For aphids geranium essential oil how to cook. Geranium essential oil, properties, uses, recipes

Geranium, or pelargonium, often adorns the window sills of our apartments or summer cottages. The aroma of this plant does not leave anyone indifferent: they either fall in love with it or hate it. Indeed, the smell of this flower is quite strong, but not everyone knows that this plant is also very useful. IN traditional medicine decoctions and infusions of geranium leaves have long been used to help cope with various inflammations, intestinal disorders, and are also used in everyday life. Now the essential oil of geranium is more often used, the use of which is also very extensive.

Geranium ether is obtained by distilling the ground part of the plant with water vapor. Most often, in the manufacture of essential oil, either rose or lemon geranium is used.

Characteristics geranium essential oil

Geranium ether has properties such as lightness, fluidity and transparency. It has a yellow or yellow-green, light green color. The aroma of this oil conveys the smell of the leaves of the plant, it is a little tart, sweet, with notes of rose and mint.

Essential oil Geranium dissolves well in base oils, and also goes well with other essential oils, such as eucalyptus, lemon, mint, verbena, tea tree and others.

Medicinal properties

Geranium oil is used in the treatment of skin diseases: it is used to treat herpes, acne and post-acne, burns and frostbite. Rubbing oil and great help to cope with headaches. In cosmetology, the use of geranium oil is most often associated with hair care: it helps to strengthen the hair roots, get rid of dandruff, and also add shine to the hair. Geranium will also be a great helper in the fight against cellulite. Geranium essential oil can also help with other women's problems: it normalizes the menstrual cycle and menopause. And the best part is that it cheers you up and even fights depression!

Uses of geranium oil

To fully experience all the properties of the ether, use proven recipes, and do not forget to read the contraindications for using geranium essential oil, which you will find at the end of the article.

Hair care

Aroma Combing

For aroma combing, you need to apply a mixture of geranium ester and base oil to a special wooden comb (choose a base based on the condition of your hair and the effect you want to achieve). Comb your hair with a comb for 5-7 minutes. This procedure will give your hair a healthy shine. With such aroma combing, sebum regulation is normalized, so the hair will stay clean longer.

Hair loss mask

Geranium will also help you in the fight for lush hair. In this recipe, it is used in combination with other oils. You will need:

  • Burdock oil - 10 ml.
  • Geranium EM - 5 drops;
  • Rosemary EM - 5 drops;
  • EM - 5 caps;

Prepare the mixture, warm it up in the palms of your hands and apply to the hair roots. Gradually distribute the mixture over the entire head. Put a shower cap or plastic wrap over your head. After half an hour, remove the film and rinse your head.

Hair mask with geranium ether for pediculosis

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • Your shampoo and mask
  • Geranium ether

Pour the shampoo into your palm and pour a couple of drops of geranium oil into it, rinse your head well for 5 minutes. Rinse off the shampoo. Also add oil to other products. Mix five drops of ether with a hair mask, carefully cover your hair with a prepared mask, wrap your head with a film, put a towel on top, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Also, geranium oil can be used for hair growth. How? Be sure to read.

Facial skin care

The use of geranium oil in cosmetology is not limited to hair care. Geranium will help you make your skin healthier and more beautiful. Geranium EO reduces oiliness of the skin, tightens pores, but does not dry the skin, but on the contrary, moisturizes it, therefore it is also suitable for dry skin. Try the following beauty recipes.

Mask for problem skin

Geranium oil effectively fights acne, reducing redness and the number of rashes, cleansing and reducing pores. To prepare a mask for acne, you will need:

  • Essential oil of geranium - 15 caps.
  • Green clay - 20 g.
  • Calendula tincture - 20 caps.

Mix the ingredients. Steam your face and apply the mask in a thin layer. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water afterwards.

Anti-aging mask

The use of geranium oil is also beneficial for aging skin. Products with its addition will make the skin more elastic and improve complexion.

You will need:

  • Geranium EM - 20 cap.
  • Peach
  • Cream - 25 ml.

Grind the peach in a blender to a puree consistency, pour in the cream and beat again, add the geranium EO. Keep the mask on for half an hour.

