Empty skies transparent glass. trails

Tests and assignments for preparing for the exam

Figuratively expressive

language means

(Name the means of expression used by the author)

Test grades:

"5" - 13-15 correct answers

"4" - 10-12 correct answers

"3" - 7-9 correct answers

Test 1

1. And Vaska listens and eats. (I.A. Krylov)

2. The forest is like a painted tower. (I. Bunin)

3.Empty skies transparent glass. (A. Akhmatova)

4. A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff. (M. Lermontov)

5. The pen breathes his revenge. (A.K. Tolstoy)

6. All flags will visit us. (A.S. Pushkin)

7. A boy with a finger.

8. I swear on the first day of creation,

I swear on his last day

I swear on the shame of crime

And eternal truth triumph ...

(M. Lermontov)

9. I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am God!


10. He brought the pitch of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves.

(A. Pushkin)

11. Living corpse. (L. Tolstoy)

12. Under the runners, the field creaks,

Under the arc, the bell rattles.

(Y. Polonsky).

13. The life of a mouse running around ...

What are you worrying me about?

(A. Pushkin).

14. Let the gang surround the hired ...

(V. Mayakovsky).

15. Rumble after rumble broke the sky,

It rained widely and noisily.

(V. Nabokov).

Test 2

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. I see lightning from the darkness

And the haze of marble thunder...

2. I am more satisfied with the harsh winter.

(A. Pushkin)

3. Debts hung over me like a domocles sword.

(V. Pikul)

4. "You're a talker, Fedka!" Gavrik got angry.


5. You stayed, brother, with nothing.

(A. Dvorkin).

6. Below it is a stream lighter than azure.

(M. Lermontov)

7. We will go to break the wall.

(M. Lermontov)

8. (Fox to Oslu) Where, smart, are you wandering, head?

(I. Krylov)

9. The heroic horse jumps through the forest.

10. Steppes and roads are not over;

Stones and thresholds not found count.


11. Brought - and weakened, and lay down

Under the arch of the hut on the basts,

And the poor slave died at the feet

Invincible lord.

(A. Pushkin).

That sad joy

What did I stay alive?

(S. Yesenin)

13. Earth-mistress! I bowed my head to you.

(V. Soloviev).

14. I bought Repin, brought Gogol.

15. Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts ...

(A. Pushkin).

Test 3

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. I recognize you, life! I accept!

And I greet with the sound of the shield!

2. Far away, Grieg is playing in the valley.

(I. Severyanin)

3. A dark-skinned youth wandered through the alleys,

At the lake shores sad,

And centuries we cherish

The faint sound of footsteps...

(A. Akhmatova).

4. It's raining, shaggy gray clouds are hanging.


5. The sun gilded the tops of the trees.


6. The forest sings.

7. The ice is not strong on the icy river, as if it is melting sugar.

(N. Nekrasov).

8. I love you, Peter's creation.

9. Thin, but strong, like a harsh thread,

It is associated with this harsh winter ...

(B. Slutsky).

10. The lazy one is afraid in the business of labor,

but the idle does not endure the work itself.

(D. Fonvizin).

11. The beginning is not expensive, but the end is laudable.


12. Where there is grief for the smart, there is fun for the fool.


13. On the seas, playing, worn

With a destroyer destroyer.

Clings like a sedge to honey,

To the destroyer destroyer.

(V. Mayakovsky).

14. And Vaska listens and eats.

(I. Krylov)

15. The golden grove dissuaded

Birch cheerful language.

(S. Yesenin).

Test 4

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. The oriole laughs carelessly.

2. Frozen to a resounding brittleness, the leaves jump, gathering in noisy heaps.


3. The mother of Russian cities is the heart of Russia.

4. Will everything be ground? Will it be flour?

No, flour is better!

(M. Tsvetaeva).

5. The lazy person is more like this because of the disposition of the body, and the idle more because of the disposition of the soul.

(D. Fonvizin).

6. Be able to see the great in the small.

7. You don’t take it according to your rank!

(N. Gogol).

8. The majestic width of the Dnieper ...

(N. Gogol).

9. Snow dust is in the air.

(B. Gorbatov).

10. Not on silver, on gold ate!

(A. Griboedov).

11 .... Black-eyed girl,

Black-maned horse!

(M. Lermontov).

12. Where the table was food, there is a coffin.


13. In one hundred and forty suns, the sunset is blazing.

(V. Mayakovsky).

14. I came, I saw, I conquered.

(J. Caesar).

15. Bear hunting is dangerous, a wounded beast is terrible, but the soul of a hunter, accustomed to dangers since childhood, has swept away.

(E. Koptyaeva)

Test 5

1.Sneg said:

When I stand

There will be a river of doves,

Will flow, shaking the flock

Reflected doves...

(Y. Kozlovsky).

2. A country of slaves, a country of masters.

(M. Lermontov).

3. Not the wind rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains -

Frost - voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

(N. Nekrasov).

4. The plant decided to work.

The storm was not in vain.

(S. Yesenin).

6. In autumn, the feather grass steppes completely change and get their own special, original, incomparable look.


7. The moon came out on a dark night, looking lonely from a black cloud at deserted fields, at distant villages, at nearby villages.

(I. Neverov).

8. A man with a marigold.

9. Here my friend burned out of shame.

(I. Turgenev)

10. Here the wind embraces a flock of waves with a strong embrace and throws them on a grand scale in wild anger on the rocks, breaking emerald masses into dust and spray.

(M. Gorky).

11. Well, eat another plate, honey!

(I. Krylov).

12. The bitter joy of victory.

13. What are you howling about, night wind, what are you complaining about so madly?

(F. Tyutchev).

14. Your mind is as deep as the sea.

Your spirit is as high as mountains.

(V. Bryusov)

15. (About Byron). Giaur and Juan singer.

. (A. Pushkin).

Test 6

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. From need they grow wiser, but from wealth they become stupid.


2. Words know how to cry and laugh.

(B. Slutsky).

3. The eleventh stanza of Pushkin's poem "Autumn" - poetic creativity is compared with the movement of a ship.

4. The hiss of frothy glasses and a blue punch flame.

(A. Pushkin).

5. Thunderstorm demolished bridges,

A coffin from a blurry cemetery.

(A. Pushkin).

6. I swear to Leningrad wounds,

The first ruined hearths:

I will not break, I will not falter, I will not get tired,

I won't give a grain to my enemies.

(O. Bertgolts).

7. At first I was very upset.

(A. Pushkin).

8. Below the thin epilinochka, you need to bow your head.

(N. Nekrasov).

9. It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle.

(M. Lermontov).

10. I read Apuleius willingly, but I did not read Cicero.

(A. Pushkin).

11 Her nurse lay down beside her in the bed - silence.

12. When you walk along the snowy ridges,

When you enter the clouds up to your chest, -

Know how to look at the earth from a height!

Don't you dare look at the ground from above!

(V. Ostrovoy).

13. The king of beasts slept peacefully.

14. He soon quarreled with the girl. And here's why.

(G. Uspensky)

15. Own biography.

Test 7

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. Do I wander along the noisy streets,

I enter a crowded temple,

Am I sitting among the foolish youths,

I surrender to my dreams.

(A. Pushkin).

2. The rich feast on weekdays, and the poor mourn on holidays.


3. Fathers and children.

(I. Turgenev).

