How many rolls of wallpaper do you need per room. Calculation of the number of wallpapers per room - online calculator

In order to paste new wallpaper, it is not necessary to invite builders. Such redecorating quite possible to do on their own. The main thing is to buy right amount material and carefully study the instructions for gluing on the package. But how to correctly calculate how much wallpaper you need per room? Calculation rules for home repairs.

Measurement matters

The basis of construction calculations is accurate measurements, for which you will need a construction tape measure. First you need to measure the perimeter of the room being repaired (the length of all walls) without taking into account the width of windows and doors and the level of the walls. And then the length and height of the sections above and below the window sills, as well as above the doors. Now let's move on to the calculations.

We derive the calculation formula

  • The resulting perimeter of the room is divided by the width of the selected wallpaper (it can be from 50 centimeters to a meter) and we get the number of solid strips.
  • And we divide the length of the roll by the height of the room and get the number of pieces that can be cut from one package (when placed at 2.5 m, these are four strips).
  • After that, we divide the total number of solid strips by their same number obtained from one roll. The result of the arithmetic will be the number of rolls that are needed to cut only whole strips.
  • Now it's the turn to count the number of incomplete segments. We calculate according to the same principle, and add the result to the already existing figure.

In order not to torment the calculator and not to fill your head with extra numbers, you can use a ready-made table (but it is worth considering that, like any online service, it carries some error):

Adjustment for products with a pattern

Of course, when wallpaper is chosen for repairs that do not require adjustment, everything is more or less simple. But what if the choice fell on a wall covering with a large pattern? In this case, you will get 1 whole strip less from the pack (due to the need to adjust the pattern). Therefore, the calculation needs to be corrected.

Calculation example for persistent

There is a room 3 x 4 meters, height 2.50 m; with a doorway, the width of which is 0.8 m, and the height is 2.1 m; and a window, the horizontal of which is 1.2 m, and the vertical is 1.5 m. Wallpaper is selected, 60 cm wide, the roll length of which is 10.5 meters.

Perimeter without taking into account the width of windows and openings: 3+3+4+4-0.8-1.2 = 12 m

Number of solid cuts: 12:0.6 = 20 pieces

With a standard room ceiling level (2.5 m), 4 whole strips will come out of the package (by the way, you need to cut with a margin, that is, the length of the piece should not be 2.5 meters, but ten centimeters more).

Number of packages for cutting out solid strips: 20:4 = 5 pieces

With a window size of 0.8x1.5 and doors 2.1 m high, scraps from 5 rolls are enough to paste over the space above the functional openings, but for the space under the window sill you will have to buy another one (although you can glue the wall under it with a composite piece). This means that in total you will need 6 plain rolls or 7 packages with a large pattern.

(2 ratings, average: 2,00 out of 5)


    Faith said:

    I think it's still better to pre-calculate the wallpaper. And then, if the wallpaper is with a pattern, figure out how many rolls you need to purchase additionally. I change wallpaper every 5 years. As a rule, I take 1 roll in reserve. Change the wallpaper, and the mood changes for the better.

    Marina N. said:

    Personally, I always calculate the number of rolls myself. And I don't trust tables. In the case of plain wallpaper, they are suitable. But if you need to select a drawing, then making a mistake is as easy as shelling pears.
    And you should always play it safe and take more on a roll. Desired wallpapers easy enough to find. But the necessary party - no. That is, the wallpaper is the same, but the shade is slightly different. And on the wall, this difference is very noticeable.

    Iva said:

    Let better wallpaper there will be superfluous than there are situations (vacation canceled, a job appeared) when you buy wallpaper and glue them in six months. Then you discover that literally one roll was not enough, but the assortment in stores has already changed. So you find yourself in a situation from which it is very difficult to find a way out.

The question - how to calculate how much wallpaper is needed per room - is not an easy one, because no one wants to overpay for the leftovers or, conversely, buy a few more rolls. And if the desired color is not left in the store, then the problem is - where to look for them now? In order not to complicate your life, before buying a wall covering, learn how to calculate the required number of wallpapers.

Advice! If before buying new wallpaper you have not yet removed the old ones from the walls, you can count how many old sheets are pasted on the wall. But when gluing a new coating, keep in mind that the width of the new ones must be equal to the width of the old ones, otherwise the advice does not work.

Preliminary measurements of the room

Measurement accuracy is the basis of any calculations. For all measurements and in order to calculate the amount of material per room correctly, you will need:

  • construction tape measure or measuring tape;
  • calculator;
  • paper and pen for recording results.

First, measure the length and width of the room, as well as the height of the ceiling. You should not take into account the level of the walls, and the dimensions of windows and doors must be measured separately - these data will be useful in the calculations. If the design provides for a wide ceiling baguette, box or dropped ceilings- their width should be subtracted.

Measure carefully:

  • protrusions;
  • niches;
  • space above doors and windows.

Advice! If the room has an uneven ceiling, it is recommended to measure the wall in the highest place.

Calculation of wallpaper around the perimeter of the room

One way to calculate the number of pieces of wallpaper is to calculate the perimeter of the space walls. In a similar way, you can calculate how much wallpaper you need to finish the ceiling.

