Kitchen interior in a private house: do-it-yourself design projects. Kitchen in a private house: layout options and optimal styles (150 photos) Do-it-yourself kitchen design in your home

Having a large house of your own is a huge advantage, but it is important to properly furnish it. When planning, you need to think through to the smallest detail design of a kitchen-living room in a private house to create a comfortable environment. Some homeowners have to deal with the modernization of an old house or the transformation of a summer house in order to modernize housing in the spirit of the times.

Combining a kitchen with a living room is a very popular design decision today.

The harmonious interior of the united space cheers up, increases appetite, and creates a desire to invite guests. Using the advice of experts, it is easy to combine the kitchen and living room according to all the rules for organizing space.

The main goal pursued by the unification of the kitchen, dining and living areas is the visual expansion of space.

How to plan a combined room in a cottage or private house

The implementation of design ideas largely depends on the total area of ​​​​the rooms that it was decided to transform. They do it for different purposes.

  1. Modernization of the house.
  2. Re-profiling of adjacent premises.
  3. Expansion of the living room area due to the kitchen.
  4. Implementation of a specific design concept.

Consider the option of designing a kitchen-dining room located in a private house of an urban or country type.

These goals can be combined or make a radical modernization of living space for the sake of some interesting idea. For example, you can equip a billiard room in the house of an admirer of this game. But with the same success the interior of the kitchen-living room in a private house can be arrange as a large home theater or football fan hall. The combined room can be a cozy living room with a breakfast bar and an island sofa in the center by a large aquarium.

From the point of view of arranging a large room in which the zones of the kitchen, dining room and living room are connected, this is not an easy task.

When space is limited, you have to be especially inventive. To visually expand interior of the kitchen-living room in your own house , it is important to consider how the combined dining room will look like. All design elements must be decorated in the same style. What was not given much importance before, today it is recommended to make it more aesthetic.

As a result, you need to get a space that will 100% fulfill the functionality assigned to it.

Think about how the updated design of each corner will be - everything should be done with taste:

  • Place for cooking;
  • kitchen apron;
  • Stove or other hearth;
  • Shelves for kitchen equipment;
  • Cabinet fronts kitchen utensils;
  • Free piers.

The interior should be convenient, comfortable and easy to clean.

Classic space organization scheme in the design of the dining room in a private house.


1. kitchen block The main cooking area, everything should be at hand so as not to waste time moving around the kitchen
2. dining area Visually separated from the catering unit (high back of the sofa, bar counter, rack for dishes, decorative side), the base is a table, a dining set, a corner with a low table
3. Guest zone Sofa set or group upholstered furniture, combine the dining area with the guest area, plus a large countertop
4. Auxiliary space Aisles should be free - for the delivery of ready-made meals in a straight line to any place (where guests and hosts eat)
5. Additional functionality TV or plasma panel, monitor, aquarium.
6. Adjoining areas The space under the stairs to the 2nd floor of the house, pantries, porch, hallway are designed as a single space.

The design of the kitchen-dining-living room should look not just attractive, but harmonious and balanced.

In the limited space of a small house, neighboring zones can be combined. The place for cooking should be optimized for the needs of the family and the lifestyle of the owners of the house. Often this is a suburban household, where they come mainly in the summer and cook in the open air. In the country, an electric kettle and a stove for 2 burners or electric heating elements are enough.

In a building without heating, a fireplace is needed, which will become a worthy decoration for the design of the kitchen-dining-living room in a private house.

Principles of organization of the united space

Two-story houses in the private sector have their own layout features. Sometimes this is a defective summer cottage with an auxiliary ground floor, including an open veranda below and an attic. The distribution of the main zones should be as convenient as possible for the owners of the house. It is inconvenient to raise cooked food to a different floor each time, so the combined dining room is the best option for suburban buildings with attic.

When planning a renovation big room with a large functional workload, you will need to think over the style and color palette of the interior.

In cottages, where everything is predetermined by the architectural plan, it is difficult to make a significant transformation of the space. The same principles of combining adjacent rooms work here as in city apartments during redevelopment.

It is necessary to ensure the ergonomic arrangement of structures, furniture and decor items that do not interfere with free traffic around the house.

Layout, design and interior of a kitchen combined with a living room in a private house should be thought about the proportional distribution of the area.

  1. In a house where there is a servant who is engaged in cooking, they make the maximum equipment, the working area is large enough, there is a special frying equipment.
  2. In families where they like to gather as a big family, you need a headset - a large dinner table with chairs with high backs.
  3. At the dacha of a lonely person who receives friends or visitors according to his interests, the catering department is usually small, but the space for receiving guests has been expanded.

When planning the repair or reconstruction of the kitchen-living room, in order to obtain a comfortable and rational arrangement of functional segments, it is necessary to take into account the size and shape of the room.

When the dining room and living room are combined, not a dining set is placed in the center of the room, but island sofas with a wide table in the center. The number of guests often varies, and it's a good idea to have a few comfortable seats to move around the house.

Think over the stylistic solution of all elements of the combined room.

When reconstructing a kitchen, the amount of equipment is initially determined. Of course, the more devices for food processing, the more convenient it is to cook and preserve everything that has grown in the garden. But there is equipment that is used once a year or less (brazier, juice cooker, miracle stove), they should not be among the items of daily use.

A selection of design projects of modern living rooms combined with a kitchen and dining room will inspire you to search for your own design ideas, color schemes and original combinations.

Sophisticated interior of the dining room-kitchen in a private modern house designs are usually complemented with modern paraphernalia. Most often it is:

  • Bar counter;
  • Modern chairs;
  • Suspended plasma panel;
  • Open shelving for dishes and kitchen utensils.

The size of refrigerators and their number must also be justified. If the store is within walking distance, it makes no sense to put 3 refrigerators and fill them with drinks, raw meat and fresh vegetables, as is customary in some families. It is better to buy everything fresh more often, and large stocks are appropriate if the house is removed - purchases are made once a month.

"Global" stocks do not decorate the interior of the kitchen-dining room in a private house at all, they only occupy a usable area.