4. Seahorses turned out to be much more interesting.

(V. Kataev).

5. But our open bivouac was quiet.

(M. Lermontov).

6. Hot snow.

(Yu. Bondarev).

7. When, raging in the stormy darkness, the sea played with the shores ...

(A. Pushkin).

8. Not a flock of ravens flocked

On piles of smoldering bones

Beyond the Volga, at night, around the lights

The remote gang was going.

(A. Pushkin).

9. Elena has a problem here. Big.


10. Every minute of time is precious.

11. Who is not affected by novelty?

(A. Chekhov).

12. Oh, you're out there! Fight with a helmet?

Well, aren't people mean!

(A. Tvardovsky).

13. The moon rose very crimson and gloomy, as if big.

(A. Chekhov).

14. Pyramidal poplars look like mourning cypresses.

(A. Serafimovich).

15. There was dead silence.

Test 8

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. His sharpness and subtlety of mind struck me.

(A. Pushkin).

2. There was a ringing silence.

3. Foggy Albion turned out to be hospitable for me.

4. Flerov - he can do everything. And Uncle Grisha Dunaev. And the doctor too.

(M. Gorky).

5. I will be waiting for you in the month of April.

6. Dreams, dreams! Where is your sweetness?

(A. Pushkin).

7.A in the door-

(V. Mayakovsky).

8. Whiter than snowy mountains, clouds go to the west.

(M. Lermontov).

9. I saw it with my own eyes.

10. Her love for her son was like madness.

(M. Gorky).

11. Petrograd lived in these January nights tensely, agitatedly, viciously, furiously.

(A. Tolstoy)

12. I would like to know why I am a titular adviser? Why a titular adviser?

(N. Gogol).

13. My bosom friend.

14. Then my friend burned out of shame.

(I. Turgenev).

15. Yes, what you know in childhood - you know for life, what you don’t know in childhood - you don’t know for life.

(M. Tsvetaeva).


(aphorism, " popular expression»)

2. Comparison (direct)


4. Personification

5. Metonymy

6. Synecdoche

8. Anaphora

9. Antithesis

10. Gradation (descending)

11. Oxymoron

12. Parallelism

13. Rhetorical question


15. Onomatopoeia


1. Alliteration

2. Assonance

3. Phraseologism

6. Comparison (direct)

7. Metaphor

9. Hyperbole

10. Epiphora

11. Gradation (ascending)

12. Oxymoron

13. Rhetorical appeal

14. Metonymy

15. Synecdoche


1. Rhetorical exclamation

2.Sound repeats

3. Sound recording


6. Metonymy

7. Comparison


9. Homonyms

10. Synonyms

11. Antonyms

12. Antonyms

15Metaphorical epithet




4. Homonyms (homographs)

5. Synonyms

9. Comparison

10. Metonymy

11. Anaphora (morphemic)

12. Antithesis

13. Hyperbole

14. Gradation (ascending)

15. Inversion (main members)


1. Homonyms

2. Antithesis

3. Comparison (negative)

4. Metonymy

5. Anaphora (lexical)

6. Gradation (ascending)

7. Inversion (of agreed definitions)


10. Expanded metaphor

11. Metonymy

12. Oxymoron

13. Personification

14. Parallelism

15. Paraphrase


1. Antonyms

2. Antonyms

3. Comparison (expanded)

4. Alliteration

5. Anaphora (sound)

6. Gradation (descending)

7. Inversion (circumstances of measure and degree)


10. Metonymy

11. Personification

12. Parallelism


14. Parceling

15. Pleonasm


1. Anaphora (syntactic)

2. Antithesis.

3. Antonyms


5. Metonymy

6. Oxymoron

7. Personification

8.Negative parallelism,

based on negative comparison.

9. Parceling

10. Pleonasm

11. Rhetorical question

12. Synecdoche

13. Comparison

14. Comparison





4. Parceling

5. Pleonasm

6. Rhetorical appeal

7. Synecdoche

8. Comparison

9. Pleonasm

10. Comparison

12. Epiphora

13. Phraseologism


Rusak Inna Nikolaevna. Preparation To USE. Exercise B 2. Reference materials. figuratively-expressive facilities. Tasks tests demand to determine which ...), our smaller brothers(animals). For creation of a certain artistic effect shi...





Test 1

1. And Vaska listens and eats. (I.A. Krylov)

2. The forest is like a painted tower. (I. Bunin)

3.Empty skies transparent glass. (A. Akhmatova)

4. A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff. (M. Lermontov)

5. The pen breathes his revenge. (A.K. Tolstoy)

6. All flags will visit us. (A.S. Pushkin)

7. A boy with a finger.

8. I swear on the first day of creation,

I swear on his last day

I swear on the shame of crime

And eternal truth triumph ...

(M. Lermontov)

9. I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am God!


10. He brought the pitch of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves.

(A. Pushkin)

11. Living corpse. (L. Tolstoy)

12. Under the runners, the field creaks,

Under the arc, the bell rattles.

(Y. Polonsky).

13. The life of a mouse running around ...

What are you worrying me about?

(A. Pushkin).

14. Let the gang surround the hired ...

(V. Mayakovsky).

15. Rumble after rumble broke the sky,

It rained widely and noisily.

(V. Nabokov).

Test 2

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. I see lightning from the darkness

And the haze of marble thunder ... (A. Bely)

2. I am more satisfied with the harsh winter. (A. Pushkin)

3. Debts hung over me like a domocles sword. (V. Pikul)

4. "You're a talker, Fedka!" Gavrik got angry. (Korolenko).

5. You stayed, brother, with nothing. (A. Dvorkin).

6. Below it is a stream lighter than azure. (M. Lermontov)

7. We will go to break the wall. (M. Lermontov)

8. (Fox to Oslu) Where, smart, are you wandering, head? (I. Krylov)

9. The heroic horse jumps through the forest. (Epic).

10. Steppes and roads are not over;

Stones and thresholds not found count. (E.Bagritsky).

11. Brought - and weakened, and lay down

Under the arch of the hut on the basts,

And the poor slave died at his feet (A. Pushkin).

That sad joy, (S. Yesenin)

13. Earth-mistress! I bowed my head to you. (V. Soloviev).

14. I bought Repin, brought Gogol.

15. Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts ...

(A. Pushkin).

Test 3

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. I recognize you, life! I accept!

And I greet with the sound of the shield!

2. Far away, Grieg is playing in the valley.

(I. Severyanin)

3. A dark-skinned youth wandered through the alleys,

At the lake shores sad,

And centuries we cherish

The faint sound of footsteps...

(A. Akhmatova).

4. It's raining, shaggy gray clouds are hanging.


5. The sun gilded the tops of the trees.


6. The forest sings.

7. The ice is not strong on the icy river, as if it is melting sugar.

(N. Nekrasov).

8. I love you, Peter's creation.

9. Thin, but strong, like a harsh thread,

It is associated with this harsh winter ...

(B. Slutsky).

10. The lazy one is afraid in the business of labor,

but the idle does not endure the work itself.

(D. Fonvizin).

11. The beginning is not expensive, but the end is laudable.


12. Where there is grief for the smart, there is fun for the fool.


13. On the seas, playing, worn

With a destroyer destroyer.

