Emelianenko beat the girl. The story of the new rape of Alexander Emelianenko received an unexpected turn

Four-time world champion in mixed martial arts Alexander Emelianenko fell into a terrible scandal: the athlete was accused of rape for the second time.

In August, 23-year-old Margarita wrote a statement against Emelianenko Jr., who complained to the police that the fighter who had abused her kept her in his apartment by force, while, according to Alexander, he was the victim of a provocation. Allegedly, Margo was not a student, but a prostitute who, recognizing him as a celebrity, wanted to warm her hands, although he already paid 40 thousand rubles.

This time, the victim was 26-year-old saleswoman Polina, who agreed to replace her friend - she works as a housekeeper for Emelianenko. When the girl went up to the athlete’s apartment and began to wash the dishes, Alexander was already drunk. He began to show signs of attention to the guest and called to play cards. The girl waved her hand dismissively, thinking he was joking. Then the drunken big man hit Polina so that the whole seriousness of his request came to her on the head. And he insisted that they sit down to play strip.

Perhaps the 32-year-old master of sports just planned to show off his many tattoos? As Polina assured, the man warned that there was no way out of his house, except through the window of the fifth floor. He was extremely rude and constantly insulted the defenseless. Bullying, as Polina assured, Emelianenko filmed on his own mobile phone, and the investigators, if they had such a desire, could find that video, since even an erased recording using not the most sophisticated computer programs can be retrieved from hard drive smartphone for one or two. But it seems that they will not do this: as in previous high-profile cases, Polina soon backed down, although the doctors documented both beatings and, it seems, even traces of rape. Now she stands on the fact that she has no claims against Emelianenko, from which we can conclude that he managed to agree in a good way.

Considering that for rape with aggravating circumstances in Russia they give at least three or four years, and they can be sentenced for all ten years, Alexander had to apologize to the victim royally. We only note that, according to Emelianenko, he does not remember at all what he did on the fateful evening, with the exception of the fact that he really was with Polina. And in principle, it is possible that everything happened by mutual agreement, but due to intoxication, Alexander did not calculate his strength ...

Recall that for Last year Emelianenko Jr. found himself within a hair's breadth of going to jail twice. In addition to the story with student Rita, at the end of October he became a participant in a fight in a cafe. For hitting the pensioner, the champion was threatened with a two-year term, but in court the victim unexpectedly said that he had no claims against the offender.

But for the time being, Polina herself may have problems: since the article under which Emelianenko could be brought is considered serious, the saleswoman who has reversed is threatened with prosecution for libel.

Severtsev Sergey

In the spring of last year, a scandal erupted. Mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko was accused of raping a girl from Moldova.

According to investigators, on the night of March 3, 2014, in the apartment of a house in Peresvetov Lane in Moscow, Emelianenko raped Polina Stepanova, who was cleaning the athlete's house, reports. Also, under the threat of force, he persuaded the victim to use unidentified drugs, after which he stole her passport. They could only detain Emelianenko on May 9 - he got into an accident in Tambov, where he was arrested.

The athlete was charged under Part 1 of Art. 132, part 2 of Art. 325, part 2 of Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“commission of violent acts of a sexual nature”, “stealing of a passport” and “inducing to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances”). He himself was not going to admit guilt.

During the debate of the parties, the state prosecution asked to sentence him to 5 years in prison and a fine of 60 thousand rubles. At the same time, the prosecutor refused to accuse Emelianenko of "inducing the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances", citing the negative results of the examination.

The court took place in closed mode, That's why final verdict became known on May 19 - Alexander Emelianenko will have to spend 4.5 years in a general regime colony. He was also fined 50,000 rubles.

The victim is still threatened

The lawyer of the victim Polina Stepanova assures that his client is happy with such an end to the case.

"We are satisfied with the verdict and will not appeal", - said Alexander Karabanov.