Advice . With any organization of space, add some zest to the design of the combined kitchen, something memorable, reflecting the taste of the owners of the house. For example, the decor is typical for a fisherman or a hunter, the home of a travel lover should be recognizable by bright accents, like photo.

It is important to consider how the windows of the combined room will look like. In a small house, it makes sense to replace the window sill with a wide tabletop where you can sit down to have a bite to eat without laying a large table.

The same function is performed by the bar counter, which separates the kitchen from the living room.

Advantages and disadvantages of combining rooms

The design of the combined kitchen and living room in a private house is specific, but it has its advantages:

  • Lots of space, light and air;
  • Extended working area for product processing;
  • Big bonus in the form of wide passages;
  • From the kitchen it is convenient to observe everything that happens in adjacent rooms;
  • The possibility of placing multi-seat upholstered furniture or a large buffet with a collection of dishes;
  • You can chat with guests while cooking, or watch TV on a large plasma panel in the guest area;
  • It is easier to organize parties or holidays for the whole family with invited chefs and animators;
  • It is easier to combine the preparation of technologically complex dishes and the reception of guests;
  • Large selection of stylistic solutions that require a large space;
  • Possibility to organize a full-fledged dining room for a large family.

In modern premises, zoning is most often carried out in the kitchen.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • The spread of condensate and condensate, odors from cooking, soot and greasy suspension, if the hood is weak (or absent);
  • High noise level - there is no obstacle for the propagation of sound;
  • The common space makes it difficult to concentrate or relax when someone is doing the kitchen or other things;
  • Smells from cooking stimulate appetite in advance;
  • Rubbish from the kitchen spreads throughout the room, you have to clean it often, unwashed dishes spoil the overall impression of the living room.

The lighting of the kitchen area should be brighter than the rest segment - the living room.

Advice . It is important to consider facing materials so that all surfaces are easy to clean. Be sure to provide the stove with a powerful hood and think about how to hide its bell behind the decor, which does not differ in special aesthetics. Kitchen apron can be decorated beautiful panel from tiled materials, mosaics or decorative panels.

Secrets of zoning the kitchen and living room

The basis of a successful design of a living room combined with a kitchen in a private house is in functional zoning. This is a guarantee of comfortable living and convenience in creative process when you want to experiment with culinary recipes.

A popular way to mark the invisible boundaries of the kitchen space from the living room is to highlight the level using a false ceiling.

Emphasized functionality - everything you need for a certain type of activity or recreation is concentrated on 2-3 squares of the area. For example, a personal space where you want to retire for classes or intellectual work should be isolated so as not to be distracted by trifles.

The main place should be equipped in such a way that during work you do not run around the corners in search of the most necessary things.

It should be clear to guests entering the house where each of the functional areas ends, even if it is a studio-type room. In a house without internal walls should be noticeable by the demarcations where the hallway ends and the living room begins.

In the interior of the living-dining room in a private house, the kitchen unit should be separate from the place of eating.

There are several methods of zoning.

  1. The choice of color - the catering unit, the dining room and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place for receiving guests have their own shade and palette, but they must all be in harmony.
  2. Transparent partitions (glass, fabric, plastic).
  3. Materials of different textures - tiles for the kitchen, linoleum for the dining room and laminate - in the living room of the combined space.
  4. Zoning by the ratio of levels of planes (thresholds, podiums, steps and multi-level ceilings).
  5. Each part of the room has its own finishing materials.
  6. Separation by blocks of furniture (set with a side, end, peninsula or in the form of a short pier).
  7. Decorative screens and panels, designer panels, installations or works of contemporary art.
  8. Different lighting in general light design of the living room and kitchen in the house.

Such designs can also play a decorative role if original shapes or unusual colors are “connected” to the performance of a multi-level ceiling.

Local lighting should organically fit into the overall solution or complement the front chandelier in the living room.

Stylistic solution of the united space

When expanding the usable area by combining 2-3 adjacent rooms, more free space appears. This gives an additional bonus when choosing a style.

If we are talking about a new house, where the style has not yet been decided, you need to focus on architectural solution. A traditional wooden frame, a modern house or a classic building are equipped according to long-established canons.

To simplify cleaning processes, the flooring of the kitchen area is made of easily washable materials with high resistance to moisture.

For lovers of solid houses, when they build "for centuries", passing the estate by inheritance, it is worth focusing on the classics or historical style. It does not go out of fashion, only approaches to design implementation are being transformed. interior of the kitchen-living room in a private house.

For those who love refined and luxurious interior, historical style is proposed:

  • Empire;
  • Renaissance;
  • Baroque;
  • Rococo;
  • Palace style.

When you do not want to go to extremes, it is better to focus on something conservative - English classics or minimalism.

Traditionally, the interior in the Baroque style involves ornate lines, many details and accents.

People who are nostalgic for rural childhood, provincial wilderness and simplicity, embodied in a new way, are recommended:

  • Retro or vintage;
  • Country in any version, including chalets, Provence, ranches or the style of a Russian hut (styles fit organically into buildings with an attic).

When choosing interior design, remember that you live here, not guests who want to impress. Possible different variants The main thing is to create the house of your dreams. Modern style solutions:

  • Modern;
  • Loft;
  • High tech;
  • Fusion;
  • Contemporary.

Try to design a living room combined with a kitchen in modern style modern.

Ethnic style lovers usually have well-established interests, but the most popular are:

  • Japanese minimalism;
  • Scandinavian functionalism;
  • Arabic style;
  • Moroccan; Chinese;
  • Indian;
  • African interior style.

Advice . When choosing furniture sets, pay attention to the technical description. Many headsets, soft corners and universal sets have a style indicated. This makes the choice much easier.

The harmonious interior of a living room with a kitchen in a private house largely depends on the color scheme.

At the time of buying household appliances should think about how it fits into the stylistic decision and the overall range. Textiles, decor, accessories and products self made should also fit seamlessly into design of a kitchen combined with a living room and a dining room in a private house , as in our photo examples.

