Texts of presentations from the collection of Tsybulko. Texts of presentations from the collection of Tsybulko Oge Russian language 36 options

We have collected for you all the texts of the presentations from the collection of Tsybulko 2015. Under each text there are micro-themes and a ready-made summary. Many of these texts are repeated in the open FIPI task bank, which means they can get caught in the real OGE. Enjoy!

Text for options 1-4 ("Modern life with its ever-increasing pace...").

Modern life with its ever-increasing pace, makes people communicate with more people. Surprisingly, the more such "fleeting" acquaintances we meet, the more difficult it is to find true friends among them. However, one thing is clear: we all feel a strong need for companionship, close friendships are still necessary for us, just like food and water.
What should a true friend be like? A true friend will always be able to help you in a difficult time, but he will never use you as a means to achieve his goals. A true friend will sincerely rejoice at your success, but he will not pretend to be glad, and at the same time envy you in his soul. A friend will always find the right word of support, which people so often lack. You can always rely on a friend because he is honest with you.
Do not think that a friend should be an ideal person, devoid of any flaws. No. A friend is also a person, and there are no ideal people. The main thing is to treat him with kindness and attention.

(According to I. Bondareva)

Micro topics:

paragraph number


To live life with dignity and receive joy allows a person to have a real goal, which is to serve people.

Personal gain cannot bring a person as much joy as doing good deeds for other people, done from the heart.

Therefore, the main life task should be wider than the personal interests of a person, it should be dictated by kindness to people.

Finished Concise Statement

1) Modern life forces people to communicate with a large number of "fleeting" acquaintances, among whom it is increasingly difficult to find true friends. But we all feel a strong need for close companionship.

2) What should a true friend be like? He will be able to help in difficult times and will never take advantage of you. He will be sincerely happy with your success and will not envy you. He will find a word of encouragement. You can rely on him.

3) A friend is not a perfect person. He has flaws. The main thing is to treat him with kindness and attention.

Text for options 5-8 ("We often say to each other ...").

We often say to each other: I wish you all the best. This is not just an expression of politeness. In these words we express our human nature. must have great strength spirit to be able to wish good to others. The ability to feel, the ability to see the people around you kindly is not only an indicator of culture, but also the result of a huge inner work spirit.

Turning to each other with a request, we say: please. Request is an impulse of the soul. To refuse help to a person means to lose one's own human dignity. Indifference to those in need of help is a spiritual deformity. To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop in your soul complicity, compassion and at the same time the ability to distinguish harmless human weaknesses from vices that cripple the soul.

To increase the goodness in the world around us is the greatest goal of life. Good is made up of many things, and every time life sets a task for a person that must be able to solve. Love and friendship, growing and spreading to many things, gain new strength, become higher and higher, and the person, their center, is wiser.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

Micro topics:

paragraph number


Wishing people well is an expression of the essence of man. Ability to see better the world, people - an indicator of culture, the result of a great internal work.

Kindness is a human dignity, and indifference is spiritual deformity; to protect yourself from it, you must develop sympathy and complicity in your soul.

To increase the goodness in the world around us is the greatest goal of life; the ability to love and make friends makes a person wiser and stronger.

Finished Concise Statement

1) In wishing good to people, we express our human essence, because it requires great strength spirit. The ability to see others in a kind way is the result of a huge inner work.

2) To refuse help is to lose dignity. To protect yourself from indifference to those in need of help, you must develop complicity and compassion, as well as the ability to distinguish human weaknesses from vices.

3) To increase goodness in the world around us is the biggest goal of life. Love and friendship gain new strength, becoming higher, and the person, their center, wiser.

Text for options 9-12 ("I remembered hundreds of boys' answers to the question ...").

I remembered hundreds of boys' answers to the question: what kind of person do you want to become. Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless ... And no one said - kind. Why is kindness not put on a par with such virtues as courage and bravery? But without kindness, genuine warmth of the heart, the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of humanity.
Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the surrounding living world and do the most courageous deeds in the name of goodness. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and the only path for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is useful both to a person alone and to society as a whole.
Learning to feel and sympathize is the most difficult thing in education. If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, you will never bring them up, because they are assimilated simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main of which is the value of life, someone else's, one's own, the life of the animal world and plants. In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school, a school of cultivating good feelings.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

Micro topics:

Finished Concise Statement

1) Why is kindness not put on a par with valor and courage? After all, without kindness, the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Together with emotional culture, it is the focus of humanity.