Mask for sensitive skin

Geranium essential oil is also suitable for preparing a mask for sensitive and thin skin. For her you will need:

Geranium ether - 25 drops

Rice flour - 15 g.

Sour cream - 30 g.

Mix rice flour with sour cream and ether well. Cleanse your skin well and apply the mixture to a clean, dry face. Keep the product on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with water afterwards.

Ice for wiping the face

Rubbing the face with ice cubes perfectly tones up, and also helps to fight skin imperfections. To make ice you will need:

  • Milk or cream - 5 ml.
  • Geranium essential oil - 3-5 drops
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Mineral water - 200 ml.

Mix all ingredients. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer. Wipe your face with an ice cube in the morning for 20-50 seconds.

Body care

The use of geranium essential oil as a body care product will help to make the skin more toned and youthful.

Anti-cellulite action

Massage oil

Use geranium EO as a massage, diluting it in the base in the following proportions: 5 drops of ether per 10-15 ml of the base. Avocado, peach or other oils are used as a base. You can apply the mixture on special wooden anti-cellulite massagers, which will speed up the appearance of the desired result.

We also have a review article on . Find out how to use them correctly!

Aroma baths

Mix 10-15 drops with bath salt and add to warm water. Such a bath will perfectly relax you, calm you down and improve your emotional state. Also, the ether will help to cope with cellulite and varicose veins. A bath with geranium oil can be taken for about 20 minutes. And we also have .


Use your favorite carrier oil suitable for your skin or clay (whichever you like best!) as the base for your wrap. Mix the base with 5-7 drops of EO and apply the mask to problem areas. Wrap in cling film and wait half an hour. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

The use of oil in folk medicine

The use of geranium oil in cosmetics is better known than its use in traditional medicine, although medicinal properties Geranium has been known for a very long time.

Geranium oil for headaches

Geranium ether will help to cope with a headache. Mix the ether with the base in a ratio of 1:3. Massage movements Apply the mixture on the temples, forehead and back of the head.

Geranium oil for burns, scars and herpes

Connect 10 ml. transport oil with 5 drops of geranium and apply to the affected skin with a cotton swab. Apply several times a day. Geranium has antiseptic and wound healing properties.

Geranium oil for ticks

Ticks (like many other insects) cannot stand the smell of geraniums! You can make your own geranium oil mite remedy. To do this, mix 2 tsp. EM with 200 ml. water, pour into a spray bottle and use as a spray. The spray is easy to use: you can spray clothes, hair and various objects with it. Use this remedy in spring and summer when the risk of contracting encephalitis is very high. This is how you protect yourself and your family. In addition to the spray, you can prepare a mixture of transport oil with essential oil and wipe the skin with it, avoiding the eyes.


  • intolerance to EO components
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • use by children under 6 years of age
  • concurrent use of homeopathic medicines

So, the use of geranium oil has no boundaries, it is a lifesaver that simply must be in the house. Ether is used for ticks, headaches, head lice, and as a cosmetic procedure to preserve beauty and health.

Geranium is one of the legendary indoor plants, which can be found in almost any home. And wherever the charming pelargonium stands - on a warm windowsill, in balcony boxes or even in the garden, this old garden dweller conquers not only with a bright palette of colors, but also with the tart aroma of leaves that surround with a fragrant cloud even with the lightest touch.

Geranium is grown by many as a healing crop that relieves headaches, and some even follow the weather on its leaves: before the rain, the villi straighten, and in dry weather they spread. But the "talents" of pelargonium are not limited to this. This unique plant has long been considered an "ear-nose-throat" among medicinal herbs, and in times Ancient Greece and Rome, geraniums were completely endowed with the glory of an almost omnipotent drug, prescribing for digestive disorders, and for severe fractures, and even for incurable diseases, including tumors.

Essential oil was replaced by vegetable "raw materials" only at the beginning of the 18th century, when French scientists first distilled aromatic oil from the aerial parts of pelargonium. Today, geranium oil is included in the compositions of both elite and more affordable perfume compositions, and is widely used in the production of household chemicals and cosmetics, but medicine, both informal and traditional, does not forget about the healing properties of this plant.