Attention! For those who have forgotten the formula for calculating the perimeter: you need to add the length of one wall to the length of the adjacent wall, and multiply the result by two. Please use a calculator to avoid mistakes.

Gone are the days when all wallpapers had a standard width. Modern manufacturers offer decorative coating following width:

When calculating, consider whether there is a pattern on the wallpaper or not. Wallpaper with a report (an element of a pattern that is repeated on the wallpaper) requires a margin for selection. If you chose with a large pattern, in the calculations you will have to add up to 0.7 m to the selection for each sheet. Before starting the calculations, measure how much the length of the report “takes” in your case. Plain coatings without a pattern do not require any supplies.

Important! If the design of the room provides for canvases of several types, first consider the gluing scheme, and only then calculate the quantity.

Let's start with the calculations. Necessary:

Attention! In order not to make a mistake down in the calculations, the numbers should be rounded up to a whole value, and up.

Calculation by room area

The above method has one drawback - the presence of windows and doors in the room is not taken into account, so you will still have extra materials. Alternative way- Calculation by the area of ​​the walls. For this you need:

  1. To calculate the total area - multiply the length and height of the wall.
  2. Calculate the area to be covered. First you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window and doorways(multiplying their height and width). Further, from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (calculated in paragraph 1), subtract the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors.
  3. Count the number of rolls. Standard wallpaper 0.53x10 m can cover 5 square meters.
  4. The final calculation of the number of rolls is the pasting area (number from point 2) divided by the area that can be pasted with one roll (for example, as in point 3).

Important! If you have chosen non-standard ones, for example, meter wallpaper, the size of the surface that can be sealed with one roll is easy to find out. To do this, multiply the width and length of the roll or carefully study the label, it may contain this information, which will save you from unnecessary manipulations with the calculation.

How to check your calculations

There are ready-made tables in which the number of standard rolls for rooms with typical dimensions has already been calculated. If you counted along the perimeter, check the resulting value:

  • take a look at the series. The numbers on all rolls must be the same, otherwise there may be a difference in color and brightness;
  • the material may be defective, so it is worth deploying and checking all rolls after purchase;
  • even in wallpaper with a small pattern there may be a report that is invisible at first glance;
  • you can reduce material consumption if you cut strips not from one roll, but from several at the same time;
  • walls above the door and window openings are recommended to be glued with leftovers and trimmings, but the image on the sides must match;
  • glue the inner corners, you need to start from a new piece;
  • glue the outer corner, overlap the wallpaper or just wrap the corner;
  • sometimes, to align the corner, you need a thin strip, the length of which is a whole sheet, take this fact into account when calculating the consumption of wallpaper.

More useful information on video:

A tape measure will help with this, but the type of wallpaper must be taken into account. Wallpaper with a pattern, paper, vinyl, fabric wallpaper, they all have a particular length and width, as well as gluing on the walls, so the calculation must be carried out taking into account all factors, and not just the size of the room. There are several ways to calculate required amount wallpaper for the room.

The number of wallpapers can be correctly calculated, knowing the perimeter of the room to be pasted over. The perimeter is the sum of all the sides, which means the perimeter of the room is the sum of all the sides along the length. How to get this number? In order to measure the perimeter, you will need a construction tape measure. The length of all rooms must be measured with a tape measure, it turns out 4 walls, 2 walls will be the same length, the remaining 2 walls will have a different length. Consider this on the example of a wall whose perimeter is 4x2. Two walls are 4 meters long and 2 walls are 2 meters long. The formula is as follows: 4x2 + 2x2 \u003d 12 meters the perimeter of the room.

  • Find out the height of the walls;
  • Calculate how many wallpaper strips come out of one wallpaper roll;
  • Calculate the number of required wallpaper strips for the room;
  • Calculate the number of wallpaper rolls needed.

The height of the walls of the room is measured in the same way as its width, using a tape measure, the tape measure weighs a little, it is very convenient to measure. standard height walls in residential premises and apartments is 2.5-3 meters. To find out how many strips of wallpaper will come out of one roll of wallpaper, you need to divide the height of the walls by the length of the wallpaper in the roll, but for this you need to know how many meters of wallpaper are in one roll. If the wallpaper roll is standard, it has a length of 10 meters, if the height of our walls is 2.5 m, then the calculation formula will be: 10:2.5=4. It turned out that 4 stripes will come out of one roll of wallpaper. After the number of wallpaper strips from one roll has been calculated, you can calculate how many wallpaper strips will be required for a given room from the selected roll. To do this, you need to measure the width of the wallpaper roll and divide it by the perimeter of the room.

With standard wallpaper with a width of 53 cm and with 12 meters of the perimeter of the room to be glued, as in the example, the following formula is obtained: 12: 0.53 \u003d 23, rounded up, which means that 23 strips of wallpaper will be needed to glue the room.

