Gas stove for a summer residence. Efficient heating - gas stoves for summer cottages


As for heating, many owners of private and country houses. The comfort in the house depends on how correctly the heating device and the heating system itself are chosen. To date, the most popular is, a simple gas stove for the home is in high demand. And how effective it will be depends on which gas stove is chosen for heating the house. How these devices look can be seen in the photo.

During the operation of the gas furnace, the grate is heated, and the heat is supplied to the walls of the firebox. This ensures uniform heating of the air. If set gas-burners in the firebox at the lower level, then the lower laying of the furnace will warm up more efficiently, and accordingly, the volume of the firebox will be used more reasonably.

The firebox of a gas furnace in the upper part borders on chimneys, and in the lower region it communicates with blowers. Through this element, air enters the gas stoves for the home, without which the combustion of fuel becomes impossible.

Flue gases coming under the influence of draft from the firebox give off heat to the chimneys. Gas stoves for the home are designed in such a way that gases pass through channels connected in series. These channels have no more than five smoke turns. Gas stoves are strictly forbidden to be installed in houses in which there is a horizontal arrangement of channels. Like wood-fired boilers, gas appliances should be located some distance from the walls.

Furnace gas heating: types

The power, efficiency, efficiency and safety of the furnace depends on which burner is used. It mixes gas with oxygen.

There are several types of burners depending on the type of power control:

  • single-stage products (fuel supply is either on or off);
  • two-stage (the furnace can switch to economy mode, which reduces the heating power);
  • with floating adjustment (power changes smoothly).
According to the type of air supply burners are:
  • atmospheric (air is sucked in by means of draft), they do not depend on electricity, but the efficiency does not exceed 90%;
  • supercharged (air is supplied by a fan with a closed chamber), they depend on electricity, and the efficiency exceeds 95%.
Also, burners can be either with electric ignition or with pierre ignition. The former depend on electricity, but there is no constantly burning igniter. See also: "".

Gas stove for home: advantages

Using gas ovens for the home has the following advantages:
  1. Ability to operate at any time of the year and day. In heating systems of this type there are no interruptions.
  2. High efficiency. Gas stoves help create a comfortable temperature in the house at any temperature outside, even in severe frost. Unlike solid fuel boilers, gas units do not require a place to store fuel, moreover, natural gas is a relatively cheap fuel.
  3. Ease of operation. Stove gas heating is very convenient in operation, the cost of maintaining the heating system is minimized (read also: "").
  4. Durability. Gas ovens are durable - they last for several decades, so the likelihood that they will fail over the next 10 years is minimized.
Of course, gas units also have some disadvantages, but compared to other heating appliances, there are much fewer of them. The most significant is the high price of gas equipment, but given the low cost of fuel, the acquisition fully pays off over time. If you use stoves that run on other types of fuel, the heating costs will be several times higher.

Installation of gas ovens

Connecting gas devices to a centralized gas pipeline will not be cheap, not all owners of private houses can afford it. Therefore, if the building is not yet connected to the gas main, then it is worth considering other options for creating heating or buying cylinders (more details: ""). If gas is already supplied to the site, then the installation of the heating system will be much cheaper.

After the gas heating unit has been installed in the house, it is necessary to check the operation of the equipment. Any errors during the installation process can adversely affect the comfort in the house and the heating efficiency. In addition, gas equipment, if installed incorrectly, can harm a person - natural gas is a dangerous fuel, and this should not be forgotten. See also: "".

The connection of gas ovens must be carried out by specialists. After that, the correct installation is necessarily checked so that unforeseen situations do not occur when starting the heating equipment.

The gas heating furnace is an efficient, durable and economical device. It does not need regular maintenance, but it is important to properly install it so that the stove is safe and the house maintains a comfortable temperature without extra costs fuel.

Modern gas stove for home video:

Heating a private house is one of the main concerns for the owner. When choosing a heater, the owner puts forward the requirements of practicality, duration and ease of operation, and the price of maintenance is also an important factor. A simple gas oven meets all the parameters. We will understand the nuances of choosing a device, the characteristics and features of the operation of gas heating.

In this system, the coolant is gas, therefore, in addition to heating devices, the design includes gas pipelines for fuel supply, heat transfer, shut-off and control valves, and automatic equipment for safe fuel consumption.

Mains gas can be used for heating. The system is centralized, unified, fuel is supplied to the consumer through pipes. There is also the option of using liquefied gas supplied in cylinders of different volumes or poured into gas tanks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts note the following advantages of using a gas furnace:

  1. Operation at any time of the year, day. The gas heating stove in the house does not give interruptions, it is only important to take care of the presence of the coolant itself.
  2. Increased efficiency. Devices provide a comfortable temperature in the house in any climatic conditions, including severe winter frosts.
  3. Convenience. Unlike solid fuel boilers, gas-fired units do not require a lot of space, raw materials are relatively cheap, and you do not have to equip a separate room for its storage.
  4. Ease of operation. With a properly designed control system, all work comes down to pressing a button that starts the equipment in operation. Prevention and maintenance costs are kept to a minimum.
  5. Durability. The gas stove for the home is one of the longest-running appliances. The warranty period is 10 years, and subject to the installation and application technology, the device will last much longer.

