Pineapple is the birthplace of the plant. Caring for Ornamental Pineapple Species

The history of Europeans' acquaintance with pineapples begins in 1493, when the Spaniards, who landed in Central America, discovered previously unknown juicy fruits on the islands. A little later, the candied pulp and the pineapples themselves were sent to the Old World, where the sweet and sour taste of the outlandish delicacy was to the taste of the crowned persons and the nobility.

Within a few decades, pineapples were brought to Asian and African colonies, where the local climate was very suitable for a tropical plant. At the same time, the cultivation of the crop was established in South and Central America, as well as in European greenhouses and greenhouses.

Obviously, the desire to get sweeter, larger and juicier fruits existed in those days. Therefore, the ancestors of modern pineapple varieties appeared already in the 18th century, and at the beginning of the 20th century, work on the selection of tropical fruits was in full swing. This was facilitated by the creation of large companies involved in the cultivation of pineapples and their processing. The research center was a specialized institute for the study of pineapple, located in Hawaii. And plantings have spread to the southern states of the United States, including Florida.

Since then, cultural pineapples have changed dramatically, as not only has the weight of individual fruits increased, but people have learned to get fruits containing less acids and more sugars. But at the same time, all varieties of pineapple grown on plantations in Costa Rica, the Philippines, Ghana, the USA, Vietnam or Australia are plants belonging to the genus Ananas comosus var. comosus.

Ananas comosus var. comosus

Like other varieties, large-tufted pineapple is a perennial herbaceous plant from the bromeliad family, and the fruit so beloved by many is a juicy fruit, which, depending on the type and variety, can have different shape, dimensions and weight. If fruits weighing up to 10 kg ripen on plants of the Giant Q variety, then mini pineapples bred in southeast Asia have almost no hard core, but weigh no more than 500 grams.

The international trade classification is based on the existence of several large groups of pineapple varieties. These are Smooth Cayenne, Spanish, Queen, Abacaxi and Pernambuco. Because the breeding work goes constantly, besides these classes, other varieties and varieties appear.

The first, most extensive group of "Smooth Cayenne" is mostly plants grown in Hawaii and Honduras. Also, exotic pineapple fruits with characteristic signs of belonging to this varietal group can be found in the Philippines and Cuba, on the plantations of South Africa and in Mexico. Smooth Cayenne plants have a short stem, on which, gradually turning yellow from the bottom to the rosette, fruits weighing from 1.5 to 3 kg ripen. The pulp of pineapple is dense, light yellow, with a high content of both acids and sugar, which gives the taste of the fruit some sharpness.

Often the harvest from plants of this varietal group goes not only for fresh sale, but also for the manufacture of canned fruits. Not surprisingly, up to 90% of the world's canned fruits are produced from the varieties included in the group. Compared to other cultivars, Smooth Cayenne pineapples take longer to develop and can be attacked by common crop pests and diseases.

The Cayenne varietal group includes many independent varieties:

  • Baron de Rothschild;
  • G-25;
  • Domingo;
  • Gaimpew;
  • Maipure;
  • Sarawak;
  • La Esmeralda;
  • Hilo;
  • Champaca;
  • Amritha;
  • MD-2.

At the same time, plants and fruits of different varieties included in the same group can differ strikingly from each other. For example, Champaka pineapple, which produces edible but truly dwarf fruits, is grown as a houseplant. And Kew pineapples are giants weighing from 4 to 10 kg, which grow only on plantations.

Among the varieties of this extensive group, one can single out Amritha pineapples with prickly pointed leaves and cylindrical, tapering to the bottom fruits weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg. From the moment of planting to the flowering of a plant of this pineapple variety, 13-15 months pass. The variety is distinguished by the formation of a small compact rosette at the top of the fruit. The exotic fruit itself, pineapples, when unripe, have a smooth green color that changes to yellow when the fruit is ready to be cut.

The thickness of the bark reaches 6 mm, and the pale yellow flesh underneath is dense, crisp, without noticeable fibers. Amritha pineapple stands out for its low acidity and rich aroma.

Almost 50% of the world market of fresh pineapples comes from the MD-2 variety, which, according to experts, is considered to be the standard for the international market.

Cultivation of the pineapple variety in Central and South America began in 1996, and during this time the plants have shown that they can bear fruit consistently. High quality fruits have:

  • high sugar content;
  • smooth cylindrical shape;
  • low acid content;
  • average weight from 1.5 to 2 kg.

MD-2 fruits are distinguished by a very long shelf life of up to 30 days, which makes it possible to transport exotic pineapple fruits over long distances without loss of quality.

And yet the plant can not be called perfect. MD-2 is more susceptible to rot and late blight than the Kew pineapple variety.

The second group of pineapple varieties is called "Spanish". Red Spanish pineapples are actively grown in Central America. The main crops are obtained in Puerto Rico. Typically, such fruits, mainly for export, weigh 1-2 kilograms. Beneath the hard, reddish rind, from which the group derives its name, lies a pale yellow or almost white flesh with a mild flavor and rather fibrous structure compared to cayenne varieties. When cut open, a Spanish pineapple appears almost square.

The Spanish group includes varieties:

  • pina blanca;
  • Red Spanish;
  • Cabezona;
  • Canning;
  • Valera Amarilla Roja;

Plants of these and other varieties included in the group delight with fruits weighing from 1 to 10 kg, and these are mainly table pineapples, slightly inferior in taste to dessert varieties. This is expressed in a tougher pulp and lower sugar content.

The Queen group also includes many noteworthy pineapple varieties, for example:

  • Natal Queen;
  • Macgregor;
  • Z Queen.

Pineapples of these varieties can be recognized by the greenish color of the peel. The rosette consists of small leaves decorated with spines along the edge. The weight of such a fruit on average does not exceed 1.5 kg, and the flesh strikes with a bright yellow color.

Gourmets note that when comparing African and South American pineapples, it is difficult to give preference to one or another fruit. This is due to the dissimilarity of taste. Pineapples from South Africa are not as sweet, but their acidity is lower than that of varieties native to the American continent. The best Natal Queen pineapples with almost orange dessert flesh are grown in South Africa.

Under the single group name Abacaxi, varieties are combined, with light or almost white juicy pulp that does not have signs of lignification. The most famous varieties here are:

  • Kona Sugarloaf;
  • Black Jamaica;

Most of the Sugarloaf pineapple plantings are in Mexico and Venezuela. The fruits are low in acid, high in juiciness and sweetness. The mass of such a pineapple can range from 1 to 2.7 kg.

In addition to the listed groups and varieties, there are many others of regional importance. For example, Australia has been conducting its own selection work for 150 years, based on experiments that began in the 19th century in England. Today, an original varietal group is grown here, the fruits of which are in demand throughout the country.

Also known is the Pernambuco pineapple variety of Brazilian origin. Despite the fact that these pineapples do not store very well, they are in demand due to their high sugar content and excellent quality of small portioned fruits.