The girl herself was not at the meeting. According to the lawyer, threats still continue to be received against her. Law enforcement agencies assured that they would conduct an additional check on this matter.

The athlete's lawyer, by contrast, is preparing to appeal.

"This is not a fair sentence. We will appeal against it", - Emelianenko's lawyer Kakhaber Dolbadze said.

The human rights activist noted that his client "did not expect miracles", and the relationship between him and the victim was "by mutual agreement."

Are accusations becoming a habit?

This is not the first time Alexander Emelianenko has become a participant in an unpleasant story. He had previously been accused of rape by another girl. The police began an investigation, conducted investigative experiments, but soon the girl withdrew her statement.

In addition, a criminal case was initiated against the athlete on charges of beating a pensioner in one of the capital's cafes, but the proceedings in this case were terminated due to the reconciliation of the parties.


Alexander Emelianenko, 33, is a Russian mixed martial artist. Former ProFC World Champion. Multiple champion of Russia and the world in combat sambo, European champion in combat sambo, master of sports of Russia in sambo, master of sports of Russia of international class in combat sambo, master of sports of Russia in judo.

Despite promises to change and recognition in full awareness of the wrongness of his behavior after one of the many scandals, having returned to big sport, he set about his own.

Less than half a year after voluntary imprisonment in Athos monastery, as a fighter has already been detained by the police twice. The first time - on suspicion of rape. Now - on charges of beating a visitor to one of the Moscow cafes.

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised if the victim in the latter case, like the 23-year-old girl who accused Emelianenko of rape, withdraws her statement in the near future.

The fire, of course, can be put out, but the smoke scattered around the neighborhood can no longer be collected. We bring to your attention seven of the most high-profile scandals associated with the name of Alexander Emelianenko. Although most of them are passed from mouth to mouth, rather like legends, there are a lot of people who sincerely believe in the veracity of these rumors. But believing in them to the end or choosing the side of the Russian fighter is everyone's business.

Alexander Emelianenko. Photo: RIA Novosti

1. Prison

The fact that Alexander has a criminal record is evidenced by at least numerous tattoos on his body, each of which has its own meaning, sometimes related to the criminal world. The athlete himself does not like to talk about his criminal past, so the information in different sources diverges as part of the crime. One thing is clear: for his offense, Alexander received five years in prison - this is evidenced by the five domes on the cathedral, tattooed on his body. The main reasons for such a preventive measure are either robbery or armed robbery. Sometimes, to this already “fun” set, they also add an option with hooliganism, for which Emelianenko could “throw” an extra year.

The tattoos on his body are a topic for a separate article. As a brief digression, we can only mention some of them, to which it is customary to attribute a certain meaning. Stars on their knees in the thieves' world mean that their owner cannot be put on his knees, and the web symbolizes prison bars. The already mentioned church domes indicate how many years of imprisonment their owner was awarded. A pirate indicates a penchant for hooliganism and robbery. If an executioner is painted on a person’s body, then in the thieves’ world this means a thirst for revenge, and a child in a crown speaks of a possible “imprisonment” in a juvenile correctional labor colony.

2. Hepatitis

At some point, persistent rumors appeared on the Web in some media that Alexander Emelianenko had hepatitis C. For this reason, allegedly large foreign organizations refuse to participate in their tournaments for the Russian fighter, and eminent athletes do not want to enter the same ring with him .

It even got to the point that representatives of the federation of fights without rules of Poland in an ultimatum form demanded that Alexander undergo a course of treatment, although no official documents regarding his illness were published.

Emelianenko himself claims that information about his illness is just gossip, the distributors of which want to tarnish his reputation.

Tattoos by Alexander Emelianenko. Photo: www.russianlook.com

3. Nationalism

Alexander was also accused of sympathy for nationalist organizations. In particular, in the plot of the program "Russian Sensations" he is presented as almost the leader of a nationalist group and his photos are published with guys in T-shirts with the inscription "Slavic Union".