VIDEO: Design of a combined kitchen dining room living room.

Kitchen-dining-living room design in a private house - 50 ideas:

Arranging a kitchen in a private house is an occupation as responsible as it is pleasant. After all, you can not save every centimeter, choose household appliances of the desired configuration and size, not be limited in the choice color palette for the execution of finishing and facades of the kitchen set. In a word, you can realize all your design dreams and create a truly comfortable, cozy, multifunctional and beautiful space for kitchen processes, eating and, possibly, receiving especially close guests. Kitchen facilities in private apartments are almost always larger than their counterparts, enclosed in small spaces of standard apartments. There is no need to talk about small-sized dwellings at all. But great opportunities come with great responsibility. It is important not to "spill" your own design ideas and ambitions, not to lose the basis of the concept of designing a kitchen on a relatively large area, in pursuit of originality - do not forget about the practicality, functionality and ergonomics of the environment of the room, which will need to perform a large number of options. We hope that our large selection of kitchen space design projects will help you find design inspiration. own kitchen dreams.

Features of the kitchen in a private house

In any dwelling, the kitchen is the heart and hearth, it is a multifunctional room in which not only cook delicious dishes and related work processes are carried out, but the whole family gathers for joint meals. The kitchen space located in a private house has its own characteristics:

  • as a rule, the kitchen in private apartments is much larger than the kitchen in a standard apartment;
  • most often the kitchen has not one, but two or more windows (their dimensions may differ from standard sizes adopted during the construction of apartment buildings);
  • the very shape of the room may be non-standard, so the location of the working area may vary, in addition, you can use additional interior elements - a fireplace, a kitchen corner of various modifications (if there are niches or a bay window in the room) and even a workplace;
  • communication systems can be laid at your discretion, if this does not contradict safety rules;
  • usually in the kitchen of a private house there is not only a working area, but also a full-fledged dining segment that can receive not only family members, but also guests of the house.

Layout for a spacious kitchen of a private household

Obviously, the image of the kitchen space, its furnishings, largely depend on the location of storage systems, built-in appliances and work surfaces. In a large kitchen room, there are practically no restrictions in choosing the layout of the kitchen set. But a spacious kitchen can also have a complex shape, be a walk-through room or be part of the living room - all these nuances leave their mark on the choice of how to complete the furniture ensemble. Let us consider in more detail the options for organizing workflows in the kitchen space with the help of spacious storage systems, a convenient arrangement of work surfaces and an ergonomic layout of household appliances.

Corner layout with kitchen island or peninsula

The corner layout of the kitchen set is not without reason considered the most universal option arrangement of furniture and built-in household appliances. This layout allows you to use the minimum amount of usable space with the maximum number of storage systems. In addition, it is convenient to place the tops of the so-called “working triangle” on perpendicular sides - a refrigerator, a sink and a stove (hob). The corner layout is suitable for kitchen spaces of any shape, with any number and size of windows and doorways. The advantage is also a large amount of free space that remains after the installation of the L-shaped furniture ensemble. This place is usually used to place a kitchen island or peninsula. But in a large kitchen, you can not limit yourself to just a stand-alone module that allows you to increase the number of storage systems and become a place for short meals, but also install a full-fledged dining group - a large table and comfortable chairs for all family members.

Linear layout of the kitchen set, complemented by an island or dining group

The linear layout involves the arrangement of all storage systems and built-in household appliances in one row. This method of organizing the working area is suitable for rooms in which it is necessary to leave the maximum amount of usable space for organizing a large dining segment. Or it is more convenient for the hostess (owner) to use as a working base kitchen island with integrated appliances, perhaps even a sink. At the same time, the dining area can be organized right there, behind the countertop of the kitchen island (option for married couples or families with one child) or be presented as a full-fledged dining group with a large table and comfortable chairs (variation for large families).

A one-row layout is suitable if the kitchen space of your private house has a modest area. For example, for a married couple or a family that rarely eats at home, a small kitchen set located linearly along one of the walls of the kitchen and an island or peninsula, which also serves as a dining area, will be enough.

U-shaped kitchen layout

The layout of the kitchen ensemble in the form of the letter "U" is appropriate if you need to use a large number of storage systems to organize an orderly system in the kitchen. Also, this layout method is suitable for kitchens that need to accommodate a large number of household appliances - in addition to a standard stove (hob) with an extractor fan and a refrigerator, you need to integrate an oven, dishwasher, microwave, wine cooler and much more. In a spacious kitchen with such a layout remains enough free space in the center of the room to install a kitchen island or dining table with the necessary paraphernalia.

Parallel layout of the kitchen ensemble

For a walk-through room, a kitchen with access to the backyard or a large panoramic window, the location of the kitchen set with household appliances along two free parallel walls. In the narrow and long kitchen of a small-sized dwelling, there would certainly not be room for a dining table. And in the spacious kitchen of a private household, it will most likely be possible to supplement the ensemble kitchen table or an island that can also serve as a tabletop for meals. A parallel layout can also be used in a kitchen with an ordinary window, under which there is a heating radiator, and the entrance is located in the center of the opposite wall.

The current color palette for the kitchen of a private house

If for a tiny kitchen in a small (and standard too) apartment, designers unanimously recommend using an exceptionally light color palette, then there are practically no restrictions in the spacious kitchen of a private house. And yet, some nuances must be taken into account when making color decisions:

  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal points (for the south side, you can use cool colors, for the north, it is better to stay in warm shades);
  • the number of windows and the level of natural protection (the light from the window can be blocked by trees and shrubs, various buildings, landscape design elements);
  • the color scheme of adjacent rooms and your desire to highlight the kitchen space with color or let it dissolve into the overall image of the home.

Even in spacious rooms, you can most often find a light palette of design among modern design projects. Firstly, the white color will never lose its popularity, the design in light colors will be relevant. long years. Secondly, for many of us, it is the light palette that is associated with a clean and comfortable room in which food for the whole family should be prepared. Who can resist the light, crystal clear look of a kitchen that looks even bigger than it actually is thanks to the white surfaces? In addition, light performance kitchen facades preferably if you plan to hang the top tier of cabinets right up to the ceiling. In white, the furniture will look lighter, without burdening the image with monumentality. Snow-white shades are perfect for any stylistic direction - from classic to modern style.

