Pantry of the sun short. pantry of the sun


This story happened during the Great Patriotic War. In a village near Bludov swamp, not far from the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, there lived two orphaned children - Nastya and Mitrasha. Their mother died of an illness, and their father died at the front.

Twelve-year-old Nastya and ten-year-old Mitrasha Veselkin inherited their parents' hut and household: the goat Dereza, the heifer Daughter, the cow Dawn, the rooster Petya, the piglet Horseradish, as well as numerous sheep and chickens. The children also had their own nicknames. Nastya was called in the village "Golden Hen", because her hair was with a golden tint, and her face was dotted with freckles. And Mitrasha, for his dense physique, received the nickname "Peasant in a bag."

At first, the neighbors helped the children in everything, but soon the children learned to manage the household themselves. Nastya got up before sunrise and almost did not sit down all day long: she pastured the herd, kindled the stove, cooked, cleaned in the hut and in the yard. And Mitrasha was engaged in men's work. Before the war, his father managed to teach the boy how to make wooden utensils: barrels, bowls, tubs. Such goods were in demand in the villages, the dishes were easily sold.

Nastya and Mitrasha lived very friendly, because the common grief rallied the guys. They rarely quarreled, mostly when the boy began to teach his older sister. However, Nastya quickly learned to calm her brother's childish temper by gently running her hand over the back of his head.


The villagers often went to the Bludovo swamp to collect cranberries, in these places it was visible and invisible. The berry that lay all winter under the snow was especially appreciated. This was collected in late March or early April, when nature was just beginning to wake up from hibernation. Spring cranberries were not only healthier, but also tastier than autumn ones.

In the early April morning, even before sunrise, the guys decided to go for their favorite berry to the Fornication swamp. They are well prepared for this trip. Nastya took bread, potatoes and milk for the journey, and Mitrasha took her father's double-barreled shotgun and a compass. He already knew well that this device is indispensable in open areas, it will always indicate the right path to the house if you get lost.

The children decided to find a Palestinian, that was the name of the areas in the swamp, where a lot of cranberries grew. Mitrasha remembered that the richest Palestinian woman, according to her father's stories, was near the Blind Elani. In that place, however, many people and animals died. But the stories and warnings of fellow villagers did not frighten the children. They decided to go towards the Blind Elani and find the desired Palestinian woman there.


The swamp landscape has its own characteristics that must be taken into account so that trouble does not happen. As there are islands in the sea, and oases in the deserts, so there are always hills in the swamp. In Bludovoe, such elevations are covered with high boron, which is why they got the name - "borins".

The first borina that the children climbed was called the High Mane. It had a great view of the surroundings. The swamp was already coming to life in anticipation of the first rays of the sun, bizarre sounds of birds and animals could be heard from everywhere.

True, some of them were quite strange and even scary. Nastya began to worry, and Mitrasha, on the contrary, cheered up, a hunting fuse woke up in him, which the boy inherited from his father.

When the children heard a distant wolf howl, Mitrasha told his sister that somewhere in the area of ​​​​the Dry River there lives a lone wolf, nicknamed the “Gray Landowner”. But he immediately reassured Nastya, there was nothing to be afraid of with his father's hunting rifle. Let only this Gray try to poke their nose at them.


With the first rays of the sun, the children approached the Lying Stone, where spruce and pine trees fancifully connected with trunks. Outwardly, they looked like a single tree. A few years ago, their seeds fell into the same hole, and now both plants are fighting in close contact for survival.

Here Mitrasha and Nastya rested a little, and when they decided to continue their journey, they did not agree on which path to follow. Nastya insisted that you need to go along a wide path, well-trodden by people. And the brother claimed that a narrow path leads to the cherished Palestinian woman. It lies strictly to the north, as indicated by the compass. The children did not manage to come to an agreement, so they continued on their way alone, dispersing along their paths.

Nastya and Mitrasha, of course, could not know that both paths go around the Blind Elan from different sides, and then join in the Palestinian area.


The gatehouse of the forester Antipych was located not far from the Dry River, where the Gray landowner lived. The old man himself died two years ago, and his hound dog named "Grass" stayed here to live, for which he chose a potato pit. After the death of his beloved owner, Grass lived poorly. No one cared about the hound, and she had no one to serve.

Out of anguish, Grass often climbed the hill, where she howled very plaintively. She was especially disturbed by the sounds of swaying trees, which were like the groan of a child. They reminded the dog of her grief.