Characteristics of geranium oil

The most fragrant are not bright geranium umbrella inflorescences at all, but rounded elegant leaves, from which the famous and one of the most expensive (along with and) aromatic oil is extracted by steam distillation.

This is a very light, surprisingly liquid and fluid oil, which dissolves almost instantly and completely in vegetable and. Its color is reminiscent of the bright color of the leaves: yellowish-green, with a clear light green note and an olive tint, the color of pelargonium oil is complemented by absolute transparency. If you look at the sun, the oil seems to be shining.

The characteristic smell of geranium leaves is completely transferred to the oil, which, despite the "green" origin, retains the fruity basis of the smell, complemented by tart, bitter and sweetish notes. Sweetish-floral nuances are perceived first, followed by medium warm undertones, which are replaced by a tart, bitter base of the fragrance. It is believed that geranium is the fragrance of mature and self-confident women.

Despite the fact that geranium oil has a very specific and bright smell, it goes well with other essential oils, which lie on its fairly warm base. Many authors only indicate as a fragrance that combines well with the smell of pelargonium, but in fact the list of complementary fragrances is much wider: geranium goes well with,, hyssop, and.

Effect on the emotional sphere

In the emotional sphere, geranium evokes positive emotions, relaxes, setting in an optimistic mood, helping to cope with feelings, fears, tension and relieve symptoms of fatigue and stress. It is one of the essential oils and apathy. Restoring inner harmony, it promotes adequate self-perception and opens the way to positive life changes, increases physical and mental activity.

But the most important influence of pelargonium oil concerns self-esteem: thanks to this essential oil, you can get rid of dependence on other people's opinions, insecurities, complexes, recover from losses and unpleasant meetings, adequately perceive motives and actions.

Healing properties

As already mentioned, geranium oil is one of the main ancient remedies for the treatment of diseases of the mouth, ears, throat and sinus, including dental problems, while the aroma oil not only eliminates congestive and inflammatory processes, but also relieves pain symptoms.

Pelargonium oil has a regulatory effect on the work of the vascular system, digestive organs and the heart (stimulates the work of muscles, normalizes the intensity of contractions, helps stabilize arrhythmia, ischemia and tachycardia).

In addition, geranium helps eliminate the tendency to hypertension and is one of the most effective essential oils for regulating blood sugar levels. This is one of the main "female" oils, which not only relieves inflammation, but also regulates, balances the hormonal background, removes the negative manifestations of its disorders. Pelargonium oil is also used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Use in cosmetology and in everyday life

Pelargonium oil can be used for any cosmetics and for all skin types. This magical aromatic oil effectively restores the epidermis, promotes its deep rejuvenation and smoothing, regenerates and renews, and also has a regulating effect on the fat balance. This is one of the most effective oils for working with problematic, teenage, mature, prone to excessive dryness or, on the contrary, pathological oily skin. Pelargonium also evens out the properties of combination skin.

Geranium oil has a dual effect on the skin: on the one hand, it quickly relieves inflammation and flaking, and on the other, it causes systemic positive changes. The anti-inflammatory properties of geranium oil, combined with unique regenerating "talents", are actively used in frostbite, eczema, cuts, burns and wounds.

Geranium oil has another wonderful property- it helps to get rid of all annoying insects that can not stand its smell.

Pelargonium oil can also be used to flavor various dishes and drinks in cooking.

Dosages and contraindications

Since geranium oil actively changes the hormonal background, it should not be used during pregnancy and children under the age of 6, as well as while taking birth control pills. The blood sugar lowering and anticoagulant properties of geranium require special attention: This essential oil should not be used for more than 3 weeks, and it is better not to use it at all for only 2 weeks in a row.

Geranium essential oil is perhaps the only one that does not cause any reaction when applied to the skin. It is taken internally, but not on an empty stomach (no more than 1 drop 2 times a day with honey). Geranium oil has a strong aroma, so it is always used in reduced dosages.