And the last step is to calculate the amount necessary wallpaper to the room. The required number of strips for the room must be divided by the number of strips in the roll according to the formula: 23:4 = 6, rounded up. It turns out that for a room of 4x2 meters you will need 6 rolls of wallpaper with a margin.

Approximate calculations are given, since each room and room in it can have different heights, widths, differences, so it is worth making accurate and careful calculations, taking into account possible uneven walls and ceilings.

How to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls in a room (video)

How to calculate wallpaper by room area

To carry out this calculation, it is necessary to measure the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and its wall around the entire perimeter as follows:

  • Measure the length, width and height of the wall surface;
  • Add the length and width of the walls and multiply by 2, because. in the building, 2 identical walls and multiply by the height of the wall;
  • Multiply the width of the roll by the length.

After measuring the area of ​​​​the room, you can consider the required number of wallpapers for gluing. Using the example of a room with an area of ​​​​4x2 m, you can draw up a formula for calculating wallpaper, 2x (4 + 2) x 2.5 \u003d 30 m 2, you get a pasted area. Next, you need to calculate how much area one roll will seal. Using the example of a standard roll, we obtain the formula: 0.53 m (standard roll width): 10 m (standard roll length) \u003d 5.3 m 2. One roll of standard wallpaper in width and length can cover 5.3 m 2 of the wall. The last step to correctly calculate the required number of wallpaper rolls per 4x2 meter room is to divide the surface area by the area of ​​the wallpaper roll, for example, 30:5=6. For wallpapering a room with an area of ​​​​4x2 m and a height of 2.5 m, you will need 6 rolls of wallpaper. Both as a result of the first measurement, and according to the results of measurement by the area of ​​​​the room, 6 rolls of wallpaper come out.

Calculations according to the formula are very accurate, there will be no extra wallpaper, as well as a lack of them, but when calculating, it is worth considering the features of the room for which the wallpaper is glued.

It is better to take wallpaper with a small margin in order to be able to restore the wall in case of damage to the wallpaper than to look for similar wallpapers later, which you can not find, an extra cut is always useful.

Calculation of wallpaper according to the drawing

The most difficult calculation of the required wallpaper for a room is the calculation of wallpaper with a pattern, it is difficult because the pattern needs to be selected, during which a lot of waste is generated. If there is a slope on the walls, uneven corners, or there is a difference in the height of the walls, there may be differences in the pattern. Correct sticking wallpaper with a pattern, accurately selecting the ornament, will provide good view rooms without defects.

An important factor is the methods of wallpapering. Wallpaper with a pattern is glued only joint to joint in order to achieve a harmonious combination of the pattern.

In order to correctly select the required number of wallpaper with a pattern for a room, first of all, it is worth focusing on rapport, on the allowable distance between the elements of the pattern. Such an indicator for each type of wallpaper and pattern on them is individual. On wallpaper with floral ornament rapport is less, and on the wallpaper with geometric shapes and lines, rapport is always greater. The consumption of wallpaper with geometric lines will be more than with floral patterns.

On each roll of wallpaper that requires selection during the gluing process, the exact variant of the rapport is indicated:

  • Geometry - above 50 mm;
  • Floral print - up to 50 mm;
  • Abstraction - 10-50 mm rapport.

The required number of wallpaper with a pattern is calculated according to the width of the pasted surface and its area, as in the selection of ordinary wallpaper. The only feature is the rapport indicator on the roll. A large rapport indicator leads to the fact that you will have to buy 2 or more rolls more than ordinary wallpaper without a pattern, and there will be a lot of leftovers.

Before choosing wallpaper with a pattern for your home, you need to calculate the area to be pasted, the number of wallpapers needed and the price, will it be profitable for the price? It is very difficult to pick up waste from wallpaper with a pattern to the places of slopes, openings, and they almost never fit anywhere.

Ready-made calculations of the number of wallpapers

In order not to waste time on measuring and calculating the area for wallpapering, a ready-made calculation table will help you accurately and quickly calculate the required number of wallpapers on the walls, which you can view and get ready-made indicators.

Focusing on the finished table, you can get data about:

  • The height of the walls and ceilings of the room;
  • room perimeter;
  • Roll length;
  • The number of rolls and strips of wallpaper.

These tables are approximate and when cutting wallpaper strips before gluing, you need to leave a little extra length to hide possible gaps on the walls.

Using ready-made indicators for calculating the walls of a room, as well as taking into account the width of wallpaper rolls, you can quickly and accurately calculate.

Calculation of the number of wallpapers (video)

Wallpapering is always a laborious process, even more difficult to find the exact right amount of wallpaper per room. Conducted accurate calculations the size of the room with the help of a tape measure, and sometimes an assistant, you can get the right indicators and calculate the right amount of wallpaper. When everything goes well in the repair, the repair will not be a burden, but a pleasure.

Wallpaper calculation is one of the main stages preparatory work, which allows you to obtain data on the required amount of finishing material. This procedure should be approached with all responsibility, with an erroneous calculation, many problems will arise during the execution of wall cladding. There are several methods that allow you to get the correct result.