In Asia, varieties of local selection are common, which include Thai pineapples Tard Sri Thong and Sriracha, the Mauritius variety from India, as well as the extremely popular Baby dwarf pineapples, which are distinguished by uniform juicy and very sweet pulp.

Mini pineapples or Baby forms fruits only 10–15 cm high. The diameter of such a crumb is about 10 cm, but with a modest size, the taste of a miniature fruit is in no way inferior to a large one. At the same time, pineapple has a tender, fragrant and sweet pulp that does not have hard inclusions, like all fruits of standard sizes.

First of all, the following varieties of Ananas comosus act in this capacity:

  • ananassoides;
  • Erectifolius;
  • Parguazensis;
  • Bracteatus.

The subspecies, also known as the red pineapple, is a native South American plant. Even today, wild-growing specimens of this variety can be found in Brazil and Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Ecuador.

Plants about a meter tall are distinguished by a bright color that combines stripes of almost white and dense green. The leaves are decorated with sharp thorns along the edge. If the pineapple of this subspecies is grown in a well-lit place, then the color of its rosettes and fruits begin to predominate pink tones. It is thanks to this feature that the plant got its name.

The flowering of red pineapple is practically no different from how other subspecies of Ananas comosus bloom. And the fertility of plants is much higher than that of large-tufted pineapple.

By virtue of unusual look foliage and brightness of the whole plant, Ananas bracteatus is an ornamental pineapple grown for its small red fruits. In the garden, plants can be used as a hedge or in flower beds, and in the house, a red pineapple will decorate any interior.

Pineapples of this variety are also indigenous to South America, namely Brazil, Paraguay and Venezuela. In tropical areas and in the east of the Andes, plants with a height of 90 to 100 cm are quite common both in savannah conditions, where there is a lack of moisture, and in shady, humid forests along riverbeds in Guiana and Costa Rica.

This subspecies of wild-growing pineapple is widespread, and its dwarf fruits attract the attention of gardeners and lovers of indoor crops to the plant. Distinctive feature ornamental pineapple - almost complete absence of a stem, hard, sharp leaves, 90 to 240 cm long and reddish 15 cm inflorescences.

The fruits of this South American pineapple can be spherical. But more often, elongated cylindrical infructescences are formed on thin flexible stalks. The flesh inside is white or yellowish, fibrous, sweet with small brown seeds.

A bright large variety of pineapple, like other representatives of the genus, is a native of South America and is found in a number of countries in the region. Although mini pineapples ripening on plants have no commercial value, the crop is actively grown in gardens and indoors.

There are several varieties of pineapples of this subspecies, the most popular of which is the “Chocolate” presented in the photo.

Pineapple subspecies parguazensis is not very common. Most of the wild population is found in Colombia, northern Brazil and Venezuela, Guyana, and the plant is also found in French Guiana. characteristic feature plants can be seen as serrated soft leaves and powerful plumes on the tiny seedlings of ornamental pineapple.

Flowering and growth of pineapple at home - video

Pineapple dwarf (lat. Ananas nanus)- a fruit crop belonging to the Bromeliad family.


The dwarf pineapple is fruit plant, the length of the leaves of which does not exceed twenty to thirty centimeters. The fruits of this culture, as a rule, perform a decorative function, so they are not eaten. By the way, this is a fairly new dwarf variety, which has not yet had time to become very widespread.


The fruits of the dwarf pineapple can be used both to create spectacular flower arrangements and to prepare a wide variety of exotic drinks.

Cultivation and care

For growing dwarf pineapples, it is first necessary to arrange a properly drained and sufficiently loose growing medium. You can combine for this purpose fern fibers, rather weighty fragments of clay, as well as osmund fibers and large pieces of bark. And so that such an environment can hold water, it does not hurt to add a little vermiculite or peat to the resulting composition.

Next to the pot ready composition place the plant itself. At the same time, young pineapples can be obtained in several ways: you can tear off or cut off a young shoot or a side shoot from an adult plant, while it must be at least two times younger than an adult specimen. And you can divide the root parts of existing plants or cut fruits from a dwarf pineapple, leaving small parts of them attached to the roots.

The plant planted in a pot is set indoors, but it is done in such a way that it has access to sunlight. A dwarf pineapple will feel especially good on the western, as well as on the southwestern or eastern window - there it will receive three to four hours of full-fledged food every day. sunlight. The room where this plant will stand should be warm enough - you should not expose your handsome home to the harmful effects of cold weather. If you want to regularly take the dwarf pineapple outside so that it can breathe plenty of fresh air, it is best to place it in shaded, but at the same time fairly warm areas. It can only be exposed to the open sun for a short time.

Dwarf pineapple is watered once a week, filling the container in which the pot is placed with water. As for watering the nutrient medium itself, there is no need for them. It is strongly not recommended to forget about watering this exotic handsome man, as this can adversely affect his growth. In addition, you must constantly make sure that the growing medium continues to be properly drained. And fertilize this plant once every six or eight weeks, also during watering.

Having harvested the fruit, they begin to transplant their tops. If pineapples are not harvested, then it is possible that they will bloom like flowers. One plant can bloom only once, but later it can replace up to three other plants.

Sometimes dwarf pineapple can be damaged by phylloxera, spider mite and shield.

Ecology of knowledge: Pineapples are one of the most unusual tropical fruits in the world. Pineapple can be grown in a temperate climate zone under controlled conditions or in an apartment.

Pineapple is a fairly common tropical fruit, everyone knows what its fruit looks like and what it tastes like. However, how pineapple grows remains unknown to many. Let's find out what kind of unusual plant this is, from the point of view of botany.

Pineapple is a tropical perennial herbaceous plant. In adulthood and open ground pineapple can reach 1.5 meters in height, depending on the variety. The plant has a short, mundane stem with stiff leaves and looks more like a shrub than grass.

In the first year after planting, the pineapple grows actively, its trunk thickens and acquires several dozen closely intertwined leaves. Pineapple leaves grow narrow, fleshy, with sharp spikes along the edges, reach a length of 70 cm. Pineapple easily survives dry periods, thanks to its leaves, which are able to accumulate and retain a large amount of liquid.

After about 12 months of active growth, the pineapple produces a spike-shaped inflorescence with many flowers from the top. Pineapple flowers are usually bisexual, and their color varies from purple to red, depending on the variety of the plant. Each flower develops into a berry. Pineapple berries grow and fill with juice, closing up and forming together the fruit that we are used to seeing on store shelves.

If a pineapple flower is pollinated, then a small seed is formed in the berry. The presence of seeds in pineapple fruits negatively affects their edibility and naturally cost. People involved in the industrial cultivation of pineapples are trying in every possible way to get rid of the pollinators of the plant.

After the ripening of the first fruit, the pineapple releases side shoots from the axils of the leaves. When cultivating pineapples, these shoots are most often used for vegetative propagation. After the removal of the lateral processes, the main plant will again bloom and bear fruit after a while. After harvesting the second crop, pineapples are uprooted, and new ones are planted in their place.