The main disadvantage is the high price. But the minus is leveled by the low cost of fuel, the long service life of the system.

Varieties of gas ovens

Devices differ in type of fuel, heat capacity, shape and other indicators. The equipment consists of several elements: body, chimney, foundation. In the case there is a heating shield, a firebox, a gas burner. The burner is a replaceable element that can be one-, two-stage and have a floating adjustment. If desired, the owner can easily replace the burner with a more or less powerful one.

Fuel type

The main fuel supply is considered more practical, in this case you don’t have to freeze if you forgot the cylinder or didn’t have time to fill it. For regions with interruptions in gas supply, experts recommend choosing combined devices that operate on all types of fuel: solid, liquid. Technology is more expensive, but positive properties quickly recoup the price of the units.

Important! Liquefied gas, coal, firewood, fuel oil, diesel fuel are used as fuel for combined furnaces. The characteristics of the products are selected depending on the requirements of the user.

Heat capacity of the furnace

The parameter differs in the ability of the structure to accumulate and release heat.

You should choose furnaces for their intended purpose, that is, for continuous or periodic operation:

  1. Furnaces with a regular heating cycle are made of metal with thin walls, and are not capable of accumulating energy. The advantage is fast and uniform heating of the room. Minus - consumption a large number fuel. But it is the systems of a constant heating cycle that are more effective for periodically heating a room. For example, if the house is used only during the season, and in winter the owners come only for the weekend, then a constant heating gas stove would be more appropriate than all other units.
  2. Intermittent switching devices look like stationary furnaces lined with bricks or heat-shielding reflective screens. The design works on automation, switching on occurs when the set temperature level in the room decreases, and as soon as the air warms up to the desired parameter, the stove turns off.

Production material

The duration of operation of the device, the cost and heat capacity of furnaces depend on the material of manufacture.

There are several types of equipment:

  • Pig-iron gas furnace for heating with a door of a furnace compartment. The door can be made of refractory glass, the firebox itself can be used to supply coal and firewood. The price of the device is high, the payback is fast, the operation is very long.
  • Construction made of heat resistant or of stainless steel. The advantages of the furnace are the efficiency of heating the room, the longest possible service life, and the relatively low cost. The only downside is the low heat capacity.

Some craftsmen make gas ovens independently, choosing sheets of iron of the desired thickness, then lining the oven with bricks. The equipment will last a little less than cast-iron models, and for the price and basic characteristics of the product, it is much better than some industrial designs. Minus - it is difficult for a beginner master without experience to cope with the task.

Types of ovens by purpose

The characteristic divides the units according to the type of work - in houses with permanent residence or irregular inclusions for heat supply. For mansions year-round use devices of a periodic type are suitable, for rare visits - furnaces of a constant heating cycle.

The main purpose of the unit is to supply heat to the premises. Depending on the requirements of the owner, the devices can be with constant temperature support (automatic on / off) or quickly heat the room, but then require the participation of the owner to restart.

How to choose a gas stove for your home

What to look for:

  1. Power. The temperature in the house depends on this parameter. The burner power, heated area, number of windows, doors, wall thickness, roof integrity are taken into account.
  2. Equipment. Manufacturers equip the systems with adapters, which allows you to connect the unit to several fuel sources. But this design is suitable for houses no more than 2 floors high, otherwise the efficiency of the system drops.
  3. Heat generation method. Furnaces with burners show greater performance than catalytic ones. The latter are recommended to be installed in houses with small area, the power of the catalytic furnace is not more than 4.9 kW.
  4. Burner type. The simplest is a single-stage burner, independent of the power supply, with automatic switching on and off of the device. A two-stage burner - a device operating in 2 modes, makes it possible to save up to 40% of the nominal value. This means that while there are no people in the house, the stove will work in a reduced mode, saving fuel. A continuously variable burner is expensive, but it allows you to quickly change the heat supply mode.
  5. Air supply to the furnace. Atmospheric ventilation of the combustion chamber differs, in which air is supplied in natural mode, the efficiency is 90%. And there may be an inflatable system where air is forced in, with an efficiency of 95%.
  6. Type of fuel combustion chamber. A gas stove with an open combustion chamber takes air from the room, but the exhaust gases also exit into the room. Furnaces are mobile, convenient, but require good ventilation of the room. Closed chamber - more practical option, at which the chimney is equipped. Furnaces do not burn oxygen, so they are better suited for permanent residences.

If the gas stove in the house is equipped with an additional sensor that detects the level of carbon dioxide, the device will automatically turn off when the dangerous level is exceeded - this is very convenient when there are children in the family. It is strictly forbidden to purchase units that are not intended for installation in residential premises. Before buying, you need to request documents for the device, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.