A few years ago, residents of the surrounding villages, together with hunters, raided a pack of wolves. Everyone was killed, except for the Gray landowner, who was wounded in the ear. Since then, there have been rumors that Gray cannot be killed, and the wolf still made forays into peasant farms, where he killed domestic animals.

Gray was very hungry after a long winter. He barely survived the cold, and now he was preparing for the hunt.


Among the numerous sounds that came from nearby places, Gray distinguished the howl of a dog and determined its "coordinates". He rushed to Antipych's lodge, hoping for good prey.

However, Grass did not howl for long. She smelled a hare trail and followed it to the Lying Stone, where Nastya and Mitrasha had recently rested. Here Grass faced a difficult choice: to run further after the hare, who lurked somewhere nearby, or to follow a new trail? There was a distinct smell of bread and potatoes. Perhaps, on this human trail, she will find Antipych, who did not die, but simply left her. And Grass ran at a trot along Nastya's path.


However, the peat layer in different parts of the swamp is heterogeneous. Near the Lying Stone, it is very ancient and dense enough. But in the area of ​​​​Blind Elani, towards which Mitrasha headed, the peat layer is much younger and thinner. Therefore, that place poses a serious danger to humans.

Soon the boy felt it. With each new step, the ground under my feet became less stable, and then my feet began to sink deeper and deeper into the mud. In order to shorten the path a little, Mitrasha decided to turn off the path that went around the clearing and go straight. It was fatal mistake. Having plunged into the knee-deep swamp, the boy decided that he could still break through to the path. Mitrasha rushed forward with all his strength, but at the same moment plunged into the bog up to his chest. Now he could only stand still and lean on the gun, which he laid flat in front of him.

Mitrasha heard Nastya's cries, answered her, but the wind carried his words in the other direction.


Nastya was so carried away by the collection of cranberries that she did not notice anything around. She went off the path and unexpectedly found herself on the very Palestinian woman where she was going to get with Mitrasha.


A quiet spring evening came, the solar disk turned red and began to hide behind the tops of the trees. Nastya did not know where to look for her brother now, and only quietly cried. The grass felt sorry for the girl, the hound approached Nastya and licked her salty cheek from tears.

Feeling the human misfortune, Grass began to whine plaintively. Gray immediately went to her howl in the direction of the Palestinian woman. But Grass again smelled the smell of a hare and rushed for prey to the Lying Stone, and then towards the Blind Elani. Hearing the barking of dogs already in a new place, Gray also changed his path.


In pursuit of a hare, Grass accidentally found herself in a dead place where Mitrasha stood. Seeing the little man, the dog forgot about the subject of the hunt and began to look closely at the man. Isn't this Antipych in a new guise?

The boy recognized the hound and called out to her by her first nickname - "Seed". That's what the forester called his dog, which knew how to "bait" hares. Then the first syllable in this nickname was somehow lost, and the dog was called Grass.

The hound incredulously, cautiously, but persistently began to creep up to the boy. She understood that this person could very well be Antipych. But such a situation could have ruined Mitrasha. If Grass happily rushed to kiss and lick him, then both of them could immediately be sucked into the swamp. Therefore, Mitrasha was in no hurry to stretch out his hand to the dog, it was necessary to outwit the animal.

And only when Grass crawled very close, the boy grabbed her by the hind legs. The hound abruptly rushed and helped Mitrasha to free himself a little from the trap. Further, leaning on a gun, the boy crawled out of dangerous place on the path. He was terribly tired, exhausted, but proud of himself and happy that he got out of mortal captivity. Mitrasha again affectionately called the dog to him, and she rushed to lick and kiss the "new Antipych."


Soon the hound remembered the hare. Now, with double zeal, she rushed after the hare in pursuit, because she really wanted to bring prey to her master.

And Mitrasha, like a real hunter, chose a convenient place for an ambush - a juniper bush. Here, according to his calculation, Grass of the hare should drive.

The gray landowner, a seasoned predator, also responded to the barking of a dog and ran to the juniper first. Literally five steps away, Mitrasha saw a wolf, which the whole district was afraid of. Almost instantly, the boy shot at Gray and killed him outright.

Nastya heard the sound of a hunting rifle. The girl realized that her beloved brother was very close. The children began to call to each other and quickly found each other. Soon Grass caught the hare and brought the booty to Antipych. Mitrasha and Nastya made a fire, warmed up, dried their clothes, baked a hare in the ashes and had a hearty dinner. After such a difficult and dangerous day, they were mortally tired, but immensely happy.

