Ready-made set of fire alarm maintenance logs. Entries in the fire alarm maintenance log Fire alarm maintenance log

Automated fire alarms - reliable protection of enterprises from unforeseen situations associated with an unexpected fire on the territory. However, the organization is required to monitor the serviceability and correct operation of fire fighting devices, as well as fixing all checks and identified malfunctions in a special log. Logbook Maintenance fire alarm is a mandatory document for all enterprises in whose premises these devices are installed.

Specialists of "Contract Service" are pleased to offer individual entrepreneurs and legal entities services for the design and filling of the fire alarm register.

Fire Alarm Service Log: Preparation and Filling

The specialist responsible for filling out the document is appointed by order of the management. The responsible person must monitor compliance with the requirements and rules that will ensure the correct and uninterrupted operation of the fire protection device.

In case of inoperability of fire automatics, the following information is entered in the fire alarm register:

  • The date the problem was discovered;
  • External manifestations of a malfunction;
  • Identified causes of failure;
  • Work performed to correct the problem;
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the specialist who eliminated the malfunction.

The logbook of the alarm operation is mandatory, it is checked by the employees of the State Fire Supervision Service. We promise you to prepare an alarm log for verification as soon as possible.

State Fire Supervision checks

Employees of the State Fire Supervision Authority are interested not only in the register of fire alarm malfunctions. Other fire documentation that should be available at the enterprise:

  • The main document on fire safety is an order to establish a fire regime at the enterprise;
  • Evacuation plan for each floor, evacuation plan processing log;
  • Acts of acceptance and operation of fire-fighting devices, acts of their maintenance;
  • A package of necessary logs: accounting of fire extinguishers, maintenance of fire extinguishers, fire-fighting briefing - introductory and at the workplace, maintenance of fire alarms and warning systems in case of fire, etc .;
  • Fire safety instructions at the enterprise;
  • Serviceable and tested primary means for extinguishing a fire (fire extinguishers);
  • The presence of fire safety signs and internal fire water supply, if necessary;
  • Fire Treatment Acts wooden structures, as well as some other documents and compliance with fire safety requirements.

Many of these documents, which guarantee you a successful check by the employees of the State Fire Supervision Service, will be helped by Contract Service specialists to draw up and fill out.

Consequences of the absence of an alarm log

The absence of a fire malfunction log is a serious violation, for which various options responsibility:

  • Disciplinary;
  • Administrative;
  • Judicial.

This violation may cause the suspension of the enterprise, the imposition of a fine, etc. We recommend entrusting the preparation of the troubleshooting log to Contract Service specialists in order to avoid trouble with the State Fire Supervision Authority.

We will quickly and professionally issue a log of alarm malfunctions

The Contract Service company specializes in sanitary and epidemiological audit of business owners and preparation of sanitary documentation. Among our services:

  • Consultations on the formation of an optimal package of documents for enterprises of various categories;
  • Development of individual packages of documents;
  • Preparation and completion of documentation;
  • Assistance in resolving disputes.

We offer you the preparation and completion of a fire alarm malfunction register, and within a few days after contacting our specialists, you will have a properly executed document in your hands.

Benefits of contacting the Contract Service company:

  • Prompt response to the client's request;
  • Short terms of performance of works;
  • Registration of documentation in accordance with all the requirements of regulatory enactments;
  • Assistance of highly qualified specialists who are well acquainted with all the nuances of the formation of sanitary documentation.

A timely appeal to the "Contract Service" will help you calmly pass the inspection of the State Fire Supervision and continue to successfully conduct your business.

Contact our operator and leave a request for the preparation of a log of alarm malfunctions, on average for the preparation of a document of this type takes 1-3 days. If you are interested in assistance in obtaining other sanitary documentation, you can find additional information in other sections of the site.

Automated fire systems (APS) are now present at many production facilities and organizations. Various magazines are included in the mandatory package of documents responsible for fire safety, but sometimes experts doubt the correctness of their maintenance. The article provides additional materials - you can download a free sample fire alarm check log and a number of others.

Legislation obliges not only to establish fire-fighting equipment at some enterprises, but also regularly check its performance and reflect the results in several reporting acts. Therefore, the question of where to download a sample fire alarm check log for free is quite relevant.