2) Today we should be more kind to each other, to the animal world and do bold deeds in the name of goodness. The path of goodness is the only true one for man. He is tested, faithful, useful both to man and to society.

3) If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they will never be brought up. They are assimilated along with the main truth - the value of the life of all living things. In childhood, a person must go through the school of good feelings.

Text for options 13-16 ("A person has committed a misdemeanor ...").

A person has committed a misdemeanor or even a crime. Or simply did not justify the hopes that were placed on him. Looking for explanations. He is also looking for them. Often not so much an explanation as an excuse. Surrounding and he himself blame the family, school, team, circumstances.

We should not forget what role man himself plays in his own destiny. Forget about an important, and perhaps the most important part of education - self-education. Indeed, of all the circumstances that form a person, the most important is a conscious attitude towards own life, to their own thoughts and plans, and above all - to their own actions.

Self-education begins with self-esteem. If a person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every case, loses self-confidence, then he develops low self-esteem. No less dangerous is overestimated self-esteem, when a person considers himself always and in everything right and does not listen to the opinions of others. Only the ability to adequately assess your capabilities allows you to correctly formulate life goals and achieve them.

(According to S. Lvov)

Micro topics:

Finished Concise Statement

1) A person committed a misdemeanor, a crime, or did not live up to expectations. Everyone is looking for explanations or excuses and blame others and circumstances.

2) But we should not forget about self-education. After all, the most important of the circumstances that shape a person is a conscious attitude to one's own thoughts and actions.

3) Self-education begins with self-esteem. A person has low self-esteem, when he loses self-confidence, he finds insurmountable obstacles everywhere. Inflated self-esteem is also dangerous, because then a person considers himself right in everything and does not listen to others. Only the ability to adequately assess their capabilities allows a person to set goals and achieve them.

Text for options 17-20 ("Time changes people...").

Time changes people. But, besides time, there is another category that affects you, maybe even stronger than time. This is a way of life, an attitude towards it, compassion for others. There is an argument that compassion is brought up by one's own misfortune. I don't like this idea. I believe that compassion is a special talent, and without it it is difficult to remain human.

A person of serene fate knows, of course, about troubles, that there are unfortunate people, and among them children. Yes, misfortune and misfortune are inevitable. But life is arranged in such a way that misfortune seems to the happy most often far away, sometimes even unreal. If everything is fine with you, trouble seems to be scattered around the world with small grains of sand, misfortune seems atypical, and happiness seems typical. Happiness will not be happiness if every moment it begins to think about trouble and grief.

Own troubles leave scars in the soul and teach a person important truths. But if a person remembers only such lessons, he has an underestimated sensitivity. It's easy to cry in your own pain. It's harder to cry from someone else's pain. A famous thinker of the past said: "Prosperity reveals our vices, and disasters our virtues."

(According to A.A. Likhanov)

Micro topics:

Finished Concise Statement

1) Lifestyle, attitude towards it and compassion change you more than time. I believe that compassion is not brought up by one's own misfortune, but is a talent without which it is difficult to remain human.

2) Misfortunes and troubles are inevitable. But most often they seem distant, unreal to the happy, because happiness will not be happiness if you constantly think about grief.

3) If a person remembers only the lessons of his own troubles, he has an underestimated sensitivity. It's harder to cry from someone else's pain than from your own. A thinker of the past said that prosperity reveals our vices, and disasters our virtues.

Text for options 21-24 ("Rudeness in the language...").

Rudeness in language, as well as rudeness in manners, slovenliness in clothes, is a very common phenomenon, and it testifies to the insecurity of a person, to his weakness, and not at all to strength. I'm not talking about the fact that this is a sign of bad manners, and sometimes cruelty.

A truly strong and balanced person will not speak loudly and swear unnecessarily. After all, it has long been known that each of our actions, each of our words is reflected in those around us and is hostile to the most precious thing in the world - human life. And a strong person, understanding all this, is just strong in his nobility and generosity.