Calculate gas consumption

To determine fuel consumption, you need to know two parameters: the power of the device and the heating area. The calculation is carried out as follows: for 10 m2 of living space there must be at least 1 kW of burner power. It is better if the gas stove will work with a margin of 15-20%.

Now you should calculate: the production of 1 kW of power requires 0.112 m3 of gas. That is, for heating a room of 50 m2, (5 kW x 0.112) 0.56 m3 of gas is required for 1 hour of operation of the unit. Having found the desired figure, it is easy to carry out calculations on the required amount of fuel per day, the heating season. From the given example: 13.44 m3 of gas is required per day, 403 m3 of gas is required for one month of continuous operation of the furnace.

On a note! Taking into account the power reserve for a house of 100 m2, a stove with a power of at least 12 kW should be installed.

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Today, many have their own summer cottage with a house and other buildings. Today, very often summer cottages have a centralized gas supply, so it would be an excellent option to use gas heating. After all, the device for heating can be placed anywhere, as it can even work from bottled gas.

I will tell you in detail about the features of using gas heating and types of equipment in this article.

Heating summer cottages with seasonal residence is not an easy task. The classic option for such houses - brick ovens but they have a number of disadvantages. An excellent alternative to tradition has become a gas stove for summer cottages and country houses.

This method of heating is especially well suited in settlements where the main gas pipeline has already been laid, but the heater can be easily installed in any house, since it can also work from bottled gas.

By their design, gas furnaces differ little from conventional boilers. The main difference lies in the principle of operation - the heater is not connected to the piping system. The result is a very user-friendly heating method.

If necessary, the house can be heated very quickly, while there is no risk of freezing of the system with a liquid heat carrier, as when installing a boiler.

Structurally, stoves for summer cottages, operating on mains or bottled gas, consist of a body, a firebox with a burner and a heating shield. LPG models are suitable for small houses no more than two floors.

They do a poor job of heating large areas. Gas furnaces on natural gas can operate both in continuous and temporary mode.

There may be several reasons for installing gas stoves in the country:

  • She quickly warms up the room;
  • No need to clean the chimney pipes, unlike a brick oven;
  • You can adjust the temperature;
  • Easy to move to another place if necessary;
  • Safe to use;
  • Does not require electricity.

This version of the heater can be called almost a direct descendant of the famous Russian stoves with tubular chimneys. In addition, the design is trite like wood-burning stoves, which for a long time were the most in demand at the dachas.

This similarity is largely due to the furnace shutter, covered with a door. It conveniently and simply opens the heater.

Thanks to numerous developments, the best option it turned out that the heater was located a little lower than the burner and the shape of the metal container with sides was somewhat similar to a trough. This is not just a whim of engineers or something else, but one of the most important safety measures when using a gas appliance in this category.

This design is simply necessary to avoid the attenuation of the wick of the flame in case of possible ingress of moisture on the burner or stones.

In addition, everyone is well aware that when using gas appliances, another nuisance is possible, which can lead to serious consequences and pose a danger to the health and life of your family and neighbors.

The highest explosiveness of gas is widely known to all users. In the light of recent events, the consequences of the leakage and explosion of gas products are well known.

careful study normative documents, instructions for devices, will allow you to know not only the main points of ensuring your own safety, but numerous points that will allow you to significantly improve it.

The engineering design of gas equipment for summer cottages today is equipped with modern automation, which instantly interrupts the gas supply in situations where the flame has gone out.

This allows summer residents not to waste time constantly monitoring the country stove, but to enjoy gardening and gardening chores in perfect safety.

Gas heaters have a heating temperature of up to 800 degrees, which is why they become indispensable for heating rooms, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich can be up to 60 square meters.

The power of this or that heater model can be adjusted using various thermal modes, which will give you the opportunity to maintain the most optimal temperature in the house.

Gas heaters are powered by cylinders that can be refilled at any gas station.

Gas heaters have fall sensors and gas control systems, so their use is absolutely safe (even without constant monitoring and supervision).

The body of gas heaters is most often made of stainless steel, and therefore they are not afraid of environmental influences, and will also serve you for many years.

Without any doubt, the most suitable option for gasification is a metal furnace. Unlike wood, gas burns very quickly and releases a lot of heat. A brick stove is not capable of processing such a powerful stream.

However, under certain conditions, it is possible to convert a brick oven to gas:

  • If the device is made according to the Swedish or Dutch system;
  • Combustion must take place in the furnace;
  • The stove for a bath and a house should not be massive masonry and an extensive furnace part (a Russian stove will not work).

If the stove meets all these requirements and it still managed to be converted to gas, then it should be borne in mind that the brick structure on gas accelerates for a very long time. Within 4-6 days, the gas supply is increased from a minimum to a maximum. Therefore, it makes sense to gasify only those devices that are used constantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas ovens

The undeniable advantages of gas heating can be considered:

    Environmental friendliness.

    To date, furnaces and boilers using gas as fuel are the safest from an environmental point of view. Unlike their solid fuel counterparts, they are non-toxic.

    High efficiency.

