How to download videos from Rutube using Ummy Video Downloader. Ummy Video Downloader - Program for downloading videos from YouTube Video downloader how it works

YouTube video platform is a world-wide popular hosting, which is accessed by millions of people every day. It is not surprising that they periodically have a need to download some video to their computer, but there is one caveat - you can’t do this on the site. But do not despair, you can always install Ummy Video Downloader on your computer and download the recording you like through it. If you don't know how to do it, then read this article.

Convenient video download

First, I would like to discuss the functions of the program themselves, along the way giving instructions on how to use them. It is also worth noting that the reviews about Ummy Video Downloader on the Web are only positive. Therefore, do not worry about the security of your computer.

So, how to use Ummy Video Downloader to download YouTube videos? You just need to run the program, paste the link to the video copied from the browser into the appropriate input field, and click the "Download" button. As you can see, everything is simple.

If you want to visually see the download process, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the thematic video.

Choice of quality

By the way, Ummy Video Downloader also receives positive reviews for the fact that the program has the ability to choose the quality of the recording. After you paste the link to the video and the program analyzes it, you will be prompted to select the quality in the corresponding drop-down list. Agree, very convenient. This way you can save download time and hard drive space.

Audio channel download

But what if you want to get only sound from the video, what if the video sequence is not important to you at all? Do not download and install a powerful video editor for these purposes! Of course not. Ummy Video Downloader can do it too. You just need to select the MP3 item from the above drop-down list and click the "Download" button. Please note that you are also allowed to choose the sound quality, which is good news.

Selecting a folder for downloading video content

Most likely, after using this program, you will write a laudatory review about Ummy Video Downloader in the comments, because in addition to the options described above, the program even allows you to change the path to the directory where the video will be downloaded.

If the settings are not changed, then all recordings will automatically go to the standard "Video" folder, which is located on drive C, but most likely you have a separate special folder for videos elsewhere. You can easily point the program to it. You just need to click the "Settings" button and in the window that appears, specify the path to the directory by entering it in the "Save path" field.

If you do not remember it, you can click on the folder icon, and then select the folder through the "Explorer" window that appears.

By the way, in the settings you can also choose the preferred quality of the downloaded video, so that you do not have to select it every time. And it is also possible to change the language of the program, although, of course, this parameter is unlikely to be changed by anyone. Don't forget to click OK after changing the configurations.

Simultaneous download of multiple videos

Another pleasant surprise will be the fact that it is not at all necessary to download videos sequentially, waiting for the download of each of them to complete. Having put one video for download, you can immediately enter a link to a new one and start downloading it as well. Thus, you can put a lot of videos at once at night, and in the morning they will all be downloaded.

Advantages and disadvantages

I would like to complete the article by listing all the advantages and disadvantages of the program, let's start with the first one.


  • The presence of the Russian language.
  • Intuitively understandable and not loaded with unnecessary elements of the program interface.
  • Easy to download videos.
  • The program is free.

Now let's move on to the disadvantages, which are not so many:

  • When you install the application, you will be automatically installed products from the Yandex company, but you can refuse them if you wish.

As you can see, because of the shortcomings, it is unlikely that someone will write a bad review about Ummy Video Downloader.

Today, the service with the storage of video recordings is more relevant than ever. Millions of all kinds of videos with tips, entertainment, humor, sports topics, and also, with the now gaining popularity of video blogging.

It will help to deal with this problem quite simple program Ummy Video Downloader.

What is it and how to use the program itself?

The principle of operation of this utility is to automatically download a particular video directly from the YouTube website. The program is available on many sites, but it is most effective to download it from the official website of the developers. It will be both safe and completely free.

The utility is fully localized and supports the Russian language, and also has a Portable version, which is quite convenient if the video needs to be downloaded only once and does not go through the installation procedure.

How to start downloading a video?

After Ummy Downloader has been downloaded to your computer, you should proceed to the installation phase, which begins by running the installation file. For the Chrome browser, as well as for other analogues, the file can be found in the "Downloads" tab, and then start the installation. It is quite simple and will not differ from installing any other program.

After the installation process has successfully completed, you can proceed to directly download the desired video:

It is not always possible to watch videos online, for example, on the way to work there is no Wi-Fi distribution at the required speed, and when traveling, there may be no coverage at all. That is why many users try to download videos from Youtube in order to watch videos offline at a convenient time. Consider the program Ummy Video Downloader how to use it and what are its main advantages compared to other similar services and applications.

First you need to say that this program is absolutely free and can be taken from. During installation, together with the program, it is not proposed to install additional software, which simplifies installation. The interface is so simple that when using this software, even a novice user will not have any problems downloading videos.

After installing Ummy Video Downloader, to download the video you need to:

  • run the program itself;
  • copy the link to the video stream from the address bar of the browser;

  • further, in Ummy Video Downloader it will be clearly seen that the copied link has already been pasted into the required field, therefore, after that you need to select the quality of the saved file;

  • to start downloading the video, it remains only to click "Download".