In addition to the mentioned side shoots, in the decorative cultivation of pineapples, their seeds or the top of the fruit are often used. The top of a mature pineapple fruit is a kind of crown of leaf primordia and, in fact, is a young pineapple ready to grow into a new plant under certain conditions.

In addition to those cultivated by people, wild pineapples grow in nature, they have smaller fruits and are filled with many seeds. Such pineapples are a favorite treat for some wild animals.

Where are pineapples grown? homeland of pineapple

Pineapples are the second most consumed fruit in the world, accounting for about 20% of the world's tropical fruit production. About 70% of all grown pineapples are traditionally consumed fresh in the countries where pineapples are grown. Brazil and Paraguay are considered the birthplace of pineapple, where these fruits were cultivated.

Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, China are the main producers of pineapple in the world, growing more than half of the total production. Other major producers are India, Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, Mexico and Costa Rica. These countries provide the world production of the second half of pineapples.

Since 1960, pineapple cultivation worldwide has increased by about 5 times. The growth in popularity of the fruit is associated with the development of the "Golden" variety, obtained and patented by Fresh Del Monte in the 1990s. The global trade in canned pineapple has almost doubled in the past 15 years.

Currently, one of the two grown pineapples is sold. With the increase in consumer demand for fresh pineapples and pineapple juice, the industrial export of pineapples has become a complex chain involving large and small companies. Historically, Hawaii is the world's largest producer and supplier of pineapples, supplying the US market with these fruits. A pineapple variety that has gained immense popularity in recent years - Del Monte Gold, was just bred at a research institute in Hawaii in 1970. However, in last years industrial production of canned pineapple in Hawaii has been put on hold as the market fills with cheaper pineapples from other producers. Pineapple plantations can still be found in Hawaii, exporting fresh fruits to Japan and the US West.

Twelve countries provide 90% of the world demand for fresh pineapples: USA, France, Japan, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Canada, Spain, England, Korea, Netherlands and Singapore. Unfortunately, our country is not among them.

Dole Food Company, Inc. is the world's second largest producer and supplier of fresh pineapple, and the world's largest producer and supplier of other fresh fruits. Dole is also present in the global market for fresh vegetables, flowers and prepared foods. In 2004, Dole owned over 150,000 hectares of land worldwide. In 2007 net income Dole made $89 million. Dole sells more than 200 products and operates in more than 90 countries and employs approximately 45,000 people. Dole is owned by a private company owned by David Murdoch, who is one of the richest people in the world.

Dole is a vertically integrated company, so it controls all stages of the process: production, packaging, export, transport, import and ripening of fresh fruits and vegetables. In 2004, Dole sold over 25 million boxes of pineapples worldwide. Fresh pineapples made up eight percent of the company's revenue in 2007.

Doula's pineapple farms are located on leased land and independent farms in Latin America (mainly Costa Rica), the Philippines, Thailand, and other locations. Dole owns about 6,600 acres in Honduras, 7,300 acres in Costa Rica and 3,000 acres in Ecuador, all associated with pineapple production, including for shipments to Russia.

What are pineapples. Varieties and varieties of pineapples.

In the international fruit trade, numerous varieties of pineapple are grouped into four main classes: "Smooth Cayenne", "Red Spanish", "Royal" and "Abacaxi", although there are many differences within the subgroups.

Smooth Cayenne (It includes varieties: "Maipuri", "Kew", "Sarawak", "Esmeralda", "Claire", "Typhoon", "Saint-Michel") - pineapples of this variety are widely cultivated in Hawaii, the Philippines, in Australia, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Kenya, Mexico, Cuba and Formosa. Pineapples varieties "Smooth Cayenne" egg-shaped, medium in size, reach from 1.5 to 2.5 kg in weight, the fruits rest on short and strong stalks. They ripen gradually, turning yellow from the base to the top. The yellowness of the upper part of the pineapple means the fruit is fully ripe. The pulp of the fruits of such varieties is dense, with a large texture, juicy with a yellow color at the end of the ripening period. The average range of acids in Smooth Cayenne varieties is between 0.5 and 1.0%, and the total content of soluble solids(TSS) between 12° and 16° Brix. Pineapple plants of these varieties produce few shoots and shoots. The cycle of growth and ripening of the fruits of these pineapples is much longer.

Mauritius (Mauritius) used for commercial cultivation, resistant to long haul. The fruits of this variety have good taste and are transportable. Pineapples Vazhakulam this variety, also known as Kannara, belongs to the group of Royal varieties. The fruits of this variety reach an average fruit weight of 1300-1600 grams. The fruits of Kannar are endowed with a pleasant aroma, have a slightly conical shape, the eyes of the fruit are deeply planted, the flesh of the fruit has a pronounced golden yellow color, the acidity is 0.50 - 0.70%. It is a good source of carotene, vitamins and minerals.

Amritha is a hybrid between Ripley and Q. The pineapple plant of this variety has thorny leaves, the period from planting to fruit ripening is 13-15 months. Amrita fruits are cylindrical, slightly tapering upwards, reaching a weight of 1.5-2.0 kg. The crown of this pineapple is quite small 80-100g. Fruits evenly turn yellow when ripe; there are no recesses near the eyes, which makes it easy to clean. Fruits of a grade with soft pleasant aroma, skin thickness no more than 6 mm. The pulp of the hybrid is dense, not fibrous, pale yellow color with a rich aroma, good taste with low acidity.

MD-2 is a benchmark for the international fruit market due to its color, flavor, shape, shelf life and degree of maturity. Commercial cultivation of MD-2 in various variations was started in Central and South America in 1996. But at present, this variety occupies 50-55% of the world market and 70-75% of the European fresh pineapple market. This is due to its excellent consumer qualities: high Brix value (17 for ripe fruit), low acidity (0.4-0.45%), medium fruit size (from 1.5 to 2.0 kg), regular cylindrical shape , small core, resistance to internal darkening of the pulp, long shelf life (about 30 days).

Most important qualities MD-2's long shelf life and cylindrical shape are critical for marketing purposes. Instead of the standard 21 day shelf life for other varieties, MD-2 has a 30 day shelf life and is able to keep refrigerated for an additional two weeks. This variety is usually imported from Costa Rica, Ghana, Cuba.

Ornamental pineapples (Ananas nanas) are very popular with landscapers and gardeners. They have very beautiful flowers and reddish leaves.

How to grow pineapple at home

Pineapples are one of the most unusual tropical fruits in the world. Pineapple can be grown in a temperate climate zone under controlled conditions or in an apartment. Most often for cultivation for ornamental purposes as planting material use the crown of the pineapple fruit, in this case, the most difficult stage of cultivation is getting the roots. But it is worth noting that it is possible to get a plant from pineapple seeds, here the problem is in the selection of seed material.

With a certain amount of patience and care, it is even possible to grow your own pineapple at home on the windowsill. Of course, a full-sized plant and a large fruit cannot be achieved, but an overseas guest will undoubtedly become your favorite home plant.