Trying to disown these accusations, Alexander even filed a lawsuit against the NTV television company, which aired this program, demanding compensation for moral and material damage, estimated by Alexander himself at a million dollars. According to the athlete, he lost several major advertising contracts after the release of this program.

4. Drunken brawl

The last straw that led to a temporary suspension of the fighter's career was what happened in Barnaul. Emelianenko traveled to this Russian city as an honored guest in order to show a master class, hold an autograph session and present prizes to the winners of a local tournament. Instead, Alexander began to lean heavily on alcohol while still on the plane, to be rude to other passengers, to pester the flight attendants ... Alexander continued to walk in the Prague restaurant, where, according to the reviews of witnesses published on the Internet, he behaved in a boorish way and started a fight with respected people in the city. The adventures of the fighter in Barnaul ended with the very event for which he came. The cameras captured how Alexander, obviously drunk, is trying to congratulate the winners and nursing around the ring with an obviously unsteady gait.

After that, the M-1 organization terminated its contract with a famous athlete, who was even her face. And Emelianenko himself was forced to announce the end of his career, as it turned out, temporary.

5. Monastery

After the “completion” of his career, Alexander Emelianenko decided to renounce everything worldly for several months, go to Greece and become a novice of the Athos monastery.

In the monastery, Alexander communicated with visitors, baked bread, swept the territory, chopped wood, rang bells, in general, did everything that was customary for ordinary novices of monasteries.

Alexander returned from Athos with new sensations. Firstly, the usually clean-shaven fighter became the owner of an impressive beard, which aroused the interest of fans and journalists. And secondly, he announced the resumption of his career, for which he was blessed by the monks of Athos. Returning, the Russian nicknamed "Death" immediately knocked out the American opponent Bob Sapa and waits for new victims of his mighty fists. The public was wondering if Alexander had changed in the monastery or if a new scandal would break out in the near future?

6 Rape

No, it hasn't changed! His ill-wishers exclaimed when information appeared in the press that a certain young lady had brought a statement to the police, claiming that Emelianenko had raped her.

In her statement, the girl claims that the rape took place on August 2 in one of the Moscow apartments. Investigators interviewed Alexander Emelianenko, as well as the girl who filed the application. In addition, employees of the ICR went to the apartment where the rape allegedly occurred and sent the “victim” for a medical examination.

Alexander Emelianenko (left) and his brother Fedor. Photo: www.russianlook.com

It all ended very prosaically. The girl who accused the famous wrestler Alexander Emelianenko of rape took her statement from the police. And the representatives of the fighter accused her, and as it turned out later, her friend, who also wrote a statement against Emelianenko, of provocation.

“The girls decided to withdraw their application. Alexander told me about it. Why did they go to the police? They wanted to earn money. This is a provocation,” said Alexander’s press secretary. Irina Staroverova.

7. Cafe fight

And on October 24, information appeared in the press that Alexander Emelianenko had again received a statement from the police. This time a certain 63-year-old Vasily Mysyutin accused a professional fighter of beating. He was one of the victims of the actions of Emelianenko during a brawl in one of the Moscow cafes in the south of Moscow. Emelianenko was allegedly having dinner at a cafe in the southern district of Moscow when he had a conflict with the company, which escalated into a fight. As a result, Alexander severely beat one of the men. The victim was hospitalized by ambulance.

At first investigative committee decided to initiate a criminal case on the fact of beating, and the next day the police detained the fighter in order to take his testimony.

On October 24, a mixed-style fighter Alexander Emelianenko was brought to the Moscow police, suspected of beating a visitor to the Faina restaurant. Perhaps the athlete for the first time in his career will become a defendant in a criminal case. According to the official version of the biography, so far Emelianenko has remained untried, although he has become the hero of many scandalous stories. The fighter himself commented on the situation with the words: "Don't get me, please."

