Installing the motion sensor: general recommendations and wiring diagram. Wiring diagram for motion sensor for lighting Street light sensor wiring diagram

Owners of private houses, when landscaping the site, are concerned about the question of how to automatically turn on the light at dusk and turn it off at dawn. There are two devices for this - a photorelay and an astrotimer. The first device is simpler and cheaper, the second is more complicated and more expensive. Let's talk in more detail about the photo relay for street lighting.

Device and principle of operation

This device has many names. The most common is a photorelay, but they are also called a photocell, a light and twilight sensor, a photosensor, a photosensor, a twilight or light-control switch, a light sensor or day-night. In general, there are many names, but the essence of this does not change - the device allows you to automatically turn on the light at dusk and turn it off at dawn.

The operation of the device is based on the ability of some elements to change their parameters under the influence of sunlight. The most commonly used photoresistors, phototransistors and photodiodes. In the evening, when the illumination decreases, the parameters of the photosensitive elements begin to change. When the change reaches a certain value, the relay contacts close, supplying power to the connected load. At dawn, the changes go in the opposite direction, the contacts open, the light goes out.

Characteristics and selection

First of all, choose the voltage with which the light sensor will work: 220 V or 12 V. The next parameter is the protection class. Since the device is installed outdoors, it must be at least IP44 (numbers may be higher, lower - undesirable). This means that objects larger than 1 mm cannot get inside the device, and that it is not afraid of water splashes. The second thing to pay attention to is temperature regime operation. Look for options that marginally cover the averages in your region in both positive and negative temperatures.

It is also necessary to select a photorelay model according to the power of the lamps connected to it (output power) and the load current. It, of course, can “pull” the load a little more, but there may be problems. So it is better to take even with some margin. These were the mandatory parameters by which it is necessary to choose a photorelay for street lighting. There are a few more extras.

In some models, it is possible to adjust the response threshold - to make the photosensor more or less sensitive. Decrease the sensitivity when it snows. In this case, the light reflected from the snow can be perceived as dawn. As a result, the light will turn on and off. You won't like this show.

Pay attention to the sensitivity adjustment limits. They can be more or less. For example, for a Belarusian-made AWZ-30 photo relay, this parameter is 2-100 Lx, for a P02 photocell, the adjustment range is 10-100 Lx.

Response delay. What is the delay for? To eliminate false on / off light. For example, at night, the headlights of a passing car hit the photo relay. If the response delay is short, the light will turn off. If it is sufficient - at least 5-10 seconds, then this will not happen.

Selecting an installation site

For the correct operation of the photorelay, it is important to choose its location correctly. Several factors must be taken into account:

As you can see, when organizing automatic lighting on the street, choosing a place to install a photorelay is not an easy task. Sometimes you have to move it several times until you find an acceptable position. Often, if a light sensor is used to turn on a lamp on a pole, they try to place a photo relay in the same place. This is completely optional and very inconvenient - you have to clean off dust or snow quite often and climbing a pole every time is not very fun. The photorelay itself can be placed on the wall of the house, for example, and the power cable can be pulled to the lamp. This is the most convenient option.

Wiring diagrams

The connection diagram for a photorelay for street lighting is simple: a phase and zero are connected to the input of the device, from the output the phase is supplied to the load (lanterns), and zero (minus) to the load comes from the machine or from the bus.

If you do everything according to the rules, the wire connection must be done in the junction box (junction box). Choose a sealed model for outdoor location, mount in an accessible place. How to connect a photorelay to outdoor lighting in this case is in the diagram below.

If you need to turn on / off a powerful lamp on a pole, in the design of which there is a throttle, it is better to add to the circuit. It is designed for frequent on and off, normally tolerates inrush currents.

If the light should be switched on only for the time the person is (in outdoor toilet, near the gate), add to the photocell. In such a bundle, it is better to first put a light-sensitive switch, and after it - a motion sensor. With this construction, the motion sensor will only work in the dark.