    Even in the most severe frosts, gas stoves are able to effectively heat the house.


    This criterion is especially pronounced in the area where gasification has already taken place and main gas has been carried out. Nevertheless, for periodic heating of the dacha, a gas stove connected to a conventional cylinder will differ in the same insignificant operating costs.

    Ease of use.

    Here comments are superfluous. To ensure comfort, it is enough to install the stove and connect it to a gas source.

    Reliability and durability of use.

    The warranty period for the trouble-free service of a gas furnace is 10-12 years. As practice shows, in reality this period is much longer. By choosing this option for heating the cottage, you can long years forget about a whole range of problems.

  • Gas heaters are able to heat up to a temperature of 800 degrees, which ensures their indispensability in the process of heating a suburban building.
  • One heating device is able to effectively heat a room whose area is approximately 60 square meters.
  • Modern heaters provide the ability to effectively control power through the use of different thermal modes. This makes it possible to maintain the most suitable temperature in the room.
  • Devices of this kind can be powered by special cylinders, which are usually refueled at a regular gas station.
  • There are special fall sensors, as well as systems of special quality control over gas. Therefore, the use of the device is completely safe, there is no need to waste time on monitoring.
  • Modern gas appliances are made of high-quality steel, they are not at all afraid of the influence of environmental factors, moreover, they will serve the owner of the dacha for the longest possible time.

An extensive list of advantages of gas heating equipment cannot but be diluted a little with the disadvantages inherent in such systems:

  • The high cost of heating devices. Having decided to use gas for heating the dacha, you should immediately be prepared for the fact that buying and installing a stove will cost a considerable amount.
  • The complexity of installation and connection. The slightest mistake of the installer can easily turn into considerable problems in the operation of the gas oven. In the best case, the device simply will not perform its tasks, in the worst case, it can become a source of danger to the health and life of people.

Types of gas appliances for space heating

Externally, the gas furnace is no different from the boiler. It has a metal (steel or cast iron) body, a firebox in which the burner is mounted, a smoke exhaust system and automatic adjustment. It is rather difficult to make a single classification of devices, therefore all models are divided in several ways according to a specific feature.

According to the principle of energy release and transfer, furnaces are divided into models with a circuit and without a circuit, open or closed type. An important factor is the frequency and duration of residence in the house.

The heat capacity of the material from which the gas stove is made for giving affects the nature of its use. So, for quick heating of the room during a temporary stay, it is considered more suitable steel structure. Its heat capacity is small and ensures the transfer of energy through the walls without time delay.

On the opposite side, a cast-iron model is considered. Cast iron is able to store energy. This leads to efficient heating of the air in the house with the constant operation of the stove.

The methods of controlling the operating mode of the burner determine the types of furnaces.

A simple single-stage burner is considered the most reliable due to the simplicity of its design. It does not require power consumption, but allows you to turn on or off the gas supply.

The two-stage burner provides switching to an economical mode of operation. There are options with a smooth change in flame power.

According to the method of air supply, furnaces are distinguished with natural circulation and forced circulation, in which special pumps are used. When implementing forced circulation, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the furnace by several units.

Each gas heater for a summer residence has to be initially launched. Depending on the method of ignition and the manipulations performed for this, models with an electrical system and a system based on the piezoelectric effect can be distinguished.

Gas heaters are presented as a separate class, as more compact, and sometimes portable devices. They are distinguished from furnaces by the scale of heating, the principle of operation and the mass of the structure.

Gas convectors

With their appearance, these devices are very reminiscent of water heating radiators that are familiar to our eyes, and they work in the same way: the heated surface imparts heat to the surrounding air, and it is already spreading throughout the room due to the phenomenon of convection.

The convector is convenient because it allows you to create a comfortable microclimate throughout the room. True, this requires a relatively large amount of energy, because a significant part of the heat goes outside through the building envelope.

Convectors can work both on natural, and "balloon" gas.

Their main advantages:

  • High power - up to 6000 W;
  • Easy installation and the ability to move the device to any room;
  • Efficient heating up to 80 sq. meters;
  • The presence of a thermostat that regulates the intensity of gas supply depending on the set temperature level (you can set temperature regime from +10 to 38 degrees).

Such a heating furnace can be made in two modifications - with a closed and open combustion chamber.

Closed models of stoves are equipped with an additional chimney that removes combustion products, open stoves are models that look like a fireplace and have an open combustion chamber.

Infrared heater

The basis of the device is an infrared burner.

She received such an epithet for the fact that a ceramic surface heated by a flame emits infrared radiation. The surrounding bodies in the room absorb this radiation, heat up and heat the air.

This method of energy transfer is considered effective for both small and large premises.

Convection gas stoves - these heating devices are designed for cottages with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 350 squares and work on a simple principle.

Here, the lower calorific value is used, that is, the heating of the rooms of the house occurs due to the amount of heat that is generated in the process of complete combustion of gas.

Convection appliances have several advantages: Minimal heat loss. A variety of modifications that allow you to choose a model for any dacha, whether it is 40 squares or 250.