The conflict between 32-year-old Emelianenko and 63-year-old Vasily Mysyutin (whose identity is unknown) took place in the Faina restaurant, located near the Torpedo stadium, at 13:00 on October 23. Initially, it was reported that several people were injured from the actions of the athlete, and one of them required hospitalization. Emelianenko himself allegedly also received injuries. However, the next day it became known that the brawl was much smaller. Emelianenko hit the drunken Mysyutin several times (who celebrated his birthday that day), causing him to cut his eyebrow.

Media statements that Emelianenko “hid and is wanted” also turned out to be exaggerated. Already on the night of October 24, the NTV channel film crew found that the athlete was at home. Hearing the call, Emelianenko opened the door and made a brief comment, which the TV company had to completely "beep". The correspondent of the newspaper "Soviet Sport" also managed to contact the fighter. With him, Emelianenko was a little more polite. He asked in literary Russian: "Don't get me, please."

The next morning, Emelianenko was taken to the police for an explanation. The outcome of the trial has not yet been reported. There are two options: either the athlete will get off with an administrative punishment, or he will be prosecuted under Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (beatings). In the latter case, Mysyutin's position matters - cases under this article are initiated only at the request of the victim.

Emelianenko was already sentenced to an administrative fine of 700 rubles in March 2013. The World Court regarded the debauchery on board the Moscow-Barnaul plane, arranged by the athlete in December 2012, as petty hooliganism. True, the fighter himself punished himself somewhat more severely, “sentencing” himself to several months of “imprisonment” in a monastery on Athos. Emelianenko returned to sports in May 2013 - then he defeated American Bob Sapp, and later, in July, over Brazilian Jose Rodrigo Gelke.

Photo: personal page of Alexander Emelianenko on Facebook

Emelianenko also had to negotiate with the victims. In August 2013, a 23-year-old graduate of the Siberian University of Communications filed a rape complaint against the athlete. According to the girl, on his birthday on August 2, the athlete invited her and her friend home, and then raped her and kept both girls in the apartment for almost a day. Emelianenko himself presented a different version - according to him, the girls provided him with intimate services for money. He paid one of them the stipulated 40,000 rubles, but she, under the threat of a rape report, began to demand a larger amount. In the end, everything was decided amicably: on the same day, the girl took the application.

In the case of Mysyutin, Emelianenko decided to try a new tactic: instead of putting up with the victim, he launched a counterattack. On the afternoon of October 24, it became known that the athlete filed a counter-application against the pensioner and his friends. “These people who were at the corporate party, they began to throw chairs at him, some other pieces of furniture. Then he tried to get out of there. He was beaten by a group of people. While he was trying to get out of there, perhaps he hurt someone, something, ”Irina Staroverova, the fighter’s press secretary, explained to reporters. According to her, after the incident, Emelianenko went to a medical facility and recorded the beatings. Later, Kakhaber Dolbadze, a lawyer hired by the athlete, said that his client had suffered an injury to his nose and eyebrow. “He drove into the cafe alone, he was sober. Alexander just made a remark to the company because they were noisy. He didn't hit first. As far as I know, he simply brushed it aside,” the lawyer emphasized.

Emelianenko's acquaintance, multiple world martial arts champion Alexei Oleinik said in an interview with reporters that he does not exclude the possibility of a provocation by Mysyutin. Oleinik did not deny that Emelianenko is an extremely hot-tempered person, but said that ordinary citizens may not be afraid of martial artists if they themselves do not go into conflict. “Believe me, if a person just stands silently, he will not rush at him. Even Alexander Emelianenko,” Oleinik assured.

If the Faina incident leads to the initiation of a criminal case, this will be the first officially confirmed case of criminal prosecution for Emelianenko. As for unofficial data, the media have repeatedly appeared assumptions about the criminal past of the athlete. Such thoughts are evoked by many of his tattoos - in particular, the stars on his shoulders and knees (now clogged with other drawings) and the inscription "Give me a return ticket to my youth, I paid in full for the road." Stars in the criminal environment mean a refusal to obey the administration of correctional institutions, and a similar inscription is popular in juvenile colonies. However, Emelianenko categorically denies the fact of a criminal record. He says he got tattoos simply because he liked them. At the same time, in one interview (now removed from the official website), the fighter admitted that he knew the meaning of tattoos. To the question of whether he “rightfully” applied the drawings, Emelianenko replied: “Yes and no.”