Pineapple belongs to the bromeliad family and is related to some ornamental plants sold in nurseries. Plants of this family are interesting in that they accumulate water (dew) and nutrients in the places where the leaves are attached to the trunk, forming reservoirs. And from there, through the hairs, moisture is absorbed by the plant; thus, bromeliads have adapted to survive dry periods. Pineapple, however, uses the roots as its main source of nutrition.

Growing pineapple from a crest.

First you need to purchase a ripe pineapple. The tuft of a suitable pineapple for planting should have healthy, strong, green living leaves, and the skin of the fruit should be golden brown. The presence of gray spots on the base of the leaves indicates the presence of worms; it is better not to use such pineapples for planting. For greater probability, select two pineapples, in case of death of one of them, the experiment can be continued with the other, or immediately choose a stronger specimen.

Then you need to prepare the pineapple crown for planting. Grasp all the leaves with your hand and twist slightly. The tuft should separate from the fruit with a small stem underneath. You can also use a knife for this, cutting off upper part pineapple, but the remaining pulp must be separated from the crown so that rotting does not occur in the future. Remove a few of the lower leaves so that the base of the pineapple trunk is exposed a few centimeters, then roots should emerge from it. After trimming and peeling, leave the pineapple for a few days so that the cut and leaf scars dry out and do not rot.

To get the roots, use the simplest and, as practice shows, the most effective method: place the dried crown in a glass of water so that the water covers the exposed trunk. Place a glass of pineapple on the windowsill next to your houseplants. Keep an eye on the water level and replace the water completely periodically, after about three weeks the pineapple should take root. When the roots reach a couple of centimeters in length, then the pineapple can be planted in the ground.

As a substrate for rooting, a mixture in equal parts of soil for indoor plants, peat and river sand is suitable. For the initial planting, take a small pot, with a diameter approximately equal to the size of the tuft. Organize good drainage from expanded clay so that with frequent watering there is no stagnation of moisture and soil rotting. A young pineapple likes the soil to be constantly moist, but not flooded. Also, it should not be in direct sunlight, but the place should be lit.

Rooting a homemade pineapple will take six to eight weeks. A good sign will be the appearance of new leaves, which means the plant has taken root, put down real roots and is ready to continue growing. If there are no signs of life on the pineapple after two months, you may want to consider re-planting a new plant.

In the future, the original leaves of the pineapple tuft will turn brown and die off, grown greens should take their place. As the old leaves die, they need to be carefully trimmed. A grown pineapple should be watered no more than once a week.

After about one year of growth, indoor pineapple should be transplanted into a larger pot with the addition of a potting mix similar in composition to cactus soil. Pineapple does not tolerate stagnant water, so high-quality drainage from gravel and expanded clay is a prerequisite successful cultivation pineapple at home. During the winter months, pineapple growth stops, after a dormant period, development should continue in spring. If this does not happen, it is likely that the pineapple has already depleted the soil and the next transplant is required with the replacement of part of the old soil.

Caring for homemade pineapple. Light and temperature.

Pineapple is a tropical plant and cold, let alone frost, will kill it. If you live in a temperate climate, your indoor pineapple can be placed on the balcony for the summer or taken out into the garden, in a moderately lit place. Being outdoors stimulates its growth. Pineapple should be located at least 6 hours a day in a well-lit place, regardless of the time of year.

During the colder months, keep the plant indoors, free of drafts and away from heating appliances. In winter, put a pineapple tree on the south side to get the maximum amount of sunlight. The optimum temperature for pineapple is 22-26 degrees Celsius, if you are comfortable, then indoor pineapple also feels good.

Watering and feeding pineapple in a pot.

A mature pineapple does not need frequent watering and is not poorly adapted to droughts. When growing pineapple, it is enough to water the plant once a week. When the plant is outdoors, you can sometimes spray the leaves with water and then the liquid will be absorbed by the pineapple from the base of the leaves, and the excess will quickly evaporate under the influence of the wind. The soil in the pot should not dry out completely, but on the other hand, the water should not linger, but flow out through the drainage to the maximum. During the period of active growth, indoor pineapple should be watered more often than in winter. In case of overflow and rotting of the soil (the appearance of mold, swampy smell), the soil must be completely replaced, otherwise the plant may die.

Feed your pineapple sparingly, about once a month, and only during the growing season. It is possible to apply liquid fertilizers by spraying the leaves, but in this case, make sure that the nutrient mixture does not fall on young leaves, otherwise they may be damaged.

Pests and diseases.

An indoor pineapple will be subject to minimal pest attack with proper care. However, even in the house, pineapple can attack mealybug and various ticks. These pests can be removed by washing the plant with soapy water and then rinsing with clean water. It is possible to use insecticides, be sure to follow the instructions for the drug.

Another disease that your pineapple can suffer from is core rot, caused by fungal attack. The central leaves of the diseased plant turn black and are easily pulled out of the trunk. Pineapple can be saved when affected by a fungus by pouring a fungicide into the core of the plant. If the remedy destroys the infection, the plant will release a side shoot; the old trunk can be cut off over time.

Flowering and fruiting pineapple at home.

IN vivo It takes up to 26 months for a pineapple to produce a new fruit. When growing pineapple at home, the timing of flowering can change in any direction. Usually, after about 16 months, when the pineapple reaches a height of at least 25 cm in height, you can count on the appearance of an inflorescence. The bud begins to form at the top of the plant, gradually moving away from it on the growing stem, which is a continuation of the trunk. Within two months, flowering should begin, lasting two weeks. Bright blue flowers row after row. Each flower opens for only one day.

After the last flower dries up, the fruit begins to develop. The period of its development and ripening is from 3 to 6 months, depending on the conditions and variety of pineapple.

Forced fruiting indoor pineapple.

Often, when growing pineapple in a pot, flowering is delayed, or it may not happen at all. If the pineapple has developed enough and has reached the desired age, then it can be stimulated to bloom. Ethylene is the stimulant for forced fruiting in bromeliads. To obtain it, pour a teaspoon of calcium carbide into half a liter of water and keep the solution in a closed jar for a day. Then pour the liquid into another container, freeing it from sediment. This water will be an aqueous solution of ethylene. Once a day for a week, pour 50 grams of the solution into the base of the upper leaves of the pineapple.

After this procedure, flowering should begin in 4-6 weeks. If this does not happen, then your indoor pineapple is not yet ready for fruiting, or is sick.

After fruiting, pineapple, like any herbaceous plant, will die, but this will happen gradually with the release of many side shoots, which are usually used to breed pineapples on an industrial scale. published

There are the following types of pineapple.