In the morning, the neighbors heard that hungry cattle roared in the Veselkins' yard. It turned out that the children did not sleep at home. The neighbors decided to go looking. However, Mitrasha, Nastya and Grass soon appeared on a country road.

The villagers did not immediately believe that a ten-year-old boy could shoot such a hardened predator. Therefore, the volunteers went to the Blind Elani and brought the dead wolf to the village.

After such a heroic deed, no one called Mitrasha "A peasant in a bag." Yes, and the boy himself soon grew up, by the end of the war he became a slender and handsome guy.

Over the years, Nastya also became prettier, and the girl gave all the cranberries that she collected on that ill-fated day to the Leningrad evacuated children.

This incredible story was told to the author by “scouts of marsh riches”, who during the war years prepared these places for peat extraction. It will last for a hundred or more years in the Fornication Swamp. These are the "pantries of the sun" in our rich lands!

The tale by Mikhail Prishvin consists of twelve chapters.

Chapter 1

Nastya and Mitrasha were left without parents. Mitrasha is a boy, ten and a half years old, two years younger than his sister. Nastya is a tall smart girl with freckles.
After the death of their parents, they get a considerable household. They live together. Nastya takes care of the household, while Mitrasha makes wooden dishes and sells them in the market.

Chapter 2

Children are going to the forest for cranberries. Mitrasha takes his father's gun and compass. Getting ready for the road, the children remember the stories of their father about the cranberry place "Palestinian" and about the terrible place - Blind Elan. Nastya takes a pot with potatoes on the road.

Chapter 3

Brother and sister admire April nature and birdsong. Try spring sweet berries. The boy decides to follow the path where the Blind Spruce is. Nastya is afraid, and remembers how her father told that many livestock and people died on this path. Mitrasha, despite her words, insists on her own.

Chapter 4

Children reach a place where a wide path forks. After arguing which path to take, the children swear and decide to take different paths. The girl went along the trodden path, and the boy along the deaf path.

Chapter 5

In this chapter we are talking about a big red dog Travka, who is experiencing the death of the owner - the forester. Left alone, she lives in a potato pit.

Chapter 6

The chapter tells that there were wolves in these places. Local hunters managed to catch all but one. It was this wolf that, on the day when the guys were in the forest, lay and howled from hunger.

Chapter 7

The dog, chasing a hare, smelled the smell of potatoes and bread. She decides to go for this smell, for Nastya.

Chapter 8

Meanwhile, walking along a deaf path, the boy notices that his legs are being pulled underground. He tries to escape, but it's too late and he is up to his chest in a swamp. He called out to his sister, but was not heard. The little boy stopped screaming and hot tears ran down his cheeks.

Chapter 9

Nastya discovers a "Palestinian". Carried away by the collection of blood-red berries, the sister forgets about her brother. Grass approaches her. Wishing to treat the dog with bread, she remembers Mitrash and starts calling him piercingly.

Chapter 10

Sensing human misfortune, the dog begins to howl, the wolf runs to this howl. Grass sees a hare and starts chasing it.

Chapter 11

Following the hare, Grass sees a stuck boy. He begins to beckon the dog, she quietly creeps up. Grasping her paws, the boy gets out of the swamp. Mitrasha is extremely happy about his salvation and is grateful to the dog.

Chapter 12

The wolf, running on the trail of the dog, is next to Mitrasha. The boy grabs a gun and kills him.
Nastya, having heard the shots, runs to her brother. The guys return home together with Grass. Nastya, tormented by a sense of guilt, gives all the healing berries to the orphanage children.

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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  • Krapivin

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The action of the fairy tale was "The Pantry of the Sun", written by a great nature lover Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin, unfolding during the Great Patriotic War. The events that will be discussed took place in wooded and swampy places near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Chapter 1.

At the beginning of the work, the author introduces us to his main actors- a girly Nastya and her brother Mitrasha. Their mother died of illness, and their father died in the war. After that, the neighbors took patronage over the guys. But the brother and sister turned out to be so friendly and hardworking that they soon began to cope with their own life and household, which, by the way, they had a lot of left. The children had a cow, and a piglet, and lambs, and a goat, and chickens. And all this was managed by twelve-year-old Nastya and her ten-year-old brother. The girl was tall, the neighbors affectionately called her a golden hen on high legs, the boy was short and dense, for which he received the nickname "man in a pouch."