Availability of protection functions in case of an emergency. Possibility of automatic temperature control. Convection models also have their drawback - most ovens have a low power of up to 1000 watts.

For heating residential summer cottages, it is advisable to use an infrared heater with a ceramic burner. It has a number of advantages, such as:

  • operational reliability;
  • efficiency (0.3 l of fuel is burned in 1 hour);
  • long service life.

During the operation of these devices, thermal radiation is directed in such a way that it is not the air that is heated, but everything in the room:

  • walls;
  • items;
  • furniture;
  • People.

The heat source is a gas burner.

Release to the premises harmful substances impossible due to ceramic plates, which contribute to the complete combustion of fuel. The design is designed in such a way that you can install the device on the wall and ceiling.

It must be borne in mind that the room must be regularly ventilated, because an open flame is used in such a device. Additional fans are installed in the device, which provide turbo heating.

It is possible to choose a heater with a power suitable for the area planned for processing.

Ceramic infrared gas furnaces are classified into several groups according to certain features and characteristics:

    According to the principle of heating - stoves are divided into black and light.

    The first ones heat the room, but due to the fact that the heated gases pass inside the heat-resistant pipe, they practically do not emit light.

    The second - light, in the process of heating, emit a pleasant light, which serves as additional lighting.

  • By type of fuel - mainly stoves for summer cottages, designed to run on liquefied gas, connecting to cylinders through a reducer. Devices for constant heating, capable of operating on main gas.
  • Type of installation - a ceramic gas-fired stove for heating summer cottages, is available in a floor version. Some modules are installed on legs or mounted on the wall using special fasteners.

When installing the oven Special attention point to the correct location. For full heating, it is important that the infrared rays do not encounter obstacles in the form of furniture or interior partitions.

Dimensions - for heating country houses, they produce small-sized gas stoves. The maximum weight of the device is maintained at 7-20 kg.

Additional features - some manufacturers, to increase heat transfer, combine infrared radiation and convection. Air masses constantly pass through the heating element, heating up and giving off heat to the heated room.

catalytic heater

Burning is chemical reaction oxidation, which releases heat. A flame is a plasma, an ionized gas. It is possible to provoke an oxidation reaction without the formation of a plasma, only for this auxiliary components are needed - catalysts.

The operation of a catalytic heater is based on this theory. The role of a catalyst is heating panel fiberglass and platinum. Work efficiency is increased by using forced convection.

A catalytic heater with a gas cylinder does not take up much space, but it is a productive source of heat.

The advantage of such a device is the absence of combustion products, which means that it can be installed in any room, even if there is no ventilation.

This type of gas heaters can be safely called the safest in operation. The fact is that there is no open flame at all - the oxidation of gaseous hydrocarbons occurs on a chemical basis, due to a special fiberglass heating element, in which the thinnest platinum coating is used as a catalyst that provides the desired reaction.

Be that as it may, it is still a process of "combustion", that is, oxidation, with the corresponding generation of thermal energy.

With such combustion of gas, a minimum amount of oxygen is consumed, which has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the room. The model range is quite wide, and you can purchase both a heater for full-fledged heating of a quite decent-sized room, and a compact mobile version.

In principle, devices of the catalytic principle of operation could be considered the best option. The only drawback is only a fairly high price for them - but this is due to the peculiarities of their production technology.

gas gun

Another type of heater is a gun.

A powerful stream of air blowing around the heat generator quickly heats up and enters the room. The gun has high level noise, so it is used to heat industrial premises, garages, temporary buildings.

Often such a device is used when carrying out construction works V winter time if you need to ensure the drying of the building material.

Outwardly, the gun resembles a pipe, at the bottom of which a control unit is installed. A gas burner is located in the pipe and a fan is installed. The control unit provides gas supply and regulation of its supply.

Such devices are cylinders that are mounted on a solid stand. All equipment is hidden behind a layer of metal. There is also a gas intake system and all the necessary controllers.

The gas gun for a summer residence can be presented in various power. This depends on the size of the equipment. Most inexpensive option will qualitatively heat the room up to 30 m². But if necessary, you can also buy a heat gun, which is enough to heat an area up to 500 m².

In a heat gun, gas is converted into thermal energy. Heating occurs by direct and indirect methods. All combustion products are removed through a separate pipe.

In such designs, there is a special system that immediately turns off the gas supply when negative factors are detected, for example, with a strong decrease in the oxygen level in the room.

Of the advantages of such devices, it is worth noting their mobility. A small heat gun can be used in the gazebo or on the terrace. But when heating a room with such units, many complain about the unpleasant smell of combustion products.

Gas stove for giving with a cylinder

It has gained immense popularity among consumers.

Reasons: economical and affordable fuel, such models do not require increased attention during operation, they practically do not create waste, which significantly reduces the frequency of cleaning chimney channels. You can arrange one cleaning for several years.

It is necessary to install such a model carefully, observing safety criteria. It is necessary to replenish the cylinder in a timely manner if your dacha is not gasified.