  • For enough 2-4 drops per day.
  • For inhalation, you can also use no more than 2 drops.
  • To apply compresses, both hot and cold, use up to 3 drops of pelargonium oil.
  • For applications in the oral cavity or for impregnating turundas for the ears - just one.
  • For gargling, add 2 drops of geranium to a glass of warm water.
  • To relieve a headache, mix 1 drop of geranium oil with a few drops of base oil and rub it in the temporal and occipital areas.
  • Pure, not diluted in carrier or vegetable oil, geranium oil is used to treat cuts, burns, and frostbite.
  • For personal aroma pendants, 1 drop of geranium oil is enough.
  • To cosmetics, you can add no more than 4 drops per 2 tablespoons of the base.

In the article we consider geranium oil - its useful properties and methods of application. You will find out what effect vegetable pomace has on the skin and hair, what diseases it helps to treat, whether it can be taken orally and during pregnancy. We will show you how to make butter at home.

Geranium, or pelargonium, is a plant that adorns home window sills and garden beds and has practical applications.

From the stems, leaves, inflorescences of 2 types of geranium - pink and lemon - as a result of steam distillation, a yellowish-green extract with a rich aroma is obtained. It is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Chemical composition of geranium oil

Depending on the raw material chemical composition geranium oil changes slightly, but the extract always contains up to hundreds of biologically active components, including:

  • geraniol;
  • linalool;
  • citronellol;
  • nerol;
  • a-terpineol.

Geranium oil - properties and uses

Essential oil of geranium has a wide range of therapeutic effects. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so its use is justified for respiratory diseases, colds and runny nose.

In addition, geranium oil is used:

  • to eliminate spasms with headaches and migraines, normalize the condition during menstruation;
  • restoration of the work of the heart at the risk of tachycardia and coronary disease;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • treatment of fungus, herpes, eczema;
  • rapid healing of wounds and burns;
  • relieve pain symptoms in rheumatism, arthritis;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • with toothache;
  • with convulsions and neuralgic pathologies.

A pleasant aroma with notes of rose eliminates feelings of anxiety, relieves depression and improves mood. As a result of stimulation of neuropsychic activity, efficiency increases, nervousness, irritability and fatigue go away, therefore geranium ether is especially recommended for older people to maintain mental and physical activity.

Sexologists prescribe geranium oil to couples over the age of 45 to increase libido and normalize sexual life.

Herbalists are convinced that geranium oil helps with infertility, although official medicine it doesn't confirm.

Geranium extract is used in sports as a supplement before strength training to concentrate and achieve high sports results.

Geranium oil in cosmetology

Beneficial features geranium oil determined its use in cosmetology for skin and hair care.

Geranium oil for face

The ether will relieve inflammation and make up for the lack of vitamins, moisturize the skin and remove peeling, prevent skin diseases and the appearance of blackheads, relieve wrinkles.

The herbal pomace is suitable for all skin types, but it is especially useful for oily skin with the first signs of aging.

How to use:

  • For acne, apply oil pointwise to the inflamed areas with a cotton swab.
  • For rejuvenation, mix three tablespoons olive oil with 2 drops of geranium and rose. For the best lifting effect, apply the mixture for 20 minutes every day and then rinse with warm water.
  • For dry skin, mix 2 drops each of geranium, juniper and rose oils with the pulp of half an avocado. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.

The easiest way is to add geranium oil to the usual cosmetic products - creams, lotions, serums (1 drop per 15 ml of the base product). But cosmetologists recommend preparing home remedies for the face - masks, tonics, lotions, so that the flower ether works most effectively.

Antibacterial mask recipe


  1. Geranium oil - 15 drops.
  2. Green clay - 20 g.
  3. Calendula tincture - 20 drops.

How to cook: Mix clay with oil and alcohol tincture until smooth. Prepare a chamomile infusion if you want to wash off the mask not with water, but with a nutritious decoction (steam 2 tablespoons of a dry plant in a glass of boiling water). Use this infusion for a heat compress.

How to use: Steam your face with a warm chamomile compress. Spread the prepared mixture in a thin layer over problem areas of the skin. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool chamomile infusion.

Result: The mask normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the appearance of acne and comedones, evens out the skin and eliminates redness.