Pineapple large-tufted (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.s)

Synonym: Pineapple pineapple (Ananas ananas (L.) Voss); A. duckei (Ananas duckei hort., nom. Inval); A. sativus (Ananas sativus Schult. & Schult. f.); A. sowing diff. dukei (Ananas sativus var. duckei Camargo, nom. nud.); Pineapple bromeliad (Bromelia ananas L) Large crested bromeliad (Bromelia comosa L). At this plant there is a strongly rooted stem, on which there is a rigid rosette with linear xiphoid leaves, the height of an adult plant is approximately 1 m, and up to 2 m in diameter. The foliage of the plant has a gray-green color, the leaves are grooved in shape towards the top of the leaf, strongly narrowed, the leaves are covered with scales, which are narrowed at the ends with rather sharp spines. The plant blooms with bisexual flowers, which are about 8 cm long, 4 cm wide, the flowers are spirally arranged in simple dense spike-shaped inflorescences, where they sit in the axils of wide cup-shaped bracts. Petals on flowers, usually sepals, do not grow together, slightly prickly at the edges, pinkish-purple in color, their length is about 1-2 cm. The main axis continues to grow at the top of the fruit, which has a slightly shortened vegetative shoot - "Sultan". Flowering occurs in March, April, July, December; infructescence matures in about 4.5-5 months. The plant comes from Brazil, in Europe this plant culture appeared in 1650. One of the most striking forms of variegatus, has a difference in size, i.e. smaller than usual, and also distinguished by white longitudinal stripes on the edges of the sheets.

Pineapple bracts

(Ananas bracteatus (Lindl.) Schult. & Schult. f.)

This view is considered one of the most beautiful. The leaves are curved, have a bright green color with yellow and white stripes, the length of the leaves is from 35 to 70 cm.

Pineapple pygmy

(Ananas nanus (L. B. Sm.) L. B. Sm.)

Synonym: A. pineapple diff. dwarf (Ananas ananassoides var. nanus L. B. Sm.). This type of pineapple is considered a new dwarf variety, the average size of the leaves is about 20-30 cm.

Pineapple seed

(A.savitus Schult)

This variety is not usually bred for ornamental purposes, most often this plant is grown out of simple curiosity. Many practice growing pineapple from the upper tuft of the seed after the seed itself has been eaten, but here the risk of failure is quite high.


This variety is considered the oldest, it is quite common, for example, in Cuba, the Hawaiian Islands, India and Australia, as well as in other countries of the tropical zone. There are no spines on the leaves of this variety, the color of the pulp is pale yellow, the shape of the fruit is cylindrical. The nutritional quality of this variety is very high. This variety is distinguished by its resistance to various diseases at the pineapple. root system plants are usually small. Scientists believe that it is this variety that is the ancestor of all pineapple crops; it was grown by the ancient Indians.

red spanish

It is resistant to root rot. This is a fairly powerful plant, there are thorns on the sheets. The fruits are spherical, round, the pulp is fibrous, the taste is sour, the sugar content of the fruits is medium. This variety is well known in the SOUTH.


This variety belongs to early ripening, the leaves on the plant are hard and rather prickly. The pulp is not fibrous, has a dark yellow color. The main disadvantage of the variety is the small size of the fruit. The variety is well distributed in Australia and South Africa.

The history of Europeans' acquaintance with pineapples begins in 1493, when the Spaniards, who landed in Central America, discovered previously unknown juicy fruits on the islands.

A little later, the candied pulp and the pineapples themselves were sent to the Old World, where the sweet and sour taste of the outlandish delicacy was to the taste of the crowned persons and the nobility.

Within a few decades, pineapples were brought to Asian and African colonies, where the local climate was very suitable for a tropical plant. At the same time, the cultivation of the crop was established in South and Central America, as well as in European greenhouses and greenhouses.

Obviously, the desire to get sweeter, larger and juicier fruits existed in those days. Therefore, the ancestors of modern pineapple varieties appeared already in the 18th century, and at the beginning of the 20th century, work on the selection of tropical fruits was in full swing.

This was facilitated by the creation of large companies involved in the cultivation of pineapples and their processing. The research center was a specialized institute for the study of pineapple, located in Hawaii.

And plantings have spread to the southern states of the United States, including Florida.

Since then, cultural pineapples have changed dramatically, as not only has the weight of individual fruits increased, but people have learned to get fruits containing less acids and more sugars.

But at the same time, all varieties of pineapple grown on plantations in Costa Rica, the Philippines, Ghana, the USA, Vietnam or Australia are plants belonging to the genus Ananas comosus var. comosus.

Ananas comosus var. comosus

Like other varieties, large-tufted pineapple is a perennial herbaceous plant from the bromeliad family, and the fruit beloved by many is a juicy fruit, which, depending on the species and variety, can have a different shape, size and weight. If fruits weighing up to 10 kg ripen on plants of the Giant Q variety, then mini pineapples bred in southeast Asia have almost no hard core, but weigh no more than 500 grams.

The international trade classification is based on the existence of several large groups of pineapple varieties. These are Smooth Cayenne, Spanish, Queen, Abacaxi and Pernambuco. Since selection work is ongoing, in addition to these classes, other varieties and varieties appear.

Group of varieties of pineapples "Smooth Cayenne"

The first, most extensive group of "Smooth Cayenne" is mostly plants grown in Hawaii and Honduras.

Also, exotic pineapple fruits with characteristic signs of belonging to this varietal group can be found in the Philippines and Cuba, on the plantations of South Africa and in Mexico.

Smooth Cayenne plants have a short stem, on which, gradually turning yellow from the bottom to the rosette, fruits weighing from 1.5 to 3 kg ripen. The pulp of pineapple is dense, light yellow, with a high content of both acids and sugar, which gives the taste of the fruit some sharpness.

Often the harvest from plants of this varietal group goes not only for fresh sale, but also for the manufacture of canned fruits.

Not surprisingly, up to 90% of the world's canned fruits are produced from the varieties included in the group.

Compared to other cultivars, Smooth Cayenne pineapples take longer to develop and can be attacked by common crop pests and diseases.

The Cayenne varietal group includes many independent varieties:

  • Baron de Rothschild;
  • G-25;
  • Domingo;
  • Gaimpew;
  • Maipure;
  • Sarawak;
  • La Esmeralda;
  • Hilo;
  • Champaca;
  • Amritha;
  • MD-2.

At the same time, plants and fruits of different varieties included in the same group can differ strikingly from each other.

For example, Champaka pineapple, which produces edible but truly dwarf fruits, is grown as a houseplant.

And Kew pineapples are giants weighing from 4 to 10 kg, which grow only on plantations.

Among the varieties of this extensive group, one can single out Amritha pineapples with prickly pointed leaves and cylindrical, tapering to the bottom fruits weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg.

From the moment of planting to the flowering of a plant of this pineapple variety, 13-15 months pass. The variety is distinguished by the formation of a small compact rosette at the top of the fruit.

The exotic fruit itself, pineapples, when unripe, have a smooth green color that changes to yellow when the fruit is ready to be cut.

The thickness of the bark reaches 6 mm, and the pale yellow flesh underneath is dense, crisp, without noticeable fibers. Amritha pineapple stands out for its low acidity and rich aroma.

Almost 50% of the world market of fresh pineapples comes from the MD-2 variety, which, according to experts, is considered to be the standard for the international market.

Cultivation of the pineapple variety in Central and South America began in 1996, and during this time the plants have shown that they can bear fruit consistently. High quality fruits have:

  • high sugar content;
  • smooth cylindrical shape;
  • low acid content;
  • average weight from 1.5 to 2 kg.