One thing that betrayed their relatives was the freckles that dotted the faces of the kids everywhere, except for their inquisitive noses. Despite the large amount of homework: caring for cattle, gardening, household chores, the guys never shunned the team, went to meetings, trying to understand what was said there, dug anti-tank ditches, helped on the collective farm. Mitrasha was taught cooperage by his father. And the boy, to the best of his ability, made wooden utensils for the neighbors to order. The author is amazed at how united the children were. He recalls that he lived next door to them and did not know anyone more friendly among themselves in the whole village. As soon as Mitrasha pouted, Nastenka came up to him, gently stroked his head, and the brother's anger immediately passed.

Chapter 2

The next chapter of the tale begins with what the narrator describes beneficial features cranberries, which grew in abundance in those places. He claims that cranberries that have overwintered under the snow are especially good, especially if they are steamed in a pot of sugar beets. Such a drink completely replaces sweet tea, and even in those parts, cranberries were considered a cure for all diseases.

In that harsh area, snow in the forest still lay at the end of April, but near the marshes it was much warmer, and there was no snow at all at the same time. Nastya and Mitrasha learned about this from their neighbors and decided to go on their expedition for sweet cranberries. The girl gave food to all her animals. The boy prepared the uniform, such as his father had taught him. He took with him a double-barreled gun "Tulku", and he did not forget about the compass. His father praised him very much this wonderful device, with which in any weather you will not get lost in the forest. Nastya took provisions with her - bread, milk and boiled potatoes, putting it all in a huge basket. Seeing that basket, Mitrasha smiled and remembered to his sister how his father talked about a Palestinian woman (a beautiful, pleasant place in the forest), where everything is dotted with cranberries. The prudent girl, in turn, remembered that the path to that Palestinian woman lay through the Blind Elan - a dead place where many people and livestock laid down their lives.

Chapter 3

And so the guys finally set off on their journey. They easily crossed the marshland of the Fornication swamp, through which they had to make their way. People often walked in those places, and they had already managed to cut a path between the trunks of the lush vegetation there.

The narrator tells us that in that area in the middle of the swamps there are sandy hills called borins. It was on one such hill that our cranberry hunters got out. There they began to come across the first blood-red berries. In addition to berries, on Borin Zvonkaya, the guys also met traces of the coming spring - juicy grass and flowers of a wolf's bark. Mitrasha jokingly told his sister that wolves weave baskets out of it. After that, the guys apprehensively remembered the ferocious wolf, about which their father also told them. They called that wolf the Gray Landowner, and he lived in the rubble on the Dry River, all in the same forest through which the orphans made their way.

The approaching dawn brought a variety of bird trills to the ears of the brother and sister. Residents of nearby villages by voice could distinguish almost any bird that lurked in the branches. But in addition to bird voices, the predawn darkness was also cut through by a painful, aching and joyless howl. It was howling the Gray Landowner. There were rumors among the villagers that this wolf could not be killed, he was so cunning and cunning.

Finally, the guys reached a fork in the road: one path, branching off from the fork, was wide and well-trodden, the second was barely noticeable. The children were puzzled as to where they should go. Mitrasha took a compass out of its case and determined that a narrow path led north. Namely, to the north, according to the father, you need to go to get to the Palestinian woman. Nastya did not want to follow the little-known path, the destructive Blind Elan frightened the girl, but after a short argument she yielded to her brother. And so the cranberry hunters went north along a narrow path.

Chapter 4

After some time, the guys got to a place called by the people Lying Stone. There the orphans made a halt in anticipation of the first rays of dawn in order to move on. After it finally dawned, the children noticed that again two paths diverge from the stone to the sides. One good, dense, path went to the right, the other, weak, went straight. Having checked the direction on the compass, Mitrasha pointed to a weak path, to which Nastya replied that it was not a road at all. The little man in the bag insisted that this was exactly the path that his father had spoken of. The sister suggested that the father was just making fun of them, but the brother continued to stand his ground, and then completely broke off and went along the narrow path. The angry kid did not think about the basket or the provisions, and the sister did not stop him, but only spitting after him went along the wide path. And immediately, as if by magic, the sky was overcast with clouds, crows croaked ominously, the trees rustled and groaned.

Chapter 5

The plaintive groan of the trees made Travka the hound dog Grass crawl out of the collapsed potato pit. She climbed out of the hole and howled as plaintively as the surrounding trees. Already two whole years have passed since a terrible misfortune happened in the life of an animal: the forester she adored, the old hunter Antipych, died.

The author recalls how they went to Antipych from ancient times to hunt. And he still lived in his forest lodge, it’s true that even he himself had already forgotten how old he was. And it seemed to our narrator that that forester would never die. He taught the youth the mind-reason. And the dog lived with him and doted on his old master.