Clings like a sedge to honey,

To the destroyer destroyer.

(V. Mayakovsky).

14. And Vaska listens and eats.

(I. Krylov)

15. The golden grove dissuaded

Birch cheerful language.

(S. Yesenin).

Test 4

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. The oriole laughs carelessly.

2. Frozen to a resounding brittleness, the leaves jump, gathering in noisy heaps.


3. The mother of Russian cities is the heart of Russia.

4. Will everything be ground? Will it be flour?

No, flour is better!

(M. Tsvetaeva).

5. The lazy person is more like this because of the disposition of the body, and the idle more because of the disposition of the soul.

(D. Fonvizin).

6. Be able to see the great in the small.

7. You don’t take it according to your rank!

(N. Gogol).

8. The majestic width of the Dnieper ...

(N. Gogol).

9. Snow dust is in the air.

(B. Gorbatov).

10. Not on silver, on gold ate!

(A. Griboedov).

11 .... Black-eyed girl,

Black-maned horse!

(M. Lermontov).

12. Where the table was food, there is a coffin.


13. In one hundred and forty suns, the sunset is blazing.

(V. Mayakovsky).

14. I came, I saw, I conquered.

(J. Caesar).

15. Bear hunting is dangerous, a wounded beast is terrible, but the soul of a hunter, accustomed to dangers since childhood, has swept away.

(E. Koptyaeva)

Test 5

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1.Sneg said:

When I stand

There will be a river of doves,

Will flow, shaking the flock

Reflected doves...

(Y. Kozlovsky).

2. A country of slaves, a country of masters.

(M. Lermontov).

3. Not the wind rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains -

Frost - voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

(N. Nekrasov).

4. The plant decided to work.

The storm was not in vain.

(S. Yesenin).

6. In autumn, the feather grass steppes completely change and get their own special, original, incomparable look.


7. The moon came out on a dark night, looking lonely from a black cloud at deserted fields, at distant villages, at nearby villages.

(I. Neverov).

8. A man with a marigold.

9. Here my friend burned out of shame.

(I. Turgenev)

10. Here the wind embraces a flock of waves with a strong embrace and throws them on a grand scale in wild anger on the rocks, breaking emerald masses into dust and spray.

(M. Gorky).

11. Well, eat another plate, honey!

(I. Krylov).

12. The bitter joy of victory.

13. What are you howling about, night wind, what are you complaining about so madly?

(F. Tyutchev).

14. Your mind is as deep as the sea.

Your spirit is as high as mountains.

(V. Bryusov)

15. (About Byron). Giaur and Juan singer.

. (A. Pushkin).

Test 6

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. From need they grow wiser, but from wealth they become stupid.


2. Words know how to cry and laugh.

(B. Slutsky).

3. The eleventh stanza of Pushkin's poem "Autumn" - poetic creativity is compared with the movement of a ship.

4. The hiss of frothy glasses and a blue punch flame.

(A. Pushkin).

5. Thunderstorm demolished bridges,

A coffin from a blurry cemetery.

(A. Pushkin).

6. I swear to Leningrad wounds,

The first ruined hearths:

I will not break, I will not falter, I will not get tired,

I won't give a grain to my enemies.

(O. Bertgolts).

7. At first I was very upset.

(A. Pushkin).

8. Below the thin epilinochka, you need to bow your head.

(N. Nekrasov).

9. It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle.

(M. Lermontov).

10. I read Apuleius willingly, but I did not read Cicero.

(A. Pushkin).

11 Her nurse lay down beside her in the bed - silence.

12. When you walk along the snowy ridges,

When you enter the clouds up to your chest, -

Know how to look at the earth from a height!

Don't you dare look at the ground from above!

(V. Ostrovoy).

13. The king of beasts slept peacefully.

14. He soon quarreled with the girl. And here's why.

(G. Uspensky)

15. Own biography.

Test 7

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. Do I wander along the noisy streets,

I enter a crowded temple,

Am I sitting among the foolish youths,

I surrender to my dreams.

(A. Pushkin).

2. The rich feast on weekdays, and the poor mourn on holidays.


3. Fathers and children.

(I. Turgenev).

4. Seahorses turned out to be much more interesting.

(V. Kataev).

5. But our open bivouac was quiet.

(M. Lermontov).

6. Hot snow.

(Yu. Bondarev).

7. When, raging in the stormy darkness, the sea played with the shores ...

(A. Pushkin).

8. Not a flock of ravens flocked

On piles of smoldering bones

Beyond the Volga, at night, around the lights

The remote gang was going.

(A. Pushkin).

9. Elena has a problem here. Big.


10. Every minute of time is precious.

11. Who is not affected by novelty?

(A. Chekhov).

12. Oh, you're out there! Fight with a helmet?

Well, aren't people mean!

(A. Tvardovsky).

13. The moon rose very crimson and gloomy, as if big.

(A. Chekhov).

14. Pyramidal poplars look like mourning cypresses.

(A. Serafimovich).

15. There was dead silence.

Test 8

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. His sharpness and subtlety of mind struck me.

(A. Pushkin).

2. There was a ringing silence.

3. Foggy Albion turned out to be hospitable for me.

4. Flerov - he can do everything. And Uncle Grisha Dunaev. And the doctor too.

(M. Gorky).

5. I will be waiting for you in the month of April.

6. Dreams, dreams! Where is your sweetness?

(A. Pushkin).

7.A in the door-

(V. Mayakovsky).

8. Whiter than snowy mountains, clouds go to the west.

(M. Lermontov).

9. I saw it with my own eyes.

10. Her love for her son was like madness.

(M. Gorky).

11. Petrograd lived in these January nights tensely, agitatedly, viciously, furiously.

(A. Tolstoy)

12. I would like to know why I am a titular adviser? Why a titular adviser?

(N. Gogol).

13. My bosom friend.

14. Then my friend burned out of shame.

(I. Turgenev).

15. Yes, what you know in childhood - you know for life, what you don’t know in childhood - you don’t know for life.

(M. Tsvetaeva).

Test 9

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. Yes, we were very friendly.

(L. Tolstoy).

2. Eloquent silence spoke volumes.


3. Mitrofanov grinned, stirred the coffee. Narrowed his eyes.

(N. Ilyina).

4. An unexpected surprise awaited me at home.

(A. Gaidar).

5. There a man groans from slavery and chains.

(M. Lermontov).

6. Below, like a steel mirror, lakes of jets turn blue.

(F. Tyutchev).

7. That is not a cuckoo in a dark grove crows early at dawn - in Putivl, Yaroslavna cries alone on the city wall.

("The Tale of Igor's Campaign").

8. Proudly flies Petrel!

(M. Gorky).

9. Dear friend, and in this quiet house

The fever hits me.

Can't find me a place in this quiet house

Near peaceful fire!

10. The sea is blue, the field is clean, the clouds are black,

The sun is red - all this is my Rosseushka.


11. Got into trouble again.

12. He has seven Fridays in a week.


13.Thick and thin.

(A. Chekhov).

14. Why does he need it?

15. Noble nest.

(I. Turgenev).

Test 10

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. But they can't go back.

(V. Zhukovsky).

2.Millions of us. We are darkness, and darkness, and darkness.

3. Well,

Sit down, light!

(V. Mayakovsky).