MD-2 fruits are distinguished by a very long shelf life of up to 30 days, which makes it possible to transport exotic pineapple fruits over long distances without loss of quality.

And yet the plant can not be called perfect. MD-2 is more susceptible to rot and late blight than the Kew pineapple variety.

Group of varieties of pineapples "Spanish"

The second group of pineapple varieties is called "Spanish". Red Spanish pineapples are actively grown in Central America. The main crops are obtained in Puerto Rico. Typically, such fruits, mainly for export, weigh 1-2 kilograms.

Beneath the hard, reddish rind, from which the group derives its name, lies a pale yellow or almost white flesh with a mild flavor and rather fibrous structure compared to cayenne varieties.

When cut open, a Spanish pineapple appears almost square.

The Spanish group includes varieties:

  • pina blanca;
  • Red Spanish;
  • Cabezona;
  • Canning;
  • Valera Amarilla Roja;

Plants of these and other varieties included in the group delight with fruits weighing from 1 to 10 kg, and these are mainly table pineapples, slightly inferior in taste to dessert varieties. This is expressed in a tougher pulp and lower sugar content.

The Queen group also includes many noteworthy pineapple varieties, for example:

  • Natal Queen;
  • Macgregor;
  • Z Queen.

Pineapples of these varieties can be recognized by the greenish color of the peel. The rosette consists of small leaves decorated with spines along the edge. The weight of such a fruit on average does not exceed 1.5 kg, and the flesh strikes with a bright yellow color.

Gourmets note that when comparing African and South American pineapples, it is difficult to give preference to one or another fruit. This is due to the dissimilarity of taste.

Pineapples from South Africa are not as sweet, but their acidity is lower than that of varieties native to the American continent.

The best Natal Queen pineapples with almost orange dessert flesh are grown in South Africa.

Group of large-tufted pineapples "Abacaxi"

Under the single group name Abacaxi, varieties are combined, with light or almost white juicy pulp that does not have signs of lignification. The most famous varieties here are:

  • Kona Sugarloaf;
  • Black Jamaica;

Most of the Sugarloaf pineapple plantings are in Mexico and Venezuela. The fruits are low in acid, high in juiciness and sweetness. The mass of such a pineapple can range from 1 to 2.7 kg.

In addition to the listed groups and varieties, there are many others of regional importance.

For example, Australia has been conducting its own selection work for 150 years, based on experiments that began in the 19th century in England.

Also known is the Pernambuco pineapple variety of Brazilian origin. Despite the fact that these pineapples do not store very well, they are in demand due to their high sugar content and excellent quality of small portioned fruits.

In Asia, varieties of local selection are common, which include Thai pineapples Tard Sri Thong and Sriracha, the Mauritius variety from India, as well as the extremely popular Baby dwarf pineapples, which are distinguished by uniform juicy and very sweet pulp.

Mini pineapples or Baby forms fruits only 10–15 cm high.

The diameter of such a crumb is about 10 cm, but with a modest size, the taste of a miniature fruit is in no way inferior to a large one.

At the same time, pineapple has a tender, fragrant and sweet pulp that does not have hard inclusions, like all fruits of standard sizes.

Ananas comosus var. comosus is not the only subspecies bearing edible fruits.

Although other varieties of pineapple cannot be compared with large-tufted pineapple in terms of sweetness and fruit size, these plants are in demand and are grown for low-alcohol drinks, fiber, as well as ornamental and houseplants.

First of all, the following varieties of Ananas comosus act in this capacity:

  • ananassoides;
  • Erectifolius;
  • Parguazensis;
  • Bracteatus.

Ananas comosus var. bracteatus

The subspecies, also known as the red pineapple, is a native South American plant. Even today, wild-growing specimens of this variety can be found in Brazil and Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Ecuador.

Plants about a meter tall are distinguished by a bright color that combines stripes of almost white and dense green. The leaves are decorated with sharp thorns along the edge.

If the pineapple of this subspecies is grown in a well-lit place, then pink tones begin to predominate in the color of its rosette and fruits.

It is thanks to this feature that the plant got its name.

The flowering of red pineapple is practically no different from how other subspecies of Ananas comosus bloom. And the fertility of plants is much higher than that of large-tufted pineapple.

Due to the unusual appearance of the foliage and the brightness of the whole plant, Ananas bracteatus is an ornamental pineapple, grown for its small red fruits. In the garden, plants can be used as a hedge or in flower beds, and in the house, a red pineapple will decorate any interior.

Ananas comosus var. ananassoides

Pineapples of this variety are also indigenous to South America, namely Brazil, Paraguay and Venezuela.

In tropical areas and in the east of the Andes, plants with a height of 90 to 100 cm are quite common both in savannah conditions, where there is a lack of moisture, and in shady, humid forests along riverbeds in Guiana and Costa Rica.

This subspecies of wild-growing pineapple is widespread, and its dwarf fruits attract the attention of gardeners and lovers of indoor crops to the plant.

A distinctive feature of the decorative pineapple is the almost complete absence of a stem, hard, sharp leaves, from 90 to 240 cm long and reddish 15 cm inflorescences.

The fruits of this South American pineapple can be spherical. But more often, elongated cylindrical infructescences are formed on thin flexible stalks. The flesh inside is white or yellowish, fibrous, sweet with small brown seeds.

Ornamental pineapple varieties erectifolius and parguazensis

A bright large variety of pineapple, like other representatives of the genus, is a native of South America and is found in a number of countries in the region. Although mini pineapples ripening on plants have no commercial value, the crop is actively grown in gardens and indoors.

There are several varieties of pineapples of this subspecies, the most popular of which is the “Chocolate” presented in the photo.

Pineapple subspecies parguazensis is not very common.

Most of the wild population is found in Colombia, northern Brazil and Venezuela, Guyana, and the plant is also found in French Guiana.

Flowering and growth of pineapple at home - video


Exotic fruits: photos and names, description, rating of the most delicious

Having arrived in a distant warm country for the first time, many tourists and travelers are faced with an abundance of exotic fruits, even the names of which they have never heard.

To help you figure out what kind of “fruit” these are, we have prepared the most complete review of exotic fruits so that you can decide what to buy and try, or what to do with what you have already bought.

From the photo, you can determine what kind of unknown fruit is in front of you, read the description, taste, ripening seasons, as well as how to cut and eat it.

And if you have already tried any of these fruits, you can vote for your favorite ones, or write a review about them on the forum. You can see the results of ania on this page on the right, and for mobile devices, see the rating of exotic fruits here.


Litchi (Litchi, Chinese plum, Litchi).

Round red fruit, up to 4 cm in diameter. Wonderful, delicious fruit. It has one bone in the middle.

Similar to Longon in shape, texture and stone, but with a richer taste and aroma. Very juicy, sweet, sometimes sour.

The peel is easily separated from the white-transparent pulp.

Unfortunately, fresh Lychee can not be consumed all year round: Lychee harvest season starts in May and lasts until the end of July. During the rest of the year it is almost impossible to find it.