After the video is downloaded, you can open the destination folder by clicking on the appropriate button, or start watching this video directly from the program itself. By default, absolutely all files are saved in the "Video" directory, but if desired, the path to the downloaded video can be changed.

In addition, the application in question supports the function of downloading not only video files, but also extracts an audio track in mp3 format. To do this, select the appropriate format in the pop-up menu, and then you also need to click on the "Download" button.

If the user needs to download multiple files, wait until one file is completely downloaded. You can save another video link to the clipboard, the application will pick up the information and display it in desired field. After clicking on "Download", this video will be displayed in the list and will start downloading in order of priority. It should be noted that the downloads are performed in order, and not simultaneously.

In case of any difficulties, you can go to the technical support section for developers. For this, a special link is provided on the official website.

Ummy Video Downloader is a multi-language program and user can choose the most suitable language to familiarize himself with the menu and function buttons. Also, in addition to installing this application on Windows, the developers have provided for its use on MacOS.

Thanks to a simple graphical interface and ease of use, now every user can save their favorite on their hard drive without any problems, just install Ummy Video Downloader.

Program version:
Official site: videodownloader.ummy
Interface language: Russian and English
Treatment: not required

System requirements:
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Ummy Video Downloader is a useful program to help you download HD videos from YouTube or mp3 Ummy is the fastest and easiest way to download YouTube videos to your computer and watch them always, even when there is no Internet connection. Create your own super music collection and enjoy it anytime, wherever you are!

To download a resource, you need to copy its link to YouTube or RuTube and paste it into a special line in the main application window. After that, determine the format you need to save and click "Download" - Ummy Video Downloader will do the rest. Definitely, with this tool, downloading YouTube and RuTube video clips becomes nowhere easier.

Download HD with sound from YouTube
Easily choose the format of the downloaded video
Download only MP3 audio from YouTube video
Enjoy everything for free

For Windows 7 users:

Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features
Highlight the program to be removed from the list and click the "Remove" button.

For XP users:

Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
Select the program to be removed from the list Installed programs and click the "Delete" button.
Click the "Yes" button to confirm the deletion.

The video you downloaded is saved on your computer in the following way:

"My Computer" > "Drive C" > "Users" > "Username" > "My Videos"


You can also set the download folder yourself.
How to do it:
Go to Settings and select "Save Path"
Set the folder where the files will be saved.

YouTube provides a maximum audio quality of 256 kb/s.

You can email us: [email protected]

Leave a review in the "Feedback" section.

If you would like to report a bug, please provide the following information:

operating system
program version
link to the video that can't be downloaded

No internet connection:

Open your browser and try loading any page.
Incorrect proxy server settings

Go to the settings and in the "Language" item, set the desired language,
then reload the program.

Ummy Video Downloader is supported by OS: Windows XP and above.

Free up enough free space on the drive where it is located
downloads folder.
You can also choose a different save path in the program settings.

To glue audio and video, intermediate files are required, which are saved on the system disk, in a temporary folder.
The resulting file is written to the destination folder, and intermediate files are deleted.

What to do to continue downloading:
Free up enough free space on your system drive.
Then you can continue downloading.

When closed, the program saves unfinished downloads.
The next time you open Ummy Video Downloader, it restores them and continues
download from the place where the download was interrupted.
Previously completed downloads are not displayed.

In this tutorial, I want to tell you how to download videos from rutub using Ummy Video Downloader, where to download this program and how to install it on your computer. This program allows you to download not only from rutub but also from other popular video services.

Therefore, if you want to download videos from the Internet simply and without any obstacles, then you need to spend five minutes once downloading and installing the Ummy Video Downloader program and then just download any rutuba video you like. To get started, see how to install the program so that you don’t have questions later, see the installation as shown below.

Install Ummy Video Downloader

After downloading the program, a screen icon with a white arrow pointing down will appear on your computer, this application will be called UmmyVD-Web-Loader. Having found this icon, double-click on it with the left mouse button in order to start the installation. A window with an agreement will open in front of you, here you need to click on the circle with the mouse I accept the terms of the agreement and press the button Further. Shown below.

After that, you will be prompted to select the type of program installation, and I advise you to click on the circle here Settings and remove all three birds with suggestions for additional downloads and installations, since they will not help you download from rutube and other services. After removing all the birds, press the button Further to move to the next stage. Shown below.

And here's another suggestion, install Yandex Browser. If you want to install, install, but I advise you to remove the birds from the offer to download and take part in improving services, then click on the button Further. And in the next window, click on the Finish button. Shown below.

That's it, the installation of the Ummy Video Downloader program is completed. For ease of use, save the program icon on your desktop. Now you can install it as shown above.