4. You are sweeter than everyone, dearer than everyone, Russian, loamy, hard earth.

(A. Surkov).

5. He (Pushkin's verse) is gentle, sweet, soft, like the rumble of waves, viscous and pure, like a crystal, fragrant and fragrant, like spring, strong and powerful, like a blow of a sword in the hands of a hero.

(V. Belinsky).

6. Do not bury talent in the ground!


7. Mozart and Salieri.

(A. Pushkin).

8. I stood on bow of the ship and listened the sound of the waves.

(I. Andronnikov).

9. Living corpse.

(L. Tolstoy).

10. Here you go to the fourth grade, then you will find out where the crayfish spend the winter.

(N. Nosov).

11. For Troitskaya duli

auto and trams,

conventional rails lashing out.

(V. Mayakovsky).

12. Terrible enemy beyond the mountains but scarier behind.


13. The world is generous and stingy, rich and poor.

(V. Alatyntsev).

14. Do not be afraid to be young, but early.

Be young and late- that's the trouble.

(E. Evtushenko).

15. We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.

(K. Paustovsky).

Test 11

Exercise. Name the means of expression used

1. No matter how beautifully we apologize, memory is memory, and it remembers who inflicted the wound and who left a scar, a scar, a black mark in the mind (V. Kharchenko)

2. Hungry Bursa roamed the streets of Kyiv and forced everyone to be careful. (N. Gogol)

3. With one assumption of such a case, you would have to emit streams ... what am I saying! Rivers, lakes, oceans of tears!.. (F. Dostoevsky)

4. Cowberry berries burn with droplets of blood on the still green foliage.

5. That's why I think, friends, that we are able to help the world in its fiery hour. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

6. Old Russian literature is amazingly diverse in its incredible role in the social and state life of the country, the people. And how can one not join this miracle - our literature. Forming national consciousness, patriotism?! (D. Likhachev)

7. The first and most solid ideas about good and evil, about beauty and ugliness, we take out of it ( native land) and then we correlate our whole life with these initial images and concepts. (V. Rasputin)

8. Not everything in Mayakovsky is chaos and darkness. It has its own gods, its own prayers, its own truth. (K. Chukovsky)

9. Why destroy the independent development of the child, violating his nature, killing his faith in himself and forcing him to do what I want; and only the way I want, and only because I want. (N. Dobrolyubov)

10. Ice formed at zero degrees is even lighter and therefore does not sink. Truly a fabulous property! (V. Chivilikhin)

11. A sociable person lives well: half the world is in his comrades.

12. This is how a lead weight sinks if it is placed on the surface of the sea. So tense sinks balloon(well, say, a meteorological probe) if you let it out of your hands. (V. Soloukhin)

13. It was a cold autumn time, and all the leaves from the tree had long since fallen off. Only one Leaf, haggard, turned yellow with grief, remained on the branch: he was still waiting for Cherry to return. (F.Krivin)

14. Klim heard how Moscow, meeting the tsar, roared "cheers." (M. Gorky)

That sad joy that I survived?

(S. Yesenin)

Test 12

1. Frost drunk puddles

They are crunchy and brittle, like a crunch.

(I. Severyanin)

2. The hedgehog is shrunk away,

The hedgehog is at a party.

Hedgehog teaches to run

Teaches to crawl already hedgehogs.


3.Sentries of love on Smolenskaya stand,

The sentries of love at Nikitsky do not sleep,

Hours of love along Petrovka go invariably ...

Hours are supposed to change.

(B. Okudzhava)

4. I'm stupid, and you're smart,

Alive and I'm dumbfounded.

(M. Tsvetaeva)

5. Flash past the booth, women,

Boys, benches, lanterns,

Palaces, gardens, monasteries,

Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens,

Merchants, shacks, men,

Boulevards, towers, Cossacks...

(A.S. Pushkin)

6. A cucumber, the size of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, stands on the horizon.

(I. Ilf and E. Petrov)

7. His well-shaven cheeks always burned with a blush of embarrassment, bashfulness, shyness and embarrassment.

(I. Ilf and E. Petrov)

8. My wife speaks French and on the phone

9. His sharpness and subtlety of instinct struck me.

(A.S. Pushkin)

10. The Pea Man.

11. Do not forget us expanse of forests,

Raindrop-tears diamonds

Sanatorium "Russian Field"

In the lace of weeping birches.

(V. Sokolov)

12 Porcelain and bronze on the table. (A.S. Pushkin)

13. We drank the whole samovar. (S. Yesenin)

14. The city was noisy. (Yu. Olesha)

15. Moscow! Moscow! I love you like a son ... (M. Lermontov)

Test 13

1. There is a green melancholy in the scarcity of the dawn. (S. Yesenin)

2. How can you look at it?

How can you climb bridges?

(A. Akhmatova)

3. There was enough historical depth and temporal layers in the grandfather's stories. Enough to feel like you're in this world for a reason. (E. Grishkovets)

4. Her sons, her dear sons are taken from her, taken so as not to see them ever. (N.V. Gogol)

5. O my prophetic soul!

O heart full of anxiety,

Oh how you beat on the threshold

How would a double being!.. (F.I. Tyutchev)

6. Your mouth is two pomegranate petals ...

Your eyelashes are the wings of the black night...

Your soul is an oriental mystery. (M. Lokhvitskaya)

7. Oh, Rus'! Where are you going? Give an answer ... (N.V. Gogol)

8. The double bass drank tea with a bite, and the flute - overlay. (A.Chekhov)

9. He jumped up, but he got scared to jump off. (S.Antonov)

10. It's snowy, it's snowy all over the earth

To all limits.

The candle burned on the table

The candle was burning. (B.Pasternak)

11. The horse runs, the earth trembles.

12. This is a steep forest,

This is the clicking of crushed ice floes,

This is the night chilling the leaf

This is a duel between two nightingales. (B.Pasternak)

13. They got along. Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other (A.S. Pushkin)

14. In the darkness, crayfish were noisy in a fight. (patter)

15. About the storm of brochures and leaflets! (B.Pasternak)

Test 14

1. Two students went, one in galoshes, the other to the institute.

2. Haven't seen each other for years. Nightmare mess.

3. And we call the future the future.

The coming day is not tomorrow. (B. Slutsky)

4. Voracious youth flies. (A.S. Pushkin)

5. The theater is already full, the lodges are shining,

Parterre and chairs - everything is in full swing. (A.S. Pushkin)

6. Now the pavement is over, and the barrier, and the city is behind, and there is nothing, and again on the road. (N.V. Gogol)

7. O Volga - my cradle! Has anyone loved you like me? (A. Nekrasov)

8. Poor luxury attire.

9. And the heart beats in rapture,

And for him they rose again

And deity, and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love. (A.S. Pushkin)

10. I read Marinina with great pleasure than Dontsova.

11. He is a smart person

12. He does not grieve, he circles around the world.

13. Thank you, music, for

That you don't leave me

That you don't cover your face

You don't hide yourself for anything. (V. Sokolov)

14. Goodbye love letter, goodbye! (A.S. Pushkin)

15. Ships of the desert.

Dictionary of means of expression

Allegory- allegory, the image of an abstract idea through a specific, clearly represented image (scales - a. justice, cross - a. faith, heart - a. love).

Alliteration- enhanced expressiveness artistic speech repetition of consonants, one of the types of sound writing.