During the off-season in Asia, you can buy canned Lychee in jars or plastic bags in own juice or coconut milk.

Ripe fruits keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can freeze and store in the freezer for up to 3 months peeled fruits.

Lychee contains many proteins, pectins, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C.

A very high content of nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, which actively prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

The widespread prevalence of Lychee in Southeast Asian countries is the reason low level atherosclerosis in this region.


Rambutan (Rambutan, Ngo, "hairy fruit").

Round fruits of red color, up to 5 cm in diameter, covered with soft processes like thorns. The pulp covering the stone is a transparent white elastic mass, with a pleasant sweet taste, sometimes with a sour tint. The stone is quite tightly connected to the pulp, and is edible.

Contains carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid and vitamin C. Fruits have a short shelf life - three weeks in the refrigerator.

Harvest season: May to October.

It is cleaned by cutting the peel with a knife, or without using a knife, as if twisting the fruit in the middle.

Rambutan is eaten fresh, cooked jams and jellies, canned.


Mangosteen (Mangosteen, mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia, mankut).

The fruit is about the size of a small dark purple apple. Beneath the thick, inedible skin is the edible pulp in the form of garlic cloves.

The pulp is sweet with sourness, very tasty, not like anything else. Generally pitted, although some fruits have small, soft pits that can be eaten.

The peel of the mangosteen, when opened, releases purple juice, which is not washed off.

Sometimes there are sick fruits of Mangosteen, with a dark creamy, sticky and unpleasant-tasting pulp. Such fruits are almost impossible to identify until you open them.

Sometimes you can identify such bad fruits by touch: their peel is hard and dry, like wood, while in normal fruits it is slightly soft, pliable.

The harvest season is from April to September.

Natural biologically active substances contained in mangosteen reduce inflammatory reactions: swelling, soreness, redness, high temperature.

Eye of the Dragon

Dragon's eye (pitahaya, pitaya, moon yang, dragon fruit, pitaya).

These are the fruits of a cactus. The dragon's eye is the Russian version of the name of this fruit. The international name is Dragon Fruit or Pitahaya.

Rather large, oblong fruits (palm-sized) red, pink or yellow on the outside.

Inside the pulp is white or red, dotted with small black seeds. The pulp is very tender, juicy, slightly sweet, with an unexpressed taste.

It is convenient to eat with a spoon, scooping out the pulp from the fruit cut in half.

The dragon's eye is useful for stomach pains, diabetes or other endocrine disease.

Harvest seasons are all year round.



King of fruits. The fruits are very large: up to 8 kilograms.

A fruit famous all over the world for its smell. Almost everyone has heard of it, some have smelled it, and very few have tasted it. Its smell is reminiscent of the smell of onions, garlic and worn socks.

With this fruit, because of its smell, it is even forbidden to enter hotels, transport and other public places.

To remind you of the ban in Thailand, for example, they hang out signs with a crossed-out image of a fruit.

The sweet pulp of the fruit has a very delicate texture, and does not at all correspond to an unpleasant odor. Moreover, freshly cut fruit almost does not smell, and an unpleasant smell appears only after 15-20 minutes due to a large number sulfur in the pulp.

You should try this fruit, if only for the reason that many have heard about it, but few dare to try it. But in vain. The taste is very pleasant, and the fruit itself is considered the most valuable fruit in Asia. It is very high in calories and healthy.

Durian also has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Sold cut (into slices) and packed in polyethylene. In supermarkets, you can find very interesting sweets with the taste and smell of Durian.


Sala (salak, rakum, snake fruit, snake fruit, sala)

Oblong or round fruits of small size (about 5 cm long) red (Rakum) or brown (Salak) in color, covered with dense small spines.

Fruit with a very unusual, bright sweet-sour taste. Someone reminds a persimmon, someone a pear. It is worth trying at least once, and then how you like it ...

You should be careful when peeling the fruit: the spines are very dense and dig into the skin. It's better to use a knife.

The season is from April to June.


Carambola (Starfruit, Kamrak, Ma Phyak, Carambola, Star-fruit).

"Star of the tropics" - in the context of the shape we represent an asterisk.

Fruit with an edible peel, eaten whole (there are small seeds inside). The main advantage is a pleasant smell and juiciness. The taste is not particularly distinguished by anything - slightly sweet or sweet and sour, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of an apple. Sufficiently juicy fruit and perfectly quenches thirst.

Sold all year round.

People with severe kidney failures are not recommended to consume Carambola.


Longan (Lam-yai, Dragon's Eye).

Small fruits, similar to small potatoes, covered with a thin inedible skin and one inedible bone inside.

The pulp of Longan is very juicy, has a sweet, very aromatic, taste with a peculiar touch.

The season is from July to September.


Longkong (Longan, Longcon, Langsat, Lonngkong, Langsat).

Longkong fruits, like Longan, are similar to small potatoes, but are slightly larger in size and have a yellowish tint. It is possible to distinguish Longan if you peel the fruit from the peel: peeled, it looks like garlic.

They have an interesting sweet and sour taste. Fruits Rich in calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and vitamin C. The burnt skin of the Longkong gives off a fragrant smell that is not only pleasant, but also beneficial, as it serves as an excellent repellant.

Fresh fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days. The skin of a ripe fruit should be dense, without cracks, otherwise the fruit will quickly deteriorate.

The season is from April to June.

Sometimes a variety is also sold - Langsat, which looks no different, but has a slightly bitter taste.


Jackfruit (Eve, Khanoon, Jackfruit, Nangka, Indian Breadfruit).

Jackfruit fruits are the largest fruits growing on trees: their weight reaches 34 kg. Inside the fruit are several large sweet yellow slices of edible pulp. These slices are sold already peeled, because you yourself cannot cope with this giant.

The pulp has a sugary-sweet taste, reminiscent of melon and marshmallow. It is very nutritious: it contains about 40% carbohydrates (starch) - more than in bread.

The season is from January to August.

You can take the risk of bringing such a monster home as a whole, it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. But it is better to buy chopped and packed slices of pulp.

Important! Some people have an unhealthy reaction in the throat after eating Jackfruit - spasms, it becomes difficult to swallow. Everything usually passes in an hour or two. Maybe it's an allergic reaction. Be careful.

A pineapple

Pineapple (Pineapple).


Cultivated plant pineapple: photos of varieties, benefits, vitamins and medicinal properties of pineapple fruits

But from this, the healing properties of pineapple have not dried up - it still takes its place of honor among the most useful fruits.

The birthplace of the pineapple plant, a photo of its flowers and fruits

Pineapple is a genus of perennial evergreen herbs of the bromeliad family. The genus name comes from the transformed local South American name for this plant. In the Guarani language, it means "exquisite taste".

It combines 8 species distributed in Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and also widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres. There are 5 species distributed in Central and South America.

In Europe cultivated plant The pineapple was made famous by Christopher Columbus. Brazil is considered to be the birthplace of the pineapple plant. There, this perennial herbaceous plant still grows wild.

