easy to arrange. In this color, most furniture sets and appliances are produced. Concerning finishing materials, then paints, wallpapers, lamellas, PVC films in gray-beige tones can be found in any store.

  • Combination beige walls sets accents in the room against the background of blue furniture.

  • The contrasting combination of white furniture and brown or beige walls makes the usual set bright.

  • The combination of black furniture on a white background looks respectable.

  • Look especially impressive beige wallpaper against the background of pink, crimson, peach furniture or accessories or furniture.

A color scheme

The range of beige shades is very wide. Dark beige belongs to brown, and milk chocolate to caramel. The cream-colored kitchen can be complemented with accessories or furniture in the following colors:

  • white - a win-win option in any interior;
  • black - should be used carefully in contrasting details;
  • gray-white - present in the form of a sink, stove and hood in any interior;
  • shades of red– place bright accents in any kitchen;
  • yellow - fills the room with energy.

Beige beige strife. In addition to contrasting combinations, impurities of different colors are also used in the interior of the kitchen:

  • blue, purple and lilac go well with the greenish shade of berge;
  • coral and turquoise- with wheat and orange;
  • black - with peach;
  • red, crimson and gold- with gray-beige.

Important! Gray-green shades of beige will make the room cold, while peach and caramel will fill the room with warmth.

Kitchen Design Ideas

In theory, everything looks simple, but in practice, choosing the optimal combination of colors is quite difficult. What furniture, lamps and accessories to choose for beige wallpaper? Sometimes it seems that it will not work to design the room on your own. A pre-made plan and recommendations will help to cope with the task.

Bright interior

Rustic style, which uses floral patterns, can be done in gray-black or gray-beige shades with the addition of white paint. A puttied white ceiling is a common solution in the interior of any kitchen. Complements its spot lighting of the working area.

If there is a parallel or corner layout, then the working part of the kitchen is lined with white tiles, and wallpaper is glued on the opposite wall. A gray-black countertop dilutes the space. It is also used in the design of the premises "island". Gray-blue accessories or chair seats can complement the interior. All the little things in the room are closely intertwined, and each individual element is an integral part of the design.

Energetic interior

Bright contrasts will help to revive the interior of the kitchen. A combination of gray-beige, white and bright orange colors looks interesting. It is not necessary to use furniture of the same shade. In a large room, you can zone working area beige or gray-white countertops, and install glossy furniture on the opposite side.

The floor covering should be matched to the working wall. Make a white ceiling and place spotlights on it. A bright, for example, orange, furniture facade will fit well into such a design. The interior should be complemented with several colored accessories.

Calm interior

If pronounced contrasts are not to your liking, a combination of yellow and beige will help make the kitchen more relaxed. Moreover, you can use all the shades of this category at the same time. For example, make a dark beige floor, put a light set with gray-beige or metal handles and order a countertop with gray-yellow stains.


Whatever the design of a light or dark beige kitchen, you need to carefully select contrasting tones. Only in this case it will be pleasant to be in the room.

White-brown kitchen in the interior (2 videos)