How to calculate wallpaper? It is necessary to resort to a phased implementation of actions, this will help to take into account all the nuances and get an accurate result. Many people think that determining how much wallpaper you need is simple. But in the end, important factors are missed, which leads to rather unpleasant consequences.

Determining the parameters of various wallpapers

It’s worth mentioning right away that without choosing a specific type of material, the calculation will be conditional. Therefore, work begins with the determination of the standard parameters of all available varieties, from which the final choice will be made.

So, there are the following sizes:

On a note! In order to calculate how much wallpaper is needed per room, it should be borne in mind that in addition to the standard length of 10.05 m, there are roll options with an indicator of 5, 8, 12 (15) and 18 meters.

Canvas fit

It may seem that knowing all the parameters, you can accurately determine the consumption of wallpaper. But it is quite difficult to imagine a situation where all the stripes are superimposed on the surface with absolute accuracy. In fact, there are a number of factors that affect the correctness of the calculation:

All stages of the calculation are taken into account without fail, this helps to avoid annoying and ridiculous mistakes.

On the standard marking there are several designations related to the fit of the pattern, they directly relate to the number of rolls

A logical question arises: why determine exactly how much wallpaper you need per room? Indeed, if you purchase material with a sufficient margin, then absolutely exact parameters are not needed, but there are situations when expensive products are used in the work or financial possibilities are limited.

On a note! It seems to many that in case of a shortage of material it is better to buy it in addition - this opinion is erroneous. The fact is that when using different batches of goods, the appearance of a different tone is almost guaranteed.

There are many shades of the color spectrum and you should not expect that in another batch of wallpaper the palette will match 100%

Determination of room parameters

Based on the available parameters, it is possible to calculate the wallpaper for the room with the greatest accuracy.

Calculation formulas

There are two main ways to determine how much wallpaper you need per room, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Perimeter calculation

Basically, the formula is quite simple:

  • The perimeter of the room is determined.
  • The length of the strip is calculated. To do this, a small margin is added to the height and, if necessary, rapport.
  • Next, count the number of lanes. To do this, the perimeter is divided by the width of the roll of selected material.
  • Then you need to calculate how many strips are included in one roll. To do this, the total length of the roll is divided by the height of the web, taking into account all allowances.
  • It remains only to determine the number of wallpaper rolls per room.

Knowing the width of the roll, you can roughly calculate the amount of material per room

Area calculation

  1. The area of ​​the room is determined. From these data, a specific volume is calculated, which will be subjected to finishing.
  2. The area of ​​the selected type of material is calculated taking into account one roll.
  3. The quantity of required products is calculated.

On a note! This method allows you to get more correct indicators, but it does not take into account the characteristics of the room. Therefore, it is often worth adding some margin.

Theoretically, when calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwalls, you need to subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors, but in reality it is better not to do this, since a margin is needed

Calculation examples

For convenience, several examples can be given that allow you to calculate how much material is needed, depending on the method chosen.

Room of 12 sq. m

Since the total area is 12 m2, it means that the room has a length of 3 meters and a width of 4 m. The ceiling height is 2.5 m. Thus, it is necessary to determine how many rolls of wallpaper will be required:

  • Room perimeter: 3+4+3+4 = 14 m + 5% = 14.7 m.
  • You need to calculate the number of stripes depending on the type of material. In this case, a standard size of 53 * 1005 cm is used. Then, with a height of 250 cm, taking into account the margin and rapport, 260 cm is conditionally obtained.
  • Based on the fact that the width of the product is 53 cm, and the perimeter of the room is 1470 cm: 1470/53 = 27.7, that is, 28 stripes.
  • There are 3.8 strips in one roll, which is obtained if 1005 is divided by 260. But only the integer value is taken into account, 3 segments will go to continuous gluing, and the rest will go to areas above and below the openings.
  • Thus, for a room of 12 m2 you will need: 28/3 = 9.3. Which is 9 rolls, 0.3 is surplus.

If you calculate the consumption, it turns out that there is a lot of excess material, so it is recommended to choose products of a different length.

Room 20 sq. m

  • The area is calculated from the calculation: 4 * 5, the perimeter is: 4 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 5% ≈ 19 m. And the ceiling height and margin - 235 cm.
  • The material is selected in size 106*1005.
  • Required number of lanes: 1900 (19 m) / 106 = 17.9. You can round up to 18.
    1005/235 = 4.2. That is, there are 4 strips in a roll.
  • Then 18/4 = 4.5. Thus, with a margin, exactly 5 rolls will be needed.

Naturally, the total amount of material depends on the type chosen.

Room of 18 sq. m

With this value, adjacent walls will be 4.5 and 4 meters. Ceiling height - 3.2 m. Therefore, the calculation of wallpaper for an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m is done like this:

  • The wall area is calculated: 4.5 * 3.2 \u003d 14.4 and 4 * 3.3 \u003d 12.8.
  • It must be taken into account that there are two opposite walls with approximately the same area, then 14.4 * 2 + 12.8 * 2 \u003d 54.4 m2 - the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.
  • When choosing a product with parameters of 0.53 * 15 m, the roll area will be 7.95 m2.
  • Then for a room of 18 m2 you will need: 54.4 / 7.95 = 6.8, which corresponds to 7 rolls of wallpaper. This figure already includes the required headroom, as openings have not been deducted.