To learn good, calm, intelligent speech is necessary for a long time and carefully - listening, memorizing, reading. But although it is difficult, it is necessary, it is really necessary! Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment, if it is “dragging”.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

Micro topics:

Finished Concise Statement

1) Rudeness in the language is a common phenomenon, indicating the weakness and insecurity of a person. It is a sign of bad manners, and sometimes cruelty.

2) A truly strong and balanced person will not speak loudly and swear. Every action we take and every word we say has an impact on those around us. Strong man understands it. He is strong just for his nobility and generosity.

3) You need to learn calm and intelligent speech for a long time and carefully. This is really necessary, because speech is the most important part of the personality and the ability not to succumb to the influence of the environment, if it is "addictive".

Text for options 25-28 ("Did human art have two paths...").

The beauty of the surrounding world: a flower and the flight of a swallow, a foggy lake and a star, a rising sun and a honeycomb, a dense tree and a woman's face - all the beauty of the surrounding world gradually accumulated in the human soul, then the return inevitably began. The image of a flower or a deer appeared on the handle of a battle axe. The image of the sun or a bird adorned a birch bark bucket or a primitive clay plate. After all, until now, folk art has a pronounced applied character. Any decorated product is, first of all, a product, whether it be a salt shaker, an arc, a spoon, a rattle, a sled, a towel, a baby's cradle...

Then the art took off. The drawing on the rock has no applied character. It's just a joyful or sorrowful cry of the soul. From a worthless drawing on a rock to a drawing by Rembrandt, a Wagner opera, a sculpture by Rodin, a novel by Dostoevsky, a poem by Blok, a pirouette by Galina Ulanova...

(According to V.A. Soloukhin)

Micro topics:

Finished Concise Statement

Text to options 29-32 ("Like any qualified...").

Like any qualified, purposeful, systematic and systematic work, a teacher is a profession, a specialty. But this is a special profession, incomparable with any other business. It has a number of special properties and qualities.

The object of the teacher's work is the spiritual life of a developing person - the mind, feelings, will, conviction, self-consciousness. The most important tools of the teacher's influence on the spiritual world of the student are the word, the beauty of the surrounding world and art, the creation of circumstances in which feelings are most clearly expressed - the entire emotional spectrum of human relations. Therefore, the teaching profession is human science, a constant, never-ending penetration into the complex spiritual world of man.

The final result of pedagogical work can be seen not immediately, not today, not tomorrow, but after a very long time. What the teacher did, said, managed to instill in the child, sometimes affects in five, ten years. The health, mind, character, will, patriotism, and intellect of a person depend on the teacher, on his skill, skill, art, wisdom. In other words, the present and the future of the student depend. Therefore, it is very important to believe in the possibility of successful upbringing of each child. Unlimited faith in a person, in his future - this is what should live in the soul of a person who has decided to devote his life to the noble work of a teacher.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Micro topics:

Finished Concise Statement

1) A teacher is a special profession, incomparable with any other business. It has a number of special properties and qualities.

2) The teaching profession is human science, constant penetration into the complex spiritual world of man with the help of special tools- words, the beauty of the surrounding world and art, the creation of circumstances in which feelings are most clearly expressed.

3) The end result of the teacher's work is revealed after a long time. The present and future of the student depends on the teacher. Boundless faith in a person must live in his soul.

Text for options 33-36 ("When I was ten years old...").

When I was about ten years old, someone's caring hand put a volume of Animal Heroes on me. I consider it my "alarm clock". From other people I know that for them the “alarm clock” of the feeling of nature was a month spent in the summer in the countryside, a walk in the forest with a man who “opened his eyes to everything”, the first trip with a backpack, with an overnight stay in the forest ...

There is no need to enumerate everything that can awaken in human childhood an interest and a reverent attitude towards the great mystery of life. Growing up, a person should comprehend with his mind how complex everything in the living world is intertwined, interconnected, how this world is strong and at the same time vulnerable, how everything in our life depends on the wealth of the earth, on the health of wildlife. This school must be.