Connection diagram for a photorelay with a motion sensor

As you can see, the schemes are simple, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Features of connecting wires

The photorelay of any manufacturer has three wires. One is red, another is blue (may be dark green) and the third can be any color but is usually black or brown. When connecting, remember:

  • the red wire always goes to the lamps:
  • zero (neutral) from the supply cable is connected to blue (green);
  • phase is applied to black or brown.

If you look at all the above diagrams, you will see that they are drawn in compliance with these rules. That's it, no more complications. By connecting the wires like this (do not forget that the neutral wire must also be connected to the lamp), you will get a working circuit.

How to set up a photo relay for street lighting

It is necessary to configure the light sensor after installation and connection to the network. There is a small plastic rotary dial in the lower part of the case to adjust the operation limits. Its rotation sets the sensitivity.

Find a similar regulator on the case - it adjusts the sensitivity of the photo relay

A little higher on the case there are arrows that indicate which way to turn to increase and decrease the sensitivity of the photorelay (left - decrease, right - increase).

To begin with, set the lowest sensitivity - drive the regulator to the extreme right position. In the evening, when the illumination is such that you decide that you should already turn on the light, start the adjustment. It is necessary to smoothly turn the knob to the left until the light turns on. On this we can assume that the setting of the photo relay for street lighting is completed.


An astronomical timer (astrotimer) is another way to automate street lighting. The principle of its operation is different from the photorelay, but it also turns on the light in the evening and turns it off in the morning. Street lighting is controlled by time. This device contains data about what time it gets dark / dawn in each region in each season / day. When setting up the astrotimer, the GPS coordinates of its installation are entered, the date and current time are set. According to the programmed program, the device works.

Astrotimer - the second way to automate the light in the area

How is it more convenient?

  • It does not depend on the weather. In the case of installing a photorelay, there is a high probability of a false alarm - in cloudy weather, the light may turn on in the early evening. When light hits the photo relay, it can turn off the light in the middle of the night.
  • You can install the astrotimer in the house, in the shield, anywhere. He doesn't need light.
  • It is possible to shift the on / off time by 120-240 minutes (depending on the model) relative to the set time. That is, you yourself can set the time as you like.

The disadvantage is the high price. In any case, the models that are in trading network are worth quite a lot of money. But you can buy in China much cheaper, however, how it will work is a question.

If you are interested in the question of how to connect the motion sensor correctly, then you have opened the right article. After studying the material below, you will understand that connecting one is almost similar to installing a conventional switch, and the main difference between them is the principle of operation itself - mechanical and automatic.

Connecting one motion sensor in a chain

First, you will learn how to connect one motion sensor in a circuit. It has three terminal clamps. From one terminal, the wire is led directly to the phase, the other terminal is for the neutral wire, and the third is for connecting the lighting fixture. As you can see, the motion sensor connection diagram is quite simple.

Motion sensor connection diagram - Photo 04

If you would like the lighting to be constantly on, even when there is no movement in the field of view, you need to connect the switch in parallel directly to the motion sensor. To do this, the switch is connected from the phase to a part of the wire located between the motion sensor and the lighting fixture. When the switch is open, the motion sensor will work as intended, but if the switch is closed, the lamp will bypass the sensor. Everything is quite simple.

Connecting multiple sensors in a chain

Now let's try to explain how to connect motion sensors if there are two or more of them. And this is required if the range of such a sensor is too small and it is not enough to cover the required territory.

It is necessary to select a place for mounting the sensor in such a way that it opens the largest viewing angle. But in rooms with a chaotic layout, this is almost impossible to implement with the help of one device. In this case, the sensors are connected in parallel to one phase! If you connect the sensors to different phases, then be prepared for the appearance short circuit due to phase connection.

Place for installation

Even if you have found a motion sensor circuit for lighting, choosing the best place to install is not so easy. You must take into account several factors at once that affect the quality of its work. So, you should not install it near heating systems, air conditioners, sources of electromagnetic radiation (microwave oven, radios, TVs).

In practice, the connection of the motion sensor should begin with its inspection. On the box (usually under the terminals) is a motion sensor connection diagram. There are three terminals and they have the following designations: L, N and L with an arrow. The usual L indicates the terminal to which the phase is connected. N is the neutral wire, and L with an arrow is the wire for connecting to the lamp.