Experts recommend not to go in cycles in white when decorating rooms that do not really need visual magnification. You run the risk of creating a completely cool, from the point of view of the emotions evoked, a room with an uncomfortable atmosphere. Use wooden surfaces to raise the color temperature of a room. Wood can be used as a flooring material, for countertops, for furnishing a dining group or for creating an accent in the form of a kitchen island.

In a spacious kitchen, you can safely use contrasting combinations. This season, not just the alternation of light and dark surfaces are popular. And more complex combinations using intermediate color variations. For example, the dark shade of wenge on the kitchen facades is adjacent to the snow-white surfaces of the interior decoration and wooden countertops, household items furnished dining group. The result is a dynamic image that is clear from the point of view of the perception of the geometry of objects. But at the same time, the wood brings warmth to this interior of the kitchen space, which is quite cool in terms of color temperature, balancing the character of the room, creating balance.

Like last season, gray and many of its shades remain relevant and options for modern interiors. The kitchen space is no exception. Neutral, universal, noble - with what epithets designers do not reward gray. Shades of gray really are in place in any design - from classic to avant-garde. You just need to choose an organic accompaniment for them - dark blotches to emphasize the shape, bright hues to give lightness to the image of the room and wooden surfaces to bring warmth to the character of the space.

In a spacious and bright kitchen, you can use the uneasy local integration of dark-colored interior items, but make the facades of the kitchen set in your favorite dark tone. Matte or glossy kitchen facades in dark colors look luxurious, noble, raising not only the status of the furniture set, but of the entire space. Shine of chrome-plated elements of household appliances and additional furniture on a dark background looks especially impressive. No less effect can be achieved by diluting dark surfaces with light countertops, elements of of stainless steel. Using metallic mosaics or ceramic tiles to finish the kitchen backsplash.

In the kitchen of a private house, you can afford brightness. Designers recommend using one piece of furniture as an accent (cupboard, kitchen island, bar counter or chairs at the dining table) or one surface - it can be a whole wall or part of it, for example, an apron design. Against the background of a neutrally designed room, even a not very bright shade will look spectacular, attract attention and create a color variety of the interior, raising the degree of uniqueness.

In what style can you arrange a kitchen in a private household

Unlike the modest kitchen areas of standard apartments, kitchens in a private house can be designed in any stylistic direction. It all depends on the style of execution of the whole house you choose. Agree that it would be strange if all the rooms of a private household are decorated in a classic style, and the kitchen is made in a modern or high-tech style. And yet, some deviations from the general concept are possible, given the versatility of the room and its special microclimate (the choice of materials for surface finishing and the execution of facades of a furniture set will be influenced by temperature changes, and high humidity, and the constant risk of mechanical stress).

If the kitchen is part of a combined room in which the dining room and living room are located, then its stylistic execution will be completely subordinate to the general design concept of the entire space. In this case, the style of execution of the kitchen facades of the suite and the island (peninsula), the choice of furniture for the dining group, the finishing of all surfaces and the choice decorative elements must match the design of other functional areas. You can highlight the kitchen segment with the help of color or texture, but the stylistically design of the kitchen should be consistent with the general style of the interior.

Kitchen in modern style is a mix of minimalism and hi-tech, which is not alien to decoration and the desire for maximum comfort. Unlike “pure” minimalism, modern style, also striving for maximum functionality, does not impose a taboo on the use of decor if its presence is justified functionally. original lamps, an unusual choice of upholstery for chairs of the dining group, bright dishes, original kitchen accessories - you can decorate the room with quite practical interior items. But at the same time, the strategy for decorating a kitchen in a modern style is always based on practicality, functionality, ergonomics and comfort of the created environment.

One of the varieties of modern stylistics is the style contemporary. To put it simply, this style uses all the most progressive innovations in the field of interior design, but on the basis of originally finished rooms. In contemporary, ultra-modern appliances and furnishings can be combined with a classic ceiling design - using stucco and a luxurious chandelier with many decorative elements. Brickwork can be adjacent to a mirror in an old gilded frame or wall sconces in the form of candlesticks, a designer armchair or a floor lamp. But with all this, the atmosphere looks modern, practical, comfortable and functional.

Another subspecies of modern style is eco style. The name speaks for itself - the main focus of the style is a focus on environmental friendliness, the use of natural motifs in everything - the choice of materials for finishing and execution of furniture, color palette and decorative elements. wooden beams on the ceiling (fortunately, the high ceilings of the kitchen in a private house are able to withstand this), deliberately unfinished interior elements, hemp instead of coasters and stools, living plants as decoration. Obviously, in such an environment, most of us feel comfortable and cozy.

Classic is always in fashion. The traditional performance was created in order to preserve and honor family foundations for many years. Designers recommend using motifs neo-classic for those who want to see their kitchen luxurious, comfortable and functional at the same time. The effective combination of classical motifs and modern technology, ways of organizing storage and arrangement of work surfaces, leads to the creation of an interior that is cozy and comfortable for everyone. But at the same time, the kitchen looks elegant, stylish and, contrary to fancy household appliances, classically luxurious.

style kitchen provence c is a good choice of design concept for creating a cozy, comfortable and at the same time multifunctional room. Provence is the best suited for the kitchen space of a private house (not necessarily a country one). Some nuances of rural life, harmoniously intertwined with modern household appliances, can create a truly unique interior. Provence loves spacious and bright rooms, but even in a small kitchen you can organize an authentic design with hints of French country. The abundance of light surfaces, the use of antique interior items (or artificially aged), mandatory textile decoration, scuffs and cracks, antique dishes and handmade household items - all these motifs effectively distinguish the style from other country trends in the ways of decorating the kitchen.