And yet at the beginning of everything is love. Awakened in time, she makes the knowledge of the world interesting and exciting. With it, a person also acquires a certain point of support, an important starting point for all the values ​​of life. Love for everything that turns green, breathes, makes sounds, sparkles with colors, and there is love that brings a person closer to happiness.

(According to V.M. Peskov)

Micro topics:

Finished Concise Statement

1) The volume of "Animal Heroes" became for me an "alarm clock" of the feeling of nature. For others, walks in the woods, life in the village, an overnight trip were such an "alarm clock".

2) A person, growing up, must comprehend with his mind the internal interconnection of the entire living world, its strength and vulnerability at the same time, the dependence of everything in our life on the health and wealth of the earth and nature. This school should be

3) But at the beginning of everything is Love for all living things - the starting point of all life values. It brings a person closer to happiness.

Series “OGE. FIPI - School" was prepared by the developers of the control measuring materials (KIM) of the main state exam.
The collection contains:
36 standard exam options compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM OGE in the Russian language in 2016;
instructions for performing the examination work;
answers to all tasks;
evaluation criteria.
Completing the tasks of standard examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in the 9th grade, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation.
Teachers can use standard examination options to organize the control of the results of mastering by students educational programs basic general education and intensive preparation of students for the OGE.

Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “What feelings did Sanya experience while picking dove berries?”
1) The berry harvest was great, there was a lot of work, so Sanya quickly got tired
2) Picking berries is a monotonous business, the boy quickly got tired of this work.
3) There were so many berries, the bushes were so beautiful that Sanya experienced surprise, delight, guilt, an incomprehensible feeling that got into his soul.
4) Sanya picked berries with a game, where the main thing was rivalry with Uncle Mitya.

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is etiquette.
1) And go with a filled can to the hut, stand near the bucket before pouring it into it, looking at the steam room and the living, languidly breathing - each berry separately - the light glossy blue of the collection.
2) It began to rain, but none of them responded to him in any way, did not rush into the hut, each hurried his hands even more.
3) It was getting dark quickly, and only then, having caught himself, Uncle Mityai shouted out.
4) By this time, Sanya managed to pour three three-liter cans into the bucket, filling it more than half.

Work instructions
Block I. Options 1-4
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Block II. Options 5-8
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Block III. Options 9-12
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Block IV. Options 13-16
Option 13
Option 14
Option 15
Option 16
Block V. Options 17-20
Option 17
Option 18
Option 19
Option 20
Block VI. Options 21-24
Option 21
Option 22
Option 23
Option 24
Block VII. Options 25-28
Option 25
Option 26
Option 27
Option 28
Block VIII. Options 29-32
Option 29
Option 30
Option 31
Option 32
Block IX. Options 33-36
Option 33
Option 34
Option 35
Option 36

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book OGE, Russian language, Tinovye examination options, 36 options, Tsybulko I.P., 2016 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • I will pass the OGE, Russian language, Task 15, Composition, Tsybulko I.P., Aleksandrov V.N., Aleksandrova O.I., 2018
  • I will pass the OGE, Russian language, Task 1, Concise presentation, Tsybulko I.P., Aleksandrov V.N., Aleksandrova O.I., 2018
  • I will pass the OGE, Russian language, Tasks 2-14, Text analysis, Tsybulko I.P., Aleksandrov V.N., Aleksandrova O.I., 2018
  • OGE 2019, Russian language, grade 9, Methodological recommendations, Alexandrov V.N., Aleksandrova O.I., Zvereva E.N., Stepanova L.S., Tsybulko I.P.

USE 2017. Russian language. 36 standard options. Ed. Tsybulko I.P.

M.: 2017. - 381 p.

Series “USE. FIPI - School" was prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (KIM) of the unified state exam. The collection contains: 36 standard exam options compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM USE in the Russian language in 2017; instructions for performing the examination work; answers to all tasks; evaluation criteria. Completing the tasks of standard examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in the form of the Unified State Examination, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam. Teachers can use standard examination options to organize the control of the results of mastering the educational programs of secondary general education by schoolchildren and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Examination.