Geranium oil for hair

Geranium ether nourishes hair follicles and accelerates hair growth. It normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat and moisturizes the scalp, preventing the appearance of dandruff. It is also used in the treatment of pediculosis.

Firming Conditioner Recipe


  1. Geranium oil - 10 drops.
  2. Water - 150 ml.
  3. Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Blend the ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Using a spray bottle, spray the conditioner on the surface of the hair and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with a shampoo enriched with geranium oil.

Result: The procedure will restore the natural pH and strengthen the hair follicles, preventing hair loss.

If there is no time to prepare a hair mask, then carry out the aroma combing procedure daily. Apply 2-3 drops of geranium extract to a wide-toothed comb and comb your hair for 5-10 minutes. Regular therapeutic combing will improve blood circulation, restore dry and damaged hair.

Geranium oil inside

Geranium oil can be taken orally. The choice of prescription depends on the problem.

For example, you can:

  • for headaches, mix geranium oil with olive or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 3 and apply the mixture on the temples, back of the head or grease her palms and feet;
  • for otitis media, insert cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of geranium and olive oil (1: 2) into the ears for 20-30 minutes;
  • for gum disease, apply cotton pads soaked in geranium and olive oil (1:4).

More often, geranium oil is taken orally as part of olive or vegetable oil to:

  • remove stones from the kidneys;
  • reduce blood sugar;
  • eliminate diarrhea;
  • remove worms;
  • relieve pain in stomach ulcers.

But in all cases of internal use of the extract, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Geranium oil against ticks and mosquitoes

The aroma of geranium oil is not tolerated by many insects, so it is used to protect against ticks and mosquitoes.

Apply a few drops of geranium oil before going outside, during outdoor activities, or before hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries. Spray indoors with geranium scent (5-6 drops per liter of water) so that insects do not annoy you.

For mosquito and midge bites, to relieve redness, apply pure geranium oil with a cotton swab to the site of irritation.

Aromatherapy with geranium oil

Geranium oil is popular in aromatherapy procedures, as well as during therapeutic massages.

To aromatize rooms, add 3 drops to the aroma lamp, no more than two drops to the aroma pendant. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

During the massage, use a mixture of 5 drops of geranium ester with 15 g of carrier oil.

Geranium oil during pregnancy

Geranium oil increases the amount of estrogen in the blood, and changes in hormonal levels can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother.

Therefore, with the use of vegetable pomace, one should be careful, especially if there are contraindications. External use of diluted oil in small dosages is acceptable.

In the third trimester, to restore the emotional state, aromatherapy can be carried out - one drop tucked into the aroma lamp is enough to improve mood and relax.

Aromatic geranium oil baths are not recommended during pregnancy. Care must be taken with its use during breastfeeding, as pelargonium extract reduces milk production.

Allergy to geranium oil

Although geranium oil is not toxic, your immune system may react negatively to its aroma or composition. To test, take a few breaths from a vial of undiluted oil. If during the day headache or nausea does not appear, then use the extract for baths and aromatherapy.

Perform another test before applying to skin, hair, or ingestion. Apply a few drops of pelargonium oil to the elbow and monitor the condition of the skin during the day. If irritation, redness and peeling do not appear, then geranium oil can be enriched with ready-made cosmetics or added to home remedies.

Contraindications and restrictions

Pelargonium oil is contraindicated:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with individual intolerance.

Where can I buy

You can buy geranium essential oil in pharmacy chains, while the average price in a pharmacy is 80-140 rubles per 10 ml. So, the ether of the geranium "Oleos" costs 133 rubles, and the cosmetic geranium oil "Laboratory of Beauty" - 126 rubles.

However, you can find products that are much more expensive. For example, Zeytun essential oil in a 10 ml bottle is sold for 1890 rubles.

How to make geranium oil at home

To get absolute confidence in the naturalness of the product, it is better to make it yourself.

homemade geranium oil recipe

You will need:

  • geranium leaves and flowers - 4 tablespoons;
  • refined sunflower oil - 1 cup.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the leaves and inflorescences of the plant to make 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Transfer them to a glass container vegetable oil then seal tightly.
  3. Put in a dark and cool place for 5 days.
  4. Then rearrange in the sun for a month and a half.
  5. Strain the mixture.
  6. Store the oil in the refrigerator (in a dark glass bottle with a tight lid).