The hiss of foamy glasses

And punch flame blue. (A. Pushkin)

allusion- the use of a common expression as an allusion to a well-known fact, historical or everyday.

“Family is nonsense, family is a whim,”

They liked to say angrily here.

And in the depths of my soul everything is the same

"Princess Marya Aleksevna". (A. Blok)

(a. to the lines of A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”:

“Oh, my God, what will he say

Princess Marya Alexevna!")

Alogism- intentional violation literary work logical connections in order to emphasize the internal inconsistency of a given position (dramatic or comic).

If I were


like a great ocean

stood on tiptoe. (V. Mayakovsky)

Anaphora- monotony, repetition of similar sounds, words, syntactic constructions at the beginning of poems, stanzas, paragraphs.

No matter how oppressive the hand of fate

No matter how deceit torments people

No matter how wrinkles roam the forehead. (F. Tyutchev)

Antithesis- opposition, a sharp contrast of concepts, positions, images, states, etc. in speech. They came together: water and stone,

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other. (A. Pushkin)

Antonyms- words that have opposite meanings (good and evil).

Archaism- an obsolete word or turn of speech.

opened up prophetic apples,

Like a frightened eagle.

(A. Pushkin)

Assonance- consonance, repetition of vowels, mainly percussion, one of the types of sound writing.

Deposit at on a bowstring at T at G wow

Last at shny l at to bend in d at G at. (A. Pushkin)

Aphorism- a saying that expresses with the utmost conciseness in a refined form any original thought.

Thought spoken is a lie. (F. Tyutchev)

Asyndeton- the absence of conjunctions connecting words and sentences in phrases, as a result of which speech becomes more concise.

Swede, Russian stabs, cuts, cuts,

Drum beat, clicks, rattle. (A. Pushkin)

Vulgarisms- rude, not accepted in literature words or expressions that are incorrect in form, inserted into the text of a work of art.

to hell with mothers

any piece of paper. (V. Mayakovsky)

Hyperbola- a means of expression based on exaggeration.

Tears apart

wider than the Gulf of Mexico. (V. Mayakovsky)

gradation- consistent injection or weakening (reverse gradation) of comparisons, images, epithets, metaphors.

No words, no tears, no sigh - nothing

The earth and people are unworthy. (Z. Gippius)

Grotesque- one of the types of comic, combining in a fantastic form the terrible and the funny, the ugly and the sublime. ("The Nose" by N.V. Gogol)

Dialectisms- words characteristic of the local dialect.

The parishioners rose at the thicket,

Frantic sadness hidden.

The deacon froze zaguzynil:

"Save, Lord, your people." (S. Yesenin)

jargon- words used by a social group (student jargon, thieves).

Went out to the arap. The bourgeois is channeling. (I. Selvinsky)

Inversion- the arrangement of words in a sentence in a different order than is established by the rules of grammar.

And long dear Mariula

I repeated the gentle name. (A. Pushkin)

Direct sequence: And for a long time I repeated the tender name of dear Mariula.

Irony- a subtle mockery, covered with outward courtesy.

From where, smart, are you wandering,

head? (they ask the donkey) (I.A. Krylov)

Pun- a stylistic turn or an independent work based on the comic use of the same or similar sounding of words or groups of words, or - different values one word or phrase, types of homonyms.

Dried out. (A. Raskin)

Contextual synonyms and antonyms- words that enter into synonymous (antonymic) relations only in a certain text.

I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry ... (S. Yesenin) - synonyms.

Whenever Elena,

What Troy you alone, Achaean men? (O. Mandelstam) - antonyms.

Litotes- a means of expression based on understatement.

Your spitz, lovely spitz,

no more than a thimble. (A.S. Griboyedov)

Metaphor - hidden comparison, a figurative meaning of a word based on likening one object or phenomenon to another by similarity or contrast.

In the darkness of the world, I am not alone. (O. Mandelstam)

My words are a pearl water cannon. (A. Bely)

Realization of the metaphor- the return of a well-known metaphor of direct meaning.

half of the people are sitting.

Oh devilry!

Where is the other half? (V. Mayakovsky)

Metonymy- renaming, figurative meaning of the word, arising on the basis of adjacency, connection of objects or phenomena.

Not that on silver, on gold ate. (A.S. Griboyedov)

polyunion- the construction of a phrase in which all (or almost all) homogeneous members of the sentence are interconnected by the same union.

Oh! Summer red! I would love you

If it were not for the heat, and dust, and mosquitoes, and flies ... (A. S. Pushkin)

Neologism- a word newly formed in connection with the emergence of a new concept in life (electorate, system administrator).

On the seas, playing, worn

with a destroyer destroyer. (V. Mayakovsky)

Oxymoron- a combination of contrasting words that create a new concept or idea. But their ugly beauty

I soon comprehended the mystery. (M. Lermontov)

personification- a type of metaphor, the image of an inanimate object as animated.

The dawn fought with the last

star "mi (V. Solovyov)

Homonyms Words that have the same spelling or sound, but different meanings.

... it will be flour "th

No, it's better to mu "coy. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Paradox- a judgment that sharply contradicts common sense, but deep in meaning.

A coward dies many times

Brave - only once. (W. Shakespeare)

Parceling- the division of a phrase into parts and even into separate words in order to give speech intonational expression.

Hey blueblouses!

For the oceans! (V. Mayakovsky)

Transfer poetic- mismatch of intonational-phrasal articulation in a verse, a phrase begun in one verse is transferred to the next verse.

Hello! Not an arrow, not a stone:

I! - liveliest of wives:

Life… (M. Tsvetaeva)

Period- long difficult sentence, intonationally divided into two parts: tone increase - pause - tone decrease.

And everything that is in my soul,

With what this year I could not sleep,

With which he got up in the morning, and lay down at night,

With what did not eat for the future

And drinking is not good, - //

Morgunok thought everything over again ... (A. Tvardovsky)

Paraphrase (paraphrase, paraphrase)- a descriptive turn, which indicates the signs of an unnamed object directly.

Look, the firstborn of freedom:

Frost on the banks of the Neva! (Z. Gippius)

We are talking about the Decembrists.

vernacular - folk colloquial expressions used in a work of art.

What is there to think, what to expect there:

Blow, spit - do not care:

Don't give a damn and trample on:

Have fun, drink and eat. (A. Bely)

Reminiscence- reproduction by the poet of a phrasal or figurative construction from another work of art.

Farewell, free element (A. Pushkin)

Farewell, unwashed Russia (M. Lermontov)

Rhetorical turns (rhetorical figures) - stylistic turns that enhance the expressiveness of speech.

A rhetorical question- does not require an answer, has an emotional significance.

My lesson is difficult for me now.

Where to go from the land of dreams? (N. Gumilyov)

Rhetorical exclamation

There are so many secrets in love

So torture the old tombs! (N. Gumilyov)

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Annex 1


I. Trails:

1). Epithet - a figurative definition, usually expressed by an adjective: gentle wind,

the icy look of a fragile girl; hazy dreams.

2). Comparison - a visual technique based on the comparison of one concept,

phenomena with others.

And, like a child after sleep,The star trembles in the fire of the daylight.(I. Bunin.)

Buckshot rained down like hail. (A. Pushkin.)