Format: pdf

Size: 23.7 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Introduction 5
Preface 6
Standard USE answer forms 7
Work instructions 9
Map of student's individual achievements 10
Option 1 12
Option 2 21
Option 3 30
Option 4 40
Option 5 49
Option 6 58
Option 7 66
Option 8 75
Option 9 84
Option 10 93
Option 11 102
Option 12 111
Option 13 120
Option 14 129
Option 15 139
Option 16 148
Option 17 157
Option 18 166
Option 19 175
Option 20 184
Option 21 193
Option 22 202
Option 23 211
Option 24 220
Option 25 230
Option 26 240
Option 27 249
Option 28 258
Option 29 268
Option 30 277
Option 31 287
Option 32 296
Option 33 305
Option 34 314
Option 35 323
Option 36 331
Answers and evaluation criteria 340
Part 1 340
Part 2 359

The USE in the Russian language allows obtaining high-quality generalized information that characterizes trends in the preparation of graduates in the Russian language and allows you to identify existing problems in teaching the subject.
When preparing for the unified state exam, it is important to learn the main thing: there is no need for special preparation for the exam in terms of the content of the subject. There is nothing in the text of the examination paper that would go beyond the limits of the general educational minimum in the Russian language and school programs. However, such preparation (as well as preparation for a traditional exam) does not exclude the necessary generalization and systematization of what was learned at school. And here special attention should be paid to the methodological miscalculations that were made in the preparation of the student, and to ways to eliminate them. We hope that this book will help students in this.
The book contains 36 typical exam options corresponding to the demo version of the control measuring instruments. USE materials in Russian language 2017. Instructions for performing the work, which is common to all options, are given at the beginning of the book.
The book contains standard USE answer forms, a map of the individual achievements of the student, which can be used to track the dynamics of the performance of the tasks of standard examination options. The student can check their answers using the answers at the end of the book.
Completing tasks of standard options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the exam.
The book will be useful for teachers to organize various forms control at the lessons of the Russian language.

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Tsybulko 2017 is a set of manuals that were created to prepare for the exam in the Russian language and to hone the skills of passing the exam in grade 9 in this subject. It should be immediately noted that the unified state exam in 2017 will become much more difficult and the number of options will increase dramatically. Emphasis and emphasis on exams will be placed on the practical application of acquired knowledge, skills oral speech and writing literacy. It will be especially difficult for foreign students whose parents have recently arrived in Russia and decided to stay here in search of a better life. There will be no more discounts and the guys will have to take the exam with the general flow.

True, the book Tsybulko 2017 options and essays will come to their aid, with the help of which it will be possible to quickly prepare for the exam or the exam. You will have to do it regularly, spending about three hours a day. It is very important to honestly observe these proportions and not be lazy, otherwise there is a high probability of failing the final test and staying for a second retake. Agree, it will be a shame to sit at the textbooks in the summer, when the rest of the guys are already eating ice cream and going to the cinema in couples.

Russian language Tsybulko 2017 compositions for all

Compositions 2017 Tsybulko is a set finished works, which were created specifically to show students what exemplary essays should be and what a future engineer or doctor should strive for. Read the book to the end and then the essay exam will not cause any difficulties and worries. My girlfriend, Alesya, sat at the essays for half a year and was actively preparing to pass. Time passed, and the girl got used to writing essays so much that all her classmates began to come to her house and ask her to study with them. Aleska is a kind girl and did not refuse anyone, she trained with the guys vocabulary, grammar and artistic style of writing work. In short, having Tsybulko's 2017 essay in hand, preparing for the last test (OGE) is very simple. You don't even need a tutor or extracurricular activities with the principal of the school It is enough to pick up an online textbook and start studying the material.

OGE Tsybulko 2017 answers to questions

There are answers in Tsybulko 2017 and you won't miss them. You can use the answers only after you have thought on your own, wrinkled your mind, but could not find the answer on your own. Then you can use the hint at the end of the textbook and see the answers to the OGE that this book is filled with. Tsybulko's options contain all the answers in the Russian language grade 9, they can be guided during preparation for the OGE at home, when there is no expensive tutor nearby and there is no one to suggest the correct answer. As additional material, you can read such textbooks: Unified State Examination Russian language Tsybulko or. These textbooks and GDZ will be able to raise your level of knowledge and preparation for the OGE will become simple and easy to understand. Good luck!

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