Evgenia Chudnovets announced her desire to run for governor of the Sverdlovsk region. “I will sit in the governor’s chair, close my eyes and thank God!” Interview with Evgenia Chudnovets Do you have the support of influential people

14:55, 01 June 2017

Evgenia Arkadievna, what problems Sverdlovsk region do you think are the main ones?

To be honest, I have never been involved in politics. I spent four months in prison, where it was simply not possible to study what the region breathes. I have never thought about going into politics before. But then I encountered the deafness of officials and the purely accusatory bias of the judicial system.

Officials don't want to hear my problems. I turn to them, and they are playing for time, demanding huge amount some papers. And now I'm waiting for these papers to move from one table to another, when one of them calls me or answers me. This is very inefficient and, in my opinion, this is a very important problem.

Now I am fighting the system for the release of counselors convicted without guilt on trumped-up charges. And the system answers me with some replies. Well, officials do not want to deal with the problems of citizens, but we are talking about the imprisonment of the innocent. Now I am preparing a rally in the Kurgan region for the resignation of judges and prosecutors who allowed themselves this lawlessness and do not want to understand the essence of the issue. I want them to be punished.

And yet, let's get back to the problems of our region, shall we?

I am going to meet with deputies and members of the public in the near future in order to learn about sore issues in a dialogue. This will allow me to assess specific problems in the Sverdlovsk region.

Now the region lives under the control of the governor Evgeny Kuyvashev. How do you rate his activities?

I have not yet had time to analyze its activities, but on personal experience dissatisfied with the position of Kuyvashev in my case. Together with Tatyana Merzlyakova, Commissioner for Human Rights, he suggested that I ask for forgiveness from the president. Does that mean I should plead guilty? So they didn't want me to be acquitted? It turns out that innocent people should take the blame and get out of prison only after asking for pardon? But it shouldn't be like that!

Imagine that you won the election and became the head of the Sverdlovsk region. Where will you start work?

I'll sit in the governor's chair, close my eyes and think of something good. For example, about world peace. I'm glad that justice has prevailed. Because many people say that we have a dishonest election, the candidate from “ United Russia". And if I am elected, then democracy exists. Then I will thank God and my voters for their support.

How do you rate your chances of passing the "municipal filter"?

According to the constitution, I should not go through any filters. But according to the law on elections, it turns out, it should. I decided to go to the governors to see what kind of law works for us in general, and whether it is possible for me, as an ordinary person, to be elected governor, or is it still impossible.

Which of the candidates for governor of the Sverdlovsk region do you consider worthy?

Evgeny Vadimovich Roizman. He tried to help me while I was in jail. Prepared for the appeal my characterization, psychological portrait and psychological portrait of my repost. This proved that the repost was not made for sexual purposes, and I am a normal person. Roizman brought this story to Tatyana Moskalkova, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. She later also appeared in court. In general, he showed an active participation in my fate, and he had a more correct position than Kuyvashev. This is significant, I think. It turns out that I like Evgeny Roizman more.

Do you have a campaign team? Do you have a team to manage the region?

Readers of my posts on Facebook write to me in a personal and give some advice. But so far no one says: “can I go to your team?”. Correspondence gives an understanding of which of them is what. I would like to personally meet with my caring readers, for example, in the format round table. So that no one thinks that someone is whispering something in my ear. On the contrary, so that everything is open and people can immediately see who is coming with me.

Have you had time to think over your election program?

And this is still a secret and I will not tell you! I write my thoughts on Facebook, but the program itself is still in development. I will definitely share it with you when it is ready. Fine?

Which party will you run for?

And this is also a secret!

Do you have the support of influential people?

I don't know. They might pull themselves up. Because I don't know how and who to approach for help. I don't know how it's done, but we'll see. Maybe when I start moving, these people will notice my serious intentions. Then they themselves will enter my team and provide support. And now I have no patron.

Because I am an open, positive and purposeful person. Once I have already defeated the system, I can win this time. I am a winner! I have big plans to change the world in better side. Vote for me!

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Evgenia Chudnovets announced her desire to run for governor of the Sverdlovsk region

Yevgenia Chudnovets hides from journalists in the car of the GUFSIN after being released from the colony Margarita Vlaskina

Yevgenia Chudnovets, who was convicted for reposting a video on the VKontakte social network, said she would go into politics and go to the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, which will be held on September 10, 2017. “I have such a desire, actually. After all, on the one hand, it is so interesting, on the other hand, it is so difficult. But why not?