And she is majesticActs like a pava.(A. Pushkin.)

3) Metaphor - transferring the meaning of one concept or phenomenon to another by similarity:

Empty skies transparent glass; crimson bonfire sunset;moon sickle; wavy fleece thickens clouds. (I. Bunin.)

Expanded metaphor - a metaphor represented by some text (for example, a poem) or its passage: Lermontov's "Sail", Pushkin's "Cart of Life", Turgenev's "Threshold", Korolenko's "Lights".

4) personification - private view metaphors, the transfer of the properties of a living phenomenon to the inanimate, endowing the objective world with human properties, its animation.

Here even the stones are crying. Flowers say to me: "Goodbye!"(S. Yesenin.)

Already the sky breathed autumn. (A. Pushkin.)

Russiawake up from sleep... (A. Pushkin.)

5)Hyperbola - exaggeration: have not seen you for ages: tears in three streams; repeat you a hundred times.

In a hundred and forty suns, the sunset was blazing (V. Mayakovsky).

II. Stylistic means of representation (figures of speech):

1) Antithesis - opposition.

What is he looking for in a distant country, what did he throw in the land of the clannom? (M. Lermontov.)

You are poor, you are abundant, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Russia! (N. Nekrasov.)

Yes, meI liked the girl in white, but now I love in blue. (S. Yesenin.)

2) gradation - the arrangement of words or expressions in ascending or descending order. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" is based on this technique.

Every day, every hour, every second I think about you.

The clock came to life: hissed, grumbled, rang, and finally thundered through the whole house.

One tear fell, then another, the drops intensified, and suddenly a shower gushed from her eyes.

2) Oxymoron - a combination of words that are opposite in meaning: a living corpse, hot snow, sad joy, sweet bitterness of memories.

4) Syntactic (figurative) parallelism - the same, similar construction of adjacent phrases, sentences.

Already the sky breathed in autumn, the sun shone less often. (A. Pushkin.)

The field is smoking, the dawn is turning white, in the foggy steppeeagles scream (I. Bunin.)

And the clouds burn hot with fire, and the sun rises like a ball from the darkness. (I. Bunin.)

5) Lexical repetition - intentional repetition in the text of the same word or phrase.

It seemed that everything in nature fell asleep: the grass was sleeping, the trees were sleeping.wow, the clouds were sleeping. Oh, spring without end and without edge - without end andendless dream! (A. Blok.)

When horses die, they breathe,where the grasses die, they dry up; when the suns die, they go outWell, when people die, they sing songs. (V. Khlebnikov.)

Last sentence - example anaphora (unity of command), repeating elements at the beginning of adjacent phrases.

6) Rows of homogeneous members:

They were cheerful, strong and courageous people. (M. Gorky.)

Love, hope, quiet glory did not long deceive us. (A. Pushkin.)

Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts (A. Pushkin.)

In these examples, there is another trick - asyndeton - giving dynamics to the phrase; and in the following example:

And deity, and inspiration, and life, and tears, and - love.(A. Pushkin.)- polyunion, giving a sentence a smoothness, slowing down a phrase.

7) Parceling - special division of the sentence, incomplete sentences:

Anna is in trouble. Big.It happened a long time ago. A long time ago.

“It will be seen there,” answers Korney. And silently climbs ongoats. (I. Bunin.)

8) Inversion - unusual word order in a sentence:

A lonely sail turns white in the blue mist of the sea. (M. Lermontov.)

(Usual order: A lone sail turns white inblue fog of the sea.)

I remember the early fine autumn. (I. Bunin.)

(Normal order: I rememberearly fine autumn.

9) Rhetorical figures:

a) question:Is it new for us to argue with Europe? Has the Russian lost the habit of victories? (A. Pushkin.)

b) exclamation:Is love, holy, devoted loveGod is not omnipotent? Oh no! (I. Turgenev.)

c) appeal:Dreams, dreams, where is your sweetness! (A.Pushkin.)

Youshould have stood, brothers, like a wall. (A. Tvardovsky.)

Often rhetorical figures appear together.

III.Phonetic figurative and expressive means:

1 . Alliteration - repetition of consonant sounds in a word,

The Neva swelled and roared, bubbling and swirling like a cauldron. (A. Pushkin.)

Sound writing gives special expressiveness to the verse: repetition with in: wa, wa, ve gives a feeling of breadth, power of the elements; combinations of hih consonants with a sonorant and. tl, cl, cl - transmits the gurgling of a raging river. And here is an example from Balmont:

Evening. Seaside. Sighs of the wind.

The majestic cry of the waves.

Storm is near. Beats on the shore

Uncharmed black boat.

2. Assonance - repetition of vowel sounds in a word, phrase:

There will be a storm - we will argue and take courage with it (assonance on y - imitation of the sound of the wind, storm);

Breathing in perfumes and mists, she sits by the window. (A. Blok).(a combination of assonances on y and a, creating a feeling of air, soaring, space).

Annex 2

I. Work with text.

(1) Imperial (now State) University in Moscow not only ancient from Russian universities, but in fairness it is also considered glorious of them.

(2) Its nearly 250-year history is full of many bright and delightful pages on which with love the gaze stops every patriot, jealous about goodness and glory native land. (3) But not to be a patriot means not to be a Russian person, for patriotism there is no quality, there is no virtue, but there is a duty that is obligatory for all.

(4) That is why Moscow University is equally dear to all Russian people, wherever they live, without distinction in rank and status; that's why everywhere where it beats russian heart, where they stand Orthodox churches, Where word Fatherland excites delight and love - everywhere we love and glorify Moscow University as the main seedbed of true knowledge, How Guardian of Enlightenment. (5)Scientific and educational life flows peacefully and quietly within the walls Moscow university and generation after generation passes within its walls, drawing knowledge here necessary for further working life for the glory of God, for the service of the Motherland.

(6) More centuries will pass, and still Moscow University, great in its hoary antiquity, rich in the best traditions of its former times, will continue to be ignite the sacred fire of knowledge in the chest of their many pets until little by little - I want to believe it - in the walls It is precisely at Moscow University that for the first time the highest ideal of human knowledge will not be developed and strengthened in Rus', consisting, on the one hand, in the desire to master completely all secrets of the sensory world, on the other hand, in humble consciousness that there is still a whole area of ​​being, where it does not dare and cannot penetrate scientist's inquisitive scalpel, but which is completely open to every believer; ideal, consisting in the consciousness that the fullness of knowledge without faith is impossible.

(7) Standing on this strictly scientific road, throwing off the fetters of materialism, which is the denial of science as the fullness of knowledge; humbly bowing before the eternal light of Christianity, Moscow University justifies the love and trust with which all of Russia treats from Moscow to the outskirts. (8) God forbid that this golden time comes soon, the time of full glory for Moscow University!

(9) Moscow University encloses within its walls God's temple dedicated to St. martyr Tatiana, and I especially point out this circumstance, since in it one can see the guarantee of the greatness and glory of our university.

Appendix 3

II. Review fragment analysis.

The author uses various language tools to make your speech more persuasive. The use (“fetters of materialism”, “golden time”) enriches the text with various associations. ____ (“from Moscow to the outskirts”) serves to enhance the artistic impression. Syntax like this (sentence number 8), allows the author to enhance the emotional sound of his word. The author's speech is especially figurative when he talks about the glory of the university. This emphasizes such a trope as (“humbly”, “eternal light”).”