Operate this oven as recommended. And then it can last up to 50 years. Also, do not forget to repair it in a timely manner and arrange preventive examinations.

Subject to these rules, your cottage will be provided with a reliable source of heat.

When choosing a furnace, you need to focus on living space. For every 10 m², experts recommend using 1 kW. There should be no problems with connecting equipment, since stoves of this type are always equipped with gas cylinders with different volumes.

As for the power of this model, you select them according to your needs. It is better to take versions with a significant power reserve. After all, this stove does not warm the room with sufficient dynamics, and then it can switch to a gentle mode or stop working altogether.

Often, when buying a modification with a cylinder, there is such a mistake: weak units are bought, their power is completely insignificant. It turns out that the operation is above the required parameters.

Users believe that such a technique will heat the room with high quality. In fact, this model will work at the limit of its power and will break down very soon. Therefore, it is better to select modifications with a power that is in the middle interval.

In many models, the gas tank is placed inside, very compact, like an aerosol can. Other devices are connected through a hose to a standard small capacity cylinder.

With such a heater it is quite possible to warm up the air in the tent in the evening, to install it not far from you while fishing, if it is cold to sit. They are often used in home workshops if you want to perform this or that work in the winter.

How to choose the right gas stove for a summer residence

Choosing a gas stove for a summer residence is not an easy task. That is why you should approach it as responsibly as possible.

The calculation of performance is performed taking into account the characteristics of the building. Gas-heated stoves for summer cottages are calculated taking into account the fact that for every 10 m2 of heated area, there is 1 kW of infrared emitter power.

The efficiency of heating, largely depends on properly placed stoves in the house. If it is planned to simultaneously heat several rooms separated by partitions, each room has its own emitter. In this case, it will not work to install one furnace of greater power.

The fact is that infrared heaters do not heat the air, but the surface of objects. Excess temperature is removed by circulating air currents.

Obstacles in the path of infrared rays lead to an instant decrease in heat transfer. Accordingly, in the room where the stove is installed, it will be warm, and in the next room, it will be cold.

Gas prices are getting higher every year. That is why boiler equipment must have a high efficiency of heat generation, which is necessary for heating a country house.

That is why the heat exchanger, which is installed in a gas boiler, must have good thermal insulation.

It is thanks to this component of the boiler design that its efficiency increases.

A good gas stove for a summer residence cannot be very cheap. Very often, domestic equipment is cheaper than foreign ones. This is due to the fact that domestic manufacturers of gas boilers independently reduce their cost due to the fact that they have worse thermal insulation characteristics.

Therefore, it will take you more time to heat your home with such a boiler, and the cost of this will be significantly higher. That is why it is worth choosing a gas boiler from well-known manufacturers who have had a good reputation for a long time.

Also, if you decide to buy gas heaters for summer cottages, other people's reviews will be very useful to you. If a particular model has a negative reputation (even if combined with a low price), then you should refuse to buy it. Otherwise, you may regret your choice in the future.

It is best that the model you choose has positive-neutral reviews that can tell you about the proper quality of the chosen model of gas equipment.

It is worth buying a gas oven that is used both for country house, and for all buildings and territories that are adjacent. For example, you can create the most comfortable atmosphere on the veranda, in the parking area.

In places like this, quality modern heater on gas, it may well take care of the proper level of temperature conditions.

Its main advantage lies in the following - through gas boiler the required optimal temperature regime can be effectively maintained indoors and in a fairly open area.

When choosing the described heating equipment, professionals advise to pay attention to:


    It must be intact, without dents or holes. It is on the box that such elements as the logo of the manufacturer and the name of a particular model should be present.

  • It is required to pay attention to the presence of a check and a warranty card. In the latter, you should check the presence of the name of the purchased device model, as well as the time period for which the warranty is provided.
  • It is recommended not to forget that the purchase of a low-quality heater will lead to severe cracking during operation. It is for this reason that before making such a responsible purchase, it is worth making the most thorough check of the equipment.

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In a country house or a full-fledged private, if you do not live in it all year round or there are no central heating pipes nearby to connect the building to them, then installing a compact gas heater - suitable option. It will come in handy in the cold season from time to time. Yes, the weather is cool in summer. Gas dachas come in handy when you want to dry the room. It is too labor-intensive to start the construction of a full-fledged heating circuit if the house is small. , powered by a cylinder, easily moved from place to place, is much better suited for such conditions. More often, as a portable source of heat, units operating on natural gas are purchased.

The basic equipment of the average of the body, burner, heat exchanger, heating element and gas cylinder. In addition, the heater is equipped with a thermostat and an automated mechanism for shutting off the gas supply.

Buyers choose gas heaters for a low price, compactness, an understandable principle of operation and good efficiency. There are the following types of gas heaters:

  1. Gas catalytic heater
  2. infrared device

Heating devices are divided into outdoor and indoor devices.