Examine the circuit consisting of a lamp and a switch in the room. Take it apart and check that the switch opens the phase. But it may also happen that the switch is installed on the neutral wire. The lamp works, although this option is unsafe.

Pay attention to the wires coming from the wall to the chandelier. There are two of them. Strip the wires and connect the three-piece terminal block. The motion sensor circuit for lighting is simple: pass the phase through the upper terminal of the chandelier block and close it on the sensor terminal marked with the letter L. Pass the neutral wire through the middle terminal of the chandelier block and close it on the sensor terminal marked N.

Two more wires pass through the middle terminal of the chandelier block. One wire connects to the chandelier, and the other to the second outlet. The phase wire from the sensor terminal goes to another terminal not directly, but through an open relay. The terminal with the letter L and an arrow on the motion sensor is connected to the third terminal of the chandelier block. A light bulb and an additional socket are connected to the lower terminal of the chandelier block. The relay will be activated when the motion sensor detects any vibrations. As you can see, connecting a motion sensor for lighting is simple.

The use of various devices for automatic lighting control, along with the use of lighting devices with reduced energy consumption, aims to save energy. Another side of using motion sensors to turn on lighting is to increase human comfort and safety. The use of automation for lighting control is included in the concept of building smart home systems. The most widespread are light detectors that control the switching on of lighting devices depending on the level of light flux, and motion sensors to turn on the light, which react to a person being in the area of ​​the controlled space, regardless of the level of illumination, or a combination of both types of devices.


Initially, non-contact motion sensors were developed for use in security systems. The complexity of design, installation, adjustment and, as a result, high cost made their use in lighting control systems not rational. The development of microelectronics, the reduction in the cost of components have given rise to the widespread use of sensors not only in industrial enterprises, but also in everyday life.

It is possible to use the motion detector not only independently, but also in combination with conventional switching equipment, thus expanding the possibilities and convenience of lighting control.

The most common applications for motion sensors for lighting are:

  • Entrances and entrances to the premises;
  • Landings;
  • Territory near houses and industrial facilities;
  • Long walkways;
  • Locations where normal shutdown devices are difficult to use for some reason, such as high humidity.

The most accessible and understandable example is the lighting of landings. It's no secret that in old multi-storey buildings the level of illumination of staircases, even in the daytime, leaves much to be desired, not to mention the dark time of the day. On the other hand, the continuous burning of lamps, even with low energy consumption, is completely unreasonable, and manually turning on the lighting is difficult for obvious reasons.

The use of automatic non-contact motion control for the home allows you to turn on the lighting only when a person moves in the control zone. When leaving the monitored area, the lamps turn off automatically immediately or after a specified period of time.

For your information. One of the features of motion sensors is the possibility of their simultaneous use in security systems.

Types and Features

For automatic lighting control, three types of motion sensors are used, based on different response principles:

  • Infrared;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Microwave (radio sensor).

Which motion sensor to choose? It all depends on current requirements, since all three types, although they perform the same function of lighting control, but have various characteristics and features.

infrared sensors

Infrared motion sensors for turning on the light have the most simple design and represent a directional remote thermometer. As you know, heated bodies are a source of radiation in the infrared range. Depending on the temperature, the wavelength of the radiation and its intensity change. A system with sensors tuned to the temperature of the human body turns on in the presence of a person near the sensor. In fact, this is the same light sensor, only reacting to infrared light (thermal radiation).

Devices of this type have the following disadvantages:

  • High probability of false alarm if there are heated devices and objects in the control zone, for example, heating devices;
  • No trips when shielding thermal radiation. Entering the room after a frosty street in warm clothes, a person with a high probability will not be detected;
  • Dependence on the level of radiation. An adult and a child have different radiating surfaces.

Infrared control systems have advantages:

  • Absolute safety for others;
  • The minimum cost of equipment;
  • Ability to use in devices fire alarm.