But the navigator met this wonderful fruit in Central America on the island of Guadeloupe during his journey in 1493. Pineapple was cultivated by the inhabitants of this island, Columbus was fascinated by the fruits, similar at the same time to cones and apples.

The name "pineaple", literally meaning "cone-apple" is still preserved in the English language.

Massively began to be grown in tropical countries from the 16th century. In Europe, from the middle of the 17th century, it began to appear in botanical gardens, greenhouses, and greenhouses.

At first, the exotic plant in Russia was treated with suspicion and distrust. At first, the fruits were even chopped and fermented in tubs like cabbage, and then sour cabbage soup and borscht were cooked from them. Later they began to be added to meat dishes.

Currently grown in many countries, including in greenhouses.

Unlike most plants of the bromeliad family, it grows in nature in the ground, receiving both water and nutrients from the ground.

As you can see in the photo, pineapple flowers are small, with large reddish bracts:

After flowering, they turn into a red or pink fruit.

It is cultivated as a purely decorative indoor plant, and if a small fruit appears on it, this is an additional reward for the owner.

The decorative properties of the plant are so high that they are considered by specialists in the design and decoration of rooms as an almost necessary component of modern room arrangements.

The benefits and composition of fresh pineapple, healing properties and contraindications

Since ancient times, pineapple has been used as a dessert with an exquisite taste and delicate aroma.

The medicinal properties of pineapple have been discovered relatively recently.

The composition of the fruit is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which allows us to consider this plant a valuable food source of useful nutrients. nutrients.

The benefit of fresh pineapple is that regular consumption of fruits reduces blood viscosity, which makes it possible to recommend it for the prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. A good effect is the use of hypertension, kidney disease and disorders of cardiovascular activity.

Such a property as the elimination of atherosclerotic plaques from the walls of blood vessels provides a highly effective prevention of myocardial infarctions and strokes.

Experts believe that regular consumption of fruits significantly reduces the occurrence of joint and muscle pain, and also stops the development of vascular atherosclerosis and pancreatic dysfunction.

Due to the high content of vitamins, the benefits of pineapple are invaluable in reducing the symptoms of inflammatory diseases, which include sinusitis, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and some others. In addition, the use of this plant accelerates wound healing and stimulates digestive functions.

Especially popular due to the presence of valuable dietary properties, which are manifested in a unique combination of beneficial nutrients and low calorie content. In this regard, the use of the fruits of this tropical plant is widely used in many weight loss methods.

The beneficial properties of pineapple are due to the composition of its fruits, in which the valuable substance bromelain is present.

In order for the effect of bromelain to be maximum in the body, it is recommended to consume the fruits on an empty stomach.

When ingested with food or after eating, bromelain increases the enzymatic activity of gastric juice and acts as a digestive enzyme.

Recent studies by scientists suggest that highly concentrated plant extracts can help in the treatment of cancer. The property of substances to bind free radicals can be a good prevention of cancer.

The juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is widely used among the peoples of India as an anthelmintic.

Except useful properties pineapple also has contraindications: for example, with increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis and peptic ulcer, you should stop eating these fruits or fresh juice. Due to the acids present in it, irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines can occur.

Do not forget about the condition of the teeth.

Do not brush your teeth after drinking as this can damage weakened enamel. Cleaning can be done no earlier than an hour later.

For children under 6 years old, it is advisable to dilute fresh juice with water, due to the increased concentration of acids.

During pregnancy, the fruits should also be consumed with extreme caution. Immature or rotten fruits, according to some reports, have an abortive effect.

Do not drink juice made from spoiled fruits.

In addition, pineapple is a powerful allergen.

Royal and other varieties of pineapples

More than 60 varieties of pineapple are known, they differ in size, shape, color of seedlings, taste, aroma, presence or absence of fiber in the pulp and a number of other features. Many varieties are combined into varietal groups.

Cannara belongs to the group of Royal varieties, its fruits reach 1300-1600 g, are endowed with a pleasant aroma, have a slightly conical shape, fruit eyes are deeply planted, the fruit pulp has a pronounced golden yellow color, high acidity. It is a good source of carotene, vitamins and minerals.

The Smooth Cayenne group includes varieties: Maipuri, Q, Sarawak, Esmeralda, Claire, Typhoon, Saint-Michel.

Pineapples of this variety are widely cultivated in Hawaii, the Philippines, Australia, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Kenya, Mexico, Cuba and Formosa.

The fruits are ovoid, medium in size, reach from 1.5 to 2.5 kg in weight, rest on short and strong stalks. It ripens gradually, turning yellow from the base to the top.

The yellowness of the upper part of the pineapple means the fruit is fully ripe. The pulp of the fruit is dense, with a large texture, juicy with a yellow color at the end of the ripening period.

The Spanish group includes Spanish red, Pina blanca, Cabezona, Singapore, Canning, Valera. On average, the mass of these fruits is from one and a half to ten kg.

A number of varieties included in this group do not have thorns on the leaves. Table varieties, which are somewhat inferior to dessert varieties in taste.

However, they are not only canned, but also eaten fresh.

Variety Mauritius- one of the best, it is used for commercial cultivation, it is resistant to long-distance transportation. The fruits have good taste and are transportable.

To the Abacaxi group includes pineapples with white or almost white skin. In addition to the Abacaxi variety, this famous variety Kona Sugar Loaf, Black Jamaica and Montufar.

Also known are Brazilian Pernambuco with small fruits, the small and especially sweet Queen Victoria, pineapples with red and white fruits, very sweet dwarf Baby, Thai Tard Sri Thong and Sriracha, Indian Mauritius.

Amrota- hybrid. The pineapple plant of this variety has thorny leaves, the period from planting to fruit ripening is 13-15 months. The fruits are cylindrical, slightly tapering upwards, reaching a weight of 2 kg. The crown of this pineapple is quite small 80-100g.

The fruits turn yellow evenly when ripe. There are no recesses near the eyes, which makes it easy to clean. Fruits of a grade with soft pleasant aroma, skin thickness no more than 6 mm.

The pulp of the hybrid is dense, not fibrous, pale yellow in color with a rich aroma, has a good taste with low acidity.

MD-2- a hybrid bred by a research institute in Hawaii. The bred variety took root and became widespread in the world.

MD-2 fruits have the ability to keep fresh when stored cold for up to two weeks.

It is a benchmark for the international fruit market due to its color, taste, shape, shelf life and degree of maturity. Industrial cultivation in various variations was started in Central and South America in 1996.

The most important qualities are: long shelf life and cylindrical shape, which are decisive for marketing purposes.

Instead of the standard 21 day shelf life for other varieties, MD-2 has a 30 day shelf life and is able to keep refrigerated for an additional two weeks.

This variety is usually imported from Costa Rica, Ghana, Cuba.

Decorative varieties very popular among landscape designers and gardeners. They have very beautiful flowers and reddish leaves. From the crest of any of the above types of pineapple, you can grow a new plant even at home.