Using a table to determine wallpaper consumption

To determine the amount of material required per wall, you can use or use a table that is easy to check the calculations.

The calculation according to the provided tables is made without taking into account the selection of the pattern. When purchasing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to consider that for every 6-7 rolls you need to take one extra. For example, for a room of 24 sq. m with a ceiling height of more than 2.5 m, 15 + 2 \u003d 17 rolls of wallpaper of a standard size will be required.

Range finishing materials constantly updated with new developments based on the most advanced achievements modern technologies. Accordingly, the fashion for the design of residential premises in one style or another fluctuates. However, despite all this, wallpapering the walls is still one of the most popular types of decoration, and is not going to “give up its positions” yet.

The paper can act as a substrate for other types of wallpaper, such as those with a vinyl or textile outer finish.

  • Instead of paper in the production of wallpaper is increasingly used interlining. This material - the table is also environmentally friendly, as it is made from the same cellulose natural fibers, but using a completely different processing technology.

The result is a non-woven fabric that compares favorably with paper in resistance to soaking and higher strength characteristics.

As a result, non-woven wallpapers are the most convenient for self-pasting - even under the influence of a moist adhesive environment, they do not lose their “geometry” and do not spread. That is why interlining is increasingly being used as the base for other types of wallpaper.

Non-woven fabric is also used in " pure form"- paint also fits well on it, embossing is performed. Perhaps the variety of patterns and the richness of shades are not as high as those of paper wallpaper, but still the range is wide, and there is plenty to choose from.

There is one more important nuance- interlining, as seen in the illustration, has a translucent structure. Sometimes the effect of "breakthrough" through the pasted wallpaper of the color of the wall is possible, especially if light shades of design are chosen. This leaves a certain imprint on the need for more thorough preparation of the surface for gluing with its desired monophonic. However, sometimes this phenomenon is even used for “useful purposes” - a certain toning is given to the wall in the right areas in advance, which will shine through the glued finish - as conceived by the designer.

So, non-woven wallpaper is practically in no way inferior to paper wallpaper, in many respects it surpasses them. The only conditional drawback is the higher cost of such a finishing material.

  • They have the highest indicators of surface resistance to moisture and abrasive effects, to fading under the influence of ultraviolet rays. They are perfect for rooms where the features of its use require frequent maintenance of the wall surface (kitchen, hallway), or in which it is constantly maintained high level humidity.

To be absolutely precise, only the outer layer is vinyl (polyvinyl chloride) for such wallpapers. The inner substrate, which is responsible for gluing the canvases to the wall, is either paper or interlining.

External polymer coating(PVC) has good hydrophobicity, lends itself well to applying a relief embossed pattern. Special indelible paints of the brightest shades perfectly fit on it, which are not afraid, among other things, of abrasive effects, and the range of vinyl wallpapers is extremely wide.

The disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is insufficient vapor permeability, that is, it is difficult for walls covered with such a finish to “breathe”, which can spoil the microclimate in the room. Therefore, such wallpaper is not recommended for children's rooms, for bedrooms. People with a sensitive sense of smell may be annoyed by the slight characteristic "aroma" of PVC, which can linger for quite some time.

Another "minus" is the high density and mass of such canvases, and only specially designed for PVC wallpaper should be used for decoration. Dealing with vinyl wallpaper without having the appropriate experience is much more difficult than with paper, and even more so with non-woven.

On sale you can find other types of wallpaper for walls, made from materials that are very non-standard in the usual way. So, textile trellises are gaining popularity (by the way, they were once the “progenitors” of the milestones of modern types of wallpaper), fiberglass, metallized, cork, bamboo, coconut fibers and some others. But since this publication is still aimed to a greater extent at people who first undertake to conduct self repair, we will not dwell on these "exotic" options. Taking on the gluing of such an unusual finish, without experience, is a deliberately losing event, which will almost certainly end in failure with the loss of considerable funds.

How to approach the problem of choosing the most optimal wallpaper? Of course, to them, as to materials decorative finishes First of all, there are requirements for external design. In this publication, there is no point in dwelling on this aspect - we have somewhat different goals, especially since a lot of space has already been devoted to such issues on the pages of the portal.

What rules are followed when choosing wallpaper by color and pattern?

It is clear that the decisive argument has always been and remains the preference of homeowners. However, you should heed some recommendations. So, for example, there are certain canons. Moreover, they often resort to complex.

In this case, we are more concerned about the performance of the finishing material.