Ultrasonic devices

An ultrasonic switch-on sensor works on a different principle. The motion sensor circuit has two components: an emitter of ultrasonic vibrations and a receiver. Oscillations of ultrasonic frequency propagate in space and, reflected from objects, return to the receiver. Both signals are sent simultaneously to a comparator that uses the Doppler effect. According to him, sound waves, reflected from moving objects, change their length. If an object approaches, then the wavelength decreases, that is, the frequency of oscillation increases. When an object is removed, the opposite happens. The comparator generates an error signal proportional to the frequency difference between the transmitter and receiver. Thus, if all objects are motionless in the control zone of the ultrasonic detector, the error signal is zero, and the sensor is in an inactive state. When a moving object (in our case, a person) appears, the error signal receives a certain value, which causes the device to operate.

Advantages of ultrasonic sensors:

  • Ability to fine-tune the minimum travel speed for actuation. It is also possible to adjust the level of sensitivity depending on the area of ​​the reflecting surface;
  • Widespread use in security and fire alarm systems as a detector, since the presence of a combustion source causes air movement sufficient to trigger. The ultrasonic motion sensor for lighting is completely insensitive to temperature.

The widespread use of ultrasonic devices is hampered by several significant drawbacks:

  • The vibration range is within earshot for most animals, especially cats and dogs. This can cause them anxiety and even provoke aggression. This is noted by all those who have installed such devices for themselves;
  • The impossibility of outdoor use, since false alarms from gusts of wind, flying birds and large insects are possible, absolute inoperability during heavy rain. Ultrasonic motion sensors are not used to turn on the light on the street;
  • Low range and reaction only to moving people. People standing still will not trigger.

Microwave sensors

Such devices are somewhat similar to ultrasonic devices with the difference that transmission and reception are carried out in the radio range according to the same principle as radars. In this case, the reaction is carried out not to a change in the frequency of the reflected signal, but to its level. Adjustment of the microwave sensor consists in setting the sensitivity level in an empty room. When a person is in the control zone, the level of the reflected signal increases, which triggers the device. We can say that the microwave sensor remembers the environment and reacts to its change. Most often, street motion sensors have such a design.

Advantages of microwave sensors:

  • High sensitivity;
  • Large service area;
  • The possibility of operation when moving even behind thin partitions made of materials that transmit radio waves;
  • Insensitivity to weather conditions.

There are also disadvantages that narrow the range of application of sensors of this type:

  • The presence of electromagnetic radiation that can adversely affect the human body;
  • High sensitivity may cause false positives;
  • The highest cost among similar devices.

A separate class of devices are combined systems that combine several types of devices. Such designs are designed to preserve the advantages of the listed devices and level out the disadvantages. Of course, such designs are highly complex and quite expensive.

Most motion sensors for turning on the light are combined with a timer that allows you to delay turning off after a person leaves the control zone. This is very convenient, because after leaving the area of ​​illumination of a person, the light remains on for some time. This function is widely used in stairwell lighting and reduces the number of fixtures.

Installation and connection

By itself, the installation of motion sensors for lighting does not cause any difficulties. Most often, the device has two pairs of terminals, one of which is used to connect to the mains, and the other for a switched light source.

The biggest difficulty is the choice of installation site. Here it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the sensor, its type, the configuration of the room and its features. Sometimes conflicting factors have to be taken into account.

First you need to decide on the type of sensor. Before choosing a motion sensor, attention is drawn to the conditions in the controlled space where the installation will be carried out: indoors or outdoors, the presence of heating devices, objects that fall into the control zone and can affect the sensitivity.

Now we select the number of devices, which is determined by the size of the served space. The documentation for each device contains the directional diagram of the sensing element, the maximum detection range of the object. Large rooms may require the installation of multiple sensors.

How to install the sensor

The installation location also depends on the design of the selected sensor. So, devices that are placed on the wall have a narrowly directed diagram, so they are usually installed on the opposite wall closer to the ceiling. Thus, the maximum available area is under control. The ceiling motion sensor for turning on the light has a circular pattern and, being placed on the ceiling in the middle of the room, is able to track movements in any area. Ceiling-mounted sensors with a circular pattern are the least susceptible to obstruction by foreign objects.