Geranium for most residents of European countries - room or garden plant harmoniously complementing the interior of the room or suburban area. However, in addition to exquisite appearance such a flower is distinguished by an abundance of useful trace elements and minerals contained in the structure of the stem and petals.

Using the distillation method, geranium oil is produced, the use and healing properties of which are indispensable in medicine, cosmetology and pharmacology.

The effect of geranium oil on the human body

Demand for an extract of a yellow-greenish hue with a rich aroma reminiscent of a smell blooming rose, is determined by the richness of the composition of deciduous and flowering parts. The structure of pelargonium (the name of geranium in South America) contains a high concentration of aldehydes and phenols, terpenes and saturated fatty acids, natural alcohols and nerols, linalools and cadinenes.

Geranium oil:

Tones muscles and skin.
Moisturizes the top layer of the epidermis.
Corrects problem areas on the body.
Eliminates skin imperfections.
Eliminates acne, acne, blackheads.
Rejuvenates the skin, smoothing wrinkles and stopping the aging process in the body.
Protects against UV rays.
Fights cellulite.
Reduces pain.
Narrows blood vessels, improving the capacity of the blood arteries.
Removes from the body harmful substances, toxins, toxins and excess fluid.
It is a popular anthelmintic.
Prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes at the site of a wound or damage to the skin.
Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Heals cracks and cuts on the surface of the skin.
Reduces blood sugar levels.
Normalizes the hormonal balance in the body.
Calms down the nervous system.
Restores brain activity and performance.
Increases the endurance of the body, postponing the onset of fatigue and fatigue.
Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
It is an effective antidepressant widely used for psychiatric purposes.
Brings to life and "reanimates" a person who is in a state of stress.
Awakens sexual desire in girls.

Geranium oil was appreciated by female representatives, on whose health pelargonium has a special effect. Regular use of cosmetic procedures using such an extract can reduce pain during the menstrual cycle, normalize the nervous state during menopause, and restore hormonal balance in the body.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil - early stages of pregnancy and lactation, before reaching the age of 6 years and in the case of taking contraceptives, if the patient has diabetes and other violations of the structural composition of the blood

Features of the application and dosage options for geranium oil

Pelargonium oil can completely or partially cure fungal diseases, eczema, acne, herpes and eliminate other defects on the skin. The main thing is to use the geranium "elixir" correctly, observing the necessary proportions:

To create a relaxing, romantic and soothing atmosphere in the room, just add 3-4 drops of geranium extract to the aroma lamp.
In the inhalation procedure, it is customary to dispense with 2-3 drops of pelargonium oil.
In the case of using geranium ether for the prevention of bronchial diseases, it is recommended to gargle with warm liquid, to which 2 drops of the extract have been previously added.
To soak textile patches and gauze used for applying compresses, 3 drops of a consistency made from pelargonium are enough.

To eliminate inflammation in the mouth and in the area of ​​​​the auricles, 1 drop of geranium oil is enough.
It is customary to add 4-6 drops of pelargonium extract to purchased cosmetics, increasing the range of beneficial effects of the drug on the skin, hair, nail plates, eyelashes and eyebrows.
In its pure form, 1-2 drops of vegetable consistency are used exclusively for the healing of abrasions, wounds, cracks and cuts on the skin.
After 3 weeks of regular application of pelargonium oil to the body, it is recommended to stop the course for an identical length of time so as not to provoke an allergic reaction to the ether.
The aromatic extract tones and gives strength, so before going to bed you do not need to use compresses and masks made on the basis of geranium oil.
To enhance the effect, it is preferable to mix pelargonium ether with basic consistency - olive or castor oil.
If you want to “charge” your personal aromatic pendant with positive energy, then lubricate the talisman with 1 drop of geranium extract.