  • For areas that are constantly flooded street light, you should choose wallpapers that have increased resistance to fading, otherwise you will have to deal with updating the finish too often. And the more likely it is that sunlight hits the walls, the higher the stability indicator should be.
  • It has already been mentioned that heavy vinyl wallpapers no matter how attractive they may seem. Here, when choosing, the emphasis should still be on the side of environmental cleanliness and the ability of the material to maintain an optimal balance of temperature and humidity in the room, without the likelihood of condensation on the walls. At the same time, the wallpaper in the bedrooms should not attract dust, otherwise the manifestation of allergic reactions is not excluded.
  • For the kitchen, vinyl wallpaper will be just right - the inevitable fumes and their settling on the walls require private cleaning. And PVC in this case is even especially good because moisture is absorbed into its surface very weakly - indelible stains can be avoided.
  • For bathrooms, the best choice would be a material with pronounced hydrophobic properties - high-quality vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base is suitable.

  • For narrow or cramped rooms with increased traffic intensity (, vestibule, etc.), the qualities of wear resistance, that is, resistance to external abrasive influences, are important first of all.

It is necessary to ask the seller in the store about all the qualities of the purchased wallpaper. But relying only on such advice is not entirely reasonable, and you yourself need to be able to identify the necessary information by studying the factory packaging of the product.

What can the wallpaper packaging label tell about?

Each roll of wallpaper is accompanied by a product label, which contains a lot of useful information for the buyer - you just need to be able to read it correctly.

Non-woven wallpaper

  • First of all, this is the article of a specific type (model) of wallpaper (pos. 1). It happens that there are wallpapers that are very close in their design, and when releasing the packaged goods, it is not surprising to make a mistake and get a roll that, in fact, will differ from all the others in its pattern.
  • The article is not everything. Wallpapers are produced in batches, and each of them corresponds to one filling of the technological line with colorful compositions. Naturally, manufacturers adhere to a single technology when releasing their products, but still, even small differences in the composition of the paint used can significantly affect the appearance of the finish.

The snag is that it is almost impossible to catch such a difference in the store, and the effect of “uneven striping” appears after sticking to the walls. Therefore, when choosing a product of one article, do not forget to check that the batch is completely the same - then all the rolls are guaranteed to fit one another. The party is usually indicated by a group of numbers. On imported wallpaper labels, this indicator is often referred to by a different term: “Batch number” (pos. 2).

  • Pay attention to the size of the wallpaper. Not all rolls are the same and this should be kept in mind. There are several standards that can be caught in the modern range of stores.

- The most common are rolls 10.05 long and 0.53 meters wide.

- Increasingly, wider options began to be produced - the same length, but twice as wide - 1.06 meters. Pasting walls with their help, with experience, is significantly accelerated.

- Less often, but still there are wallpapers of the same width (0.53 and 1.06 m), but already 15, 20 and even 25 meters long.

- Some foreign manufacturers adhere to their own standards, and their products may have completely different widths. A fairly wide variety is possible there, but wallpapers with a width of 0.7 m are more often supplied to our market. The width can even reach 1.5 m, but this is already quite a rare occurrence, and high-quality gluing of such huge canvases requires remarkable skill.

Please note that often the size indicates a possible error. That is, if the roll is “end-to-end” is calculated, say, for 4 canvases, then an unpleasant surprise is very possible when the last piece suddenly turns out to be shorter than the others (pos. 3).

The label may contain textual information - it can be easy to understand even without knowing the language (pos. 4).

Finally, the label contains several pictograms that speak about the features of this type of wallpaper (pos. 5) and the rules for fitting the pattern (pos. 6). These icons are standard, independent of the country of manufacture and the language of the text on the label, so it will not be difficult to decipher them. Pictograms can be conditionally divided into several groups, and their meanings are given in the table below:

PictogramDeciphering the meaning of the pictogram
Icons that indicate the performance of the wallpaper
Wallpaper does not have high resistance to moisture - it is enough only for the gluing process.
Moderate moisture resistance, allowing infrequent wet cleaning of the surface
Pronounced moisture resistance, which does not limit the owners in the number of wet cleanings
The wear resistance of the coating allows periodic cleaning with a brush
Limitations on the number of wet cleanings with a brush and with the use of household detergents No.
The surface trimmed with wallpaper has increased resistance to mechanical stress, including impact and scratching.
Wallpaper - not resistant to fading.
Moderate sun resistance
Wallpaper with increased resistance to fading.
High resistance to fading when exposed to sunlight.
Wallpaper with maximum resistance to UV rays, practically unaffected by fading under the most unfavorable conditions of use.
Pictograms characterizing the features of removing wallpaper from the wall
Wallpaper can be easily removed as a single piece, without pre-moistening.
When removing the wallpaper, they delaminate into the front layer and the pasted base remaining on the wall.
To remove wallpaper from the wall, pre-moistening is required.
Icons indicating special properties of the wallpaper
Wallpaper of duplex type, with a paper or non-woven backing and an embossed front layer. Able to hide minor wall errors.
This model is part of a selected collection, which includes other decorative elements of the room.
Icons indicating the order in which the adhesive is to be applied
Glue is applied only to the wallpaper itself.
Only the wall is smeared with glue.
The wallpaper is equipped with its own adhesive layer, which requires moistening of the canvases to bring it into working condition.

The next group of icons is already the features of wallpapering and combining a picture. Since this issue directly affects the topic discussed in the article, such pictograms require a little more attention.