Combined lighting systems are widely used when sensors are mounted in conjunction with ordinary switches. Using various schemes When connected, you can get some benefits:

  • Motion sensor connected in series with the switch. With the help of a switch, the entire lighting line is completely de-energized, thus, the sensor is completely switched off from work. An example is garden lighting. If the building is closed, and the arrival of the owners is not expected, then the presence of the sensor becomes redundant;
  • Parallel connection of sensor and switch. Allows you to switch the lighting manually, regardless of the state of the sensor. If the switch is in the on position, then the operation of the sensor does not affect the lighting, which is always on. Otherwise, the sensor works as usual.


An initial check of the operation of the motion sensor for lighting can be done without installing them in the planned place. The temporary scheme can be assembled directly on the table. To check, you need to set the motion sensor to maximum sensitivity. They should be triggered by hand movement. The timer operation time is checked by turning off the control lamp after the sensor is triggered.

The final adjustment is made after the installation is done on site. The sensitivity must be set in such a way that the sensor reliably works when people are in the control zone. At the same time, it is important not to make the sensitivity too high so that the lighting does not turn on from a running cat or dog. After adjusting the sensitivity, set the desired turn-off delay time using the timer. Typically, the adjustment limits range from a few seconds to tens of minutes.


A motion sensor is an electronic infrared device that detects the movement of living beings and turns on the power of lighting and other electronic devices. Most often, such sensors are mounted for lighting, but can be used for other purposes, for example, switching on sound alarm.

The motion sensor operates on the principle of an electrical switch. We turn the usual one on and off mechanically by hand, and the motion sensor turns on automatically, reacting to movement, and turns off automatically when the movement stops.

The motion sensor is used in conjunction with lighting, as well as for turning on an audible alarm, for opening doors, such as supermarket doors, etc.

Types of motion sensors
By location:
  • Perimetric, used on the street.
  • Peripheral.
  • Internal.
According to the principle of action:
  • Ultrasonic - a reaction to sound waves of increased frequency.
  • Microwave - respond to high frequency radio waves.
  • Infrared - use the radiation of heat.
  • Active - equipped with a receiver and transmitter.
  • Passive - without a transmitter.
By type of action:
  • Thermal - work when the temperature changes.
  • Sound - act on air vibrations.
  • Oscillatory - triggered by the action of a magnetic field.
By design:
  • 1-position - equipped with a transmitter and receiver in one housing.
  • 2-position - receiver and transmitter in different cases.
  • Multi-position - equipped with several blocks.
By installation type:
  • Multifunctional.
  • Room.
  • Outdoor.
  • Overhead (wall).
  • Ceiling (for false ceiling).
  • Mortise (for offices).
Operating principle

The principle of operation does not cause difficulties for understanding, and is simple. The detector detects an object, sends a signal to the relay, which closes the circuit, the light turns on.

Connecting motion sensors by example
To better understand how the motion sensor works, let's experiment with connecting to a light bulb. For this we need:
  • Motion Sensor.
  • Electrical plug.
  • Indicator screwdriver for phase search.
  • Electric cartridge.
  • Bulb.
  • Screw clamp.
  • The wire.
  • Cleaning tool.

First, we will connect the light bulb directly to the outlet, and then we will connect the motion sensor to the break in the circuit in order to understand the operation of the sensor.

We take electrical wire and connect the ends to the plug. To strip the wire, we use a special stripping tool that is convenient to use. On the opposite side, install the cartridge. We turn on the light bulb.

Using an indicator screwdriver, we determine where the phase is in the outlet. We insert the plug into the socket and make sure that the light is on. Now you need to install a motion sensor in the wire break. Turn off the power and cut both wires. We clean the ends of the wires.

Now our task is to install the sensor in the break of the supply wire. It is necessary to bring to the sensor according to the instructions, zero to power it, and pass the phase through the sensor to the light bulb. The phase will go into the brown wire, out of the red wire and go to the light bulb. We connect according to this scheme. Take a screw clamp and connect.

There are two rheostats on the sensor itself. One rheostat is responsible for the time of day. It can be used not only for lighting, but also for turning on other devices. On the left slider, the sun is drawn to the left of it, and the moon is drawn to the right. That is, in order to use the sensor during daylight hours, set the switch to the mode where the sun is indicated. If we use the sensor at night for lighting, then we switch the sensor to the dark time of the day.