Italian gas convector for summer cottages

This type of heater resembles a typical battery; it is also placed under a window opening. Natural gas convectors use both natural gas and liquefied gas as fuel. The gas burns in an insulated container, heating the air that separates the chamber from the body of the apparatus. The convector heats up small room in a matter of minutes, which is convenient if country house visit in cool weather, and there is a need to quickly warm up the room. The convector independently maintains the required temperature regime. When the desired heating temperature is reached, combustion becomes less intense. If the fire goes out, the protective system is activated and the device turns off.

Catalytic gas heater

This type of device is powered by gas or gasoline. With it, you can heat a room of any size: from a small hut to a large warehouse. Heat is generated by the catalytic combustion process. It is distinguished by the absence of flames and any sounds, but at the same time, the active release of a large amount of heat. Heat is released due to the oxidation of the fuel on the surface of the panel. The catalyst, which is part of the surface material, provokes oxidation. All processes take place on the solid surface of the panel, without flowing into gaseous forms.

Such devices are safe, not subject to spontaneous combustion, do not pollute the environment.

The heating element of the catalytic heater is a catalytic panel made of glass fiber with the addition of platinum. At the moment, instead of platinum, more relevant catalysts are used, which contribute to deep oxidation and not. Some models are equipped with a fan heater in order to increase power. A gas heater is able to quickly heat the air in the room.

According to their characteristics, catalytic devices are close to infrared heating devices. They are inferior to them in the speed of heating the room, but they are silent.

Infrared model with a thermostat and a ceramic burner: from a cylinder and a line

Infrared or powered by gas pipeline. Models where an infrared ceramic gas burner is present differ from other infrared devices in the presence of an open flame during operation. Such devices serve for a long time and heat efficiently, in a short time evenly filling the entire room with heat. Despite such attractive characteristics, the gas ceramic heater is not the most popular. The reason is the high price. But the burner is worth it: it is independent of electricity, does not dry the air in the room, and is easy to install.

The infrared device is suitable for heating large-scale premises: hangars, hypermarkets. The market offers a wide range of devices with different configurations and mounts. It is not difficult to choose an infrared ceramic gas heater that fits perfectly into the interior and will meet all technical requirements. Such a heater can be installed both on the floor and on the wall or ceiling.

Radiation generated on the surface of the heating element. If other heaters for summer cottages warm up the air itself, then infrared equipment heats objects in the room, which then give off heat to the room itself.

In the country, an infrared heater is doubly convenient: it can be used not only at home, but also placed in a gazebo to heat it in cool weather.

Most outdoor heaters used in cafes or bus stops are infrared

Outdoor gas heater Foreman: an inexpensive option

An outdoor heater is indispensable for those who like to spend a lot of time outdoors. fresh air, have picnics, fry kebabs on an open fire. With such a device, you can indulge in the pleasure of being outside even in very cool weather, extending the summer season. Appearance outdoor gas heater resembles a pole street lighting. The fuel is in the tank, which is located at the base of the structure. It is filled with gas as needed.

Outdoor heat sources are used not only for summer cottages, but also on the summer verandas of cafes, children's play areas in the fresh air.

In addition to full-fledged outdoor heaters, there is a portable gas heater. Most often there are compact devices brand kovea. A small-sized gas heater is ideal for a tent to keep warm when fishing or hunting. The company also makes other travel products, such as an infrared cooking stove for camping.

Stove on a gas cylinder: Chinese and other options

Gas stove for giving with a cylinder - good alternative classic brick oven. According to the principle of operation, such a device resembles a gas boiler. The design of the stove includes: a burner with a firebox, a heating shield and the body itself.

There may be several reasons for installing gas stoves in the country:

  • It heats up the room quickly.
  • No need to clean the chimney pipes, unlike a brick oven
  • Can adjust the temperature
  • Easy to move to another location if needed
  • Safe to use
  • Does not require electricity
Such a furnace can operate continuously or as needed.

Models are heat-intensive and non-heat-intensive. Heat-intensive materials accumulate heat in themselves, cooling down more slowly.

Rules for choosing the best heater: price and quality

The main thing when choosing a heater is to correctly calculate the required power. Traditionally, when determining this parameter, a standard flow rate is used: 1 kW per 10 square meters. m. It is better to add to the number obtained during the calculation a little more in reserve. To cover the heat losses that will unwittingly occur during the operation of the heater.

Direct or indirect heating. It depends on the type of heating whether the device will take air directly from the room and release products into it that occur during combustion, or whether the unit involves the removal of combustion products. For direct type of heating, ventilation is required. They are not recommended for indoor use.

It is important to make sure that it is possible to conveniently connect the heater to the mains. If the unit runs on cylinders, then cylinders are purchased with it, their compatibility with the device is checked.

Additional features. The presence of a thermostat, an emergency shutdown mechanism for the gas supply is something that you should keep in mind when buying. Some devices operate with multiple fuel options. The protective algorithm takes into account several factors independently of each other: the inclination of the device, the level of the flame, the interruption of the fuel supply.


A gas heater for a summer residence is great way space heating.