All sheets should be oriented in the same direction indicated by the arrow. The most common type of wallpaper.
Wallpaper pattern provides for their reverse gluing. The direction of each next canvas is reversed.

The reverse arrangement is usually typical for wallpaper with a vertical linear pattern, which does not require any alignment - only vertical joining. An example of such gluing is shown in the illustration below.

There are such wallpapers - not so often, cutting them does not cause any particular difficulties, and most importantly - just do not forget about the need for a constant change of direction - so the picture will acquire the necessary completeness.

This type is the most convenient for cutting and further gluing. Cutting of cloths in the necessary length can be made from any arbitrarily taken point. As a rule, this is a finish with vertical lines or with a completely chaotic pattern - embossed or tinted.

Wallpapers are glued end-to-end with canvases, with the combination of a symmetrically located pattern - horizontal alignment.
The wallpaper is also glued end-to-end with canvases, but the pattern is spaced vertically. The result is a diagonal pattern.
The value of the rapport (drawing step) and the magnitude of the offset (usually - ½ of the rapport).

Here it is necessary to make special explanations, since the cases are already more complex both for cutting and for hanging on the wall.

  • In the first case, it is a little simpler - all wallpaper canvases are symmetrical to one another or completely similar, that is, with preliminary cutting, you can always focus on one point. And since in the vast majority of cases, cutting wallpaper into rolls in production is also carried out automatically from one starting point, it will be easier to cut at home.

True, there is a nuance that can "disappoint" the master.

There is such a thing - rapport. This is a step between two completely identical vertical patterns. Since in this case all the canvases start from one point, the option is not ruled out that after cutting the sheet, in order to start a new one, you will have to remove a lot of trimmings. In the most unfavorable case, such a cut can approach the height of the rapport in its length, and that, in turn, sometimes reaches half a meter or more. This must be taken into account when making calculations.

  • The next case is even more difficult for cutting, and often causes difficulties for inexperienced craftsmen with the correct wallpapering.

In this version, the pattern also has its own step, but the canvases are no longer symmetrical or do not start from one point, since the pattern is shifted diagonally by a certain amount. Most often, this is half the rapport, although there are separate types of wallpaper that can have an offset of ⅓ steps.

Wallpaper for painting

Again, when cutting canvases, the situation is not ruled out when pieces will go into trimmings, in the worst case, even up to a whole rapport.

  • The next in the table shows the icon, which indicates the height of the rapport (in the numerator) and the amount of displacement of the pattern on the adjacent canvas (in the denominator). This should also be taken into account when calculating the required number of wallpapers.

This type is not so common, and usually such wallpapers do not require adjustment of the pattern - they simply create a common canvas, for example, for painting. So no special features are expected when cutting such sheets.

How is the calculation of the number of wallpapers

Determination of consumption using tables

The easiest way, of course, to determine the required amount of wallpaper, is to refer to the tables that show the dependence on the perimeter of the room or even on the area of ​​the room.

Consumption tables:

- for rolls of standard 10.05 × 0.53 m (from the perimeter of the room):

Height of the glued wall, metersRoom perimeter, including windows and doors, meters
6 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21
from 2.15 to 2.303 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9
from 2.30 to 2.453 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10
from 2.45 to 2.603 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11
from 2.60 to 2.754 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11
from 2.75 to 2.904 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12
from 2.90 to 3.054 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12
from 3.05 to 3.204 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13

- for rolls of standard 10.05 × 0.53 m (from the area of ​​​​the room):

Height of the glued wall
up to 2.5 m from 2.6 to 3 m
Room area, m² Number of rolls Room area, m² Number of rolls
6 5 6 7
10 6 10 9
12 7 12 10
14 8 14 10
16 8 16 11
18 9 18 12
20 9 20 13
22 10 22 14
24 10 24 15
26 11 26 16
28 11 28 17
30 12 30 18

- for rolls of standard 15.0 × 0.53 m (from the perimeter of the room):

Room perimeter, (including windows and doors), m6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Wall height 2.0 ÷ 2.4 m 2 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10
Wall height 2.4 ÷ 3.3 m 3 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14

— for rolls of standard 10.05 × 1.06 m (from the perimeter of the room):

6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Wall height 2.0 ÷ 2.4 m 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
Wall height 2.4 ÷ 3.3 m 2 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10

— for rolls of standard 25.0 × 1.06 m (from the perimeter of the room):

Room perimeter (including windows and doors), m10 12 14÷1618 20÷2426÷30
Wall height 2.0 ÷ 2.4 m 1 2 2 3 3 4
Wall height 2.4 ÷ 3.3 m 2 2 3 3 4 5

Algorithm for self-calculation of the number of wallpapers

Tables, of course, are convenient, but their accuracy is “lame”. Agree that it is one thing for wallpapers that are joined arbitrarily, without any alignment of the pattern, and quite another if their rapport reaches 500 ÷ 600 mm. In addition, the room may have its own characteristics, which may also require consideration when determining the required number of rolls. Therefore, for greater accuracy, it is still better to carry out the calculation yourself.

The initial data for the calculations, again, will be the length of the walls in the room (perimeter) and the height of the pasted sections.