For our test experience, we will turn on the daylight mode, since we are doing the test in the light. The second sensor is responsible for the shutdown time. We can set it to the minimum and it will turn off after 5 seconds, or set it to the maximum, that is, increase the time since the movement stopped. Now we turn on the plug in the socket, according to the previously established polarity. We make a movement with our hand, the sensor turns on the lamp. Now we do not make any movements, a few seconds pass, the sensor turns off. Motion sensors are connected in a similar way.

Wiring diagrams

The connection of motion sensors is carried out according to the usual scheme for closing and opening the circuit of light bulbs. If constant lighting is needed, but nothing moves, then a conventional switch is included in the circuit in parallel with the motion sensor. When the switch is turned on, the light will be lit by the bypass circuit. When the switch is turned off, the light control will switch to the motion sensor.

Connecting motion sensors (several)

Most often it happens that the shape of the room does not allow covering all its space with one sensor, for example, around the corner in the corridor. In this case, several sensors are located and connected in parallel. As a result of the operation of any sensor, the circuit is closed, and voltage is supplied to the lighting devices. With this connection method, we must not forget that lighting lamps and sensors must be connected from the same phase. Otherwise, a short circuit will occur.

Motion sensors are placed in such a way that the viewing angle is the largest in the direction of the intended area of ​​movement of objects. At the same time, windows, doors and the interior of the room should not shield and interfere with the operation of the sensor.

Motion sensors have the property of a permissible continuous power value from 500 to 1000 watts. Therefore, they are limited to use with a high load.

If it is necessary to turn on many powerful lighting devices, the connection of motion sensors is made through.

When purchasing a sensor, in its kit, see the instructions for installation and configuration. Usually, the device diagram is indicated on the case. Under the sensor cover there is a block for connection, and three contacts are visible by color. The wires are connected using clamps. If the cable is stranded, then sleeve lugs are used.

Connection Features

Electric current is supplied to the sensor through two conductors: brown - phase, and blue - zero. From the sensor, the phase goes to one contact of the light bulb. The other end of the lamp is connected to the zero terminal.

When movement occurs in the control place, the sensor is triggered and closes the contacts of the relay, which supplies the phase to the lamp.

The terminal block has screw terminals, so the wires are connected with lugs. The phase wire is recommended to be connected according to the scheme specified in the instructions.

Connecting motion sensors is accompanied by some features:
  • After connecting the wiring, close the cover and proceed to connecting the wires in the junction box.
  • 9 wires are brought into the box: 2 - from the lamp, 3 - from the sensor, 2 - from the switch, 2 - zero and phase.
  • Wires on the sensor: brown (white) - phase, blue (green) - zero, red - network connection.
  • The wires are connected as follows: the phase wire (brown) is connected to the brown (white) wire of the sensor phase and the wire from the switch. The zero wire of the supply cable is connected to the zero of the sensor and the zero of the lighting lamp.
  • There are three wires left - red from the sensor, brown from the lamp and the second wire from the switch. They are connected.

The sensor is connected to the lighting. After power is applied, the sensor shows its response to movement, thereby closing the lighting circuit.

Installation instructions

We figured out the connection diagram and the principle of operation. Now there is an important final stage work - deal with the installation of a motion sensor.

To independently carry out the installation and connection of motion sensors to the mains, you must follow a certain order:
  • Select the connection scheme (one sensor, or several, with or without a switch, etc.).
  • Determine the most suitable place and direction for mounting the motion sensor. Usually the sensor is fixed on the ceiling or in the corner of the room. When installing outdoors, you need to look at the situation. The main parameter is the viewing angle of the sensor. It is necessary to choose the most suitable place for the location of the sensor housing so that there are no dead zones (places that the sensor does not cover with its action). To do this, it is recommended to use lamp supports or bearing wall building.
  • In the switchboard, turn off the electricity in order to ensure safety when connecting the wires.
  • According to the selected circuit variant, connect three wires to the contacts of the sensor housing and in the housing of the lighting device. At the same time, one should not forget about observing the markings for the colors of the wires and the designations of the connectors, in order to avoid confusion. If you connect the zero and phase incorrectly, you endanger yourself and also damage the electrical wiring, so you need to work carefully and carefully when connecting.
  • On the sensor body, you need to adjust the regulators, select their optimal settings. There may be several common controls on the sensor body: Lux - light level for triggering, Time - time delay for turning off the light, Sens - sensor sensor sensitivity, Mic - noise level for sensor triggering. These settings are individual in each case.