In an interview with Sport-Express in 2008, the athlete recalled in detail his turbulent youth (Alexander and his older brother, world and Russian champion in combat sambo Fedor Emelianenko, grew up in the 1990s in a large family in a communal apartment in Stary Oskol ). The story sounded contradictory. Sometimes Emelianenko spoke nostalgically about fights "district to district" and showed scars, evasively explaining that they were received "not in the ring." And at times he caught on and began to assure journalists of his prudence and peacefulness. “Often they bully and provoke. I stand, listen to these eccentrics - and walk my own way. I understand that if I move him once, I will always be to blame. Even if he strikes first. Immediately set up a statement to the police on me. They won’t figure out what’s what, ”the fighter answered the question about street conflicts.

Now the athlete has the opportunity to find out if he was right in that old interview.

Girl raped by MMA fighter gets letter: 'The fun is just beginning'

Convicted for rape, 35-year-old fighter Alexander Emelianenko ( brother multiple world champion Fedor Emelianenko) will leave the colony on Friday, October 28. Judgment for good behavior. Emelianenko's victim, the girl Polina, is alarmed by the news and asks law enforcement officers to establish administrative supervision on him.

I'm afraid that he will come to me, - said Polina "MK". - I received strange letter with threats and I am afraid that it is from him.

Alexander Emelianenko

Recall that the scandalous mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison. The court found him guilty of sexual assault on the night of March 3, 2014 in his apartment.

Alexander until the last did not admit his guilt, believing that the girl was in love with him and everything happened by mutual consent, say Emelianenko's friends. - From the moment when everything happened, 2.5 years have passed. All this time, he actually could not fully engage in sports.

The petition for parole was filed by Emelianenko himself from the colony, attaching an excellent description of the correctional institution. As a result, the court found no reason not to satisfy the petition and release the fighter. However, 10 days had to elapse from the moment the decision was made (in case an appeal was filed by the prosecutor). Deadline expires on Friday. Moreover, as the Federal Penitentiary Service explained, the athlete can be released already at 00.00. In general, usually the gates of the colony for those who have served their sentences are opened in the morning, so that it would be easier for them to get to their homes - public transport does not run at night, and not everyone is met by relatives.

We were not against parole, - says the lawyer of the victim Polina Alexander Karabanov. - Because initially they didn’t want Emelianenko’s “blood”, but just wanted a guilty verdict. It was important that he realize that he acted unmanly and against the law. For this, three years was enough.

In general, I personally have many mutual acquaintances with him and I consider him a good guy. But as soon as he drinks, he becomes inadequate (alcohol is superimposed on his sports injuries and causes such an effect). We hope that he drew conclusions and the country will soon learn about his new sporting achievements. Polina is a little alarmed, I calm her down.

He understands that I live in Moscow, he will return to Moscow, - says Polina. - I do not rule out that he will come to me. In February, I received a letter. There are lines: “The most interesting is just beginning! Be careful on the sides!

- Did you take it as a threat?

It looks like a threat to me.

- Did the letter come in the mail?

- But maybe he doesn't lead the page?

Maybe some of the fans are doing it. But there the photo is updated all the time, and I saw a picture similar to the one taken in the colony. He stood there between the rows of bunk beds.

Do you think he wants revenge? But why?

Emelianenko sober and Emelianenko drunk is different people That's why I don't exclude anything. And I would like administrative supervision to be established for him. I hope my worries are unfounded. But I've been through too much to risk it. And I wish him freedom to splash out all his aggression in the ring, and not on living people.