  • Very often in tables or in practical advice the term “ceiling height” is mentioned, which, probably, is still not entirely correct, and under certain circumstances can be misleading. It would be more correct to proceed from the positions of the pasted section of the wall, and this value often differs significantly from the height of the ceiling. So, often pasting is carried out with a non-removable plinth at the junction of the floor and wall. Further, wallpapering is recommended to be carried out when already mounted - and this is also a certain height. Yes, and the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating a room can provide for gluing paintings not to the very ceiling, but only to a certain level.

If a composite sticker is assumed, in which the lower part of the wall is decorated with one material, and the upper part with another, then calculations are made for each type of wallpaper separately, based on the height of the wall section.

  • The second nuance is also obvious - not the entire perimeter of the room can be taken into account, but only the length of those sections that are subject to pasting with this particular type of wallpaper.
  • In any case, no matter how the sticker is planned, all vertical sections without exception should be covered with solid canvases. The presence of horizontal joints between wallpapers of the same type is not allowed - this will look extremely ugly.
  • This requirement predetermines the first stage of the calculation - you need to find out how many whole canvases can be obtained from one roll.

To do this, it is necessary to divide the length of the roll by the height of the pasted area, to which is added:

- for wallpapers that do not require pattern alignment - at least 25-30 mm on each side, for precise trimming of the canvases in place after gluing. Total, amendment Δ H can be 50 ÷ 60 mm.

- if the wallpaper requires the combination of the pattern, then it is necessary, except Δ h, also take into account the height of the rapport R.

The result is the formula:

n=Lp / (hc +Δ H+R)

n- the number of sheets from one roll;

lp- the length of the wallpaper roll;

hc- the height of the pasted wall;

Δ H- additive for cutting;

R- the amount of rapport.

A simple example. The height of the wall section on which the wallpaper will be pasted (from the plinth to ceiling border) - 2550 mm. The roll of selected wallpaper is 10,050 mm long and the repeat shown on the label is 32 cm (320 mm).

n \u003d 10050 / (2550 + 50 + 320) \u003d 3.44 ≈ 3 pcs.

The value is always rounded down to the nearest integer. In total, only 3 whole canvases are obtained from one roll. The remainder of each roll will be 1290 mm, but they will also be useful for finishing wall fragments.

  • Now you need to decide how many canvases will be required to fill the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls around the perimeter of the room (or the finished area). Calculating this is not difficult, since the length of the walls is known, as well as the width of the wallpaper roll.

N = Rp / D

N- the total number of sheets needed;

Rp- the length of the walls (the perimeter of the room or the total length of the finished sections).

D- the width of the wallpaper roll.

For example, a room is completely pasted over, and its perimeter is 17.8 meters. The selected wallpapers are 530 mm wide (0.53 m).

N \u003d 17.8 / 0.53 \u003d 33.58 ≈ 34 sheets

The resulting value is also rounded, but always up.

  • It remains only to determine how many rolls you need to purchase. Obviously, you need to divide the total number of sheets by the number of sheets obtained from one roll.

K =N /n

For our example:

K \u003d 34 / 3 \u003d 11.33 ≈ 12 rolls.

The resulting value is always rounded up.

The calculation is quite simple, but perhaps some readers will have questions regarding non-closable sections of the wall - should they be taken into account when making calculations? For example, what about windows and doors?

There is no single “recipe” for this case - a lot depends on the specific features of the room, and one should approach, in a certain sense, creatively:

- Firstly, doors and windows are different. If there is a big one on the wall panoramic window or a wide double-leaf door - then it makes little sense to include them in the general perimeter - it is not visible, since it will turn out to be too large an estimated number of wallpaper sheets that simply remain unclaimed.

If the window is small, or the door (for example, to the bathroom or bathroom) is not wide, then it often makes sense to simply “not notice” them, and include the area of ​​​​their location in the general perimeter of the room.

- The second evaluation criterion is the amount of material remaining after cutting the rolls. Let's say, in the example discussed above, there is a surplus of 1290 mm from each roll. This amount should be enough to completely close all the fragments of the wall above the doors, above and below the windows. However, it also happens that the roll is cut with almost no residue, and it is not necessary to count on trimming. In this case, of course, it is better to include sections of windows and doors in the general perimeter.

What to do with areas that, in order to save materials and labor costs, the owners do not plan to seal - behind stationary large-sized furniture, behind carpets, etc.? It is difficult to say how justified this approach is, because it is possible that you will soon want to make some kind of rearrangement in the room. However, here everyone decides for himself.

Another tip is to always buy one roll more than the result of the calculations. Even if the pasting went brilliantly, with no defective strips, then this spare roll will not take up much space in storage, but can sometimes come to the rescue. An accidentally damaged surface, an indelible stain and other surprises - you can always carry out a quick cosmetic repair of an unsightly area.

Below is a calculator that will allow you to quickly and with a sufficient degree of accuracy calculate the required number of wallpaper rolls for finishing a room. When compiling it, all the subtleties that were discussed above were taken into account.