This is quite logical, because a fire extinguishing agent designed to ensure the safety of equipment and people must work without failure. Its operation must be certain rules, and the condition should be periodically examined. Even automatic systems in need of repair, as any equipment can fail.

Types of reporting documentation and their samples

The facility must have fire alarm maintenance logs:

  • APS checks (operability control);
  • accounting for APS operation;
  • checking the panic button (PTS), if any;
  • magazine for fire alarm maintenance, maintenance and repair accounting.

This documentation is filled in a certain way, according to the model. Examinations are carried out strictly according to the schedule, and their results are recorded in writing.

Frequency of control measures

Automation can also have manufacturing deficiencies, so the inspection of the APS should be carried out immediately after installation and then at intervals of once a quarter. To control the performance of the equipment, a licensed specialist is invited, who draws up the corresponding act. This document can be made an annex to the health monitoring document, the form of which is simple: the date of the examination is necessarily set, the data of the responsible person, the results, and the data on troubleshooting (if any) are indicated.

Fire Alarm Service Log: Filling Rules

A sample fire alarm maintenance log is important for every organization where one is installed. Recommended details:

  • type of instalation;
  • the date of its installation;
  • an object;
  • maintenance date;
  • type of maintenance, repair;
  • description of the technical condition;
  • position and signature of the employee who carried out the maintenance or repair;
  • signature .

What to do if a trigger occurs

Below is another example: a fire alarm log. The heading here is the same as in the previous reporting document, but the essence of what happened must be indicated:

  • the date of the incident;
  • response time;
  • established cause;
  • time of transfer of all information to the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • position and signature of the responsible person.

Testing the Panic Button

This device is also subject to regular checks - we will show another sample: the fire alarm button check log; this is also filled in by the person in charge. Often, such tools are installed even at enterprises where a security organization is present, for reliability. Details are the same as in the APS survey document.

Inspection activities by the State Fire Supervision are carried out regularly, and the absence of the necessary documents threatens with serious fines. Decree No. 61 "On the fire regime" obliges all these samples and documents to be available. All the details of reporting documents are not named there, but they follow from the logic of the normative act.

APS must be checked immediately after installation, and then quarterly. Testing is performed by a licensed organization, and its results are recorded in writing. Its form is very simple: the date of filling, the data of the responsible person and the result of the check. If there are no comments, then the fourth column “signature of the person who eliminated the malfunctions” is not filled in.

Free Download Sample Fire Alarm Check Log

Fire alarm maintenance magazine

The head is obliged to ensure the working condition of the APS in accordance with Art. 61 Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 390 dated April 25, 2012. To do this, in addition to checking the equipment, its maintenance is regularly carried out. The goal is to identify and fix problems in a timely manner. As with testing, you need to keep a book. You will find a sample log of maintenance and repair of a fire alarm system below.

The requirement for its presence is mandatory, but the law does not establish a unified form, most importantly, reflect the following in it:

  • time and date of detection;
  • signs of a problem;
  • established causes;
  • remedial action;
  • data of the person who eliminated.

Sample fire alarm maintenance log

The entries in the book are made by a responsible person whose main duties are to monitor the correct operation of the installation and maintain documentation.

What to do if the installation worked

Oddly enough, but often the installation works falsely - there is no fire. Of course, before making such an entry, you should make sure that there is no fire. Then bring the system to its original position and start filling out documents. For example, here is a sample fire alarm log.

When smoke or fire is detected, first of all call rescuers and evacuate people. And then, if the situation allows, use fire extinguishing equipment, but without unnecessary risk to health and life.

Alarm button

Often, enterprises install so-called panic buttons, by pressing which a quick response group is called. Such signal points are installed in schools, pharmacies, shops and manufacturing enterprises, even where there is a private security checkpoint. Full-time "guards" are limited in the means used and often cannot stop criminal acts, therefore they call for help.

The function of the button must be checked daily. To do this, an employee of the organization contacts an employee of the security company's control panel, and only after that a check is made. If you do the opposite, then a false call will come out. Test results are recorded.