List of terms:

1) antithesis

3) rhetorical exclamation

4) syntactic parallelism

5) lexical repetition

6) metaphors

7) comparison

8) question-answer form

9) hyperbole

10) hyperbole

Appendix 4


1. What stylistic figure is used in the lines: "The waves splash in the blue sea, / The stars sparkle in the blue sky." (A. Pushkin)?

1) gradation

2) inversion

3) syntactic parallelism

4) epiphora

2. What path is used in the sentence: “They will remember the Kremlin mountaineer there” (O. Mandelstam)?

1) paraphrase

2) metaphor

3) impersonation

4) comparison

3. What path is used in the line: “The fire of the red mountain ash is burning” (M. Tsvetaeva)?

1) hyperbole

2) impersonation

3) metaphor

4) comparison

4. What stylistic figure is used in the sentence: “There is a cheerful longing” (S. Yesenin)?

1) ellipsis

2) an oxymoron

3) gradation

4) default

5. In what case is the wrong definition of the figure given?

A) Antithesis - this is a pictorial technique based on a sharp opposition of opposing concepts, positions, images.
B) Anaphora - This is a pictorial technique based on the repetition of a word or a group of words at the end of lines, stanzas or sentences.
IN) Inversion - This is a pictorial technique based on changing the usual word order in a sentence.
G) gradation - this is a visual technique based on the sequential arrangement of words, expressions, tropes (epithets, metaphors, comparisons) in order of strengthening (increasing) or weakening (decreasing) of a sign.

1. He was buried in the globe, and he was only a soldier.

2. Oh! Summer red! I would love you if it were not for the heat, and dust, and mosquitoes, and flies ...

3. Troika! Three bird! Who made you up?

A. Hyperbole.

B. Rhetorical question.

B. Polyunion.


1. What stylistic figure is used in the text: " Jeans, tweed jacket and a nice shirt. Very good. My lovely! White. Plain white shirt. But beloved"(E. Grishkovets)?

1) parceling

2) gradation

3) anaphora

4) ellipsis

2. What stylistic figure is used in the statement: “O times! Oh manners! (Cicero)?

1) gradation

2) an oxymoron

3) rhetorical exclamation

4) antithesis

3. What trope is used in the lines: “And the boyar writes all night long, / His pen breathes revenge” ()?

2) hyperbole

3) metonymy

4) comparison

4. What stylistic figure is used in the sentence: “Men are for axes” (A. Tolstoy)?

1) gradation

2) an oxymoron

3) ellipsis

4) lexical repetition

5. In which case is the wrong definition of a trope given?

A) Metaphor - This is a pictorial technique based on the fact that a word or expression is used in a figurative sense based on the similarity of two objects or phenomena on some basis.

B) Metonymy - This is a pictorial technique based on the fact that a word or expression is used in a figurative sense based on the adjacency of two objects or phenomena.
IN) personification - This is a pictorial technique based on the transfer of the features of an object or concept to a living being.
G) Comparison - This is a visual technique based on the comparison of one phenomenon or concept with another.

6. Determine what means of expression is used

1. The car, humming and shaking, rushed along ... the roads.

2. Amusing soldiers from the royal grooms, falconers, and even from young men of elegant surnames, Peter I now had about three hundred people.

3. Alas! He does not seek happiness and does not run away from happiness!

A. Historicisms

B. Lexical repetition

B. Personification

TRAILS- words and expressions used by the author of the text in a figurative sense.

EPITHET- this is a figurative definition that answers the question what? which? which? which? and usually expressed by an adjective. The epithet differs from the usual definition in artistic expressiveness, it conveys the author's feeling for the depicted object, creates a lively, vivid idea of ​​it.

Throughwavy fogs the moon sneaks onsad Glades she pours a sad light. (A. S. Pushkin)

PERSONALIZATION- attribution of qualities, actions, emotions of a person to objects, nature, abstract concepts.

Storm darkness covers the sky, twisting snow whirlwinds: then like a beast, she will howl, thenwill cry like a child (A.S. Pushkin)

The earth is sleeping in the glow of blue (M.Yu. Lermontov)

COMPARISON- comparison of two objects or phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other, to reveal new important properties in the object of comparison. Most often, comparisons are introduced into a sentence with the help of unions HOW, EXACTLY, AS LIKE, AS IF.

The ice is fragile on the icy river,like melting sugar lies (N.A. Nekrasov)

METAPHOR- transfer of properties from one object to another based on their similarity

The metaphor is based on comparison, but it is not formalized with the help of comparative conjunctions, therefore the metaphor is called a hidden comparison.

Metaphor can be easily converted into a comparison using the words AS, LIKE, LIKE.

Empty skies transparent glass;

Crimson bonfire of sunset (I.A. Bunin)

(The sky is clear as glass = heaven clear glass; Sunset like a crimson fire = crimson bonfire sunset)

METONYMY- allegorical designation of the subject of speech, "renaming", replacing one concept with another that has a causal relationship with it

A) the name of the vessel is used in the meaning of what is contained in this vessel;

C) the name of the place of action replaces the name of the people who are in this place;

D) a detail of appearance or clothing is used instead of the name of a person.

All flags will visit us (A. S. Pushkin) (that is, the port city will receive ships with flags of all countries of the world.)

I ate three plates (I, A. Krylov)

Drank the whole bottle.

He willingly read Apuleius, but did not read Cicero (A.S. Pushkin).

I have read all of Turgenev.

Violent Rome rejoices (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Gray helmets with a red star in a white horn shouted: "Stop!" (V.V. Mayakovsky)

SYNECDOCHE- a kind of metonymy, when the name of the part is used instead of the name of the whole or vice versa

A) singular used instead of the plural;

B) the plural is used instead of the singular;

C) a generic concept instead of a specific one;

D) a specific concept instead of a generic one.

And it was heard until dawn, howforged a Frenchman. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

We all look at Napoleons. (A. S. Pushkin)

Well, sit down, it was shining (i.e. the sun). (V. Mayakovsky)

Most of all, take care of a penny (i.e. money). (N.V. Gogol)

HYPERBOLA- excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object

Tearing the mouth of a yawn wider than MexiKansky Bay (V.V. Mayakovsky)

In a hundred thousand suns the sunset burned (V.V. Mayakovsky).

LITOTES- excessive underestimation of the properties of the depicted object or phenomenon

Your Pomeranian, lovely Pomeranian, no more than a thimble! (A.S. Griboyedov)

IRONY- hidden mockery; the use of a word or expression in the reverse sense of the literal

Where, smart, are you wandering, head? (appeal to the donkey in the fable of I. Krylov).

PERIPHRASE- Descriptive turn of speech, replacing the name of an object or phenomenon with a description of their distinguishing features or an indication of character traits. Used to avoid speech repetition.

The king of beasts (instead of a lion) Our smaller brothers (instead of animals)

tricks- special syntactic constructions that give expressiveness to speech (often figures of speech):

ANTITHESIS (OPPOSITION)- a sharp opposition of concepts, thoughts, images. Antithesis is often created with antonyms.

You are wretched, You are plentiful, You are powerful, You are powerless, Mother Russia! (N. Nekrasov)

INVERSION- the arrangement of the members of the sentence in a special order that violates the usual, direct order, in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech, reverse word order.