Excessive use of pelargonium extract is fraught with the appearance of an allergic reaction to the essential oil in a person - the occurrence of a rash, blisters and redness on the skin

Pelargonium is often added to an aromatic lamp system to create the right atmosphere in a home. Also, vapors of a similar consistency help to get rid of mosquitoes, midges and moths. Geranium has a rich aroma - a good reason for insects in a hurry to change their location.

Recipes for homemade masks based on geranium oil

The widespread use of geranium extract in cosmetology is explained by the visually noticeable effect of the course of treatment for problem skin. In a short period of time, patients see significant changes. To save on the purchase of nourishing and regenerating masks in a specialized center, such compresses can be made independently at home.

Effective recipes for applications based on pelargonium concentrate.

For irritated and tired skin

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil; 2 drops of geranium extract; 2 times less.

Procedure: mix the ingredients thoroughly; abundantly moisten a textile or gauze flap in the resulting mass; apply like a mask; flush under running water after 30–40 minutes; use no more than 1-2 times within 7 days.

For inflamed areas on the body

Ingredients: 2 drops of cajuput oil; identical volume ; 1 drop of pelargonium extract; same quantity .

Procedure: mix the above ingredients; moisten a cotton swab abundantly in the resulting consistency; Apply with massaging movements to problem areas; wash off with cucumber lotion after 20-30 minutes.

For loose and aging skin

Procedure: heat in a water bath; mix thoroughly and beat the consistency; apply with a cotton swab for 15-25 minutes; rinse under running water.

To improve well-being and rejuvenate


3 drops aromatic;
the same amount of geranium oil.

Procedure: add to a warm bath; enjoy the water ceremony for 25-30 minutes.

Geranium extract is optimally combined with esters of sandalwood, jasmine and bergamot, and orange, rosemary and lavender. Mostly the consistency is used as an additional ingredient to the basic aromatic structures.

Geranium extract has a rich and bright aroma, therefore, in comparison with other essential oils, it is taken in reduced dosages.

Pelargonium oil is an amazing aromatic ester that can naturally slow down the aging process of the skin by accelerating the regeneration of the cellular structure of the epidermis. Geranium extract is the "elixir of eternal youth", which should be present in every girl's cosmetic bag.

January 12, 2014, 11:28
  • Trademark: AROMASHKA
  • Article: 503
  • Latin name: Pelargonium x asperum Ehrh. ex Willd
  • Derived from: flowers and leaves
  • Origin: Egypt
  • How to receive: steam distillation

The essential oil of geranium or pelargonium is obtained from a relative of the familiar “home” geranium growing on our windowsills. Geranium oil is produced by steam distillation of the leaves. The oil has a multifaceted and complex aroma that combines spicy, lemony, sweet and fresh notes.

Geranium essential oil has a rich composition:
Monoterpenes: alpha - pinene 0.5%, alpha - cubene 0.2%, beta - pinene 0.1%, myrcene 0.2%, limonene 0.2%.
Monoterpenols: citronellol 28.5%, geraniol 17.5%, linalool 6.9%, alpha-terpineol 0.6%, nerol 0.5%.
Oxides: cis - pink oxide 0.8%, trans - pink oxide 0.3%, cis - linalool oxide 0.2%, trans - linalool oxide 0.2%, caryophyllene oxide 0.1%.
Ketones: menthon 0.2%, iso - menthon + citronellal (aldehyde) 5,9%.
Esters: linalool acetate 0.1%, citronellyl acetate 0.7%, geranyl formate 4.3%, neryl acetate 0.2%. geranyl acetate 0.6%, geranyl propanoate 0.7%, geranyl butanoate 1.1%, citronellyl tiglat 0.2%, geranyl tiglat 1.5%, phenylethyl tiglat 0.9%.
Sesquiterpenes: alpha - copaene 0.5%, beta - bourbonene 1%, caryophyllene 1.1%, 6.9 - guaiadiene 0.3%, alpha - humulene 0.2%, germacrene D 1.8%, beta - selinene 0, 2%, alpha - muurolen 0.5%.
Sesquiterpenols: 10 - epi - gamma - eudesmol 5.1%.
Aldehydes: neral 0.2%, geranial 0.6%, citronellal + iso - menthone (ketone) 5,9%.