But now the time has come, and Antipych died. Soon after this, the war broke out, and no other watchman was appointed to replace him. His gatehouse collapsed, and Grass began to get used to a wild lifestyle. The dog hunted hares, often forgetting that it was already hunting for itself, and not for its adored master. And when the animal became completely unbearable, it climbed the hill, which was once a hut, and howled, howled ...

The Gray landowner, starving for the winter, had long been listening to that howl.

Chapter 6

The wolves in those places did great harm agriculture by destroying livestock. The narrator found himself in a group sent into the forest to fight wild animals. This group, according to all the rules, determined the habitat of the wolves and surrounded it with a rope around the entire perimeter. Red flags were hung on a rope, smelling of red calico. This was done for a reason, as wolves are annoyed and frightened by such a color and smell. Exits were made in the fence, the number of which coincided with the number of shooters in the detachment.

After that, the beaters began to knock with sticks and make noise to excite the animals. All the wolves behaved as people expected - they rushed to the holes in the fence, where they met their death, but not the Gray Landowner. This old cunning wolf waved through the flags, was twice wounded in the ear and tail, but still got away from the hunters.

Behind next summer Gray slaughtered cows and sheep no less than the whole dead flock put together. In winter, when the pasture was empty, he caught dogs in the villages and ate mostly dogs.

On that morning, when the children quarreled among themselves and went in different directions, the wolf was hungry and angry. Therefore, when the trees staggered and howled near the Lying Stone, he could not stand it, crawled out of his shelter and howled too. And it was an ominous howl, from which the blood runs cold.

Chapter 7

So the wolf and the dog howled on both sides of the swamp. The gray landowner heard the howl of Grass and set off in the direction where the sound was coming from. Fortunately for the hound, a strong hunger forced her to stop her crying for a man and go to look for a hare trail. Just at that time, an old hare was walking nearby. He, like the children, sat down to rest at the Lying Stone, but the howl that reached his sensitive ears made the hare take to his heels in the direction of the Blind Elani. Grass easily smelled the smell of a hare, reaching the Lying Stone. But besides the hare, Grass also smelled two little people and their baskets of supplies. The dog madly wanted to eat bread, she began to sniff out in which direction the man with the bread went. Thanks to her hunting instinct, Grass soon solved this problem and set off for Nastya along a wide road.

Chapter 8

The fornication swamp, through which the compass needle led Mitrashu, contained huge reserves of peat. That is why the author called this place the pantry of the sun. The sun gives life to every blade of grass and tree in the forest. Dying and falling into the swamp, the plants turn into minerals stored under the water column, and this is how it turns out that the swamp is the pantry of the sun. The layer of peat in the Fornication swamp was uneven. The closer to Blind Elani, the younger and thinner. Mitrasha moved forward, and the paths and bumps under his feet became not just soft, but semi-liquid.

The boy was absolutely not a coward, he listened to the birds singing and even sang songs himself to cheer up. But the lack of life experience did its job. The little man in the pouch strayed from the path trodden by another person and fell straight into the Blind Elan. At first it was even easier to walk there than through the swamp. But after some time, the boy's legs began to sink deeper and deeper. He stopped and found himself knee-deep in swamp slush. Having made a desperate attempt to escape, Mitrasha plunged into the swamp up to his chest. Now the slightest movement or breath was pulling him down. Then the guy made the only right decision - he laid his gun flat on the swamp, leaned on it with both hands and calmed his breath. Suddenly, the wind carried his sister's cry to him. Mitrasha answered her, but the wind carried his cry in the other direction. Tears streamed down the boy's swarthy face.

Chapter 9

Cranberries are a valuable and healthy berry, so many, picking it, were very fond of it. Sometimes it came to a fight. Nastenka was also very carried away, picking cranberries, so much so that she forgot about her brother. In pursuit of a berry, the girl also lost her way from the path along which she was walking. The children did not know that the two paths they had chosen would eventually converge in one place. Nastya's path went around Blind spruce, and Mitrashina went straight along its edge. If the boy had not gone astray, he would have long since been where Nastenka had just reached. This place was the same Palestinian where the little man was heading for by compass. Here, indeed, everything was red, red from cranberries. The girl began to eagerly pick berries and put them in a basket, completely forgetting about her little brother. She crawled through the swamp, not even raising her head up, until she reached a burnt stump on which a viper was hiding. The snake hissed, and this made the girl start, and the elk, which peacefully gnawed at the aspen in the bushes, also started. Nastya stared at the reptile in amazement. And not far from the girl was a big red dog with a black strap. It was Grass. Nastya remembered her, Antipych came to the village with her more than once, but she forgot the name of the animal. She began to call her Ant and offer bread. And suddenly, it seemed as if the girl was illuminated, and a piercing cry was heard throughout the forest: “Brother, Mitrasha!”