It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle (M.Yu. Lermontov)

GRADATION- sequential arrangement of words or expressions in the order of their increasing (less often decreasing) meaning (semantic or emotional). A chain of concepts or definitions with a gradual increase or decrease in significance.

Glowing, burning, shining huge blue eyes.

All facets of feelings, all facets of truth

Erasedin worlds, in years, in hours. (A. Bely)

OXYMORON- a contrasting combination of words that are opposite in meaning.

Dead souls, living corpse, sad joy, sweet bitterness of memories

PARCELLATION- an artistic technique consisting in dividing the sentence into separate fragments, which are incomplete sentences, intentional violation of the boundaries of the sentence; division of one sentence with the help of dots into several parts - two or more.

And all the Kuznetsky Most and the eternal French ... Destroyers of pockets and hearts! When the Creator delivers usFrom their hats! Cheptsov! And studs! And pins! (A. S. Griboyedov)

It happened a long time ago. A long time ago. Anna is in trouble. Big.

ANAPHORA monophony, repetition of words at the beginning of lines or at the beginning of sentences.

Wait me and I'll be back.

Just wait a lot.

Wait when sad

yellow rain,

Wait when it snows,

Wait when the heat

Wait when others are not expected,

Forgetting yesterday. (K. Simonov)

EPIPHORA- repetition of words at the end of lines or at the end of sentences.

I don't know,where is the border

Between North and South

I don't know,where is the border

Between friend and friend! (M. Svetlov)

I would like to know why Ititular adviser? Why exactlytitular adviser? ELLIPSIS- omission of the predicate, giving speech dynamism.

We sat down - in ashes, hailstones - in dust. (V. Zhukovsky)

LEXICAL REPETITION- intentional repetition of the same word or phrase to enhance the emotionality, expressiveness of the statement.

It seemed that everything in nature fell asleep:sleeping grass,slept trees,slept clouds!

QUESTION AND ANSWER FORM OF PRESENTATION- a form of presentation in which questions and answers alternate. What to do? Don't know. Who to ask for advice? Unknown.

SYNTAX PARALLELISM- the same syntactic construction of neighboring sentences. People are learning Knowledge. People learn Memory. People learn Conscience. (According to Yu. Lotman)

CITATION- use of quotes in the text.

There is such a beautiful saying: "Patience is beautiful" (According to N. Gorlanova)

Syntactic means of expression:

ROWS OF HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS OF THE OFFER - one or more rows of homogeneous members in a sentence.

For example, in the sentence "And the years passed quickly and inaudibly and carried away these memories with them," there are two rows of homogeneous members: 1) predicates: "went and carried away", 2) circumstances: "quick and silent"

INTRODUCTORY WORDS - words (phrases) that are not grammatically related to the sentence.

For example, in the sentence "So," honor is the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience "" the introductory word is So - indicates the connection of thoughts in the text.

HANDLING - a word or combination of words that names the person (sometimes the subject) to whom the speech is directed.

For example, in the sentence "Guys, isn't Moscow behind us?" (M.Yu. Lermontov) the address is the word "Guys".

rhetorical address - not only names the person to whom the speech is addressed, but at the same time can convey expressive-emotional relationships.

For example, in the sentence "Dreams, dreams! Where is your sweetness" (A.S. Pushkin), a rhetorical appeal - Dreams Dreams(inanimate noun)

or in the sentence "What do you see, martin, to the window that, freestyle, do you sing?" (A. Delvig) appeals " swallow", "free", name the one who does not respond to the appeal to him.

EXCLAMATION SENTENCES - sentences that are pronounced with a special exclamatory intonation.

For example, "Duel!"

QUESTIONS - interrogative sentences for the purpose of the statement, pronounced with a special interrogative intonation.

For example, "But what about Pushkin?"

A RHETORICAL QUESTION - a question that does not require an answer, an affirmation or denial expressed in the form of an interrogative sentence.

For example, "Wealth is good to have; But should anyone dare to be proud of it?" (A. Sumarokov)

COMPARATIVE TURNOVER - one of the brightest means of expression Russian language. It is used to compare an item or feature with another item or feature.

For example, "Black as pitch, the shadows lay on the grass" (A.N. Tolstoy)

CONVERSATIONAL SYNTAX CONSTRUCTIONS characteristic of colloquial speech, more often these are incomplete sentences or constructed in violation of syntactic norms.

For example, "Grish, and Grish! Look, a piglet ... Laughs ... Yes, but in his mouth! .. Look, look ... a blade of grass in his mouth, by golly, a blade of grass! .. That's something! (A.I. Kuprin)

NAME OFFERS - one-part sentences, in the grammatical basis of which there is only one main member of the sentence - the subject.

For example, “And I kept looking at the cement cone, rereading the names again. Righteous G.A., private. Proskurin S.M., private. Pyzhov A.S., lieutenant. Rogachev M.V., junior sergeant. Rodionov N.I., private ... "(E. Nosov)

Phonetic means of expression.

sound recording- playing with sounds to enhance expressiveness.

ASSONANCE- the repetition of the same vowel sounds in poetic speech.

I quickly fly along cast-iron rails. I think my mind. (N. NotKrasov)

ALLITERATION- the repetition of the same consonant sounds in poetic speech.

Frost drunk puddles are crunchy and fragile, like crystal. (AND.Northerner)

Lexical means of expression:

SYNONYMS words that are close in meaning.

Mysweet and tender beast.

CONTEXT SYNONYMS- words that are similar in meaning only in the given text (outside the text they have no similarity in lexical meaning).

His heavy body is filledflexible, bestial graces (M. Sholokhov).

ANTONYMS- Words with opposite meanings.

You Andmighty , You andpowerless , Mother-Rus! (N. A. Nekrasov)

CONTEXT ANTONYMS- words that are contrasted in meaning only in the given text.

Millions - you. Us- darkness, and darkness, and darkness (A. Blok).

For you -century, for us -single hour. (A. Blok).

PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS- stable combinations of words, understood not literally, but figuratively.

Far away, work carelessly.

DIALECTISMS- words used only by residents of a particular area (dialect in Greek means "local dialect"): in some Russian villages towel called differently towel, squirrel - vekshey, hare - ushkan, wolf - biryuk.

Were in the ravinesgoats . (= snakes) (According to I.S. Turgenev)

TERMS - words or combinations of words denoting a concept used in science, technology, art. IN fiction terms are used more often as a means of creating the speech characteristics of characters.

One day, when the winter ended andantifreeze was no longer needed in the car, I opened the faucet, and all the liquid fromradiator spilled onto the ground, onto the lawn under the windows of our village house. (V. Soloukhin)

INDIVIDUAL AUTHOR'S WORDS (OCCASIONALISMS) - words that are the word creation of a writer or poet. They are created with a specific stylistic goal, they make up the writer's lexicon. They should be distinguished from neologisms proper.

They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the levelhighest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk to them. (D. Granin)SPEECH - words characteristic of the colloquial style of speech, often rude words that do not correspond to standardized literary speech.

Why should I scream: "Hey you, let's go to the buffet,let's devour or something!" (S. Lvov)

BOOK VOCABULARY - high style words. Arise, prophet, and see, and listen ... Selflessness, duty ...