So far, Evgenia Chudnovets has no program. Chudnovets found it difficult to answer the question which party could support her in the elections. “Of course, I won’t tell you everything, because I need to formulate everything so that it’s clear,” Chudnovets explained.

On November 8, 2016, Evgenia Chudnovets was sentenced by the Katai District Court to 6 months in prison for distributing pornographic materials depicting a minor through a repost on the VKontakte social network. The video showed a child with his pants down. Later, the Kurgan Regional Court reduced the sentence to 5 months. And after the case of Chudnovets received a wide public outcry, on March 6, 2017, the Presidium of the Kurgan Regional Court overturned the verdict and issued a decision to release Chudnovets.

After her release, Evgenia Chudnovets, using the received media coverage, decided to engage in active social activities. In particular, she created her own project “SudCHE”, the purpose of which is to help all “innocently convicted”. So far, Chudnovets has not had any high-profile cases under this project. And recently, Evgenia wrote about her human rights activities like this (punctuation and spelling are preserved): “I am a bad human rights activist, a stupid woman, boorish and ungrateful. Orthodox and with a crown on her head. I am very sorry, but I cannot help people yet, there are no internal resources left and no desire. Continue without me!"

In addition, Chudnovets became a prominent character in in social networks, entering into numerous discussions and disputes, expressing their point of view on a variety of issues. Here, for example, is how she commented on the unauthorized anti-corruption rallies on March 26, which were initiated by Navalny (punctuation and spelling are preserved): “I believe that thinking should be changed in people, not people at the helm of the country. Here they are screaming they stole! Yes, the government stirs up money and hides it ... And who among us does not try to earn more than he was promised a salary? We earn extra money, hack, we also muddle. You want to live and live beautifully. And this is a normal desire ... Now Dima (Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev - website) will see that the people of Russia are not happy that they did not share with them and will improve, share. How else could he do it? because then he would be resigned and sent to prison. I think everything will work out, besides, he and Vova (President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin - website) are already full, and new ones will come and how they will start stealing like crazy!”

And this is how she spoke about blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky, convicted of insulting the feelings of believers after catching Pokemon in the Temple-on-the-Blood (punctuation and spelling preserved): “Who is the scum after all, huh? A person who offends the feelings of believers, earning money on it, or a person who tells the truth ... I am a believer, my feelings were offended at the time of watching Sokolovsky's video. Sokolovsky failed his last word in court! His speech was not sincere! ... it shows a ridiculous attempt to manipulate the court. The guy puts pressure on pity, they say, forgive the fool ... he is far from a fool, he offended the most sacred. I was really very disappointed with his message, absolutely not masculine, that he would be raped there and that he had lost weight! This speech is dictated by a strong fear of going to the camp? I will reassure you, Ruslan, now in the camps everything is not as your imagination draws for you ... The judge can be thanked for the lesson to all of us. Sorry for my Russian. It is sometimes not understood by everyone. Therefore, I will say in English: liberals go to the comments!.

About activist Ildar Dadin, who served 2.5 years in prison for repeatedly bringing to administrative responsibility for violating the rules for organizing and holding public events (punctuation and spelling retained): “Ildar Dadin! They wrote to me that you are stupid and that you are lying all about torture. I justified you by the fact that I wanted to be free as soon as possible. But after what you did with Nastya [Dadin's wife - approx. Znak], I don't consider you a man! I despise you."

Newly minted human rights activist Evgenia Chudnovets, who was illegally convicted for reposting just six months ago, firmly decided to change the world. And for this she needs to become the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Chudnovets has already drawn up her election program and intends to enlist the support of local deputies, and even Russian President Vladimir Putin.

I realized that this is my chance. After all, the governor has more weighty decrees, and everyone responds to requests faster, and it’s much easier to help people live better than it is for me, as a human rights activist, - Evgenia Chudnovets told KP-Yekaterinburg.

According to the former teacher, there are now a lot of officials who do not care about the problems of citizens, and there is no one to solve them. This is what he plans to do as head of the Chudnovets region. True, there are still many tasks ahead that need to be solved in order to get to the elections.