Uses and properties of geranium essential oil

Geranium has such a variety of properties that it makes it an almost universal remedy for prevention and treatment, while geranium mixes well with other oils to enhance the effect.
Geranium oil has a powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. It is a hormone-like oil, therefore it regulates hormonal processes, helps to cope with premenstrual tension, heavy menstruation, as well as problems associated with menopause, in particular depression, lack of vaginal secretion. Geranium oil has diuretic properties and is used to stimulate urination, tones the liver and kidneys, removes excess fluid, relieves swelling of the ankles.
Geranium oil tones blood circulation, is used in products for the prevention of varicose veins, relieve evening fatigue and swelling of the legs. Helps with bruises, hemorrhoids.
Stimulates the activity of the lymphatic system, thereby increasing the body's resistance to infections, helps to get rid of toxins. Geranium oil is considered a classic oil for alleviating ear-nose-throat diseases. Base oil (preferably ) with added geranium essential oil can be used as nasal drops. In addition to geranium, it is good to add additional drops to such drops,. The mixture can be used for application to active points, foot massage, throat lubrication, application to the area around the ears, neck.
Pure geranium oil is used for aromatization of premises for the prevention of colds, or for local inhalations (not under a towel!), wearing in an aroma pendant.
Effective in the treatment of infectious diseases of the throat and mouth. For rinsing, it is necessary to dissolve the essential oil in an equal amount before adding water, in addition, 0.5 - 1 tsp can be added for rinsing. table or sea salt in a glass of water. Geranium essential oil relieves pain in case of neuralgia, sciatica, for which the oil should be applied as part of massage mixtures.
Helps with headache, toothache and menstrual pain.
Essential oil of geranium is an aromatic repellent.
Pelargonium helps with eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, burns, shingles, herpes, ringworm.

IN cosmetology geranium essential oil It is widely used both in face and body products, and is part of anti-cellulite products. There are recipes with geranium oil for breasts, but, nevertheless, we recommend that you be careful when applying. The oil has an estrogen-like effect, and the effects of long-term use of geranium on mammary gland were not tracked.
Essential oil of geranium It has a beneficial effect on all skin types, as it balances the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the amount of sebum, and increases skin elasticity. Geranium oil is useful for fading, swollen and oily skin, it serves as a good cleanser. It activates blood flow, strengthens blood vessels (used for rosacea) and gives a healthy color to pale skin.
Used in mixtures and creams to prevent stretch marks.
For hair, geranium oil is used in oil or cream masks for hair loss, for the care of any type of hair.

Geranium oil is an excellent tonic for the nervous system.
Psychologically Geranium essential oil reduces anxiety and depression, improves mood, promotes concentration by acting on the adrenal cortex, and reduces stress levels.

Combined with orange, bergamot, immortelle, verbena, vetiver, clove, grapefruit, wintergreen, ylang-ylang, ginger, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, laurel, frankincense, cistus, lemongrass, lemon, litsea, marjoram, mandarin, myrrh, myrtle , juniper, monarda, carrot, mint, palmarosa, patchouli, petitgrain, chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, rose, sandalwood, pine, yarrow, fennel, citronella, tea tree, sage.

Essential oil of geranium may irritate sensitive skin.
For the same reason, use with caution in dermatitis.
It increases estrogen levels, so it should not be used during pregnancy or while taking oral contraceptives.

Draw your attention to that all the tips, tricks and recipes on our website can ONLY be applied to the oils in our range. The component composition of each essential oil "Aromashka" is checked by us with the help of the French Laboratory Rozier Davenn and meets the highest international standards and requirements.

Specialists with relevant knowledge can always check the compliance of each of the components of essential oils with the required standards using chromatographic analysis data (chromatograms).

Chromatograms are available at all Aromashka offices and representative offices upon prior request. Documents are not sent by mail.

We are not responsible for oils from other companies and will not be able to answer you in case of difficulty.

All information provided on the site is for reference only and should not be taken as a treatment guide or call to action. For any health problems or diseases, you need to consult a doctor and perceive aromatherapy as extra help body. In this case, the consultation of an aromatherapist is required.