Use style motifs loft in the premises of a private house it is possible even if your building has never been an industrial, warehouse or workshop. It is enough to have a spacious kitchen with large windows and a high ceiling to integrate the loft concept (partially or completely) when creating an original kitchen design. Use open communications - pipes of the ventilation system, heating, gas pipelines and even electrical wiring. Create accent wall with help brickwork(real or simulated), make it look raw. You can use stainless steel countertops, a massive and powerful hood, a large table and chairs with deliberately rough processing.

2019-01-11 05:49:52 Kitchen design in a private house - interior 2019

The process of choosing the design of a large kitchen in a private house is fundamentally different from planning a kitchen in an apartment. The interior should be stylish, modern and practical, because this room is the center home comfort and warmth. Historically, the kitchen has been used not only for preparing all kinds of dishes, but also for socializing, family and friendly gatherings, relaxation and even work. That is why it is important to equip the kitchen so that everyone in the household is comfortable. The article shows how a kitchen is designed in a private house - design, photo examples and useful tips.


The basic principles of arranging a kitchen in a private house

No wonder they say that the design of the kitchen in the house is able to convey the character of the owners. In order to make a choice, it is necessary to carefully study the projects of kitchens in a private house - their various options, think through every detail to the smallest detail, consult with experts. The main differences between arranging a kitchen in a private house and a kitchen in an apartment are as follows:

  1. In the kitchens of private houses, as a rule, more windows, which means more natural light. It is much easier to think over the design of a kitchen in a private house with windows.
  2. The working area can be arranged where it will be convenient for the hostess.
  3. Possibility to make a fireplace (if there is a stove for heating).


When arranging a comfortable kitchen space in a private house, the owners may encounter some difficulties, which are mainly due to the non-standard layout of the housing. Too narrow room, attic plot, large area, windows on different walls- all this hinders the brave and modern ideas design. However, if the task of arranging the kitchen in the house is approached wisely, then all non-standard outlines and details can be used, giving the room an individual, unique style.

Choosing a layout

When choosing a layout, it is necessary to rely not only on the design you like, but also on some generally established rules.

  1. When choosing a layout by the window, it is important to have a wide and high-quality, wear-resistant window sill. Otherwise, water splashes will permanently stain the window. It is also recommended to install a special mixer, thanks to which it will be possible to open the window if necessary.
  2. First of all, the kitchen is a room where various dishes are regularly prepared, and the main elements in the planning are the refrigerator, sink, stove, oven. The comfort and convenience of cooking in the kitchen will depend on how much smaller the distance between these objects will be.
  3. When planning, it is necessary to take into account the location of household appliances: a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave oven. If you plan to install a TV, you need to place it so that the screen is clearly visible to everyone sitting at the table.


It is quite difficult to properly equip a kitchen with two windows on different walls in a private house, in this case, the help of a designer will certainly be needed.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house redevelopment services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Layout depending on the size of the kitchen

Absolutely any kitchen competent planning can be functional and comfortable. Of course, the best option is a large kitchen in a private house - the design examples in the photo only confirm this. But small kitchens can also be arranged with maximum comfort. Small is considered to be a kitchen with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 5 square meters. meters. In this case, the most important point when planning - save as much free space as possible, visually expand it. Often this issue is solved by moving the dining area to the living room or by combining the kitchen and living room. If this is not possible, you can purchase a compact table and several folding chairs.

Design of a small kitchen in a private house

For a medium-sized kitchen, a good solution would be corner layout. With the right headset, you can get a comfortable working area, as well as conveniently place all the necessary kitchen utensils. In the presence of high ceilings You can complement this kitchen with high shelving. In addition, you can also place a bottle holder on one of the walls. Such a solution, firstly, will become an original and stylish decoration of the kitchen interior in a private house, and secondly, it will help save extra bed in the headset.


Another great option for small space, as well as for those who rarely eat at home - a linear layout. Furniture, interior items, household appliances in this layout are located as compactly as possible, along one wall. It is worth noting that if the length of the kitchen is up to 2 m, then this layout is the only right decision. Its main advantage lies in the proximity of the sink and stove, but they, of course, should not be located close to each other. This is done primarily for safety reasons.

square kitchen

It is believed that a square room is ideal for a kitchen. Here you can easily equip a functional work area and a comfortable dining area. Difficulties can arise only when arranging furniture in order to leave enough free space. For such a kitchen, light colors, smooth lines of corners, mirror mosaics are recommended - all this will help to visually expand the space.


If the kitchen is square, but at the same time large, you can organize a relaxation area in it with a small sofa and a couple comfortable chairs. If there is a classic stove, it can be decorated and used as a fireplace. more practical and modern solution- island cuisine This layout is very popular in Europe. In the center of the kitchen, you can place a working area, household appliances. Most often, there is a countertop for cooking with numerous drawers for storing food and utensils.

Rectangular, narrow kitchen

If the room under the kitchen has the shape of a rectangle, it is best to opt for a parallel layout. In this case, in order to save free space, it is necessary to choose a set with a minimum depth, as a rule, it is 30-40 cm. If you cannot place a dining area in a rectangular narrow kitchen, you can use one of the non-standard options:

  • Narrow bar along the wall.
  • Folding table and chairs.
  • Hanging table.


Another option for a narrow kitchen in a private house is a U-shaped layout. In this case, the sink can be placed at the window, in the center, the headset and the working area are placed on the sides. The option is very convenient in terms of roominess, all the equipment can easily fit into numerous cabinets and racks, but at the same time there will be a minimum of free space. When choosing such a layout, the dining area will have to be moved to another room.

Kitchen design in a private house: which style to choose

After the issue with the layout is resolved, you can start choosing a style for the kitchen. To date, there are a lot of such styles, and each of them has its own advantages. When choosing, it is also important to focus not only on your taste, but also on the area, size, features of a particular room. In the picture, everything may look very beautiful, but in reality, a new repair will not be at all a joy.