It is necessary to overcome the municipal filter: to collect signatures of deputies from all over the region. I don't have much time, so I'll do it now. But first I will try to enlist the support of the president himself. I'm in Moscow now, I'll try to get to meet him, - Evgenia explained.

The future gubernatorial candidate has almost ready pre-election program. Evgenia Chudnovets shared a small part of her plans with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

I can't tell you everything, I'm still formulating it. But I can say for sure that there will be everyday problems from the point of view of ordinary citizens. And yet, I will try to use all my abilities to establish a dialogue between the authorities and the people, - said Chudnovets.

Recall that the life of Evgenia Chudnovets, recently released from prison, seems to have completely improved. The teacher, we recall, tried to help investigators solve the crime of bullying a child in the Kurgan children's camp. To do this, she reposted a three-second video on her page, which depicts a naked boy, accompanying the publication with an evil comment “Let's urgently find fanatics.”

As a result, Chudnovets herself turned out to be the villain, because the investigators accused her of distributing child porn. The Kurgan court eventually found her guilty and sent her to a colony for six months. The verdict withstood the appeal with one exception - the teacher's term was knocked off for a month.

Four months later Supreme Court Russia ordered Kurgan colleagues to reconsider their sentence. The servants of Themis on March 4 fully acquitted her due to the lack of corpus delicti. After her release, Chudnovets was the first to give an interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then answered questions from readers and listeners of KP radio.

Kindergarten teacher Evgenia Chudnovets, condemned for reposting on the social network a video about the corruption of a child and released released from the colony after the verdict was overturned, decided to take part in the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, which will be held on September 10, 2017.

“I have such a desire, in fact. After all, on the one hand, it’s so interesting, on the other, it’s so difficult. But why not? It’s very interesting for me to participate,” Chudnovets told Znak.com. So far, Chudnovets does not have an election program. She also found it difficult to answer the question of which party could support her in the elections.

The teacher confirmed to RBC her intention to apply for the position of head of the region. "I haven't yet figured out how the constitutional right to be elected works in practice. My global goal is to change the world and the Sverdlovsk region for the better," she said.

According to Chudnovets, she has already consulted with Yekaterinburg Mayor Yevgeny Roizman about her nomination. "I asked him: maybe I should become a governor? To which he replied: let's do it," she said. According to Chudnovets, she is trying to help people who "also need an acquittal and are imprisoned without guilt." "But I realized that a common person I can’t do much,” she explained. According to Chudnovets, Russian President Vladimir Putin will support her nomination for governor, since “it’s not for nothing” that he released her from prison. The released teacher sees this as “some kind of sign” and stimulus.

“I thought about it (about participating in the elections), but I was a little afraid that something would not work out for me. But recently I realized that I was doing everything right and, perhaps, I could win these gubernatorial elections,” said Chudnovets E1.ru.

The current head of the region Yevgeny Kuyvashev, Mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman and City Duma deputy, political scientist Konstantin Kiselev have already announced plans to run for governor of the Sverdlovsk region. A source close to the leadership of the region called the nomination of Chudnovets "amateur". Roizman told RBC that he was not afraid of competition with Chudnovets. Kiselev also does not consider the activist a rival.

Last November, Evgenia Chudnovets, who worked as a teacher at kindergarten, was sentenced by the Kataisky District Court of the Kurgan Region to six months in prison under Part 2 of Art. 242.1 (“Distribution, public demonstration or advertising of materials or objects with pornographic images of minors”) for reposting on the VKontakte social network a video of bullying a naked child filmed at a children's camp in Kataysk. At the trial, the accused stated that she simply wanted to draw public attention to the incident.

In December, the Kurgan Regional Court commuted the sentence to five months. The convict was transferred from the pre-trial detention center in Yekaterinburg to IK-6 in Nizhny Tagil. Chudnovets is originally from the Kurgan region, but was registered and lived in Yekaterinburg at the time of the criminal prosecution. Presidium of the Kurgan Regional Court March 6 at the request Prosecutor General's Office The Russian Federation, which did not find corpus delicti in the actions of the teacher, canceled the sentence of Chudnovets. She was released the same day.

After her release, Chudnovets decided to engage in active social activities. In particular, she created her own project "SudCHE", the purpose of which is to help all the "innocently convicted". As Znak.com notes, Chudnovets has not had any high-profile cases as part of this project so far.