Sample Alarm Button Test Log

Responsibility for improper record keeping

Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements is constantly increasing, including for the absence or ignorance of the books listed in the article. So, article 20.4. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for sanctions for officials from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles, but legal entities they will pay more tangibly: from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles. not released and individual entrepreneurs: their liability will be from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

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The form of the register of maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations corresponds to Appendix 1 to
The fire alarm system is a set of fire alarm installations that are installed on the site of one facility and are controlled from a common fire post.
An automatic fire alarm installation (AUPS) is a set of technical means containing special measuring instruments and converters and designed to detect a fire and transmit commands to turn on automatic fire extinguishing installations. The fire alarm is an electrical installation, so it needs constant monitoring and maintenance. Organizations, enterprises with a fire safety system work in accordance with the regulated.
Proper Lead register of maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations and regulations for the maintenance of fire alarm installations is a fundamental factor in ensuring fire safety at the enterprise.
Fire alarm maintenance includes the following organizational measures:
- preparation of the necessary documentation ( project documentation, factory documentation for receiving equipment, signal devices, electrical and wiring diagrams, programs, instructions, etc.)
- fixing the necessary entries in the register of maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations.
The systematic nature of the work on the maintenance of fire alarms is regulated by the norms of the factory operational documentation for the equipment and instrumental elements of the installation.
Fire alarm equipment, components of the AUPS, their communications and contacts, are subject to timely repair in case of deterioration or exhaustion of their resource. The need for repairs is determined during the maintenance of the AUPS.
Disassembly of the entire installation, replacement of spent key elements, assembly and special adjustment are measures that are carried out during the repair of fire alarm installations.
Counts logs:
- Date
- Type of maintenance or repair
- Short description technical condition of the plant and its parts
- Surname, initials, position and signature of the person who carried out the repair or maintenance of the unit
- Signature of the person responsible for the operation of the installation The number of pages in the maintenance and repair log of fire alarm installations may vary at your discretion, which is implemented on our website.

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All enterprises must comply with the safety rules approved by the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" dated November 18, 1994 No. 69-FZ and the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ.

And according to Art. 61 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated April 25, 2012 “On the fire regime”, the head of the organization is obliged to ensure the good condition of the APS and organize a quarterly check of its performance. Also he must responsible for correct work fire-fighting device and for maintaining special documents.

Fire Alarm Maintenance Log

This section provides a sample fire alarm maintenance log.

The APS maintenance log (its form can be arbitrary) is a mandatory document for all enterprises in whose premises these devices are installed.

If the device is noticed by the responsible employee, he is obliged to enter information about this in the document. It contains the following data:

  • the date the problem was discovered;
  • external manifestations of a malfunction;
  • identified causes of failure;
  • the work done to fix the problem;
  • Name and position of the specialist who eliminated the malfunction.

APS check log

As we noted above, once a quarter (clause 61 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390), the APS should be checked. As a rule, an employee of a specialized organization that has a license is involved for this purpose. He tests the system. Its presence is especially important when checking the performance of the device after installation. The information received is entered into a special document.

We invite you to download a sample fire alarm check log on our website for free.

APS trigger log

Sample: fire alarm log

When a fire is detected at the primary stage (appearance of smoke), an alarm is triggered. In this case, the specialist responsible for the operation of the device must open the door of the APS control panel, turn off the alarm button and the mute button. After that, he is obliged to report the case of the device operation to the fire department and the head of the enterprise, as well as to inspect the premises.

Sometimes the alarm is false. In the event of a malfunction, the specialist is obliged to inform the mechanics of the APS and the manager about this. In any case, the document must record the operation of the system. The alarm log is mandatory for the enterprise and is often checked by the employees of the State Fire Supervision Service.

Alarm Button Test Log

To eliminate malfunctions, the operation of the fire button should be checked and a special log of such checks should be kept. Sample, alarm button test log:

The button is designed to prevent fires by transmitting an alarm signal and calling firefighters.

The functionality of the button is subject to periodic checks with a mandatory mark in a separate document. It states:

  • check time;
  • Full name of the operator who received the control signal when checking its performance;
  • result of checking.

What threatens the lack of documents?

The employees of the State Fire Supervision Authority will certainly be interested in the presence of these documents at the enterprise, because their absence is a serious violation, for which Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative responsibility. The official responsible for fire safety in the organization, as well as the enterprise itself, may be punished in the form of a warning or a fine. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the amount of the fine varies from 6,000 to 15,000 and from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles, respectively.