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Compilation interesting solutions kitchen interiors in a private house - in this video:

Traditional classic

The classic style kitchen is ideal for a private or country house. It is characterized by calm brown, beige, peach tones, smooth lines, the absence of "sharp" corners. In the kitchen with a classic interior, it is pleasant not only to cook, but also to spend family holidays. At the same time, this style is capricious in planning and requires strict adherence to its canons. The basic principles of arranging a kitchen in this style are as follows:

  1. No cheapness. Furniture should look restrained and expensive, it is best if the set is made of natural materials.
  2. Built-in appliances. The classic interior does not allow the demonstration of appliances.
  3. Decorative fittings, stained glass are allowed.
  4. One of the main attributes is a classic round table and massive chairs with covers.
  5. Sideboards, sideboards, dressers in retro style will be the perfect addition to the interior.
  6. The windows in a classic kitchen must have neat, stylish curtains - no blinds.


If the budget is limited, you can order MDF facades that exactly imitate natural wood. Such furniture looks no worse than natural, but its cost is several times lower. Possibilities modern design allow you to completely repeat the texture of natural wood. Flooring in this case, you can choose according to your taste, the main thing is that it harmoniously combines with the walls and the kitchen set.

romantic provence

Provence style kitchen great way create a real mediterranean atmosphere. It is characterized by natural, muted shades, as well as bright accents. The main color can be white, beige, milky, mint. Pure and saturated colors are allowed only as accents. So, for example, turquoise reminds of the sea, purple - of lavender fields, red and crimson - of sunsets. The most popular colors for the headset are ivory and warm beige. As for furniture materials, it can be natural wood or painted and varnished MDF. Basic rules for decorating a kitchen in Provence style:

  1. Aged surfaces.
  2. Delicate tones.
  3. Textured finish.
  4. Textile with floral print.
  5. A large number of vintage decor, ceramics.


Modern Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style is perfect for decorating a small kitchen in modern home or kitchen-living room. Its main advantage is that, if desired, you can easily transform the kitchen using new decor and textiles. Basic rules for designing a Scandinavian-style kitchen:

  1. Simple and concise forms.
  2. Maximum natural materials.
  3. A lot of white color.
  4. Minimum decor.
  5. Functionality, availability of free space.


The main color in the Scandinavian style is white. All sorts of shades of gray, blue and beige will also fit perfectly into the design of the kitchen. Kitchen set in this case is as simple as possible. The color in most cases is white, but there are also kitchens with furniture made of natural wood light shades. The dining table can also be made of wood, while models with a snow-white plastic top and wooden legs are also allowed. A bright woven carpet will help emphasize the dining area. The ceilings in such a kitchen are almost always white, no tension flows and complex structures from drywall. As for the flooring - it can be ceramic tile, parquet, linoleum. The colors are also light and natural.


The design of a modern kitchen in a private house is, first of all, a matter of taste of the owner. Whatever style is chosen, using the materials and furniture sold, it will be realistic to realize it. However, it is better to turn to a professional designer who will draw up a project taking into account all the features of the existing layout and the wishes of the owner of the house.

The kitchen in a private house, as a rule, has a large space and excellent lighting. The arrangement of a kitchen in a private house is significantly different from the arrangement of a kitchen in an apartment. You will learn about the features and nuances of this process in this article.

    • The shape and dimensions of the room

In every home, in every family, the kitchen is one of the main rooms. Every day, the household gathers for meals in it, and the main family cook indulges them with new delicacies. The kitchen in the house should be as comfortable and functional as possible, regardless of its size. But the specificity of the cuisine lies not only in this. In this room, which can have a variety of dimensions, the systems of all communications that are in the house are concentrated, because it is difficult for a kitchen to do without electricity and plumbing, ventilation and gas pipelines.

In most homes, the kitchen includes a stove used to heat the entire house.

For convenience, large rooms are recommended to be divided into zones.

In a private house, the kitchen can be a spacious room, it can be miniature. Often in homes, kitchens have irregular shape, or are passing. All this, no doubt, affects the design of the room and the style of its design.

Before starting the arrangement of the kitchen in the house, it is worth considering every detail, especially if the kitchen is small and combines several different functions (entrance hall, heating of the whole house, etc.). The design of a kitchen in a private house is significantly different from the interior of a kitchen in an apartment. For example, a large room needs to be properly planned by dividing the kitchen into functional areas taking into account the supply of engineering networks.

Features of the kitchen in a private house

Kitchens with small area rare in private homes The kitchens of private houses differ from apartment kitchens in many ways:

  • Thanks to a large number windows, in the kitchens of private houses there is a lot of sunlight.
  • The working area can be arranged at your discretion, and not according to the standard.
  • In the kitchen of a private house, you can place a fireplace that gives comfort and grandeur to the room. This option is ideal for kitchens that have stoves for heating the house.
  • Very often in a private house, the kitchen is a walk-through room that combines an entrance hall, a boiler room, a kitchen and a dining room. Therefore, it will not be easy to correctly plan a project for such a kitchen.
  • Kitchens of private houses can have the most unusual forms, far from the usual standards, which gives complete freedom in choosing the style of the interior.
  • The design of the kitchen at home is, first of all, the creation of its owners, reflecting their character and individuality.

    The shape and dimensions of the room

    A narrow kitchen can also be stylish, the main thing is not to pile it up with unnecessary elements.

    A kitchen in a country house can have the most unusual shape, including one that is far from standard ideas.

    • Square Kitchen. If you are the proud owner of a square kitchen, the design of such a room is not at all difficult to develop. First you need to decide on the location of the working area. If communications have not yet been completed, you are given complete freedom of choice. Accommodation kitchen furniture and technique depends on the size of your kitchen. If square kitchen is small, the method of arranging furniture should be chosen linear or angular. In the spacious kitchen, you can consider the island option so that the spacious room does not seem empty. Also, in the kitchen of a large area, you can place a dining area, a seating area.
    • narrow kitchen. For narrow kitchens, it is better to choose a design that visually expands the space, in which case the narrow room will not look cluttered. You should carefully consider the functionality of the kitchen, eliminating as much as possible all unnecessary elements, utensils, appliances. You should not use a lot of decor, and the emphasis should be on a narrow wall. If there is a narrow wall with a window, then in order to visually highlight the wall, you should use bright blinds or curtains. The floor covering, be it board or laminate, should be mounted parallel to the narrow wall of your kitchen. The old coating can be easily replaced with a new one by doing the work yourself. For narrow kitchens, the most acceptable style is minimalism, which excludes bulky furniture designs and an abundance of decorative elements.