  • Apply power to the switchboard and test the operation of the motion sensor. If necessary, change the location of the sensor, or readjust the sensitivity and other settings.

Good day, dear readers of the Electrician's Notes website.

Remember, I already told you that under the federal program, we installed entrances and vestibules. In this article, I want to tell you about a photorelay for street lighting of residential courtyards. .

Outdoor lighting at the entrances, or it is also called canopy lighting, is carried out using cantilever lamps of the ZhKU type with protective polycarbonate glass. So the control of these lamps is carried out using a photorelay.

As a photorelay for street lighting, we use a light control switch of the LXP-02 type. This is how it looks.

Also, this photorelay can be used to illuminate roads, parks, summer cottages and gardens.

Technical characteristics of street lighting photocell type LXP-02

Photorelay type LXP-02 automatically turns on and off the lighting depending on the lighting conditions. Those. as soon as it became dark outside, the photorelay turns on the street lighting. And vice versa, as soon as it became light outside, the photorelay disconnects the lamp from the network.

Thus, there is a significant savings, and the service life of the lamps themselves is also increased.

Below I will give you its technical characteristics:

  • power supply 220 (V) AC voltage
  • switched circuit up to 10 (A)
  • level working illumination < 5 — 5о (Люкс)

The level of working illumination is set using the regulator at the bottom of the photo relay. If the regulator is moved to the “+” side, then the photo relay will turn on the lamp already with a slight darkening or cloudy weather, but if the regulator is moved to the “-” side, then the photo relay will only work when it gets dark.

Usually I leave the regulator in the middle position.

There are 2 more types of LXP type photo relay. These are LXP-01 and LXP-03. They differ from the LXP-02 only in the amperage of the switched circuit and in the level of working illumination.

Installation of LXP type photo relay

The photorelay is mounted on the wall using a special bracket, which is included in the delivery. The bracket is screwed to the photocell itself.

When installing, make sure that there are no obstructions that prevent natural daylight from reaching the photo relay. And also in front of the photo relay there should not be swinging objects, for example, trees.

Photo relay circuit

The connection diagram for a photorelay for street lighting type LXP-02 is shown both on the packaging box and on the product itself.

In total, 3 wires come out of the photo relay: brown, red and blue.

Knowing, it is not difficult to guess about their purpose:

  • brown wire - phase
  • blue wire - zero
  • red wire - switching phase (to the lamp)

Knowing the scheme of the photorelay, we proceed to connect it. produced in a junction box installed in the same place on the wall.

As a load, we use a power of 70 (W).

Connecting a photorelay for street lighting is as follows.

If you paint this scheme in more detail, it will look like this:

If your house uses a grounding system or, then the circuit is powered by a three-core cable (phase, zero, ground). If you are still operating electrical wiring with a grounding system, then the circuit will differ only in the absence of a PE conductor.

The video version of this article, as well as by popular demand at the end of the video, I showed the connection diagram of the photorelay through the contactor:

Addition 1. Posted a photo by popular demand. appearance printed circuit board photorelay FR-602. I will not apply the circuit - you can find it on specialized sites for electronics.

Addendum 2. Quite often I am asked about the connection scheme of the lamp, so that it is controlled both through a photo relay (in automatic mode) and using a switch (in manual mode any time of the day). Here I am enclosing a schematic.

P.S. That's basically all I wanted to tell you about the photorelay for street lighting. Currently, this is how we carry out electrical installation of outdoor (canopy) lighting in residential courtyards. If you have any questions, then ask your questions in the comments.