Many owners of summer cottages and country houses often face problems in the heating system of their seasonal homes. For such buildings, it is recommended to use brick ovens. But such a heating design has a number of serious drawbacks. To quickly heat a residential building in which they do not live permanently is a rather difficult task. Gas stoves are an alternative option for heating a country house and a summer residence.

Design features

Such devices in their design practically do not differ from gas-fired boilers.

The main feature is the method of operation. The gas oven is not connected to pipelines. This convenient system heating a house or cottage, allowing you to quickly warm up the premises. The liquid coolant cannot freeze in it.

The devices operate on main or bottled gas. The design of the furnace has a body, a firebox, a burner, a heating shield, automation (a system for shutting off the fuel supply).

Device designed to operate with liquefied gas, can be used to heat a small house (one- or two-story). For heating large areas (more than 60 m2), gas-fired stoves are not suitable.

Such heating structures can operate in continuous or temporary mode.

This device is one of the most important elements of such a heating system. Burners used in gas ovens have different fuel consumption. To heat a small house or cottage, you can use a device that consumes no more than 4 m3 / h.

The burner is a replaceable element. It can be purchased and installed separately. A part of the required power is selected and mounted in an existing furnace. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the dimensions of the threaded connection of the burner and the source of fuel supply to the heater match. The dimensions of the mounting window for this element are 40-55 cm.

All gas stoves for heating homes must have certificates confirming their compliance with the state standard of safety and quality. If there is no such documentation, then it is better not to purchase such a product.

The walls of the fuel cell are heated by the combustion of the fuel. Air, to maintain the combustion process, is supplied through the blower.

At the top of the heater there is a chimney (through which combustion products exit), it is connected to the firebox.


The gas stove used to heat a country house or a summer residence is efficient heating system. Due to the peculiarities of the fuel material used and the nuances of functioning, they have gained wide popularity. Their undoubted advantages include the following:

  • durability, reliability (in fact, there is nothing to break in such a heater, guarantee period their operation is 12 years, but in fact the gas furnace will last much longer);
  • environmental safety (devices using gas for heating will not harm a person and the environment, unlike solid fuel boilers, they do not emit toxins during operation, they can be used at any time of the day and year);
  • Efficiency at a high level;
  • ergonomics (gas consumption is 133 g/h, in areas with main gas this value is even lower);
  • saving space (unlike firewood, gas does not need a separate storage room, it does not need to be delivered, you can fill the cylinder at any gas station);
  • ease of operation (furnaces are connected to the main pipeline or to a conventional gas cylinder and provide comfortable living conditions).


Gas stoves are not without drawbacks. The equipment itself and its installation is by no means cheap. Natural gas- although the most inexpensive fuel, but its cost in our country is systematically increasing.

Gas stoves are quite difficult to install and connect. In the event of even the smallest mistake, one can encounter huge problems in the use of such devices (they will either not do what they are intended for, or they will begin to pose a danger to the life and health of residents).

Nuances of installation and use

When installing gas equipment at home or in the country, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements for it.

Often, for heating private housing, not one, but two devices are connected to the chimney. If two gas units are connected, then they are located at different levels in relation to each other. The distance between them must be at least 0.5 m. A cut must be made in the chimney if it is nevertheless decided to install the heaters on the same level.

This design can be in the form of a cylinder, an oval, in some cases even a square. But in the latter version, you may encounter the problem of poor-quality traction.

The branch pipe of the gas furnace must be of the same or smaller section as the chimney channel. If several heating devices are connected, then the cross section is determined using special calculations. At the same time, they take into account that the units can work simultaneously.

The chimney pipe must be protected from excess condensate. To do this, a stainless steel structure is mounted inside it. The chimney must be installed strictly vertically. In this case, there should be no ledges.


It is required to maintain a certain distance between the wall and the furnace: it must be at least 5 m.

The heater must be placed on a non-combustible solid base, the dimensions of which must exceed the parameters of the furnace by 10 cm on each side.

Absolutely forbidden

It is impossible to create a chimney from materials that have a porous structure. It is also prohibited to run the pipe through rooms with poor ventilation.

Criterias of choice

When buying a gas stove for heating a country house, cottage, bath, garage, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the size of the unit, its compliance with the parameters of the building that it will have to heat;
  • Availability automatic system turning off the fuel supply, thermostat and gas fuse (the last two will require a small overpayment, but during the operation of the gas stove they will save money);
  • possibility of functioning of a gas torch on the main and liquefied gas;
  • equipment certification.


Russian-made gas furnaces ("Teplodar", "Rus", "Troika", "Termofor") have good feedback. They are of high quality and are presented on the domestic market in a wide range. They have a nice design, a steel firebox, a door made of metal or heat-resistant glass. Such units are characterized by high performance, simplicity and unpretentiousness in use. Some models are equipped with special valves that allow you to regulate the temperature.

A gas stove for heating a summer house, a private house is a profitable and practical option. If desired, it can be assembled with your own hands, but in case of an oversight, such a device can lead to leakage of fuel material and an explosion. Therefore, safety precautions are very important.