    The use of stone in the kitchen is not only very stylish, but also practical.

    • Combined kitchen. Kitchen-studios in private homes began to appear not so long ago. If the house is designed so that a small kitchen, which has an unconventional shape, is adjacent to the living room, the rooms can be connected, creating a comfortable room in a sufficiently large area. A sliding partition or bar counter will help to visually separate the kitchen area from the living room. The classic style in the combined kitchen will not look harmonious, so it is better to exclude it in favor of modern or minimalism.

    Minimalism in a small kitchen does not mean the equipment of an uncomfortable room. In addition, many consider it overkill to have a large kitchen in the house and when developing individual project take into account its small size. Minimalism style implies a minimum of decor, strict lines in kitchen furniture and simple forms. All this makes small room visually larger and much more spacious without creating a cluttered effect.

    Minimalism is one of the few styles that works great in any kitchen.

    The style of minimalism is quite applicable in spacious rooms. You can create with your own hands unique design kitchens, adding any modern trend to minimalism. Bright accents, metal elements, even a little decor will help make a spacious mini-style kitchen not so empty.

    Art Nouveau in modern kitchen private house. Art Nouveau is quite multifaceted and does not have a clear framework. Some of its features include smooth lines, unusual color solutions and combinations, harmonious asymmetry. Modern kitchens are characterized by a combination different materials and shiny horizontal surfaces, household appliances are not hidden here, but are installed in plain sight. The Art Nouveau style is suitable for a kitchen of any size and includes a variety of styles.

    Arrangement of the kitchen of a private house

    An old-style kitchen in a private house is a fairly common solution.

    The arrangement of the kitchen begins with the creation of a project, followed by the stages of its implementation. In a private house, the kitchen, especially if it is small, requires a detailed layout of all zones in order to end up with the most comfortable functional room. The arrangement of the kitchen begins with the supply, placement and installation of engineering systems.

    Plan input water pipes and sewerage pipes are better from the side of the sink and washing or washing machines (if they are possible to install). The same principle is placed gas stove or gas pipeline.

    A private house and an abundance of wood are inseparable things

    In order for everything to be done correctly, a special project is drawn up, following which you can establish communications even with your own hands. First, the layout of the kitchen room is depicted on paper, taking into account all the built-in elements (communications, a heating stove, a chimney, a gas boiler, etc.):

    • Particular attention will need to be paid to niches and ventilation.

    Tip: for more efficient ventilation, when designing a kitchen, you should not block access to it.

    • The device of life support systems. In a private house, the kitchen is a room where various appliances are concentrated that do not belong to the kitchen. This applies to heating boilers, water heaters, geysers and similar priors. A properly designed kitchen project implies the placement of all devices that are inextricably linked to communication systems in one part of the kitchen, if it is not possible to transfer them to a separate room.
    • Arrangement of furniture and placement of equipment. Regardless of the size of the room, the rules for arranging furniture for all kitchens are identical. First, you should visually divide the kitchen into future zones - work, dining, recreation area (if there is space). If you are planning to buy furniture and appliances, it is better to use built-in appliances for a more comfortable organization of space.

    After the project is drawn up, it should be shown to a specialist for possible correction or obtaining the necessary recommendations.

    Arranging the kitchen of a private house is a more costly and time-consuming process than arranging a kitchen in an apartment. Here Special attention is given to communication and life support systems, so in an apartment this is all provided for by the project, and in houses it is often necessary to redevelop the premises for the supply of a particular pipe.

    Kitchen design in a private house (photo)

    The kitchen in a private house can be large or small, separate, combined or walk-through, often it has an irregular shape and features like ceiling beams, mansard roof, boiler, access to the terrace ... There can be a lot of conditions that need to be taken into account in the design of the kitchen of a private house. In this article, we have collected 12 general tips to help you plan an interior from scratch or transform an existing environment, and also presented a selection of 60 inspirational photos.

    Tip 1. Choose the style of the kitchen interior in accordance with the style of the facade of the house and the features of the area

    As a rule, the style of the interior of the kitchen of a country house (and other rooms) is formed based on the tastes of its inhabitants, as well as taking into account the style of the facade of the house itself. Sometimes the choice is influenced by the features of the area where the house stands. Let's say its history or proximity to the river/sea. It's so great when the interior, exterior and surroundings of the house are a natural continuation of each other. Here are a few tips to help you decide:

    • In classic mansions and cottages lined with brick or stone, appropriate classic interiors in style: Empire, eclectic, chinoiserie, French or, as well as a more democratic American style.
    • IN wooden houses from timber or logs, a kitchen in the style of: rustic, eco, in Gustavian (Swedish Empire) and, of course, a hut (for log houses) or a noble estate (see photo below) will look most organically.

    • In modern cottages with panoramic windows, most often, or eco.

    • In siding houses, Scandinavian and "rustic" interiors are most appropriate, as well as a simplified classic style(American) and industrial.

    • If the house is located by the sea / river / lake, then you can choose Provence style.

    • If your home is located near a ski resort or you are in the countryside mainly in winter time, then take a closer look at the style of the chalet.

    Tip 2. To make the kitchen comfortable, follow the “working triangle” rule when planning

    According to this rule, three strategically important areas - a sink, a stove and a refrigerator - should be located next to each other, forming a triangle.

    • The distance from the stove to the sink should be at least 60 cm and not more than 180 cm. It is good to place the food preparation area in this gap. The distance from the sink to the refrigerator can be from 45 cm to 2 m. This gap accommodates the “unloading and loading zone”, as well as auxiliary kitchen appliances, say, an electric kettle, a toaster, etc.