Chapter 10

Evening came. Nastya sobbed in the clearing for her missing brother. Grass came up to her and licked the girl's salty cheek. She really wanted bread, but she could not dig herself in the basket. In order to somehow support the child in his trouble, Grass raised her head up and howled piercingly. This howl was heard by Gray and with all his might rushed to the Palestinian woman.

But the dog was distracted because it smelled the hare again. She, like an experienced hunter, understood the circle of the hare escape and rushed after him to the Lying Stone. There she spotted her prey, braced herself for a jump, miscalculated a little and flew over the hare. Rusak, in turn, rushed at full speed along the Mitrashin path straight to the Blind Elan. Hearing the long-awaited barking of dogs, the Gray Landowner also rushed in that direction as fast as he could.

Chapter 11

The grass raced after the hare, who tried in every possible way to confuse his tracks.

But suddenly the dog stopped, as if rooted to the spot. Ten paces away, she saw a small man. In the understanding of Grass, all people were divided into two types - Antipych with different faces, that is a kind person, and the enemy of Antipych. That is why the smart dog looked at Mitrasha from afar.

The boy's eyes were dull and dead at first, but when they saw Grass, they gradually lit up with fire. This burning look reminded the dog of the owner, and he weakly waved his tail.

And suddenly she heard the little man pronounce her name. I must say that initially the forester called his dog Zatravka, only then her name acquired an abbreviated version. Mitrasha said: "Seed!" The hope was lit in the heart of the animal that this little boy would become her new Antipych. And she crawled.

The boy affectionately called the dog, but there was a clear calculation in his behavior. When she crawled to the distance he needed, he grabbed her right hand by a strong hind leg, the animal rushed with all its might, but the boy did not loosen his grip, but only grabbed her by the second hind leg and instantly lay on his stomach on the gun.

On all fours, rearranging the gun from place to place, the boy crawled out onto the path along which the man walked.

There he stood up full height, dusted himself off and shouted loudly: “Come to me now, my Seed!” After these words, the dog finally recognized Mitrash as his new owner.

Chapter 12

Weed was delighted that she had found a new person to serve. And as a token of her gratitude, she decided to catch a hare for him. The hungry Mitrasha decided that this hare would be his salvation. He replaced the wet cartridges in the gun, put it on the front sight and waited behind the juniper bush for the dog to drive the prey to him. But it so happened that it was behind this bush that Gray hid, having heard the renewed rut of the dog. Seeing a gray muzzle five paces away, Mitrasha forgot about the hare and fired almost point-blank. The gray landowner ended his life without torment.

Hearing the sound of a shot, Nastya screamed loudly, her brother answered her, and she instantly ran to him. Soon Grass appeared with a hare in her teeth. And they began to warm themselves by the fire, and prepare their own food and lodging for the night.

When the neighbors found out that the children did not spend the night at home, they began to prepare a rescue expedition. But suddenly, in the morning, hunters for sweet cranberries came out of the forest in single file, on their shoulders they had a pole with a heavy basket, and Antipych's dog was running nearby.

The children recounted their adventures in detail. But people could not believe that a boy of ten years old could kill the Gray landowner. Several people with a sleigh and a rope went to the indicated place and soon brought the remains of a huge wolf to the village. Onlookers even from neighboring villages converged to look at them. And the little man in the pouch has since been called a hero.

Nastya reproached herself that, because of her greed for cranberries, she forgot about her brother, so she gave all the berries to the children liberated from besieged Leningrad.

Studies have shown that peat in the swamp is enough to operate a huge factory for a hundred years. The narrator encourages the reader to reject the prejudice that devils live in the swamps, and perceive them as real pantries of the sun.

Very summary(in a nutshell)

In one village, children were orphaned - Nastya and Mitrasha. One spring, they went to the swamp, which in those places is called "Pantry of the Sun" for cranberries. Entering the forest, they argued which way to go, and as a result went different paths. When they were passing by the forester's house, the dog of the forester Antipych, who had died for two years, smelled them and followed them. Her name was Grass. Mitrasha reached the swamp, but immediately fell into the swamp to the waist. He lay down on the gun, which he took to protect himself from the wolf that lived in these places. Meanwhile, Nastya also reached the swamp, but from the other side, and began to pick a berry. Carried away by the collection, she remembered her brother only in the evening. Grass, running after the hare, saw the stuck Mitrash. He called her over and grabbed her legs so he could get out. At this time, a wolf approached him, Mitrasha shot at him and killed him. After that, the children got out of the swamp, and then the local men dragged the dead wolf. The boy became a hero in the village.

Summary (detailed)

In one village in the Pereslavl-Zalessky region, two were orphaned: Nastya and Mitrasha. Their father died in the war, and their mother recently died of an illness. Everyone tried to somehow help the children, and relatives and neighbors, suggested how to run the household until they began to cope on their own. They were very cute kids. Nastya was twelve, all in golden freckles and with a nose that looked up. Neighbors nicknamed Mitrasha "the little man in the pouch." He was two years younger than Nastya, also covered in freckles and with his nose up. It's good that he was younger than Nastya, otherwise he would have been completely conceited. And led by Nastya, they had excellent equality.

Near their village was the Fornication swamp, and, as you know, the swamp stores untold riches. There, all the vegetation absorbs the heat of the sun and is saturated with light. When the plants die, they do not rot like in the ground, but saturate the swamp with peat charged by the sun. For this reason, the swamp is often called the "pantry of the sun." Such swamps are valuable for geologists. In summer, the sour and healthy cranberry grows there, and it is harvested in late autumn. However, not everyone knows that cranberries become truly tasty only after lying under the snow. Therefore, by spring, the children gathered to go for cranberries. There was almost no snow, except perhaps in spruce forests, and it is always warmer in the swamp.

Getting ready for the road, Nastya took a basket of food, and Mitrasha took her father's gun and compass. Once their father told them that the place richest in cranberries is near the Slepaya Elani, next to which there is an untouched clearing. That's where they went. They left the house very early, it was still dark and even the birds did not sing. From afar, only the howl of the Gray landowner could be heard. It was the most feared wolf in the area. At sunrise, the children reached the fork. There they had an argument about which way to go and they missed each other. Nastya went along the thorny path, and Mitrasha followed the compass to the north.

Somewhere nearby, Grass woke up - Antipych's dog. For two years now, its owner, an elderly and kind forester, has passed away, and the faithful dog has remained to live in the lodge. The grass was very bad without the owner. She howled, and the howl reached the Gray Landowner, who these days was feasting on dogs. Noticing the hare, Grass chased him and the howl stopped. On the way, she smelled the children. In addition, one of these children clearly had bread. Then she turned and ran in that direction.

By that time, Mitrasha had already reached the Blind Elani, but he did not know that there was a disastrous swamp in this area. The path was barely visible, so he decided to take a shortcut and go straight across a flat clearing. He hadn't even gone half way before he began to get sucked in. Suddenly, Mitrasha found himself waist-deep in a swamp. He lay down with his chest on the gun and remained in that position. Soon he heard Nastya calling him, he answered, but the wind carried his words in a different direction.

Nastya, too, was heading towards the Blind Elani only by the beaten path that went around. The road brought her to that place strewn with cranberries. She, forgetting about everything, began to collect sweet and sour berries. Nastya was so carried away by the berry that she remembered her brother only in the evening. Glancing at the basket full of food, she thought that Mitrasha must have been hungry. She wept out of fear for her brother. At this time, Grass came running to her at the smell of food. The girl remembered that this was Antipych's faithful dog. Trying to calm Nastya, Grass ran around her and howled. This howl again reached the ears of the Gray landowner, and he ran towards the sound.

Once again smelling a hare nearby, Grass rushed to the Blind Elani. There she saw Mitrasha, stuck in a cold quagmire. The boy was completely frozen by that time. He understood that Grass was his only and last chance. He gently beckoned her, and when the dog was very close, he was able to grab onto her hind legs. So, Grass saved the boy, pulling him out of the swamp. The gray landowner, meanwhile, was already nearby. Hungry, Mitrasha decided to shoot the hare that Travka was chasing. As soon as he prepared his gun, a wolf face appeared nearby. He shot at him. Nastya ran to the shot.