    Tip 3. The most convenient kitchen layout is U-shaped, the most versatile is L-shaped

    From the point of view of the "working triangle", the most successful layouts are:

    • U-shaped - when the furniture and work points are arranged in a U-shape, it turns out to cook while standing in almost one place, making only turns with the body. True, for such a layout, the width of the room should be no more than 3.2 m, and preferably no more than 2.4 m, otherwise the distance between the side parts of the headset will become too large.

    • Island - no matter how you arrange the furniture in the work area, especially if you equip it with a stove and / or sink. However, even the smallest island requires space, because there must be at least 1 meter passages around it. We talked more about the arrangement of the island in Tip No. 4 (see below).

    The most versatile layouts are:

    • L-shaped - a little less convenient, but the most versatile furniture layout, which is especially relevant rectangular shape. When choosing such a layout, it is advisable to put the refrigerator in line with the sink, and not the stove.

    • Linear - universal, but the most inconvenient option for planning a kitchen. Due to the fact that the working areas are arranged in one row, while cooking, the cook has to go back and forth extra meters more than once, which means wasting time and effort. However, for small kitchens, this option is often the only possible solution.

    Suitable for a two-row (parallel) layout:

    • Double row - suitable for kitchens with a width of no more than 3.2 m, and ideally no more than 2.4-2.5 m. In this case, the stove and sink are placed side by side in one line, and the refrigerator, along with the oven and microwave, are on the opposite side . Sometimes a dining table is placed between two rows of furniture, as shown in the photo below.

    Design of a kitchen-living room in a private house

    Tip 4. If your kitchen has an area of ​​​​more than 18 square meters. m install desktop-island

    The island is a super-functional table that can play the role of a place for preparing food, a place to store utensils and groceries, a bar for breakfast and snacks. You can also build a stove, sink, wine cabinet, or a small refrigerator into it.

    Especially such an assistant is relevant for:

    • Kitchens with an uncomfortable linear layout;
    • / dining room (see photo) / hallway.

    Keep in mind that a small island measuring 120 × 100 cm is suitable for. Such a table can also be mobile. The shape of the island must match the shape of the room.

    • In the kitchen area less than 18 square meters. meters instead of an island, you can install a peninsula, which is more compact due to the end, resting against a wall or headset.

    Tip 5. If the kitchen is a walk-through, work points should be arranged so that the passage always remains free.

    If the kitchen is walk-through, for example, combined with a hallway, has access to a terrace or backyard, then the working area (the very “triangle” of the stove, sink and refrigerator) must be planned so that it does not intersect with the passage. Then the dashes of the household back and forth will not interfere with the person involved in cooking or cleaning.

    • Remember that the width of the passage should be at least 1 m, and ideally 120 cm or more.

    By the way, in a walk-through kitchen it's great to use a bar, island or peninsula as a space divider.

    Island in the walk-through kitchen of a country house

    If you have the opportunity to install / move the sink to the window, then by all means use it. So you can enjoy nature, the backyard lawn, or at least the view of the sky over the cottage village every day, while doing everyday activities. However, a significant lengthening of communications is not always desirable.

    ... in whole or in part, replacing them open shelves if the roof slopes are too low. So you do not clutter up the interior and usefully use the walls under the slopes. In this case, the lower cabinets should be equipped mainly drawers which are much more convenient and roomy than cabinets. The following selection of photos shows examples of arranging a kitchen in the attic.

    Tip 8. If the kitchen is combined with a living room or dining room, zone the space

    Zoning space brings a sense of order and comfort to the interior. Here are a few tricks that are especially relevant for the kitchen in a country house:

    • Finishing the floor in the kitchen and the floor in the living / dining room with different materials. So, for example, if the floor in all rooms is wooden, then in the kitchen it can be lined with more practical tiles, porcelain stoneware or stone.

    • Partial isolation of the kitchen. To prevent clutter in the kitchen or dining room from spoiling the look of the living room, you can install sliding doors, curtains, panel curtains, screens, low or narrow partitions.

    • Zoning lighting. In the kitchen, it is enough to install a bright overhead light and furniture lighting, the lamps themselves should be concise. But in the living room, the light should be multi-level and softer, when the main ceiling lighting is complemented by floor lamps, wall sconces and table lamps. At the same time, the lamps themselves can be elegant. It is desirable to highlight the dining area with suspensions or a chandelier installed directly above the table as shown in the following photos.

    • Arrangement of furniture on the borders of zones. As delimiters, you can use: a bar counter, a dining table, an island table or a peninsula, a sofa, armchairs, consoles and shelving.

    Pictured is a kitchen-living room in a country house in Spain

    • The use of carpets. A large carpet on the floor in the living/dining room will divide the space and create coziness. You can also lay a carpet path between the zones. For example, between the working and dining area.

    Tip 9. A powerful hood is required for a combined space

    To protect curtains, furniture upholstery, pillows and carpets in the living room from culinary smells, you should install a dome-type hood with a capacity of at least 1000 m 3 / hour.

    Tip 10. Floors, countertops, backsplash and furniture fronts in black and dark brown are impractical

    Even the smallest crumbs, drops of water and dust are visible on dark surfaces. Therefore, the most polluted areas in the kitchen - an apron, countertops and especially the floor - are best designed in light shades.

    Tip 11. In the design of the kitchen of a country house, try something that you did not dare to do in a city apartment

    It could be a different interior style, a bold color scheme, a non-standard layout, décor techniques, or things that you like but don't fit into your "urban" kitchen interior.

    Tip 12. Use mostly natural materials in decoration and decoration

    Subjected to the idea of ​​closeness to nature interior decoration at home, you can fully experience the charm of life outside the city.

    • When decorating the kitchen of a private house, try to avoid using vinyl wallpaper, plastic panels, double-glazed windows, laminate and non-natural linoleum.
    • The ideal furniture for the kitchen of a country house is wooden (including plywood and veneer), forged and wicker.
    • Textiles are also better to choose natural or mixed.

    However, in some cases, the use of artificial materials is justified. For example, an artificial agglomerate countertop is much more practical and durable than a natural stone countertop (see material:), and a nylon carpet is almost as good as woolen and does not cause allergies.