The guys spent the night in the swamp, and in the morning they went home with a heavy basket full of cranberries. They told their fellow villagers about the wolf. Those who believed went to the elan for the body of the dead wolf, and the boy has since been reputed to be a hero. They stopped calling him "the little man in the pouch", since by the end of the Patriotic War he had grown up and matured. And Nastya kept reproaching herself for her greed for cranberries. Therefore, she decided to give the whole berry to the children evacuated from Leningrad.

In almost every swamp lies untold wealth. All the blades of grass and blades of grass growing there are impregnated by the sun, saturating with its warmth and light. Dying, plants do not rot, as in the ground. The swamp carefully preserves them, accumulating mighty layers of peat soaked solar energy. Therefore, the swamp is called the "pantry of the sun." We, geologists, are looking for such pantries. This story took place at the end of the war, in a village near Bludov swamp, in the Pereslavl-Zalessky district.

A brother and sister lived in the house next to us. The twelve-year-old girl's name was Nastya, and her ten-year-old brother was Mitrasha. The children were recently orphaned - "their mother died of an illness, their father died on Patriotic War". The children were very nice. “Nastya was like a golden hen on high legs” with a face strewn with golden freckles. Mitrasha was short, stocky, stubborn and strong. Neighbors called him "the little man in the pouch." At first they were helped by the whole village, and then the children themselves learned to manage the household and turned out to be very independent.

One spring, the children decided to go for cranberries. Usually this berry is harvested in autumn, but after lying in the winter under the snow, it becomes tastier and healthier. Mitrasha took his father's gun and compass, Nastya - a huge basket and food. Once, their father told them that in the Fornication swamp, near the Blind Elani, there is an untouched clearing strewn with berries. That's where the kids went.

They went out in the dark. The birds did not sing yet, only the howl of the Gray Landowner, the most terrible wolf in the district, was heard across the river. The children approached the fork when the sun had already risen. This is where they got into an argument. Mitrasha wanted to follow the compass to the north, as his father said, only the northern path was untrodden, barely noticeable. Nastya wanted to go on a thorny path. The children quarreled, and each turned to his own path.

In the meantime, Grass, the dog of the forester Antipych, woke up nearby. The forester died, and his faithful dog remained to live under the remains of the house. The grass was sad without a host. She howled, and this howl was heard by the Gray Landowner. In the hungry spring days, he ate mainly dogs, and now he ran to the howl of Grass. However, the howling soon stopped - the dog chased the hare. During the chase, she smelled the smell of small people, one of whom was carrying bread. It was on this trail that Grass ran.

Meanwhile, the compass led Mitrasha straight to the Blind Elani. Here a barely noticeable path made a detour, and the boy decided to cut it straight. Ahead lay a flat and clean clearing. Mitrasha did not know that this was the disastrous swamp. The boy was more than halfway through when the elan began to suck him in. In an instant, he collapsed to the waist. Mitrasha could only lie down on the gun and freeze. Suddenly, the boy heard his sister calling to him. He responded, but the wind carried his cry to the other side, and Nastya did not hear.

All this time, the girl walked along the well-trodden path, which also led to the Blind Elani, only bypassing it. At the end of the trail, she stumbled upon that very cranberry place, and began to pick berries, forgetting about everything. She remembered her brother only in the evening - the food was left with her, and Mitrasha still goes hungry. Looking around, the girl saw Grass, which was brought to her by the smell of food. Nastya remembered Antipych's dog. From anxiety for her brother, the girl began to cry, and Grass tried to console her. She howled, and the Gray Landlord hurried to the sound. Suddenly, the dog again smelled the hare, rushed after him, jumped out onto the Blind Elan and saw another little man there.

Mitrashka, completely frozen in a cold quagmire. saw a dog. This was his last chance to be saved. With an affectionate voice, he beckoned Grass. When the light dog came very close, Mitrasha firmly grabbed it by the hind legs, and Grass pulled the boy out of the bog.

The boy was hungry. He decided to shoot a hare, which was driven out to him by a smart dog. He loaded his gun, prepared himself, and suddenly he saw a wolf's face very close by. Mitrash shot almost point-blank and ended the long life of the Gray Landowner. Nastya heard the shot. The brother and sister spent the night in the swamp, and in the morning they returned home with a heavy basket and a story about the wolf. Those who believed Mitrasha went to the elan and brought back the dead wolf. Since then, the boy has become a hero. By the end of the war, he was no longer called the "man in the pouch", so he grew up. Nastya reproached herself for a long time for her greed for cranberries and gave everything useful berry children evacuated from Leningrad.

We hope you enjoyed the brief summary of the fairy tale Pantry of the Sun. We will be glad if you read this fairy tale in its entirety.